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1. Technologies
2. Computers and the Internet
3. Consumerism (online shopping, men v. women, the crisis,
shopping habits, television commercials, shopping addiction, etc)
4. Crimes, law, politicians, corruption, public safety.
5. Environment/ climate change/ global warming (carbon footprint
make sure you know what it is)
6. Inventions (past, present and predictions for the future, cloning,
playing with DNA, Robotics, etc)
7. Medicine (traditional v. alternative, NHS = National Health
System, lifestyle and health, etc)
8. Modern nature (cloning human beings, technological advances,
genetic engineering, etc)
9. Communication and relationships (networks, online dating, etc).
10. Education
11. Money (the crisis, politicians, banks, goverments, economic
situation, 40-year mortgages,celebrities, sportspeople, etc)
12. Job market (men v. women, unemployment, civil servants, etc )
13. Travelling/ living abroad
14. Food and healthy lifestyle (eating disorders, stress, eating habits,
15. The media (the news, newspapers, the radio, TV and children,
reality shows, advertising, etc)
16. Charity (animal rigths, famous people, governments, ways of
raising money, etc.)
17. Appearance (cosmetic surgery, beautiful models and perfect
bodies, television, etc.)
18. Work (parents and child raising, civil servants, men v. women,
unskilled workers, immigrants, etc)
19. Family and relationships (present and past, changes, the elderly,
marriage, etc)
20. Success (young age, celebrities, success and private life, work,
stress, corruption, etc)
1. Technologies
Back up-Make a copy of information that is on your computer
Go off-Start making noise
Print out-Make a copy of a document from a printer
Log in/out/on/off-Start/finish using a computer by typing a
particular word
Hack into-Connect to someones computer secretly and maybe
Pick up-Receive
Run out-Use all of a suppy of something
Run on-Use something for power or energy
Use up-Use all of something and have nothing left
Scroll up/down/ across-Move information on a computer screen in
order to read it
Set up-Prepare someone for something
Key in-Enter
Pop up-Appear suddenly
Go down-Dont have internet service
Free up-Eliminate some files to have more space


El fondo-background
El marcapginas-bookmarks
El navegador-browser
La carpeta-folder
El disco duro-hard drive
El teclado-keyboard
El ratn-mouse
Una actualizacin-update
el documento adjunto-attatchment
el dispositivo-device
los redes sociales-social networks
borrar-to delete(erase)
estar fuera de servico-To be out of service
cortar y pegar-cut(copy) and paste
subir-to upload
cargar-to load
arrastrar y soltar-drag and drop
escanear-to scan
desplazar-to scroll
reiniciar-to reboot
actualizar-to update
los audfonos-headphones
la funda-cover
el cdigo-code
textear/mandar un texto-send a text
El muro-wall
Una solicitud de amistad-friend request
El perfil-profile
Las notificaciones-notifications
ltimas noticias-news feed
la foto de portada-cover photo
publicar-to publish
aadir foto/video-add photo/video
etiquetar-to label
un comentario-a comment
Enganchar-to hook
Engancharse- to be hooked on
El tablero-board
La raya-slash(/)
Dos puntos-colon(:)
La contrabarra-back slash(\)
Punto y coma-semicolon(;)
La bandeja de entrada-inbox
La bandeja de salida-outbox
Un borrador-draft
El directorio-directory
Enviar/mandar-to send
anexar/adjuntar-to attatch
El correo basura-spam
Destacar-to emphasize
El ciberespacio-cyber space
los recursos-resources
La fuente-source
el filtro-filter
El archivo-file
La pgina principal-main(home) page
personalizar-to personalize
dar formato-to format
investigar-to research
el base de datos-database



2. Computers and the Internet

3. Consumerism (online shopping, men v. women, the crisis,
shopping habits, television commercials, shopping addiction, etc)
afford-have the financial means to do something or buy something
aisle-a long narrow passage (as in a cave or woods)
banknote-a piece of paper money
bargain-an agreement between parties fixing obligations of each
battery-a collection of related things intended for use together
bill-an itemized statement of money owed for goods or services
cash register-a cashbox with an adding machine to register
charge-assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to
coin-a flat metal piece (usually a disc) used as money
competition-the act of contending as for profit or a prize
confectionery-candy and other sweets considered collectively
counter-a calculator recording the number of times something
coupon-a certificate that can be redeemed for value as needed
dealer-someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of
goods to be sold
department-a specialized division of a large organization
deposit-the act of putting something somewhere
discount-an amount or percentage deducted
display-something intended to communicate a particular
grocery store-a marketplace where groceries are sold
jeweler-someone in the business of selling jewelry
make-perform or carry out
margin-the boundary line or area immediately inside the boundary
middleman-someone who buys large quantities of goods and
resells to merchants rather than to the ultimate customers
nickel-a hard malleable ductile silvery metallic element that is
resistant to corrosion; used in alloys; occurs in pentlandite and
smaltite and garnierite and millerite
order-logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate
out of stock-not available for sale or use
outlet-an opening that permits escape or release
patron-someone who supports or champions something
price tag-a tag showing the price of the article it is attached to
purchase-acquire by means of a financial transaction
purse-a container used for carrying money and small personal
one of four equal parts-ranger-an official responsible for managing
an area of forest
receipt-the act of receiving
refund-pay back
replace-put something back where it belongs
retail-the selling of goods to consumers
sales-income (at invoice values) received for goods and services
over some given period of time
sales rep-a person employed to represent a business and to sell
its merchandise (as to customers in a store or to customers who
are visited)
second hand-hand marking seconds on a timepiece
shelf-a support that consists of a horizontal surface for holding
shop assistant-a salesperson in a store
shoplifting-the act of stealing goods that are on display in a store
shopping mall-mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully
landscaped complex of shops representing leading
merchandisers; usually includes restaurants and a convenient
parking area; a modern version of the traditional marketplace
small change-a trifling sum of money
store-a mercantile establishment for the sale of goods or services
supply-circulate or distribute or equip with
till-work land as by ploughing to make it ready for cultivation
toy-an artifact designed to be played with
upscale-appropriate for people with good incomes
vending machine-a slot machine for selling godos
voucher-someone who guarantees another
wallet-a pocket-size case for holding papers and paper Money
warranty-written assurance that a product or service will be
wholesale-the selling of goods to merchants
worth-the quality that renders something desirable or valuable

4. Crimes, law, politicians, corruption, public safety.

Term definition

abduction/ taking a person to a secret location using force


armed robbery using a weapon to steal

arson setting fire to a place on purpose

assault hurting another person physically

attempted murder trying to kill someone (but failing)

burglary, going into another person's home or business with force

breaking and

child abuse injuring a child on purpose

domestic violence physical assault that occur within the home

drug trafficking trading illegal drugs

drunk driving driving after having too much alcohol

fraud lying or cheating for business or monetary purposes

hijacking holding people in transit hostage (usually on a plane)

murder/ homicide taking someone's life through violence

shoplifting stealing merchandise from a store

smuggling bringing products into a country secretly and illegally

speeding driving beyond the speed limit

terrorism acts of crime against a group (political/religious) or

another country

Theft stealing

torture extremely cruel and unfair treatment (often towards


vandalism damaging public or private property (for example with

spray paint)

white collar crime breaking the law in business

Types of punishment

(example offence) definition

traffic ticket leaves marks on driving record/involves paying a

(speeding, parking) fine

license suspension driving rights are removed for a certain period of

(drunk driving) time

fine pay money as punishment for minor/petty crime

(hunting out of season)

house arrest remain in one's home for a certain period of time

(a young offender who is
waiting to go to court)

community service do volunteer work such as teaching children

(a youth that steals a car for about crime or cleaning up garbage
the first time)
jail time spend a certain amount of months or years locked
(man who assaults his wife) away from society

life in prison spend the rest of one's life in prison with no

(a woman who commits chance of going back into society

5. Environment/ climate change/ global warming (carbon footprint

make sure you know what it is)

Acid rain: acidic precipitation (rainfall) that causes harm to the environment. It is
formed in the atmosphere when industrial waste gases combine with water.
Activists: people who show their strong support of a cause through action, especially
political action.
Animal rights: the natural rights of animals to live free of human dangers and
Aqueduct: an artificial channel for transporting water, often in the form of a bridge.
Biodegradable: generally referring to packaging, it means something than can be
decomposed by bacteria or other organisms.
Breeding in captivity: the reproduction of animals in confinement, not in their natural
CFC gases: (Chlorofluorocarbon) gases that are harmful to the ozone layer in the
Earth's atmosphere.
Condensation: water that has been transformed from a gas to a liquid and appears on a
cold surface.
Conservation: the protection and preservation of the natural environment.
Conservation program: a formalized action plan for protecting or restoring a natural
Conserve: to care for, preserve and protect.
Contaminated: polluted, usually by toxic waste
Decay: to rot or decompose; also, to decline in quality, energy, etc.
Drought: the continuous absence of rain, thus causing the land to dry up.
Ecosystem: the natural organisms and flora and fauna that constitute and sustain a
particular area.
Emissions: toxic gases from factories and machinery that are then leaked into the
Endangered species: a species of plant or animal that are in danger of becoming
Environmentalist: a person who actively works to promote the protection of the
Erosion: the process of the wearing away of land due to there being little to no
Erupt: when a volcano becomes active and begins to eject lava.
Evaporation: the process of a liquid heating up and turning into a gas or vapor.
Extinct: when a plant or animal species ceases to exist entirely.
Fault line: a fissure in the Earth's crust where the tectonic plates move against each
other causing an earthquake.
Flood: when a body of water, such as a river, becomes too full and water overflows
beyond its normal confines.
Fossil fuels: fuel formed naturally over many years from the remains of animals, such
as coal, oil, and natural gas.
Fumes: gases and vapor (usually harmful).
Genetically modified: normally related to food, it's when an object's genetic makeup
has been altered.
Global warming: an increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, which is
due to the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse effect: the trapping of the sun's heat in the atmosphere caused by
greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases: any gas, especially carbon dioxide, which contributes to the
greenhouse effect.
Landfills: large areas of land where waste and garbage are disposed.
Landslide: when a large amount of land slides down from a mountain or cliff.
Natural resources: materials found in nature which are often exploited for economic
Ocean: a large body of salt water spanning between continents.
Organic: without chemicals (such as sprays) or other man-made additives.
Organic farming: producing crops without the use of chemical pesticides or herbicides.
Ozone layer: the lower part of the atmosphere which contains a high level of ozone that
absorbs the majority of the sun's ultraviolet rays.
Poaching: the illegal hunting of animals.
Pollute: to contaminate a natural area
Pollution: contamination or toxic bi-products from factories
Power Lines: they're used to conduct electricity to houses and buildings, and are often
supported high above the ground by wooden poles or large metal structures.
Preserve: to not develop something so as to be maintained in its existing state.
Rainforest: a type of forest found in tropical climates with heavy rainfall.
Recycle: to convert or reprocess materials so that they can be used again.
Research: (verb) to investigate data, sources, material, or facts.
Research: (noun) the information and data gathered during an investigation.
Solar power: harnessing the Sun's energy to generate electrical power.
Species: a group of living organisms that are of the same type and can breed with each
Sustainability: maintaining an ecological balance by avoiding the depletion of natural
Tectonic plates: the different sections of the Earth's crust that shift on the underlying
Tidal energy: using the energy produced by the changes in ocean tides to generate
electrical power.
Toxic waste: poisonous byproducts of industrial manufacturing.
Underground aquifers: layers of rock or soil that can absorb and retain water.
Unleaded fuel: petrol that doesn't contain lead additives.
Untapped resources: materials that could be useful (i.e. for energy, for building, etc.)
but have not yet been explored.
Wetlands: damp areas of land.
Wildlife: untamed animals (in their natural habitat).
Wipe out: to completely remove something from a place.
the root cause: the main reason for something

The root cause of the endangerment of condors is the development and

destruction of their habitat.
to stem from: to be caused by

Scientists say that global warming partly stems from emissions from the
numerous cars driven.

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