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Program Focus Points

District Focus Points

District Improvement/Strategic Goals for 2017 - 2018


1 A completed facilities report.

2 21st Century Learning Curriculum started.
3 Evidence of teacher buy-in to 21st Century initiatives.
4 Professional staff who are knowledgeable of what "Rigor, Relevance and Relationships" is about.
5 Full Day Kindergarten is 100 successful.
6 More and better relationships built with Business Community.
7 Professional Staff feel in-services are meaningful.
8 Increased availability of technology to students and technology being used as a teaching resource by all
professional staff.
9 Increased communication between schools in District and between schools and the community.
10 Increased knowledge among professional staff regarding Youth Options.
11 Increased awareness of students as to what Youth Options is.

School Improvement/Strategic Goals for 2017 - 2018

Hortonville Elementary School:

1.) Students will demonstrate annual growth in meeting or exceeding district and state established standards at
each grade level in reading, language, writing and math by 2018.

2.) All students will be positive, self-directed citizens applying the characteristics of respect, caring, honesty
and responsibility in the school and community.

3.) All students will demonstrate an understanding of personal health, nutrition and physical fitness. Periodic
updates will be published in the school newsletter.

Greenville Elementary School:

1.) Students will demonstrate annual growth in meeting or exceeding district and state-established standards
at each grade level in reading, language, writing and math by 2018.

2.) All students will be positive, self-directed citizens applying the characteristics of respect, caring, honesty
and responsibility in the school and community.

3.) All students will demonstrate an understanding of personal health, nutrition and physical fitness.
Greenville Middle School:

1.) Students will demonstrate annual growth in meeting or exceeding district and state-established standards at
each grade level in reading, language, writing and math by 2018.

Tactic: We will utilize performance standards at each grade level to assess

progress and make instructional decisions in reading, language and writing.

Tactic: We will develop and utilize grade specific performance standards to be used at
each grade level to assess progress in math.

Tactic: We will research, improve and implement curriculum and instruction that includes
differentiating and modifying instruction to meet students' learning needs. We will continue
to monitor the application of learned academic skills and concepts to real-life situations.

Tactic: We will evaluate students' ability to apply learned academic skills in real-life situations.

Tactic: We will provide instruction that best meets the needs of each student.

Tactic: We will design and implement a communication plan that clearly reports progress
and accomplishments.

Tactic: We will explore different models of delivering curriculum to our special needs and
ELL students.

2.) All students will be positive, self-directed citizens applying the characteristics of respect, caring, honesty
and responsibility in the school and community.

Tactic: We will continue to implement our comprehensive plan to develop positive,

self-directed behaviors in the area of character education.

Tactic: We will afford all students the opportunity to participate in receiving some form of
recognition for displaying self-directed citizenship behaviors in the areas of respect,
honesty, caring and responsibility and the Kids at Hope philosophy.

Tactic: We will design and implement a communication plan that clearly progress an and an
and accomplishments.

3.) All students will demonstrate an understanding of personal health, nutrition and physical fitness.

Tactic: We will expand our wellness committee and activities for the GES staff and students.

Tactic: We will evaluate student and staff understanding of personal health, nutrition
and physical fitness.
Tactic: We will create and implement a program that will further understanding and
knowledge in the areas of personal health, nutrition and physical fitness. Full
Day Kindergarten classes will have Phy Ed. everyday.

Tactic: We will design and implement a communication plan that clearly reports
progress and accomplishments.

High School:

1.) Students will improve their communication skills. That is, they will show improvement in the
areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

2.) Students will improve their ability to apply what is learned in the classroom to "real life"
situations. That is, they will show improvements in the areas of application and problem solving.

Key Comprehensive School Counseling Program Components

Content Topic Theme(s)

MAS Benchmarks

Individual Learning Plans

Bully Prevention

Suicide Prevention


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