You are on page 1of 24

XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi


fwZ welqK Z_vejx (cmcvm)

1g el we Gmwm Bwwbqvwis I evPji Ae AvwKUKPvi (we AvK) cvMvg fwZ cixv
wkvel 2016-2017
1| fwgKv
ivRavbx XvKv nBZ cvq 40 wKjvwgUvi Di MvRxcyi Rjvi fvIqvji Mo GjvKvq XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq,
MvRxcyi AewZ| 1980 mvj XvKvi ZRMuvI wk GjvKvq KjR Ae Bwwbqvwis bvg Gi AMhvv i nBqvwQj|
cieZxZ bvg cwiewZZ nBqv Bnv XvKv Bwwbqvwis KjR bvg AvZcKvk Ki|

cKkj wkvi gvbvbqb I MelYvi myhvM ewi j weMZ 1 RyjvB 1986 nBZ XvKv Bwwbqvwis KjRK wWMx
c`vbKvix ^vqZkvwmZ cwZvb evsjv`k BbwwUDU Ae UKbvjwR (weAvBwU), XvKv Z icvwiZ Kiv nq| cKkj
I chywi wewfb AMmigvb weki mv_ mwZ iv I mgZv ARb Ges RvZxq chvq DP wkv I MelYv, AvaywbK
vbPPv I cVb-cvVbi myhvM mw I mcmviYi wbwg 1 m^i, 2003 mbi 34 bs AvBb ej evsjv`k
BbwwUDU Ae UKbvjwR, XvKv DbxZ I icvii gvag XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi bvg
wekwe`vjq wnmve hvv i Ki| eZgvb XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi -G mvZK chvq we Gmwm
Bwwbqvwis I evPji Ae AvwKUKPvi Ges mvZKvi chvq Gg Bwwbqvwis/ Gg Gmwm Bwwbqvwis/ Gg wdj I
wcGBPwW wWwM c`vb Kiv nBZQ| XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi-G Kejgv wWcvgv Bb-
Bwwbqvwis/AvwKUKPvi/GwMKvjPvi-G cvmKZ wkv_x`iK fwZ cixvi gvag 1g el we Gmwm Bwwbqvwis I we AvK
cvMvg fwZ Kiv nq|

2| fwZ wew
XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi-G wewfb Abyl`i wefvM mg~n 2016-2017 wkv eli 1g el we Gmwm
Bwwbqvwis I evPji Ae AvwKUKPvi (we AvK) cvMvg fwZi Rb fwZ cixvi gvag wkv_x evQvB Kiv nBe| GB
wbwg Dchy cv_x`i wbKU nBZ DBBL gvevBj evswKs Ges AbjvBb Gi gvag `iLv Avnevb Kiv hvBZQ|

fwZ welqK Z_vejx G cvIqv hvBe| fwZ cixvi wd eve` 980/-
(bqkZ Avwk) UvKv DBBL gvevBj evswKs Gi gvag c`vb KwiZ nBe|

cv_xi mvavib hvMZv t

K) cv_xK evsjv`ki bvMwiK nBZ nBe|
L) cv_xK evsjv`ki h Kvb gvawgK I DP gvawgK wkv evW/KvwiMwi wkv evW/gv`vmv wkv evW nBZ
gvawgK zj mvwUwdKU/`vwLj ev mggvbi cixvq Kgc 50% b^i A_ev 5 Gi j Kgc GPA
3.00 (&&HwQK welq mn) cvBqv DxY nBZ nBe|
M) cv_xK evsjv`k KvwiMwi wkv evWi wWcvgv Bb Bwwbqvwis/AvwKUKPvi/GwMKvjPvi G Mo Kgc 60%
b^i A_ev 4 Gi j Kgc CGPA 3.00 cvBqv DxY nBZ nBe|
N) wWcvgv Bb Bwwbqvwis/AvwKUKPvi/GwMKvjPvi cixvq 2013 I ZrcieZx mb DxY wkv_xivB fwZ cixvq
Ask MnY KwiZ cvwie| Ze miKvix, Avav miKvix, ^vqZkvwmZ, mi Kcvikb-G wkKZv mn Abvb
c` KgiZ cv_x`i GB wbqg chvR nBe bv|
O) GB cmcvm Gi 4 (K) QK Abyhvqx DjwLZ wefvM mg~n fwZi Rb Ave`b Kiv hvBe|
P) GKvwaK wefvM fwZ cixvq AskMnbi cv_xK c_K c_K fve Ave`b KwiZ nBe| Ze
AvwKUKPvi UKbvjwRi cv_xMY wmwfj I AvwKUKPvi wefvMi h Kvb GKwUZ Ges dzW/KwgKvj/
gKvwbKvj/cvIqvi/iwdRvikb G GqviKwkwbs/BUygbUkb G cmm KUvj UKbvjwRi cv_xMY
Bvwqvj G cvWvKkb Bwwbqvwis I dzW Bwwbqvwis wefvMi h Kvb GKwUZ Ave`b KwiZ cvwie|
Q) PvKzixiZ cv_x`i AekB h_vh_ KZci gvag Ave`b KwiZ nBe|

3| Ave`b Kwievi wbqgvewj

3.1| Ab jvBb Ave`bc c~iY Ges cixvi wd Rgv`vb i I kl nIqvi ZvwiL I mgq:
K) 01/04/2017 Bs mKvj 10:00 NwUKv nBZ AbjvBb Ave`bc `vwLj Ges cixvi wd Rgv`vb i nBe|
L) 02/05/2017 Bs ZvwiLi ga Online Application mb KwiZ nBe Ges 03/05/2017 Bs ZvwiLi
(Awdm PjvKvjxb mgq) ga cixvi wd Rgv w`Z nBe|

3.2| AbjvBb Ave`b dig c~iYi wbqgvewj

K) cv_xK Web Address ( Gi gvag DUET KZK wbavwiZ
Online Application Form c~iY Ges cixvi wd c`vb KwiZ nBe| DUET Web Address
( I ( IqemvBU G
Ave`bc c~iYi wevwiZ wb`kbv `Iqv AvQ| dig c~iYi c~e cv_xK Prospectus Gi mKj wb`kbv
fvjfve Avq Kwiqv Application Form Gi cwZwU Field G c` Z_/wb`kbv AbymiY KiZ: Form
c~iY KwiZ nBe Ges Star (*) wPwZ Field mg~n AekB c~iY KwiZ nBe|

L) Web Browser Gi Address Bar G URL wU UvBc Kwij

wbic GKwU Webpage c`wkZ nBe:

D Webpage Gi Online Application evUb wKK Kwij GKwU bZzb Webpage c`wkZ nBe| D
Webpage G Ave`bKvixK Valid E-mail Adrress I wbRi bvg wjwLZ nBe|

Valid E-mail Adrress I wbRi bvg wjwLqv Get Verification Code evUb wKK Kwij wbi Webpage wU
c`wkZ nBe| Ze c~eB Verification Code cvBqv _vwKj Ave`bKvixK Click here Link G wKK KwiZ
nBe| DjL E-mail Adrress I Verification Code Ave`bKvix ay gv GKeviB eenvi KwiZ cvwie|

M) Ave`bKvixi E-mail Adrress Gi Inbox ev Spam-G wbi digU Abyhvqx GKwU Verification Code
cvVvbv nBe|

Dear Applicant Mr. X

Your Verification code is: 1234

Now you can start your application using this code.

Best Regards

Admission Committee 2016-2017.

N) c`wkZ Webpage Gi Click here to start application, Link G wKK Kwij cieZx cvi Abyic GKwU
Webpage c`wkZ nBet

c`wkZ Webpage G Ave`bKvix E-mail G c` Verification Code c`vb c~eK Enter evUb wKK Kwij
wbic Avi GKwU Webpage c`wkZ nBe| E-mail G c` Link G wKK KwijI GKB Webpage
c`wkZ nBe|

O) c`wkZ Webpage G Ave`bKvixK Diploma in Enginnering/Architecture/Agriculture I SSC

cvk msv Z_vw` c`vb KwiZ nBe| Diploma in Enginnering/Architecture/Agriculture I SSC
(VOC) cvki mwVK Z_ BTEB KZK cwixZ nBe Ges fzj Z_ c`vb Kwij cieZx avc hvBZ cvwie
bv| General Education Board I Madrasha Education Board nBZ SSC cvkKZ Z_

Ave`bKvixK Manually c`vb KwiZ nBe| Z_ c`vbi ci Check Information evUb wKK Kwij
wbic Avi GKwU Webpage c`wkZ nBe t

c`wkZ Webpage Gi Next evUb wKK Kwij Personal I Academic msv Abvb Z_vw` c`vbi Rb
cieZx cvi Abyic GKwU Webpage c`wkZ nBe t

P) c`wkZ Webpage Gi Z_ h_vh_ fve c~iY KwiZ nBe| Star (*) wPwZ Field mg~n AvekKxq| Quota
c~ibi cv_x gywhvvi (Freedom Fighter) mvb/bvwZ-bvZwb nBj Freedom Fighter Ackb
wbevPb KwiZ nBe Ges DcRvZxq (Tribal) nBj Tribal wbevPb KwiZ nBe| Kvb Quota bv _vwKj
None wbevPb KwiZ nBe|
mKj Z_ c`vbi ci Ges Declaration Check Box G wKK Kwiqv Submit Your Application evUb
wKK Kwij Ave`bKvixK Application ID I Password c`vb Kiv nBe| D Application ID I
Password E-mail Address G cvVvbv nBe| cv Application ID I Password Ave`bKvixK
msiY KwiZ nBe| DjL, Application Fee c`vbi GB Application ID - wU Bill Number
wnmve eeZ nBe|

Q) Kvb Ave`bKvix gywhvv (Freedom Fighter) ev DcRvwZ (Tribal) KvUvq Ave`b Kwij mswk
mvwUwdKU Gi mZvwqZ Kwc AbjvBb Ave`b dig c~iYi w`b A_vr 01/04/2017 Bs ZvwiL nBZ
03/05/2017Bs ZvwiLi (Awdm PjvKvjxb mgq) ga wbv^ iKvixi wbKU Rgv c`vb KwiZ nBe:

gvnvt wmivRyj Bmjvg

wmg Gbvwj, wmGmB wefvM
K bs 332 (A), 3q Zjv, cyivZb GKvWwgK feb
WyqU, MvRxcyi |

R) c`wkZ Webpage G Click Here, Link G wKK Kwij cieZx cvi Abyic GKwU Webpage c`wkZ
nBe| D Webpage G E-mail G cvVvbv Application ID I Password c`vb c~eK Login evUb
wKK KwiZ nBe|

S) Login evUb wKK Kwij Ave`bKvixi Photo I Signature Upload Kwievi Rb wbic GKwU
Webpage c`wkZ nBe| c`wkZ Webpage G Ave`bKvixK Photo I Signature Upload KwiZ
nBe| Photo (.png, .jpg, .gif, .tif A_ev .bmp ) 250 250 pixel, mvBR mevP 100 wKjvevBU
Ges Signature (.png, .jpg, .gif, .tif A_ev .bmp ) 250 50 Pixel, mvBR mevP 60 wKjvevBUi

T) Photo I Signature Upload Kwiqv cv Application ID ( Bill Number) I DBBLG Biller ID

221 eenvi Kwiqv cieZx cvi c` Format Abyhvqx cixvi wd c`vb KwiZ nBe |

U) cixvi wd c`vb kl Ave`bKvix c~e c` Application ID I Password viv Login Kwij cieZx
cvi Abyic GKwU Webpage c`wkZ nBe| DjL, cixvi wd c`vb KwijI DUET, Gazipur KZc
KZK Verification bv Kiv ch No Payment Received c`wkZ nBe Ges Verification mb nBj
meyR is mn Payment Received jLv c`wkZ nBe|

Verification Gi c~e)

Verification Gi ci)

V) Verification mb nBj c`wkZ Webpage Gi Available G wKK Kwiqv Ave`bKvixK cieZx cvi
Abyic Admit Card Download Kwiqv msiY KwiZ nBe Ges cixvi w`b AekB m AvwbZ nBe|


Ave`b KwiZ Kvb mgmvi myLxb nBj 01764484633 I 01633637573 b^i Awdm PjvKvwjb mgq dvb Kwiqv
cqvRbxq mnhvwMZv cvIqv hvBe|

3.4 fwZ cixvq wbevwPZ cv_xK fwZi mgq wbwjwLZ cqvRbxq KvMRcvw`i g~j Kwc I dUvKwci mZvwqZ GK Kwc
m AvwbZ nBe t
1| AvcjvWKZ Qwei cvmcvU mvBRi `yB Kwc mZvwqZ Qwe |
2| gvawgK cixvi mvwUwdKU|
3| gvawgK cixvi b^ic/MW mxU|
4| wWcvgv Bb Bwwbqvwis/AvwKUKPvi/GwMKvjPvi cvU-2/6/8g ce cixvi b^ic/MW mxU|
5| wWcvgv Bb Bwwbqvwis/AvwKUKPvi/GwMKvjPvi cixvi mvwUwdKU|
6| mswk mekl wkv cwZvbi cavb nBZ cv cksmvc|
7| PvKzixiZ cv_xi wbqvMKvix KZc
i AbygwZc (chvR )|
8| (K) Rjv ckvmK/mswk DcRvZxq Mvi cavb/ivRv/BDwbqb cwil`i Pqvigvb/wmwU Kcvikb/
cimfvi KvDwji KZK BmyKZ DcRvwZ mvwUwdKU (chvR )|
(L) gywhy welqK gbvjq KZK BmyKZ gywhvv mvwUwdKU (chvR )| gywhvvi
bvwZ/bvZwb cgvbi mvwUwdKU wnme cv_xi Rb wbeb mb`c/RvZxq cwiPq c, wcZv/gvZvi
RvZxq cwiPq c, _vbv/DcRjv/Rjv gywhvv Kgv KvDwj KZK BmyKZ cZqb c, BDwbqb
cwil`i Pqvigvb/wmwU Kcvikb/cimfvi KvDwji KZK BmyKZ cZqb c (chvR )|

9| wmwfj Bwwbwqvwis wefvM fwZi Rb AvwKUKPvi UKbvjwR I GbfvqibgUvj UKbvjwRi
wbewYZ HwQK welqmg~ni b^i c/MW mxU c`kb KwiZ nBe t
K) AvwKUKPvi-Gi Rb HwQK welqmg~n t Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental
Engineering-I, Theory & Design of Structure-II Ges Transportation Engineering-I.
L) GbfvqibgUvj Gi Rb HwQK welqmg~n t Civil Engineering Drawing-I, Construction
Process-I, Transportation Engineering I |

10| Dciv mKj Document Gi g~j Kwci mwnZ GK mU mZvwqZ dUvKwc m AvwbZ nBe|

Ave`bc c` Z_vw` fzj cgvwYZ nBj Zvnv mivmwi evwZj nBqv hvBe| GB aibi cv_x fzjekZt fwZ
nBj Ges fwelZ Dnv cKvk cvBj Zvnvi fwZ evwZj nBqv hvBe|

4| fwZ cixv
K) XvKv cKkj I chyw& wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi-G wb QKfy wefvM mg~n wkv_x`iK c_g el we Gmwm
Bwwbqvwis/we AvK cvMvg fwZ Kiv nBe t
wefvM mg~n Ave`bKvixi wkvMZ hvMZv
wmwfj, mvfwqs, AvwKUKPvi (wbavwiZ HwPQK welqmg~n cvkmn),
wmwfj Bwwbqvwis GbfvqibgUvj (wbavwiZ HwPQK welqmg~n cvkmn), wmwfj (DW
ckvjvBRkb) I KbvKkb UKbvjwRZ wWcvgv|
BjKwUKvj G BjKUwbK BjKwUKvj, BjKUwb, BbygbUkb G cmm KUvj, UwjKwgDwbKkb
Bwwbqvwis I BjKUv-gwWKj UKbvjwRZ wWcvgv|
gKvwbKvj, cvIqvi, KwgKvj, iwdRvikb G GqviKwkwbs, AUvgvevBj,
gKvwbKvj Bwwbqvwis dzW, gKvUwb, wkc wews, gwib I gvBwbs Gv gvBb mvf UKbvjwRZ
KwDUvi mvq G UKbvjwR, KwDUvi, BjKUwb, WvUv
KwDUvi mvq G Bwwbqvwis UwjKwgDwbKkb G bUIqvwKs, Mvwd wWRvBb I wcwUs UKbvjwRZ
UUvBj Bwwbqvwis UUvBj, RyU I MvgUm G cvUvb gwKs UKbvjwRZ wWcvgv|
AvwKUKPvi AvwKUKPvi I AvwKUKPvi G BbUwiqi wWRvBb UKbvjwRZ wWcvgv|
gKvwbKvj, cvIqvi, AUvgvevBj, gwib, gKvUwb, wkc wews, dzW,
Bvwqvj G cvWvKkb iwdRvikb G GqviKwkwbs, BUygbUkb G cmm KUvj, KwgKvj I
Bwwbqvwis gvBwbs Gv gvBb mvf UKbvjwRZ wWcvgv|
dzW, KwgKvj, gKvwbKvj, cvIqvi, iwdRvikb G GqviKwkwbs,
dzW Bwwbqvwis BUygbUkb G cmm KUvj UKbvjwRZ wWcvgv I wWcvgv Bb

L) fwZ cixvq AskMnYi hvM cv_x`i ZvwjKv wbw` ZvwiL Ave`bi wgK b^i Abyhvqx wekwe`vjqi bvwUk
evW Ges IqemvBU `Iqv nBe|
M) ckc
m^wjZ Dic wekwe`vjq nBZ mieivn Kiv nBe|
N) cixvi Rb cqvRbxq mvgMx cv_xK m AvwbZ nBe| cixvq KvjKzjUi eenvi Kiv hvBe| Ze cvMvgej
KvjKzjUimn Kvb vU wWfvBm m Avbv hvBe bv|
O) cixvi nj gvevBj dvb Avbv hvBe bv|

5| fwZ cixvi welqmgyn I b^i wefvRb
wbavwiZ wmjevmi Dci wfw Kwiqv wjwLZ fwZ cixv MnY Kiv nBe| mKj welq gvU b^ii 20%-25% MCQ
welq mg~ni b^i wefvRb wbgic t
c welq b^i gvU b^i
imvqb 40
c`v_ wevb 40
1g c 150
MwYZ 40
BsiwR 30
2q c UKwbKvj welq 150 150
megvU = 300

6| Ave`bc Mnb, cekc WvDbjvW I fwZ cixv msv mgqm~Px t

Ave`b Kvhg ZvwiL mgq
Ave`b i 01/04/2017 Bs kwbevi mKvj 10.00 NwUKv
Ave`b kl 03/05/2017 Bs eyaevi weKvj 4.00 NwUKv
02/04/2017 Bs nBZ 04/05/2017 Bs ZvwiLi
cekc WvDbjvW
04/05/2017 Bs ch weKvj 4.00 NwUKv ch
fwZ cixvq AskMnYi hvM cv_x`i
ZvwjKv NvlYv (KZc cqvRb fwZ
09/05/2017 Bs gjevi weKvj 4.00 NwUKv
cixvq AskMnbKvix cv_xi msLv mxwgZ
KwiZ cvwie)

fwZ cixvi ZvwiL I mgqm~Px t

wefvM ZvwiL mgq
wmwfj Bwwbqvwis
KwDUvi mvq G Bwwbqvwis mKvj
21/05/2017 Bs
c_g c t 10t00-11t00 NwUKv
Bvwqvj G cvWvKkb Bwwbqvwis iweevi
wZxq c t 11t00-12t00 NwUKv
dzW Bwwbqvwis
BjKwUKvj G BjKUwbK Bwwbqvwis
gKvwbKvj Bwwbqvwis weKvj
21/05/2017 Bs
c_g c t 02:00-03:00 NwUKv
UUvBj Bwwbqvwis iweevi
wZxq c t 03:00-04:00 NwUKv
wet `t c_g c I wZxq ci cixv GK GKUvbv AbywZ nBe| mgqm~wPi Kvb cwieZb nBj Zvnv wekwe`vjqi
bvwUk evW I IqemvBUi gvag Rvbvbv nBe|

fwZi Rb wbevwPZ cv_x`i ZvwjKv NvlYvi mve ZvwiL 28/05/2017 Bs ivR iweevi

7| fwZi Avmb msLv I cv_x evQvBqi wbqg
K) fwZ cixvq cvk b^i mewbg kZKiv Pwjk (40%)| Ze 1g I 2q c c_K c_Kfve kZKiv cuqwk (35%)
b^ii Kg cvBj fwZi AhvM ewjqv weewPZ nBe| Kejgv fwZ cixvq KZKvh cv_x`i ga nBZ cv gvU
b^ii gav wfwZ Avmb c~iY Kiv nBe|
L) Dciv kZ mvc wmwfj Bwwbqvwis, BjKwUKvj G BjKUwbK Bwwbqvwis, gKvwbKvj Bwwbqvwis I
KwcDUvi mvq G Bwwbqvwis wefvMi cwZwUZ 120 (GKkZ wek), UUvBj Bwwbqvwis wefvM 60 (lvU) Ges
AvwKUKPvi, Bvwqvj G cvWvKkb Bwwbqvwis I dzW Bwwbqvwis wefvMi cwZwUZ 30 (wk) wU wbavwiZ Avmb
fwZi Rb cv_x evQvB Kiv nBe|
M) GKvwaK cv_x fwZ cixvq GKB b^i cvBj mB fwZ cixvq 1g c cv b^ii wfwZ cv_x`i gavvb
wbaviY Kiv nBe| c_g ci cv b^iI mgvb nBj h_vg MwYZ, c`v_ wevb I imvqb cv b^ii wfwZ
gavvb wbaviY Kiv nBe|

N) gywhvv KvUvq c_g fwZ cixvq cvkKZ cv_x`i ga nBZ gywhvvi mvb`iK AMvwaKviwfwZ evQvB
Kiv nBe, gywhvvi mvb cvIqv bv Mj gywhvvi bvwZ-bvZwb`iK evQvB Kiv nBe|

8| Avmb msiY
K) DcRvwZ`i Rb wmwfj Bwwbqvwis, BjKwUKvj G BjKUwbK Bwwbqvwis, gKvwbKvj Bwwbqvwis I KwcDUvi
mvq G Bwwbqvwis wefvMi cwZwUZ wbavwiZ 120wU Avmbi AwZwi 02 (`yB) wU Kwiqv; UUvBj Bwwbqvwis
wefvM wbavwiZ 60 wU Avmbi AwZwi 01 (GK) wU Kwiqv, AvwKUKPvi, Bvwqvj G cvWvKkb Bwwbqvwis I
dzW Bwwbqvwis wefvM wbavwiZ 30 wU Avmbi AwZwi 01 (GK) wU Kwiqv Avmb msiwZ _vwKe|

L) Freedom Fighter-`i mvb/bvwZ-bvZwb`i Rb wmwfj Bwwbqvwis, BjKwUKvj G BjKUwbK Bwwbqvwis,

gKvwbKvj Bwwbqvwis, KwcDUvi mvq G Bwwbqvwis wefvM wbavwiZ Avmbi AwZwi cwZ wefvM 02 (`yB) wU
Kwiqv Ges UUvBj Bwwbqvwis, AvwKUKPvi, Bvwqvj G cvWvKkb Bwwbqvwis I dzW Bwwbqvwis wefvM
wbavwiZ Avmbi AwZwi cwZ wefvM 01 (GK) wU Kwiqv Avmb msiwZ _vwKe|

9| fwZi wbqgvewj
K) fwZi Rb evQvBKZ cv_x`i mswk evWi g~j gvKkxU/MW kxU I Abvb g~j mb` ci mZZv hvPvBqi Rb
wbavwiZ ZvwiL mswk KwgwUi wbKU D KvMRcvw` `vwLj KwiZ nBe|
L) KvMRci mZZv hvPvBqi ci cv_x`i ^v cixv Kiv nBe|
M) ^v cixvq Dchy cgvwbZ nBj, wbavwiZ mgqi ga cqvRbxq wdm Rgv w`qv fwZ KwgwUi Abygv`b mvc
fwZ nIqv hvBe|
N) PvKzixiZ cv_x`iK A wekwe`vjq fwZi c~eB Zvnv`i wbqvMKvix KZc
i wbKU nBZ WcyUkb/QywUi
Av`k AekB `vwLj KwiZ nBe|

10| ^v cixv
A wekwe`vjqi gwWKj mUvi fwZ KwgwU KZK wbevwPZ mKj cv_xi ^v cixv Kiv nBe| ^v cixvi
mgq cZK cv_xK wbavwiZ wd cwikva KwiZ nBe| m&v cixvq hw` Kvnviv `ivM, g~K/ewai, `w wKsev
keYkwi wU, Abvb msvgK ivM A_ev Kvb cKvii kvixwiK ev gvbwmK AgZv aiv co hvnvi dj A
wekwe`vjq A_ev cKkj ckvq mvaviY Kvhwbevn cv_xi c Amyweav nBZ cvi ej fwZ KwgwU gb Ki,
Zvnj ZvnvK fwZi Abychy ewjqv MY Kiv nBe| Ze `w kwi wU 7 (mvZ) w`bi ga cybt cixv Kiv
hvBZ cvi| Abvb Avqx AbychyZv h_v nvBWvwmj, nviwbqv BZvw` GK gvmi ga cybt cixvi Rb weewPZ
nBZ cvi|

11| AvevwmK nj mxU eb
A wekwe`vjq Qv`i Rb cvuPwU I Qvx`i Rb GKwU AvevwmK nj iwnqvQ| njmg~n mxU msLv AcZzj weavq
bZzb fwZKZ Kvb wkv_xK nj mxU eiv Kiv me bvI nBZ cvi| hvnviv AvevwmK wkv_x wnmve nj _vwKe
bv ev nj mxU cvBe bv Zvnv`iK wekwe`vjqi AvevwmK nji mv_ AekB mshy _vwKZ nBe|

12| wekl `e
K) fwZ msv welq wekwe`vjqi Kvb wkK, KgKZv ev Ab Kvb ewK cfvweZ Kivi cPv Kwij cv_x
AhvM ewjqv weewPZ nBe|
L) PvKzixiZ Aevq mswk wbqvMKZvi AbygwZ ewZiK Kvb cv_x A wekwe`vjq Aaqb Kwij kvwhvM
Aciva ewjqv weewPZ nBe Ges Zvnvi fwZ evwZj nBqv hvBe|
M) GB wekwe`vjq AaqbiZ Aevq Kvb wkv_x Kvb aibi PvKzixZ hvM`vb KwiZ cvwie bv| PvKzix Kwievi
welqwU KZci MvPixf~Z nBj Zvnvi QvZ evwZj ewjqv weewPZ nBe|
N) fwZ msv h Kvb evcvi fwZ KwgwUi wmv P~ov ewjqv weewPZ nBe|

fwZ KwgwU 2016-2017
XvKv cKkj I chyw wekwe`vjq, MvRxcyi

Matter and its changes, Different separation techniques, Formulae and their classification.
Chemical reactions and equations. Solution and its classification, Different units of concentration
of the solutions. Catalysis, Catalysts and their criterion. Introduction to modern Periodic Table
and classification of elements. Laws of chemical combinations, Avogadros hypothesis and its
simple deduction, Avogadros constant.
Gas laws: Boyles and Charles Law of gases, Daltons Law of partial pressure of gases and their
simple calculations. Elementary concept of atomic structure and electronic theory of valency.
Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, Molecular structure, Chemical bonding and its classification.Acid,
Base, Salt and their classification. Oxides, Oxidation and Reduction, Stoichiometry.
Hardness in water and its removal techniques.
Manufacture, properties and uses of (i) Ammonia (ii) Sulfuric acid and (iii) Nitric acid.
Chemistry of sodium and calcium with their important compounds.
Important ores of Copper, Zinc, Aluminium and Iron, their extraction, important alloys, varieties
of Iron and their uses in industries. Rusting: Theory and preventive measures.
Halogen: Manufacture, properties and uses of chlorine, bromine and hydrochloric acid.pH and
pH scale and calculations related to pH.
Preliminary idea of energy changes in the chemical reactions.
Organic Chemistry: Organic compounds and their classification.
Aliphatic hydrocarbon: Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne.

General Physics: Force & Motion, Different types of motion & their equations, Newtons laws
of motion, Centripetal & Centrifugal force. Scalar and Vector quantities, Resolution of vector,
Statics & Dynamics of a particle, Energy and Momentum, Rotational motion and mechanics of
rigid bodies, Gravitation and Gravity, Laws of falling bodies. Periodic motion, Pendulums, Laws
of simple pendulum and experiment on seconds pendulum, Work, Energy, Power, Properties of
matter: Elasticity, Stress, Strain, Hookes law, Constants of elasticity, Poissons ratio. Pascal's
law and is application. Hydraulic pressure, Archimedes principle. Specific gravity, Density,
Hydrometer, Hares apparatus, Friction.
Heat: Heat and temperature, Thermometry, Measurement of temperature, Expansion of solids,
liquids & gases.
Calorimetry: Principle of measurement of heat, Specific heat, Thermal capacity, Water
equivalent of calorimeter, Latent heat of vaporization, Latent heat of fusion. Heat and mechanical
work, Mechanical equivalent of heat, Heat engines.
Light: Rectilinear propagation of light, Photometer, Photometric measurements, Laws of
reflection, and refraction of light, Reflection and Refraction of light at plane and spherical
surfaces, Mirrors & lenses, Optical instruments, Simple microscope, Compound microscope,
Different types of telescopes.

Sound: Production and propagation of sound, Wave motion, Velocity of sound in air, solid &
liquid, Vibration of rods, strings and air column, Sonometer.
Electrostatics & Electricity: Electrostatic induction, Electric field and potential, Charge,
Conductor, Non-conductor, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance, Ohms Law, Series & Parallel
connections, Electrical Energy and Power.
Magnetism: Simple properties of magnets and molecular theory of magnetism, Earth
magnetization, Declination, Components of earth magnetic field, Deflection magnetometers.
Set Theory: Notation of sets, Finite and infinite sets, Equality of sets, Null set, Subsets,
Comparability, Universal set, Power set, Disjoint sets, Venn-diagrams, Union of sets,
Intersection of sets, Difference of sets, De Morgans laws and Distributive laws.
Algebra: Complex number system, Quadratic equation, Simultaneous quadratic equation,
Theory of quadratic equations, Permutation and Combination, Binomial theorem, Partial
fractions, Determinants and Exponential series.
Trigonometry: Measurement of angles, Trigonometrical ratios, Associate angles, Compound
angles, Multiple angles, Sub-multiple angles, Inverse circular functions, Properties of triangles
and Solution of triangles.
Calculus: Functions, Limit of a function, Differentiation and Integration of algebraic,
exponential and trigonometric functions, their algebraic sum and product, Partial differentiation
and Definite integrals.
Co-ordinate geometry: Co-ordinates of a point, Locus and its equation, Straight line, Circle and
Mensuration: Surface area and Volume of rectangular parallelepiped, Sphere and its frustum;
Right prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone and their frustum.
Appropriate Preposition, Change of voice, Change of narration, Uses of common idioms and
phrases, Translation from Bangla to English and vice versa, Correction, Comprehension and
Composition. Combining two sentences into one or vice versa.
Matter and its changes, Different separation techniques, Formulae and their classification.
Chemical reactions and equations. Solution and its classification, Different units of concentration
of the solutions. Catalysis, Catalysts and their criterion. Introduction to modern Periodic Table
and classification of elements. Laws of chemical combinations, Avogadros hypothesis and its
simple deduction, Avogadros constant.
Gas laws: Boyles and Charles Law of gases, Daltons Law of partial pressure of gases and their
simple calculations. Elementary concept of atomic structure and electronic theory of valency.
Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, Molecular structure, Chemical bonding and its classification. Acid,
Base, Salt and their classification. Oxides, Oxidation and Reduction, Stoichiometry.
Hardness in water and its removal techniques.
Manufacture, properties and uses of (i) Ammonia (ii) Sulfuric acid and (iii) Nitric acid.
Chemistry of sodium and calcium with their important compounds.

Important ores of Copper, Zinc, Aluminium and Iron, their extraction, important alloys, varieties
of Iron and their uses in industries. Rusting: Theory and preventive measures.
Halogen: Manufacture, properties and uses of chlorine, bromine and hydrochloric acid. pH and
pH scale and calculations related to pH.
Preliminary idea of energy changes in the chemical reactions.
Organic Chemistry: Organic compounds and their classification.
Aliphatic hydrocarbon: Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne.
General Physics: Physical quantities, Units of measurements, Different methods of
measurements, Force & Motion, Different types of motion & their equations, Newtons laws of
motion, Centripetal & Centrifugal force. Scalar and Vector quantities, Resolution of vector,
Statics & Dynamics of a particle, Energy and Momentum, Rotational motion and mechanics of
rigid bodies, Gravitation and Gravity, Laws of falling bodies. Periodic motion, Pendulums, Laws
of simple pendulum and experiment on seconds pendulum, Work, Energy, Power, Properties of
matter, Elasticity, Stress, Strain, Hookes law, Constants of elasticity, Poissons ratio. Properties
of fluid, Pascal's law and is application. Hydraulic pressure, Archimedes principle. Specific
gravity, Density, Hydrometer, Hares apparatus, Simple machines, Lever, Friction.
Heat: Heat and temperature, Thermometry, Measurement of temperature, Expansion of solids,
liquids & gases.
Calorimetry: Principle of measurement of heat, Specific heat, Thermal capacity, Water
equivalent of calorimeter, Latent heat of vaporization, Latent heat of fusion. Heat and mechanical
work, Mechanical equivalent of heat, Heat engines.
Light: Rectilinear propagation of light, Photometer, Photometric measurements, Laws of
reflection, Formation of images by reflection at plane surfaces at different conditions. Refraction
through a medium with parallel faces, Refraction, Refractive index of solid & liquid, Prism.
Reflection at spherical surfaces, Lenses, Concave surface, Convex surface. Optical instruments,
Simple microscope, Compound microscope, Different types of telescopes.
Sound: Production and propagation of sound, Wave motion, Velocity of sound in air, solid &
liquid, Vibration of rods, strings and air column, Sonometer.
Set Theory: Notation of sets, Finite and infinite sets, Equality of sets, Null set, Subsets,
Comparability, Universal set, Power set, Disjoint sets, Venn-diagrams, Union of sets,
Intersection of sets, Difference of sets, De Morgans laws and Distributive laws.
Algebra: Complex number system, Quadratic equation, Simultaneous quadratic equation,
Theory of quadratic equations, Permutation and Combination, Binomial theorem, Partial
fractions, Determinants and Exponential series.
Trigonometry: Measurement of angles, Trigonometrical ratios, Associate angles, Compound
angles, Multiple angles, Sub-multiple angles, Inverse circular functions, Properties of triangles
and Solution of triangles.
Calculus: Functions, Limit of a function, Differentiation and Integration of algebraic,
exponential and trigonometric functions, their algebraic sum and product, Partial differentiation
and Definite integrals.
Co-ordinate geometry: Co-ordinates of a point, Locus and its equation, Straight line, Circle and

Mensuration: Surface area and Volume of rectangular parallelepiped, Sphere and its frustum;
Right prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone and their frustum.
Appropriate Preposition, Change of voice, Change of narration, Uses of common idioms and
phrases, Translation from Bangla to English and vice versa, Correction, Comprehension and
Structural Mechanics: Scalar and vector quantities; Force systems; Equilibrium and freebody
diagrams; Friction; Centroid and centre of gravity; Moment of inertia; Work, power and energy
Strength of Materials: Stresses and strains; Mechanical properties of materials; Bending
moment and shear force diagrams; Flexural and shear stresses; Deflection.
Engineering Materials: Bricks; Aggregates; Cement; Mortars (Lime and Cement); Concrete;
Estimating and Construction Process: Estimating of earthwork; Brick work; Mortar and
concrete in foundations and superstructures, Rate analysis.
Foundations, Masonry works, Damp proof, Stairs, Plastering and pointing, Formworks,
Paintings, Construction equipments.
Hydraulics: Fluid characteristics; Flow of fluid; Notches and weirs; Pipe friction and flow
through pipes.
Reinforced Cement Concrete: Materials of R.C.C. and their properties; Design of beams; One-
way and Two-way slabs; Axially loaded columns; Wall and individual column footing; Design
of stair, Masonry retaining wall.
Surveying: Chain survey; Plane table surveying; Leveling and contouring; Traversing;
Theodolite and curve ranging, Topographic survey.


Electrical Circuits: Circuit Laws, DC Circuits; Magnetic Properties of Materials; AC Circuits:
Sinusoidal Waves, Frequency, Phase Angle, Average Value, RMS Value, Single Phase Circuits;
Balanced Polyphase Circuits: Phase and Line Voltages and Currents in Star and Delta Systems.
Power System: Single line diagram of power system, types of transmission and distribution
system, corona, skin effect, mechanical design of overhead line.
Electrical Machine: Principle of Electromagnetic Induction, Armature Winding of Dynamo,
Voltage Equation and Characteristics of DC Generators; Principle, Starting and Speed Control of
DC motors; Principle, Construction, Equivalent circuits, Voltage Regulation, and Efficiency of
Transformers; Single Phase and Polyphase Induction Motors; Voltage Equation and Voltage
Regulation of Alternators; Principle and Starting of Synchronous Motors.
Electronic Devices & Circuits: Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers, Transistors, JFETs,
MOSFETs, CMOS, Amplifiers, Voltage and Power Amplifiers, class A, class B and class C
Amplifiers, Oscillator Circuits, Photoelectric Devices, Multivibrators, Radio and TV transmitter
/ Receiver, Clipping and Clamping circuits.
Telecommunication: Various types of modulation and demodulation- AM, FM, PM, AM-VSB.
Comparisons of analog and digital communication, bandwidth and channel capacity, noise in
communication, PAM, PWM, PPM, TDM and FDM. Components and basic principle of
telephony, satellite communication, optical fiber communication and cellular communication.
Digital Electronics and Computer Technology: Number Systems, Boolean Algebra, Logic
Gates, Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits, Adder / Subtractor, Encoders, Decoders,
Multiplexer and Demultiplexer, Flip-flops, Registers, Counters; Introduction to micro-
computers, micro-computer and microprocessor architecture, introduction to computer
programming language: assembly language and high level language programming, LAN, WAN
and internet.
Foundry: Pattern materials; tools and processes used in foundry.
Welding: Different types of welding processes; Joints and related tools.
Machine Tools and Metal Cutting Processes: Turning, Shaping; Drilling; Planing; Grinding &
Milling Machines; Cutting Processes; Tools & Cutting Fluids; Jigs & Fixtures.
Metallurgy: Furnaces and refractories; ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys; Iron-Iron
carbide diagram; Heat treatment of steel.
Production Management, Planning & Control: Organization; Scientific Management; Direct
& Indirect Cost; Depreciation Methods; Different types of production systems; Location; Layout;
Work measurement; Inventory Control; Precision & non-precision measuring instruments;
Limits-fits & Tolerances; Quality control.
Measurement and Inspection: Measurement and inspection instruments.
Engineering Mechanics: Equilibrium of Co-planer forces; Friction; Moment of inertia; Work,
power and energy.
Strength of Materials: Stress and Strain; Mechanical properties of material; Deformation of
materials; Shear forces and bending moment diagrams; Torsion.
Thermodynamics and Heat Engine: Thermodynamic properties; Laws of perfect gas; Laws of
thermodynamics; Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles; Two-stroke and four-stroke engines and
their performances; Principle of refrigeration; Properties of steam; Boilers and their accessories
and mountings. Fuels and lubricants.
Hydraulics: Viscosity, Fluid statics; Manometery; fluid flow measurements and measuring
devices; head loss; hydraulic machineries and devices.
General Electricity: Basic Circuits and their laws; Electrical machineries : types and principles
of operation; Voltmeters; Ammeters and other measuring instruments; Semiconductor diodes
and Transistors and their characteristics.


Introduction to Computer Programming in C & C++: Control flow statement, function, file
operation, class & object.
Discrete Mathematics: Probability theory, tree & graph.
Data Structure: Array, pointer, linked list, stack, queue.
Database Management: Database system concept, data models, query languages.
Software Development: System analysis, system design, system implementation.
Operating system: Scheduling, memory management, I/O system, File system.
Microprocessor & Microcomputer: Architecture, bus systems, instruction sets, interrupt
control, interfacing chips, memories, secondary storage devices.
Data Communication & Computer Network: Transmission media, modulation/demodulation,
Multiplexing, OSI and TCP-IP model, network topologies, network protocols, internets.
Digital Electronics: Number systems, Boolean algebra, Logic gates, Combinational and
sequential logic circuits, Flip-Flops, Registers, Counters, VLSI, A/D and D/A Converters.
Electronic Devices and Circuits: Semiconductor Diodes and Rectifiers, BJT, JFET, MOSFET,
CMOS, Amplifiers, Oscillator circuits, Photo Electric devices, Multivibrator, Time Base
Basic Electricity: Circuit laws, DC circuits, AC circuits.
Introduction to Textile Engineering: History of textiles, Present status of textiles in home and
abroad. Definition of important textile terms.
Textile Fibres: Classification, Cultivation, Grading, Chemical composition, Physical and
chemical structures, Properties (physical and chemical), End uses of Natural (Cotton, Jute,
Linen/Flax, Hemp, Sisal, Coir, Wool, Silk) fibres. Classification, Preparation, Properties
(physical and chemical), End uses of Re-generated (Viscose and Cellulose acetate rayon) and
Synthetic (Nylon, Polyester, Acrylic, Polypropylene, Spandex, Glass, Carbon) fibres.
Yarn Manufacturing Technology: Study of flow chart of yarn manufacturing (100% Cotton,
100% Polyester, 100% Acrylic, 100% Wool, Blended yarn). Ginning of cotton fibre. Mixing and
blending of fibres.
Processing stages of yarn manufacturing Short Staple: Blowroom, Carding, Drawing,
Lapformer and Comber, Simplex, Ring, Winding, Doubling and Twisting, Spinning wastage
from Blowroom to winding and control of waste, Related calculations; Long Staple: Batch and
Batching, Jute carding, drawing, spinning, winding. Jute mill wastage and its control, Related
Fabric Manufacturing Technology: Flow Chart of Fabric manufacturing, Preparatory process
(winding, warping, sizing), Drafting, Denting, Weaving, Knitting, Nonwoven, Fabric wastage
and its control, Related calculations.
Wet Processing Technology: Flow chart of wet processing, Singeing, Desizing, Scouring,
Bleaching, Dyeing, Printing, Finishing of textile materials, Wastage in wet process and its
control, Related calculations.
Garments Manufacturing Technology: Flow chart of garments manufacturing, Design, Sketch,
Pattern design, Sample making, Cutting, Sewing, Finishing, Related calculations.
Textile Testing: Sampling, Humidity and its effect, Testing of different fibre properties
strength, length, trash, neps, fibre fineness, maturity; Yarn testing count, strength, yarn
evenness, twist; Fabric testing strength, thickness, threads per unit length, crimp, air
permeability, water permeability, crease resistance and crease recovery, fabric stiffness, handle
and drape, abrasion resistance, shrinkage, fastness test, carpet testing, Uster statistics.
Fabric Structure and Clothing Analysis: Basic textile designs, Drafting and lifting plan,
Ornamentation of fabric design, Double cloth, Backed cloth, Lino weave, Velvet, Terry,
Specification of commercial fabrics, Warp and weft yarn determination from fabric, colour and
weave effect, Fashion style and accessories, Related calculations.


01 . Free Hand Drawings
a. Basic Drawing/ Analytical Drawing
To understand the skill about plan, section, elevation, axonometric drawings etc.
b. Composition of Forms
To understand the sense of composition with basic elements, Poster design, Cover design,
Logo etc.
c. Human Figure
To understand the skill about the gesture, posture, proportion, ratios of human body and
d. Perspective
To understand the skill to perceive the one point or two point perspectives.
02. Other Subjects
a. History of Architecture:
Indo-Islamic architecture; Development of Islamic architecture during Mughal period; Islamic
architecture in Bengal; Islamic architecture in Dhaka; Hindu architecture in East Bengal;
Modern architecture in Dhaka; Ancient architecture in Bengal.
b. Construction Process:
Concrete; Foundations and foundation soil; Shallow foundations; Deep foundation; Brick
masonry; Composite masonry; Cavity walls; Partition walls. Arches; Lintels; Ground floors;
Upper floors; Damp proofing; Termite treatment; Stairs; Roof; Pitched roof; Plastering and
pointing; Doors; Windows; Carpentry and Joinery; Shoring, Underpinning Scaffolding; Form
c. Estimating & Costing:
Introduction of estimating; Quantity estimation of excavating tank, road embankment, canal
digging, boundary wall, bituminous & RCC road; Complete estimate of a single storied two-
roomed building with verandah; Rate analysis.
d. Surveying:
Chain survey; Plane table surveying; Leveling; Contouring; the idolize surveying; Traversing;
Tachometric surveying; Topographic surveying.
Engineering Mechanics: Equilibrium of Co-planer forces, Friction, First and Second Moments
of Area, Polar Moment of Area, Work, Energy and Power.
Strength of Materials: Stress and Strain, Mechanical properties of material, Deformation of
Materials, Shear Forces and Bending Moment diagrams, Torsion.
Metallurgy: Furnaces and refractoriness; ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys; Iron-Iron
carbide diagram; Heat treatment of steel.
Production Process (Foundry, Welding, Sheet Metal works and Machining): Pattern
making and its materials, Tools and processes used in foundry, Different types of welding
processes, Turning, Shaping, Drilling, Planning, Grinding & Milling, Tools & Cutting Fluids,
Jigs & Fixtures, Joints and related tools, NC & CNC Machining.
Industrial and Production Management: Organization, Scientific Management, Direct &
Indirect Cost, Depreciation Methods, Different types of production systems, Location, Layout,
Work measurement, Inventory Control, Precision & non-precision measuring instruments,
Gauges, Limits-fits & Tolerances.
Basic Electricity & Electronics: Basic Circuits and their laws, Electrical machineries with its
types and principles of operations, Voltmeters, Ammeters and other measuring instruments,
Semiconductor diodes and Transistors and their characteristics.
Computer Fundamental and Operations: Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and
Elementary Software, Simple Knowledge in programming with C/C++, Microprocessors and
Thermodynamics & Heat Engines: Thermodynamic properties; Laws of perfect gas; Laws of
thermodynamics; Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual cycles; Two-stroke and four-stroke engines and
their performances; Principle of Refrigeration; Properties of steam; Boilers and their accessories
and mountings, Fuels and lubricants.
Hydraulic & Hydraulic Machineries: Viscosity, Fluid statics, Manometery and Fluid flow
measurements, Flow Measuring Devices, Head loss, Hydraulic machineries and devices.

Instrumentation, Measurement and Control: Measurement and inspection instruments,
Electronic measuring instruments, Electro-mechanical instruments and control, Basic control and
controllers, Programmable logic controller.
Automation, Robotics and Mechatronics: Fundamentals of automation, Automatic control,
Fundamentals of Robotics and their comparisons, Different types of Robots and their
applications, Fundamentals of Mechatronics, Mechatronic systems and their applications in
various fields of Instrumentation and control, Signal processing and conditioning.


Crops production and Food Technology: Post-harvest technologies used for agricultural
produces; food analysis and nutrition technology; classification of agricultural produces, crops
production, pre and post harvest technologies used in production of crops; produce processing
and preservation.
Economics analysis: Fundamentals of cost elements and estimations; economics of cost
analysis, break-even analysis; cost effectiveness.
Food production management, planning and control: Food engineering findamentals, process
and operations in food processing industries, human resource management. Production systems:
production types and applications; production layouts, production scheduling and its various
techniques. Operations in food industries; operation and maintenance management; food
packaging; enterpreneurship.
Food Security and Quality Assurance: Measurements; food adulteration and prevention;
quality management and controlling the quality.
Material Handling: Material handling instruments used in agricultural firms and also in food
processing industries: belt, bucket, pneumatic conveyors; trucks, lories, etc
Basic Workshop practices: Measuring instruments: common hand tools and measurung
instruments; machines used in workshops: lathe, drill, milling, shaper etc.; welding: arc welding,
welding with nonferrous and ferrous metals; resistance welding: spot welding, TIG welding,
MIG welding; gas and plasma welding; sawing, chipping, filling, grinding and finishing; fittings;
safety measures in workshop.
Applied Mechanics: Force systems: force, moment, resultant of forces; equilibrium conditions
and its applications; kinetics and kinematics of machineries; stress and strains; torque, couple;
work, power and energy; mechanics of machineries used in firms and in food industries.
Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics and applications, thermodynamic processes, basic
engine types: two stroke and four stroke; basic power cycles: Carnot, Otto, Diesel and Dual
cycles; IC engines.
Hydrolics: Viscosity, fluid statics; Manometry; Fluid measurements and measuring devices;
head losses; hydrolic machineries and devices.
Food preservation: Cooling and drying of foods, basics cycles of Refrigeration & Air-
Conditioning and its applications in food preservation; ice plants, cold storages.
Mechanical Drawing: Orthographic drawing and sketching: pictorial drawing & sketching of
3D objects, pipings.
Basic Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Basic electricity and electronics; DC, AC and
circuits, ammeter, voltmeter and other measuring instruments; semi-conductor diodes and
transistors; p-n-p and n-p-n transistors, ICs; electrical machineries; instrumentation and control,
automation; PLC, micro-processors.
Basics of Computer Sciences and IT: Fundamentals of computer hardware & software and
applications; computer programming fundamentals; ICT, GIS, GPS.


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