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Peach is in 6th grade.

The Upper-Level Spelling Inventory (USI) is for use in middle

school students. I chose this inventory because of the current grade level that my student is in
and it is accurate at predicting student success.

Peach received a power score (words correct) of 20. She has an estimated level of middle to
late Syllables and Affixes. This is well within developmental expectations.

Peach has a solid understanding of: blends and digraphs; vowel sounds; complex consonants;
and inflected endings and syllable juncture. She uses but does not understand: unaccecented
final syllables; affixes; reduced vowels in unaccented syllables; Greek and Latin elements; and
assimilated prefixes. Students in middle to late Syllables and Affixes use but confuse vowel
patterns in accented syllables, unaccented final syllables, some prefixes and suffixes, and
reduced vowels in unaccented syllables (Chapter 7, p. 249). When scoring her inventory,
unaccented final syllables is the first area where Peach had 2 or more errors.

A good starting point for Peach is Unaccented Final Syllables. It is the first area in which
more than two errors were made, and it is the precursor to affixes, an area that Peach had
multiple errors. Unaccented Final Syllables It would be beneficial to have a solid grasp of the
schwa sound and how to transition from base word to affix before diving into the actual study of
affixes. Based on the scores in the feature guide, Peach understands this skill, but needs some
refinement before spending any significant amount of time on affixes.

The first activity I would use with Peach is a word sort. Page 360 and 361 in Words Their
Way lists several word sorts that would help strengthen Peachs working knowledge of
unaccented syllables. I would first start with the Long u in the stressed syllable. Both errors
were made in this list. Words in this list include: 1)bugle 2)amuse 3) future 4)compute 5)ruby 6)
confuse 7)rumor 8) reduce 9) tulip 10) perfume 11) tuna 12)pollute 13)tutor 14)salute 15)super
16)excuse 17)pupil 18)abuse 19)ruler 20)include. After mastery has been achieved on this list, I
would then move to Spelling the -er sound in accented and unaccented syllables. This list
contains: 1)certain 2) reverse 3)surprise 4)lantern 5)person 6)observe 7)perhaps 8)concert
9)thirsty 10)alert 11)survive 12)modern 13)service 14)prefer 15)surround 16)western 17)hurry
18)emerge 19)govern 20)turkey.

The second activity would be Double Crazy Eights. This card game can be found on page
272 (Words Their Way) and will provide a review on vowel patterns, syllable juncture, and
accented syllables. There are three ways to lay down a card by pattern, accent, or unaccented
syllable. The object of the game is to be the first person to lay down all cards.

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