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Name____________________________________ Week Five

Daily Common Core ELA Practice

Grade 7
Day 1
Animals have unusual methods of staying alive. One such way is through mimicry. Mimicry is when one animal looks
like another. This is often a tool used to escape from predators. Viceroy butterflies are one example. Their colorful, yellow and
black markings resemble those of monarchs. Since monarch butterflies are toxic to some animals, predators avoid viceroys.
Warning colors also help. Bright colors such as blue, yellow, or even orange are often warning colors in the animal world that
let predators know that an animal is poisonous or harmful. Many tropical frogs have warning colors as a natural defense.

Common Core Standard RI.1 Details Common Core Standard RI.2 Two or More Main Ideas
1. How is mimicry helpful to animals? 2. What are the main ideas in this passage?
a. It enables them to escape harm. a. Mimicry enables animals to resemble other animals.
b. It allows them to produce toxins. b. Bright colors are used as warning colors.
c. It produces colorful markings. c. Mimicry and warning colors enable animals to survive.

Day 2

Most of the water that comes down in the form of precipitation is polluted. Nature has a natural way of cleaning these
pollutants before water trickles through the ground and finds its way into rivers and streams. Microscopic organisms in the soil
serve as a natural filtering system. After rain falls onto the ground, it sinks deeply into the soil. As it continues to travel
downward, small microbes eat pollutants that are in the water. Microbes continue this process leaving the water cleaner than
what it was when it first fell from the sky.

Common Core Standard RI.1 Details Common Core Standard RI.5 Text Structure
1. How do microbes help reduce pollution? 2. What is the overall structure of this paragraph?
a. They rinse dirt from bodies of water. a. Compare and contrast
b. They clean the pollutants located in water. b. Description
c. They travel through the soil. c. Problem and solution

Literacy and Math Ideas 2013

Name____________________________________ Week Five

Daily Common Core ELA Practice

Grade 7
Day 3
The Bill of Rights guarantees specific freedoms for American citizens. Among these are the freedom of assembly, the
freedom of press, the freedom of religion, and the freedom of speech. The freedom of assembly allows citizens the ability to
peacefully meet or protest. The freedom of press allows citizens and publishers to print information without fear of it being
censored by the government. The freedom of religion guarantees religious freedom and does not assign one specific religion to
all people. The freedom of speech allows citizens to freely speak their concerns without fear of imprisonment because their

Common Core Standard RI.3 Interactions Between Ideas Common Core Standard RI.6 Point of View & Structure
1. Based on this text, what is the overall benefit of the Bill of 2. What is the overall purpose of this text?
Rights? a. to describe the rights of all Americans
a. It gives more laws. b. to explain the purpose of freedom of speech
b. It protects religious freedom. c. to tell the benefits of peaceful protest
c. It gives rights to citizens.

Day 4
The United States is comprised of several different types of soil. It is these differences that causes some regions of the
country to be more suited for agriculture than others. When the early colonies were established in the 1700s, Virginias silt soil
made it an ideal location for farming.
The main types of soil consist of silt, sand, and clay. Silt is able to hold water and feels powdery to the touch. This is the
crumbly soil that is used in gardening. Clay is compacted and feels sticky. It holds in water the best. Sand has a gritty feel to
it. It is this gritty nature that makes it less able to hold water.

Common Core Standard RI.1 Details Common Core Standard RI.2 Two or More Central Ideas
1. Which detail below best describes clay? 3. What are the main ideas of this text?
a. It is crumbly. a. Silt is the most effective type of soil.
b. It holds in water the worst. b. There are varieties of soil. Some areas are better for
c. It feels sticky. farming.
c. Sand feels gritty to the touch. Clay is compacted and

Literacy and Math Ideas 2013

Name____________________________________ Week Five

Daily Common Core ELA Practice

Grade 7
Day 5

Boreal forests are located in the uppermost portions of the globe. Europe, the farthest tip of North America, and Asia all
contain this type of vegetation. Since the weather in this kind of forest can have extremely cold temperatures, only a select
number of plants and animals are suited to live in this region. Mosses often reside on this forest floor and provide shelter and
food for animals living there. This is important since food can be scarce during colder seasons. Balsam fir, black spruce, and
some types of pine can be found scattered in boreal forests. The narrow needle-shaped leaves on these plants do not freeze.

Common Core Standard RI.3 Interactions Between Ideas

1. How are the plants in boreal forests well-suited for survival?



Common Core Standard RI.6 Point of View & Structure

2. What is the authors purpose in this text?



Standards Covered This Week Overall Friday Review Progress

RI.1 Details
RI.2 Two or More Central Ideas ____/2 Correct
RI.3 Interactions Between Ideas
RI.5Text Structure
RI.6 Point of View & Structure

Literacy and Math Ideas 2013

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