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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Tiffany
Mobeck Grade Level: Second Grade
Mathematics Unit Title: Measurement and Data
Lesson Title: Can I
make a reasonable Estimated Time: 1 hour (or 2
guess? thirtyminute sessions)

Standard/s: MAFS.2.MD.1.3- The student will estimate lengths using units of inches, feet,
yards, centimeters, and meters.

Learning Goal/Target/Objective: Second grade mathematics students will learn to give a

reasonable estimate of lengths of items using inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters.
When asked to make some estimations the students will correctly be able to identify which
unit is the better unit of measure to measure an item.

Essential/Guiding Question(s): Would you measure a room in inches or feet?

Key Vocabulary: Measure, inches, feet, yard, centimes, meter, estimate

I. Do you think knowing the correct unit is important when guessing how long something is?
II. Why do you think it is important to use standard units to measure items?
III. What are the different units we use to measure?
a. inches
b. feet
c. yards
d. centimeters
e. meters


1. Activate prior knowledge/Anticipatory Set/Hook: Gather students together and have

them imagine the cafeteria and ask them if they can think of how long it is
2. Input: Give each student an item to measure at their desk and an index card to record
measurements. Tell the students they can use the item at their desk to measure their
desk any way they would like. Instruct them to decide how they are going to measure and
to estimate the length of their desk based off of what item that are using.
3. Modeling: Draw a chart on the whiteboard and write a list of all the items. As the
students finish have them come up to the board and write their measurement. Explain to
the students how everyone has different measurements of the items even though some
people have the same item.
4. Check for Understanding:
a. Why is the information of the chart different?
b. Is any of the information wrong?
c. Would the information give you a real idea of the length of
something? Why?
5. Guided practice: Have the students pair up with a partner. Have the students
choose an item in the classroom that they are going to measure. Have one student
choose the item to measure and then have the other student measure it then
practice this the opposite way. Call on different students to discuss their
information to see how they are doing.
6. Independent practice: Have the students take home for homework a worksheet that
has things on it to measure. The students will be instructed to measure based on the
units they are required to use.
7. Closure: Re-ask the question, would you measure a room in inches or feet? Also ask
them what is an estimate? Have students write their answers on a piece of paper to
stick on the back door for you.

Assessment: Explain to the students that you are going to ask questions that everyone is
going to respond to. Have them respond by giving you a thumbs up or thumbs down.
(Thumbs up=yes, thumbs down=no, thumbs sideways=I don't know)

Materials/Resources: Large paper clips, small paper clips, coffee stirrers, straws, index cards,
homework sheet, guided lesson sheet, summative assessment, white board, use white board to
draw graphic organizer drawn on the board for students.


Adaptations for Unique Student Needs:

1. Supply items that students can touch, pick up, and examine closely.
2. Let them choose items that would be best measured in by a select
unit of measure.
3. Allow them to have a ruler or a meter stick.

ESOL Strategies:

1. Edith: In the lesson plan, it is important that while we are doing

lessons that are non-verbal, such as, measuring our desks with objects. Its beneficial to go around and help
count the objects such as the number of paper clips, or straws when they are on the desk.
2. Edgar: Show the students how to use the rulers to measure
objects. Tell the students the measurements and point to each number on the ruler. Have student repeat the
number and unit back from English to Spanish.
3. Tasir: Explain to the student why different objects have different
lengths. Go further into detail on length so that they understand the measurements properly.

Graphic Organizer: Incorporated on the board in my lesson. In the middle of the graphic organizer is
measurements in the other bubbles are the units of measurements.

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