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7.1 Concrete Mix Design as per IS: 10262 2009

The mix design for the concrete of grade M25 was carried out as per IS:
10262 2009. The design is mainly to achieve the target mean strength. The
detailed mix design of concrete is as follows
Tabulation: 7 Concrete Mix Design M25
Characteristic Compressive Strength required in the field at 28
25 MPa
Maximum Size of Aggregate 20 mm
Degree of Workability 0.9 CF
Degree of Quality Control Good
Type of Exposure Severe
Cement Used OPC 53
Specific Gravity of Cement 3.15
Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate 2.54
Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate 2.60
Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate 1%
Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregate 0.5%
Sieve Analysis - Fine Aggregate Zone II
Standard Deviation (IS: 10262 - 2009) Table 1 4
Tolerance Factor 1.65
Target Mean Strength of Concrete 31.60 MPa
Water Cement Ratio ( IS: 456 - 2000) Table 5 0.50
Required Water Content for 1 m3 186 lit
Required Water-Cement Ratio 0.50
Required Cement Content for 1 m3 372 Kg
Required Fine Aggregate Content for 1 m3 543 Kg
Required Coarse Aggregate Content for 1 m3 1096 Kg


Mix Proportions M25 Grade

Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate Water

372 kg 543 kg 1096 kg 186 lit

1 1.46 2.94 0.50


The primary objective of study is to evaluate the action of recycled fly
ash brick waste as partially replace by coarse aggregate at different volume. In
Phase-I report of fine aggregate, course aggregate, cement, FABCA, were carried
out. Mix proportion of concrete 1:1.46:2.94:0.50. For further work concrete with
replace of coarse aggregate by Waste fly ash brick in various ratio of 10% & 20%.
The compressive strength test will be conducted to investigate hardened properties
of concrete in phase-II. scope for further work gives suggestion for further
researches that can be carried out corresponding to the present area of study

A detailed study of literature review had done by referring many journals.

Collected the materials regarding the availability conditions.
Evaluated the properties of all the materials of concrete by testing all the
materials such as FABCA,fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and cement.
Designing of the concrete mix.
The Study of methodology.
Specimen preparation, testing of specimens and comparing the results are to
be conducted in phase II.



Preparing the mould for cube, cylinder.
Curing the specimen for 28 days.
Testing the specimen for 7, 14, and 28 days.
Compare the conventional concrete result to the normal concrete.


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