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some of the implications domestically for the two major political parties now, that we really have two major parties back instead
of one and the third eye

the geopolitical implications might be

I didn't really prepare that much by way of attempting to look at various articles breakdown numbers or demographics

was clear to me that we were witnessing a landslide b

this is going to be very informal

this might be somewhat longer perhaps considerably longer than most of my news and views which I try to limit to about 10 to
20 minutes but there was a lot going on in this election

boil it down to two issues i don't think that this election was as much about the candidates as issues now I'm not trying to
diminish the issues that many voters on both sides of the political aisle in this country

much more concerned about some major issues and the the personalities of the two candidates really kind of only added fuel to
the fire

two issues that I think were key here were that this wasn't so much an election as I've been arguing for the past few months this
was a referendum in a

very similar fashion to the brexit referendum in the united kingdom with the exception that here the stakes are for actual political

look closely at the way that the primary is in in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party preceded it became very clear
with early on with the candidacy of senator Sanders to my mind that this was a revolt within the Democratic Party particularly in
yet among younger voters against the democratic party elite which is far as I'm concerned folks is pretty much the same as the
Republican Party

anti globalist referendum and Donald Trump certainly made this an issue in his candidacy very very early arm so this was a revolt
against the party elites that have basically been pursuing a policy of centralizing global government, a kind of global oligarchical
dictatorship run by corporations a

no record in human history of such a project ever being a successful

pursuing ever since the administration of George Bush the first

we saw the last kind of resistance to that kind of globalism collapse when Nixon was forced to resign because of course of course
he was opposed to the general agreement on tariffs and trade GAT at as it was then called that was kind of the first plank on the
road globalism so as far as I'm concerned both senator Sanders and Mr Trumper now president elect Trump were articulating for
both sides of the aisle

s may explain part of the reason why you saw many of the Sanders supporters and many Democrats crossover and I've had some
emails from a few of them cross over and vote republican some one

I think what felt good was your voting against that whole concept rather than for the party as such

was a referendum not only on globalism vs national cultural sovereignty it was it was a referendum on the American quote-
unquote mainstream media and how involved they are in spite of their attempt to look like they're simply reporting the news

it was obvious during this campaign particularly after Trump secured the Republican nomination and Hillary secured the
Democratic nomination it was obvious from the outset that the media was heavily biased in her favor

yes i'm one of those that does think that some of the debate moderators and people around the debate moderators were funneling
questions to Hillary Clinton back and forth

and i want to address that term now because the other thing that is evident from this election this referendum is that their
viewership has tanked

if you have been following the alternative media any of the sites that are out there in the alternative media their viewership is
extraordinarily way up and msm viewership is way way down

I think this is an indication that this whole election has also been about a third issue and that's rule of law and fairness

they have squandered their trust trying to coordinate this this hearon into the presidency and of course by squandering the trust i
think ultimately they are going to go the way of the dodo bird and quite frankly I think we have to make sure that they go the way
of the dodo bird

I mentioned election fraud

Trump was was leading by a few percentage points they still have not called this and i suspect it is because they are trying to
finagle some way to retain some sort of of representation to save some sort of face for not having had a complete blowout of of
their candidate and their party and their party platform and agenda

Republicans have retained the very center razor-thin one vote majority in the US Senate a very large majority in the United States
House of Representatives and they've captured the v.a White House this means of course that this would be the first election since

it's absolutely essential for for the Democrats to to retain control of the Senate or get it back because they want to make sure to
block any Supreme Court and also federal Justice appointments
this is crucial for them and to lose that really really puts a long-term dent in their strategic plans which is to further socialize
radicalized the country and move it to the left and i'm not going to make any bones about that that's been their agenda all along
and and take aim at certain amendments in the bill of rights to the US Constitution particularly the first and second free speech
they've tried to kill this by political correctness and a bunch of other tricks and shenanigans and of course the Second
Amendment the right to keep and bear arms so in other words i think they are looking for

manipulating numbers and then perhaps contesting these two remaining states to see if they can they can somehow retain son
semblance of of control or at least influence in the united states and i think this is why they have not called these states

problem of a voter fraud

here is also you're going to hear from the political left that the popular vote went to Hillary Clinton well folks the only reason the
popular vote went to Hillary Clinton is because of the California problem

California is already so whiny and pouty that there are people in California that want to see seed as far as I'm concerned fine
leave okay leave the rest of the country if you want to

know what the country will look like under a single party Democratic Party rule system look at california it's a mess people that
live there will tell you it's a mess

they've destroyed their agriculture in the name of nothingness quite frankly

not been able to confirm these stories but I have heard stories that even in California there were places there were precincts that
were resorting to a heavy bit of voter intimidation and voter fraud

that is an indication that the race may have been much closer even in California than the political left in this country wants to

on the alternative media in this country there were numerous reports of various places around the country where votes were being
flipped if you voted for Donald Trump the machine would flip your vote into the Hillary Clinton column and there were people
actually taking videos of this happening now

some of these places where this was happening or being reported our to my mind very interesting because one of the places
where this was being reported was Pennsylvania another state that supposedly like California is supposed to be a solid lock for
the Democrats and the places where this vote flipping was occurring where precisely in the counties in Pennsylvania where
supposedly again the Democrats were supposed to have a lock on the vote

so that tells me right there my friends and I'm going to put this opinion out there i have not set down like a political analyst would
and look at numbers and crunch numbers so this is more like an intuitive guess they're a an actual political analysis but my my
guess here is that if these stories were in fact true and i think they are that this means that you you had an even bigger blowout
against Hillary then then they want to admit

so there now again they're trying to save face i think now the fraud at least boils down to they're trying to save face and make it
look like well she really won the popular vote

the Electoral College is just this founding father 18th century thing well yeah it's to protect the smaller states like the one I live
in from being dominated by a bunch of nuts in the city's out in California

an indicator of just how massive the vote against her was and of course there were all there's also the issue of busing people
around to different precincts we've heard reports of that that is massive fraud we've heard of reports of course of allowing people
that aren't even citizens to vote and again like it or not folks this has been what the Democratic Party has been promoting for a
very very long time

that they need that poor a disenfranchised vote to keep their power and this was something

we know that there was massive fraud in California just from the fact that they had literally to steal that state from senator
Sanders and put it in the Hillary Clinton column so another
i think is across the board is one of the first issues that we are going to have to keep on the table and keep talking about and keep
driving in the alternative media because it is clear that there is something going on in this election there is voter fraud most of it
is on the Clinton side i don't doubt for a moment that there's probably some of it are the Trump side but the real problem here is
folks we need transparency in these elections we need paper ballots we need states to keep records of how the votes were
recorded and they need to be accessible to examination and scrutiny to the public across-the-board statewide so we need to pass
in my opinion I think mr. Trump the first thing that he needs to do in his 100 days or whatever it is you want to call it i think
number one he needs to issue an executive order and pass a bill through Congress he's got Congress making it absolutely illegal
for any state to deny or destroy its election records for a particular election for a period of not less than 10 to 20 years to keep
those records so that both political parties and their leadership and the citizenry of the country have the opportunity to review the
election results and those results need to be published in the papers and on the internet and on government websites on a state-by-
state county by county level including the electoral college that's what needs to be done

no more opportunity for voting fraud know more of what we've seen going on the chicane murray in favor of Hillary Hillary
Clinton against senator Sanders and against mr. Trump no more alright that's that's the issue of voter fraud

now what what what is the future hold well I know what it would have held with Hillary Clinton and that probably would have
been war with Russia and thank goodness she didn't get in there

before the election took place folks i saw this political cartoon and somebody had sent me this and i had to get I had to chuckle
because it was kind of the way I felt when I know it's a lot it's it's the way a lot of you felt you know that it was a game of
Russian roulette and it was the American people playing playing the game of Russian roulette and the Hillary Clinton revolver
had the magazine completely full ad to pull the trigger shit yourself the the Donald Trump revolver magazine was half-full you
know not much of a choice there folks but pretty much the quickest choice

so this this leads me to you know what what does he do now to keep this movement going and to to move the country out of this

we've got to quit shipping her jobs overseas we need to bring the manufacturing and the corporation's back to these shores and
put our people back to work

we need to take the environmental stupidity that we've that we've seen under Obama of in the name of the environment throwing
people out of work and then doing nothing for them

folks i'm sorry i'm not on the overpopulation climate change crowd i'm just not I question the science there are eaten enough
reports out there on the internet internet that the science of climate change is dubious at best the overpopulation argument has
been advanced since the Republic of Venice folks that's what these elites these oligarchs do so i'm not buying the left wing
agenda there do I want to protect the environment sure but I want to do it in a logical rational way that doesn't throw people out
of their livelihood and and give them no future and no hope and Trump played directly to that now that means he's going to have
to deliver

all right so let's address some of the issues that I think he's kind of hinting at or nevertheless even if he isn't hinting we've gotta
hold his feet to the fire because this was not simply a and ad-hoc affair here folks this is what i really want to drive home to you
we need to remember that this movement this Wellspring against the a liter of both political parties particularly the Republicans
because they're supposed to be the party of opposition and they really haven't been very good at opposing much

you've seen this movement building with ron paul for a number of years alright i think you're looking at the same movement just
a different candidate but the unique thing here is is that Trump has been able to forget the people in the Democratic Party that
pretty much think and feel the same way they did basically abandoned by their party elites

now we've got to back all right and the thing about Trump is he's pulled what used to be called the Reagan Democrats or the
Yellow Dog Democrats back into the Republican tent for a moment the the trick is going to be to make this political realignment
whether it roots itself in the Democratic Party or the Republican Party I frankly don't care all right but the real trick is going to be
to root this movement so that this is not simply another hiccup like ron paul or and remember Donald Trump in 2016 but
becomes a permanent feature of the cultural and political landscape
this I think is really what Trump was signaling in his acceptance speech on on wednesday morning so let's look at some of the
issues that he articulated and some of the issues that I think he could articulate that would be appealing to people across both
political parties

alright this this kind of pro nationalist anti-globalization revolt I don't want to use populism because that's that's kind of a
meaningless term that the political left that really the ailey likes to use to smear anybody that disagrees with them all right it's like
they're used the term misogynist racist sexist homophobic Islamophobe xenophobe you know this is their term of choice when
they want to attack someone that disagrees with them

first thing that you'll notice that mr. Trump said was he wants to rebuild the infrastructure alright and i think most of us are pretty
well familiar with the fact that the infrastructure of this country is crumbling alright but i think this is one area President Obama
attempted to do this there was a little

what the country needs it needs a national program

the other thing that mr. Trump articulated during his campaign was he he wants to help the inner cities and particularly the inner
city core which for the most part in this country tend to be black but not exclusively

now I think what Trump is thinking here is we can solve the gang problem in the inner cities we can solve the drug problem and
we can fix the infrastructure problem by putting those people at work giving them a job and a steady income and rebuilding the
infrastructure in this country particularly in their neighborhoods where they live

the political and needs of both parties are not going to let him do this. I think you're going to see the Republican leadership in
cahoots with the Democratic leadership try to block almost everything he does and we need to hold their feet to the fire

this is where we hold their feet to the fire alright we we block them from doing it we fled them with emails phone calls and most
importantly we drive the discussion

this is where each of you now is hugely important this is where each of you by emailing the alternative news outlets and centers
with your ideas with your encouragement and and how we should proceed is going to be hugely important you're all part of this
now whether you're a Republican or Democrat

I think the long-term goal here that mr. Trump is really articulating is not only do we have to take the inner cities back but we
have to take them back from the Democratic machines otherwise this country is headed for real real upheaval

if you look at the county by county maps and for those of you in Europe this is particularly important for you to understand if you
look at the county by county maps of the past few presidential elections say go back two decades it becomes abundantly clear
that the Democratic base of power is in the cities and particularly among the inner-city poor for the most part the rest of the
country cannot stand them or their policies because it has kept those people down it's given us political correctness it's given us a
bunch of whiny entitled students that cannot even take a midterm exact examination after an election that they lost it's given us
whiny party teachers that don't want to teach history anymore because Donald Trump won

take these issues and drive them into the discussion we've seen a virtual collapse of the mainstream media we now have an
opportunity with the alternative media to send emails and our ideas who cares if they're rejected if they simply get discussed and
talked about this is going to drive the agenda and the strategy here

folks if you stop and think about it is the following we've been dealing with people that want to centralize everything they want
to run your healthcare they want to tell you what vaccines you must take

another is this the the counter to this is to hit them where they live the the key to countering centralizers is to respond with
solutions that are decentralized and create so many fronts that they have to address that they cannot address them all and they're
going to lose some that incidentally has been the strategy of the left for the past 100 years and it's been pretty successful now
we've got to do it
the phenomenon of urban farming people growing their own food on vacant lots are in buildings in the inner cities and in some
cases they're making their own money we need to promote not only that but we need to promote it and and other ideas so that
people have good food can do and run a business sell their food and have a stake in their community

keeping poor people i don't care if you're black or white or whatever purple polka-dotted keeping them on the Democratic
welfare plantation has ruined this country the war on poverty has cost us since lyndon johnson invented it I think over 22
something like that trillion dollars and it's done nothing so we need to come up with solutions where people can can have
businesses like this

trust me the corporations like Monsanto are going to hate that because people are not going to be buying their GMO foods and
seeds however if there are little urban farming going on where I live you betcha I be buying their non-gmo produce and they be
making money so we need to have ideas like that that will help the inner cities get off of the plantation and have a future for
themselves and their children all right

number two this means that they're going to take the city's back the Democratic machines that are only going to keep them in
their place which is poor

alright now the next thing I think needs to be done is Trump needs to address and address now and he needs to make a point of of
addressing after the inauguration he needs to address teachers and teachers unions and say something to the effect

i just want to let you teach let you choose your own textbook that you don't have to buy and the government doesn't have to buy
from these big corporations and common core is an assault on the teachers unions and in my opinion folks common core is an
assault on the teachers unions they want to reduce teachers to robots

in the state where I live we just had a referendum another referendum about fixing education and guess what the solution was
spend more money to hire more administrators and boost their salary and not one dime is going to get to the teacher all right for a
teacher salary to hire good teachers and let them alone and do what they need to do to teach their subject so this is the other area

i think that that they not just mr. trunk but but the leadership needs to go is directly to the teachers unions and say were for you
and work for your freedom independence in the classroom where were bolting from common core why common core is another
centralized solution and once you start that that trend going in education away from the centralization away from these cookie
standardized tests and so on and so forth I think you're going to see a big huge education turn around and you're going to see
much less waste of money on silly people called administrators that make life miserable for teachers all right that's the second
thing I think needs to be done

third thing this is the other mean again i'm talking about means here that need to be driven into the discussion alright and driven
by way of constantly suggesting these things to the alternative media outlet and get people talking about them and create a
conversation on multi fronts on several issues that are moving faster than the global centralizers can respond to

health freedom let's stop and think about it health freedom means you have the right to your own body you have the right to
decline poisonous vaccines that haven't been tested that big pharma wants to force you to take or your children

the evidence is very clear in my opinion that there is a link between all of these vaccine cocktails that are given to tiny infants
and young children and autism

and that's another way of harvesting your personal wealth is to keep you sick and have the government paying the insurance
companies out of your taxes to help your children so health freedom and that's the way you drive the agenda against this
monstrosity that is eating all of our paychecks alive called obamacare health freedom drive the mean into the discussion

now this brings me to the first 100 days what does what what would you do if you were president Trump well first of all I think
he needs to overturn several Obama executive orders that's the first thing draw the list the ones he doesn't like get rid of
particularly the ones concerning speech gun control and so on but

the the thing I really want you to concentrate on here is we have to watch whose he's appointing he needs to bring he obviously in
order to govern is going to have to have people familiar with the federal bureaucracies in places of not cabinet-level positions but
positions where the bureaucracy can continue to function but we have to watch his cabinet and sub cabinet-level positions very
carefully he cannot make a clean sweep of putting nothing but neo-cons be the Democrats or Republicans back into those
positions and expect to carry any sort of agenda that represents his his base forward

the key here is not to be overreacting if he appoint somebody from Chase Manhattan or something to a post within the the
Treasury doesn't mean he's sold out folks it doesn't mean that it means you have to look at the tapestry of his appointments very
carefully it's not this individual or that individual it's the pattern that you see emerging that's the key thing

alright the next thing he has to do i think in order to keep the base that he's built of disaffected Republicans and Democrats that
has swept him into this this referendum landslide change he must insist and carry through on his promise that he made that if I
were president you'd be in jail I'm not saying he needs to go after Hillary Clinton although I would sincerely wish that he did
quite frankly and Bill and the foundation open up that whole cesspool because that cesspool is also going to leave back to the
Republican elites make no mistake about that that's why they're really scared that's why the panic to get her elected because it
wasn't just about the Clintons protecting the Clintons it was about the Mafia protecting the Mafia because they're all involved
with each other and enough enough pulling on that thread will unwind a lot of myth of malfeasance and racketeering and so on

so I think he has to restore confidence in the rule of law in this country and in the federal government institutions and in
particular the Department of Justice which has been badly politicized under Obama under the previous Bush administration and
under the previous Clinton administration in other words we're dealing here with corruption and frankly under the Reagan
administration to let's not forget the in Schloss candle here folks so in other words i think

he has to absolutely has to insist on the resignations of lynch and call me in in in the department of justice and in the FBI and he
needs to put people in there that are going to pursue this investigation to the point of indictments in grand juries or getting a
special prosecutor but let's take it through the normal process of indictments in the grand juries and hold these people

and that includes let me be very clear here that has to include someone very significant

I was appalled to be quite frank with you when Hillary Clinton called me a part of the basket of deplorable consider what she did
she loved blacks Hispanics women the old the young white men you name it almost every group she targeted in that statement I
think that statement had a lot to do with her defeat because what it does what if signal was we on the Left can only think in terms
of the collective and if you and your demographic group disagree with our expert opinion on what we need to do well then shame
on you were going to shame you to our site but the real referendum here was about abstract collected versus individual freedom

there is a certain very wealthy billionaire who has taken a special delight in using his financial power to interfere in the domestic
politics of other countries to create chaos and habit to ruin other countries currencies and to unleash civil unrest and violence in
this country and that man by his own admission supported and collaborated with the Nazis against his own people during world
war two and he and Hillary Clinton were never called to account for this they must be they must be now

in talking about this election as a referendum on globalism vs national sovereignty national culture on individual freedom versus
the abstract collectives of the left on the the main the so-called mainstream media and they're clear and apparent bias against
anything that represents individual freedom they're clear disdain and dislike of people you know people in the flyover country

i think this has geopolitical consequences and these are the consequences quite frankly that most intrigued me because I think
first of all you noticed a sudden see change after the election was very palpable in this country probably if you're in Europe it was
palpable there it was like wow we dodged the bullet of a war with Russia ok and it was very interesting that mr. Trump made a
statement at some point during the campaign that if he was elected one of the first things he wants to do is establish some sort of
direct contact with mr. Putin to see if we can defuse this situation a bit now mr. Trump is stepping into a position I want
everybody to understand here mr. Trump is stepping into a position where he has already been weakened in any negotiating
stance by the policies of hillary clinton and barack obama in the Middle East and and this this support of radical Islam alright I
think he's stepping into any negotiating position now with a weak hand but he's at least willing to talk to Russia and that's a lot
better than saying and and wrapping up the war rhetoric you know we're gonna get tough with you and blah blah blah I think that
negotiation posture has to firmly address the fact that the United States has a hand of major culpability in the mess

in the Ukraine that it has had a hand of major culpability in the Middle East but other countries countries that Russia has
supported have as well so the first step i would urge mr. Trump to take is clear up the business on the Ukraine and admit that the
United States really doesn't have have a legitimate national security interest in in a satellite ukraine for the West alright let's let
the Ukraine be genuinely free run its affairs and I don't think Russia would have any trouble with that Russia has a problem of
installing extreme right-wing groups and Kiev and calling it freedom and we've got to admit this I think that's a first step

this referendum result in my opinion puts Francois Hollande and angular miracle now on the hot seat because their policies are
more or less I identical to the neocon policies that we've seen represented in washington DC by the Bush administration's the
Clinton administration the second Bush administration and then the Obama administration they are simply representing the same
sorts of policies particularly with respect to the issue of national sovereignty and culture

the the so-called migrant crisis this is going to be a big boost to parties of addressing these issues like marine upon in France
carrots builders in the Netherlands and the AFD parties in germany and in fact I thought it was very interesting folks as the as the
election day was occurring I saw an article that the German interior minister is simply defying angular miracles policies and not
admitting any more refugees into Germany so in other words the revolt is now taking place within Merkel's coalition government
I think this is going to be a huge influence now on European politics

let's remember this year alone in France is facing french national presidential elections next year and i think this puts him in the
hot seat angle Americal bless her heart she couldn't be more clueless she's now playing the Russia is going to try and hack our
elections card while angola it didn't work out too well for your sister across the pond alright you're living in an unreal world get
back to reality stand up for your own people quit this global Bologna nonsense and start thinking in terms of reality but

i do think this election is going to have a huge consequence in Europe I think it's going to give strength and fuel to those
movements of of revolt against this global only agenda that they've been living under and the ruination of their own economies
all right now ah the

fourth point I think geopolitically that this is going to have the hugest impact on is in the Pacific and since we're talking about mr.
Trump's agenda infrastructure one of the other world leaders that contacted president elect Trump very shortly after he finally
gave his victory speech was not just President Putin but it was Prime Minister Abby in Japan and I bay did something very very
interesting that I thought this is a signal to watch he insisted that first of all japan remains a firm US ally but i think mr. Abbes
goal now is that he has been listening to the signals that Trump has been dropping about fixing the infrastructure in this country
because if if mr. Trump wants as he said not only to fix the roads and bridges but to have good quality airport I think he's also
thinking in terms of the rail networks here folks a natural country that you're going to turn to for investment opportunity for
expertise for assistance in this is going to be Japan and that will strengthen Japan's hand immensely and at the same time
accomplish a goal of making sure china doesn't grow too big in the Pacific Rim alright so i think trump maybe thinking or
perhaps his advisors maybe thinking along these lines i can i can just bet my bottom dollar that they're thinking along these lines
in Tokyo alright so we're going to have to watch american and japanese relations very carefully

this is going to be in in the area of investments and so on and so forth the other country i think to watch now in the Pacific and to
watch particularly with how mr. Trump may deal with the Pacific over the next four years is going to be indonesia because this is
ben another country where a lot of American jobs have gone however indonesia is an up-and-coming economy it needs its own
infrastructure upgraded and so on I think you're going to see some sort of relationships now developing between the USA and
Indonesia that might change the game a bit in the Pacific I think mr. Trump by a similar token is probably not going to like the
rhetoric of the philippine president mr. Duterte but I think in a certain sense do territories rhetoric helps Trump

in addressing what he also wants to address and that's the over use an extension of NATO NATO is going to have to be
completely revisited if not hand and he's picking up on the ron paul mean they're guys i hope you notice that so in other words i
think you're going to see revisiting of NATO and I think you're going to see an attempt to use the opposition now that's growing
22 American unipolar isn't in a positive way that remains to be seen but that's kind of my guess on

what happens now to sum all this up

what we have to do now is generate ideas get those ideas circulated generate solutions for local and state and regional level fixes
all right create several several fronts of practical ideas drive them into the alternative media media remember the alternative
media had ratings that were way beyond the the major national lamestream media networks which
brings me to my final point I think that this was was definitely a referendum about the media particularly in this country i think
now is the time that we have to drive the linguistic agenda and we have to drive it deliberately and with very very careful thought
we need to rename hear me now we need to re-name the alternative media with a new name that cannot allow it to be dismissed
as a fringe group of people because clearly it's not we need a new name for it we need a new name for the mainstream media i
call i've always called it the lamestream media are because these people are pretty lame but we need to use these names on a
regular basis and again drive it into the conversation

we need thereby to marginalize the phone news is the seed CNN's the MSNBC's the CBS is NBC's and so on and so forth that
were so blatantly behind Hillary Clinton and so greatly trying to avoid the issues of corruption there because they know that that
corruption doesn't stop with the Clintons it goes to other big families on the other side of the aisle

okay so we need new names for the media both the alternative media and the lamestream media i would suggest free media for
the alternative media or individual freedom media or something along that line and for the the lamestream media let's call it what
it is it's the globalist corporate media

alright the global corporate is media elite I don't even like the term elite let's call them what they are oligarchs or the global
corporatist minority media another as

we need to start thinking now on what we are going to two and how we are going to refer to these people that needs to be driven
into the conversation if we do not take these steps now this is just going to be another hiccup and we're going to return to the bad
old days of the Obamas and the bushes I don't think any of us wants that

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