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Shannon Spencer

Mr. Ruthven


10 December 2016

What Is My Worldview?

My theology, my theology is (to me very complicated) its not absolute, its always

changing, and I dont it will ever be absolute or ever stop changing. With that in mind here is my

current and most relevant view of God, the world, evil & good, and the afterlife.

Starting off I do infact believe in God as the higher power, to me a reality or universe

without God doesnt make sense, I believe I have that understanding from my childhood. I was

raised a Christian thus conditioning me to believe a higher power and until recent years I

began to question what is, why is that, how so, when, where, and who? Personally, my views on

God are agnostic but my worldview is primarily postmodern but to be clear I cherry pick out of

these labels (monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, agnostic, deist, etc.), like everyone else.

Who I think God is? I think hes a very complicated being, an infinite being, a being without

comprehensible actions and thoughts. So basically, I havent the slightest absolute idea of what

hes like but I assume with skepticism that hes an Omnigod thats the only way I would call a

being God, and skeptical because even with that idea there are paradoxes and contradictions that

make it incomprehensible.

So my Standpoint, I again cherry pick out of the three out of the four listed

philosophies Christian, Secular, and Postmodern. Only because I dont agree with everything in

their peculiar spectrum of things. I do kind of, barely, skeptically believe in absolute truth,

however Im very certain that well never witness absolute truth. Its never just that easy, I
believe in absolute laws (mechanics of the universe) but that is another thing. I do believe that

whatever you believe is true to you (like in your head, it makes sense to you but in reality its

not) I can see that but once it surpasses that and that person is calming absurd things or trying to

force their truth on others then I no longer see it as a truth. But more as a mental health issue or

misunderstanding and is mentally inadequate (to an extent).

To me, I believe in my own right and wrong and yes, it is relative. I think most people

would and including myself see the Ten Commandments as a good standing point of ethics. But

to believe that everyone or their actions is either good or evil is a very absurd, theres no

such thing. Were all human, flawed people but capable of extraordinary things and terrible

things. My ethics are kind of like Utilitarianism but molded to fit me, utilitarianism is doing

whats best (based on evidence) for the greater number. Sounds fixed and possibly cruel, thats

why I put my own little fix on the idea to make it sufficient and best for me and all people. I also

believe that most people agree on certain morals thus creating a society with laws that share

whats right and wrong because we all agree on it or because evidence shows its beneficial.

I think that the universe is materialistic, that being said everything could be explained but

we cant explain it. So I also think that its theistic too because I feel that we have a purpose and

a connection to a divine power/being, also because I think only some things can be explained by

God only because we dont have the technology or science to say otherwise.

Now humanity, the evolutionary process of (approximately) 6,000,000 years. Roaming

Earth being humans, repeating their mistakes, ruining the Earth, focusing on irrelevant things, I

think people are into it for what they want. Almost selfish but I think to use selfish in this context

doesnt revolve around being in it for yourself but for what you want, and that could be anything

from helping people and being charitable down to being a scum. But our beliefs can surpass
our wants thus I think is why we have absurd things happen because we go too far and try to

force our beliefs onto others potentially hurt the mass and even succeeding in so. So I dont

think we are broken or messed up, I just think people are selfish and petty (about most of the

time for the irrelevant/unproductive things) so thats why I think we arent as advanced or great

as we could potentially be. As for suffering I think we constructed that through our more

advanced minds and are able to be self aware and developed a concept of pain and agony and the

awareness to complain about it, avoid it, and even (sadistically) cause it. I think we could save

ourselves from causing our pain to ourselves and even from natural evil. But everything about

a divine calling is best suited as just that, we dont have any logical reasons for those things so I

see God as a possibility for that area of miracles, interventions, souls/spirits/consciousness, etc.

As for a ultimate purpose/meaning, I dont what that is but I bet if humanity is here long enough

well maybe find out, or this is our playground we are to do as we choose here in our

universe and I think we should go back, humans and their morals were just so different that I

would consider all of history to be the dark age sure there some good things that happen like

advances in science and secularism changing how people treat other people (for the best) and

doing horrendous actions to other humans based on very limited knowledge or even their wants

or wants of their god. Death is a natural thing, it happens to everything in different ways. I

havent the slightest idea what happens to human consciousness/soul when they die, just the

physical aspects of death.

Jesus, the man who is everywhere. I think of him as a great idea of what humans should

be like (in the way that we treat each other) but I dont think he was a great person to humanity

like he didnt try to save us all (at least where I think it matters; the physical world). But hes so

widely accepted and believed to be a true that Id be a fool to brush him off as an important
person. That or the deception of it has captivated so many and over so much time that is accepted

to be true. I think hes important because he influenced the people of the past and even the

present, and most likely in the future as well.

Christianity, is what I think a well-developed religion and very well thought out one too.

Im not sure todays Christianity is the same from like five years ago all the way down to the

origin of the religion, which was (and in most cases still is) racist, sexist, misogynistic, and

patriarchal but thank goodness for secularism changing all of that for equality, productivity, and

more love. What gave me these impressions are eye witness account, scripture, and most of all

time both past and present.

So thats my view all on things and aspects of life, of course Im open-minded so this can

change at anytime because of logic, miracles (probably not going to happen, the miracle that

is), or a sudden epiphany/enlightenment.

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