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Stomach, foregut, omeprazole, ppi, cholelitiasis,
hepatocyte,glucoronyl transferase, volvulus (sudden colicky pain :
obstructive), sigmoid colon, stabilisasi, liver cirrhosis, turun oncotik
plasma, giardia, 32cc, 22cc, rotavirus, domperidone, dismotility like,
spleen, stabilisasi, laparotomi, vaksin hep b, liver, via portal system,
vibrio cholera, exotoxin, adinil cyclase, establish iv line, parietal cell,
left gastroepiploica, celiac artery, igm anti HAV, cullen's sign,
balantidium coli, helicobacter pylori, sucralfate, triple therapy, fatty
changes, murphy's sign, trichuris, adenoma ca,acute pancreatitis,
retrop, third body cavity, colon cut off (local), gerd, metochloprmide,
hemolytic uremic syndrome, verotoxin, chronic hbv inf, ksih HBIG n
vaksin, blastocystis hominis, hemoroid, inf rectal vein, internal
pudenda, acute app, based on clinical findings (mantrel), refer ke
appendectomy, cushing's ulcer, botulinum toxin, acute
kolesistitis,intususepsi, ileocaecal junction, air fluid level, erect,
hipokalemi, herring-bone, erect chest x ray, free air under diafragm,
esofageal atresia, cootransport na n glucose, hidrofik degeneration,
bacillus cereus, hirschprung, sinus rokitanski,lactase, ca colon, IBS,
ruptured esofageal varices

64) bayi, 3-months old, terbangun malam hari dengan muntah

berwarna kehijauan sebelum kembali tidur. Beberapa lama
kemudian, bayi tsb bangun lagi dan menangis dengan keras dengan
bloody bowel movement
which colon part affected? (Sambungan dr soal sebelumnya yang
jawabannya intususepsi)
a.transverse colon b.sigmoid colon c.asc colon d. Desc colon
e.ileocecal junction

78.) 76 tahun kakek2 abdominal pain 2 bulan, bloating diarrhea

fatigue weight loss, vital signs normal(bp 118/72, 37 c,pulse
normal). Hb 8.4, fecal occult blood test +ve
A. Adenoma polyposis
B. Pancreatic cancer
C. Chronic appendicitis
D. Colon cancer
E. Gastric cancer

48. Which of the following drugs will be the most potent agent to
streghten LES a. Esomeprazole b.bismuth c.cimetidine d.misoprostol

71. Anak kecil ngt melingker2 di esofagus (dilihat di radiografi)....

Oesophagus atresia
32.) What is the most important test she need to confirm diagnosis
for this patient ? A. Sgpt sgot B. HbsAg C. Anti HBV DNA D. Anti HCV
E. IgM anti HAV

37.) Which of the following drugs is the most likely to solve this
underlying cause in this above problem ? A. Triple therapy B.
Famotidine C. Antacid D. Metronidazole E. Sucralfate

18.) What will you do as general practicioner? A. Stabilize vital signs

and consult a region. B. O2 therapy so he'll be relaxed. C. Diazepam
to calm him down. D. Administer 2L saline to resucitate him. E.
Insert a rectal tube to relieve accumulated pressure

73.) Ciri ciri hepatitis a

A. Hidrofik degeneeration
B. Fatty chance
C. Peace meal nectorosis

49.) Three children admited to hospital over period of 2 days with

diarrhea followed by anemia and thrombocytopenia, and
progressing to renal failure. Gram staining of feces were sent to
microbiology laboratory and revealed gram negative rod. What
illness do the children have?
a. Shigellosis
b. Thyphoid fever
c. Di George syndrome
d. Scalded skin syndrome
e. Haemolytic uraemic syndrome

62.) 42 female obese, hbs makan pizza abdominal pain+tenderness.

Murphy sign + , leukocytosis.
Jwban ny : acute cholecystitis

70an) anak kecil diare minum susu, lactose

17.) Soal bloating fullness after eat dll, dysmotility

41.) 67 y.o. Came to the ER with symptoms of intestinal

obstruction.patient has history of colonic polyp and passage of
blood tinged stools. What is the most likely diagnosis... A. Carcinoid
tumor B. Colonic adeno carcinoma c. Crohn"s disease D.
Pseudomembranous colitis

1) Dia sakit abis makan, heartburn, vomiting coffee, consumsi nsaid

2) Embriologi stomach
3) Treatment - misoprostol
4) Cara kerja miso- pengganti prostaglandin
*) prolapse rectum egg di feces- trichuris
*) peternakan babi- balantidium coli
*)pear shaped like, kalimantan, - giardia lamblia
*) perinucleated purplish 16-20 um - blastocystis hominis
*) rice water stool- vibrio cholera
*) mekanisme vibrio cholera jadi hipovolemic

47) Gerd, perokok burning, - heartburn

*) hirchsprung-anak 3 bulan, konstipasi, meconium 2 hari pertama
ga keluar, rectum flatulence

63) Anak kecil bleeding tp muntah warna hijau- intusuccepption,


64)Xray nya apa

65)Posisi xray nya apa

79) Mencret intermittent mucous liquid no blood crampy spasm

sigmoidoscopy barium enema normal - irritable bowel syndrome,
intusssuception, ulcerative collitis

*) 3 anak dateng anemia, trombositopenia, gram negative, -

shigellosis, typhoid, hyperuremic syndrome, djorge's syndrome

*) toxinnya apa? Endotoxin, st toxin, lttoxin, verotoxin

*) anak kecil 4,56% berat sekarang 5,26 - berat kemarin 5,5 -

pertama disuruh kasih berapa perhournya

*) kedua disuruh kasih terapi rehidrasinya berapa?

*) motor vehicle trauma di cranial cerebral bleeding besokannya

hematemesis - cushing disease

*) orang alcoholic berdarah terus dia hematemesis - mallory waste,

esophageal varices

*)cowok beaten ada bruise dibelakang ditendang2 dari belakang ga

ada bleeding tp dia unconscious - organnya apa- pancreas, spleen,
duodenum, gaster

*) perlakuan pertamanya -

*) sakit awalnya di umbilicus ke rlq, positive rebound tenderness-


62) 42 thn obese ruq pain murphy sign leukocytosis -cholesistisis,

cholelitiasis, pancreatitis
*) dateng pertama n3t1mo terus

16) Etiology nya dehidrasi tadi apa anak kecil - adenovirus,

rotavirus, streptococcus, ecoli, cjejuni

7. The structure that made her jaundice:

A.portal vein
C.hepatic artery
D.biile canaliculi
E.bile duct

*)Which vessel does the structure above drains to.. Jawabannya

pudendal interna vein.. <E>

58. What's ur main consideration on diagnosing this case? A.USG

B.CTscan. C.MRI. D.Appendicogram. E.Based on clinical finding,
jawabannya E

75. Hirschsprung
3 bulan, konstipasi no feces
No mecomnium in first 2 day life
Vomit bile material 1 week ago
Pas rectal toucher tonus kuat, trus pas diteken mencrot kentut sama

14. 8 week child, diarrhea since 2 days ago, last visit 5.5 kg. Child
look restless and thirsty. Now 5.26 kg. 4.36% dehydrated.
How many ml of fluid will be given in the next 1 hr?
A. 32
B. 29
C. 22
D. 10
E. 7

27.) lanjutan dari 25, cewek stoolnya rice water.

Mekanisme apa yg menyebabkan penyakit ini life threatening:
A. Degrade tissue
B. Block protein synthesis
C. Stimulate adenylate cyclase
D. Block acetylcholine

43.)Orang pingsan ditendangin hypochondriac kiri bruise, organ

rupture? Spleen

44.)Letaknya dimana? retroperitoneal

66. In which position u will find the radiographic finding above?

A. Supine
B. Left lateral decubitus
C. Right lateral decubitus
E. Prone

22. A male nurse, 40 yo, check serology:

HBsAg -
Anti-HBs +
HBcAb -
HBeAg -

Most likely:
A. Chronic HBV infection
B. Chronic HCV infection
C. Vaccinated HBV
D. He is spreading viral hepatitis
E. HCV Ab result is false positive

32. Perempuan 30 thn datang ke internist dengan sklera ikterik,

nausea, vomiting, urine berwarna gelap (seperti the). Dalam 1 bulan
terakhir, tidak transfusi dan tidak melakukan injeksi apapun. 2
minggu lalu makan di tempat yg kotor.
Tes yg diperlukan untuk konfirmasi diagnosa:
B. HbsAg
C. Anti HCV
D. Igm anti HBc
E. Anti HAV (*)

9 gastro : male 62 thn acute obstruction causes? Volvulus tempat?


23. Right colon cancer, T3n1m0 , CRO nya meningkat smpai

60g/ml, akan metastasis kmn?
A.liver, b. lung, c. Bone, d. Brain, e. surgery scar

76. 44 year old lady, increasing nausea, vomit, colicky pain for the
past week. USG shows several sones in gallbladder. Operation was
performed. Which specific change in gall bladder likely to be found?
A. Atrophy of mucosa epithelial
B. Chronic inflammatory cells
C. Acute inflammatory cells
D. Sinus rockintansky
E. Irregular area of fibrosis
Answer: D. Sinus rockitansky

2 Bagian dari soal yg diatas (stomach) berasal dr bagian

embryology apa? Foregut
50. Which of the following toxin is the most responsible to the
disease above?
A. Endotoxin
B. Exotoxin
C. LT toxin
D. ST toxin
E. Verotoxin

Pertanyaan di bwh ini untuk no.17&18

21 years old woman with abdominal discomfort since 2 weeks
ago,every day but it's not all day long. It feels like stomach bloated.
Unpleasant abdominal fullness after a normal size meal. Pain in
epigastric, nonradiated to other regions. Pain is not associated with
change of position or rest. Sometimes,meal can relieve abdominal
discomfort. Heart burn(-), vomit(-), dysphagia (-), odinophagia (-),
fever (-), cough (-), no problem with urination&defecation. Last
menstrual cycle 3 weeks ago(haid teratur). Endoscopy is normal.

18. What is the diagnosis?

A. Ulcer-like dyspepsia
B. Reflux-like dyspepsia
C. Dismotility-like dyspepsia
D. Unspecific dsypepsia
E. Organic ulcer dyspepsia.

42. gastro. pemeriksaan tumor marker buat colorectal cancer apa?

Jawabannya: CEA

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