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Html Flashcards
34 terms by Tislo


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<html></html> indicates the beginning and end of

an html document

<head></head> indicates the beginning and end of

a section of the document used
for the title and other document
header information.

<title></title> indicates the beginning and end of

the title: the title is displayed on
title bar of the browser[8/21/2016 2:14:39 AM]

Html Flashcards Flashcards | Quizlet

<body></body> indicates the beginiing and end of

the web page body.

<hn></hn> indicates the beginning and end of

a text section called a heading

<p></p> indicates the beginning of a new

paragraph;inserts a blank line
above a new paragraph

<ul></ul> indicates the beginning and end of

an unordered list.

<LI></LI> indicates that the item that follows

the tag is an item within s list

<hr> inserts horizontal line

<br> breaks a line of text at the point

where the tag appears

<a></a> creates an anchor tag that is used

to create hyperlinks

<b></B> Bolds text[8/21/2016 2:14:39 AM]

Html Flashcards Flashcards | Quizlet

<center></center> centers text or graphics on a web


<em></em> emphasizes or bold text

<font></font> changes the size ,font face,and

color of text

<Form></Form> inserts a form set into a web page

<frame></frame> defines frames within a frame set

on a web page

<h1><h1> largest heading font size

<h2></H2> 2nd largest font size

<h3></h3> 3rd largest heading font size

<h4></h4> 3rd smallest, 4th largest font size

<h5></h5> 2nd smallest font size[8/21/2016 2:14:39 AM]

Html Flashcards Flashcards | Quizlet

<h6></h6> smalllest font size

<I></I> italicizes text

<IMG> searches and displays images in a

web page

<input></input> defines th input type for a form for

example,radio,check box ,text

<marquee></Marquee> creates a scrolling stock market-

like tickerk

<ol><Li><Li></ol> marks text for ordered or

numbered(1,2,3) list

<option selected> Allows Web developers to

define,for the web page visitor, the
list of options from which a
selection can be made

<option> defines an option in a selection list

<p></p> creates a paragraph or double

spaced break between text[8/21/2016 2:14:39 AM]

Html Flashcards Flashcards | Quizlet

<select></select> dfines a list of selection options

ina form

<strong> </strong> emphasizes or bolds text

<table></table> used to define tables and table

cells in a web page

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Html Flashcards Flashcards | Quizlet[8/21/2016 2:14:39 AM]

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