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Via fax: MN Senate Dem fax 651-296-6511, MN Senate GOP fax 651-

296-9441Out of Order, Sergeant At Arms Fax 651-296-6511 MN

House DFL fax 651-296-8605, MN House GOP fax 651-296-5378

March 30, 2017

Chair Senator Warren Limmer (R),

Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee
St. Paul Minnesota

Don Mashak
Rt 1 Box 231
Albertville MN 55301
RE: Natural Right Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances without fear of Punishment or Reprisal (as
reduced to writing in the First Amendment) & Request for a Hearing dedicated to Minnesotans giving testimony and
evidence of systemic corruption in the Minnesota Judiciary before any and all House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

Every year since 2005 a loose coalition of individuals and groups I will refer to as the Judicial TAR (Transparency,
Accountability and Reform) Movement, have asked Committees of the Minnesota Legislature for hearings. Specifically, WE
THE PEOPLE have asked for hearing before the respective Minnesota House and Senate Judiciary Committees; These
hearings to be dedicated to receiving evidence and testimony of systemic corruption in the Minnesota Judiciary. This
communication once again asks for said hearings in 2017. I write on behalf of the Judicial TAR Coalition.
It became necessary to ask for a hearing dedicated for this purpose because of various State of Minnesota methods and
strategies that effectively prevented our testimony and evidence from
getting on the OFFICIAL LEGISLATIVE RECORD. Amongst these
techniques and strategies were not informing us of hearings, Mis-
Naming Hearings, having the hearings heard before a different
legislative committee, last minute cancellation of hearings, providing us
wrong dates, times and locations of hearings, last minute changing of
the dates, times and locations of hearings, and my personal favorite,
letting meetings run long and allowing only 5-10 minutes for testimony
and evidence from 10, 20 and more persons wishing to give evidence
and testimony. Then, alternating Pro and Con testifiers so the
OFFICIAL LEGISLATIVE RECORD would incorrectly give the appearance oft an equal number of persons, Pro and Con
were present. I remind you once again that the Natural Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances without
fear of punishment or reprisal, is an unalienable Natural Right reduced to writing in First Amendment of the US Constitution.
Whats more, you folks have went on to engage in unlawful and unconstitutional reprisal and retaliation against the leaders
and main voices of the Judicial TAR Movement. (e.g.
US 18, Section 241) You have engaged in activities
such as blacklisting, Blackmail, Extortion, Deprivation of
Representation, Due Process and the Rule of Law, as
well as FBI COINTELPRO style operations. Your
unlawful and unconstitutional reprisal and retaliation
has wrongfully destroyed careers, businesses,
reputations and lives of Minnesotans who merely
wanted to exercise their Natural and Constitutional
Rights. So severe has your wrongful retribution and
reprisal been that some members of the Judicial TAR
Movement have fled the State and at least one has left
the Country to escape your
torments. Evil would seem to be the
appropriate label for your actions to
date by virtue of your actions in
actively maintaining the corruption in
the Minnesota Judiciary and failing
to represent your constituents.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have
been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is
unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Declaration of Independence, 1776

Noting your effectiveness in stalling out the process and in blacklisting,

extorting, blackmailing and/or frightening off some our like-minded
Minnesotans, in 2009 WE THE PEOPLE held an Ad Hoc hearing. The
purpose of that hearing was to document the evidence and testimony of
Corruption and the Abuse of Power in the Minnesota Judiciary, before
even more Minnesotans moved lost heart, gave up, became ill, moved
away, or died. Video of that hearing appears here:
03MAR2009 Ad Hoc #MN hearing:#Corruption in Judiciary 1 of 2
03MAR2009 Ad Hoc #MN hearing:#Corruption in Judiciary 2 of 2
I once again request said hearing dedicated to receiving evidence and testimony in
the Minnesota Courts. I do this as a means of documenting WE THE PEOPLE have
properly given NOTICE of our suffering a long train of abuses at the hands of our
government. This in compliance with the road map our Founders provided us for
dealing with tyranny in the 1st Declaration of Causes, Declaration of Independence,
Constitution, and the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers (See also Natural Law
and Natural Rights of Man). Such NOTICE being required, in this matter and other
matters, before WE THE PEOPLE can rightfully declare our peaceful remedies
exhausted.. In the past, you have been so arrogant as to not even respond to my
annual requests and/or the annual requests of others for said hearing.
You seem to have forgotten the Founders prescribed your role as that of civil
servants. You seem to forget your oaths of office to defend and support the Constitution. Your arrogance approaches that of
King George.
I(We) would appreciate acknowledgement of this communication by 5pm, April 7, 2017. After 10 years it seems apparent
you have no intention of hearing our WE THE PEOPLEs Petitions for Redress of Grievances and must consider alternative
remedies. Please advise promptly if we have misunderstood your intentions.
Those were my thoughts.
In Liberty,

Don Mashak
Cc: Peggy Scott(R) MN House Civil Law and Data Practices Committee Chair; Tony Cornish (R) MN House Public Safety & Crime
Prevention Policy & Finance Chair; Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Rep. Marion ONeil(R), House & Senate Democratic Caucus

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