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Colton Hope, ECUR 325.

3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017

Lesson Plan Title:

Date: 27/02/17
Subject: Physical Science 20 Grade: 11
Topic: Foundations of Chemistry The Five Types of Chemical Reactions (Lesson #14)
Essential Question: How can the physical form of a substance be changed so that it seems
to appear differently, or not appear at all?

Physical Sciences 20; Foundations of Chemistry Reactions Lab handouts
Physical Science 20; Reactions Experimental Rubric evaluation rubrics
All detailed lab materials (i.e. Bunsen burners, crucibles, etc.)
All chemicals for depicted experiments
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for students (i.e. goggles, lab coats, etc.)
Writing utensils and calculation instrumentation
Fumehood, WHIMIS binder, and MSDS

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will need to understand the basis on which all previous lessons have been
completed during the Foundations of Chemistry unit. This will mean using their prior
knowledge in the areas of; chemical and physical properties, stoichiometry, and WHIMIS
chemical safety and handling to complete the experimental procedures detailed during
the five stages of the reactions lab handout. Students must understand how to follow the
direction given during each lab stage as a group, to be able to complete those
directional instructions in a safe and efficient manner, and to know how to
mathematically represent each reaction.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Lifelong Learners: the critical application of students scientific knowledge in materials
chemistry during this lesson stresses an understanding of physical and chemical change
through the various forms of chemical reactions. The lesson prompts a continued
understanding of these and other chemical processes that students encounter in their
daily lives and that by in part shape their local and global environments.
Sense of Self, Community, and Place: this lesson gives students a first hand, hands
on experience with various forms of chemical reactivity on an individualized level.
Through research completed as a part of this foundational unit, the hope is that students
will take their experiences during this inquiry and translate them into a deeper
understanding of what they have learned about industrialization and large scale
chemical processing/manufacturing.
Engaged Citizens: During the reaction stages of this lesson, students become exposed
to the nature of bi-products and chemical waste management. Understanding that there
must be ways of managing these resultants on an industrialized scale while continuing
to conserve our natural environments promotes student engagement and understanding
on topics of environmental conservation and chemical waste disposal.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017
Developing Thinking: students capacity for developing critical thinking during this
lesson is centralized around the completion of the reaction stages. As they work their
way through each of the stages and see the physical changes elicited by each of the
chemical reactions, their understanding of reaction dynamics and the ways in which
reactants and products are flowing helps to organize what they perceive to be occurring.
Developing Identity and Interdependence: students will begin to develop their
understanding of identity and interdependence as is relates to working as a part of a
team in a formal lab setting during this lesson. To complete the assigned inquiry tasks,
students need to learn to work together, at times independently, and at others co-
dependently. They need to be accountable for their own, and each-others safety while in
the lab especially when handling hazardous chemical materials. Students will enact on
leadership and instinctual qualities required to make the assigned inquiry a success, or
fail to do so.
Developing Literacies: literacies enacted during this lesson range from; scientific in
students analysis of chemical reactions and comprehension of what produces the
reactivity, physical through their group work and hands-on application in lab,
written/mathematical as displayed through their completion of the assigned handout,
and oral/communicative in their ability to both receive and give direction from the
teacher and to their peers. Only a combination of these aspects of critical literacy will
allow students to achieve success during the assigned inquiry task.
Developing Social Responsibility: students will act on systems of moral and logical
reasoning while completing the assigned inquiry to help them in determining what is
acceptable and safe behavior to be exhibiting in a formal lab setting where their safety,
and the safety of others is paramount.

PS20-FC1: Predict products of the five basic types of chemical reactions and evaluate
the impact of these reactions on society and the environment.
a. Observe and analyze synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single-replacement and
double-replacement (including acid base neutralization) reactions.
b. Represent synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single-replacement and double-
replacement (including acid base neutralization) reactions using atomic models, other
manipulatives, skeleton equations, balanced chemical equations and International Union
of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) nomenclature.
d. Predict products of synthesis and decomposition reactions given the reactants.
i. Select and apply proper techniques for handling and disposing of lab materials, as
outlined in Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS 1998 and WHMIS
2015) standards, and interpret Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Safety Data
Sheets (SDS).

PS20-FC2: Construct an understanding of the mole as a unit for measuring the amount
of substance.
g. Calculate the molar mass of various molecular and ionic compounds.
h. Perform molar conversions, including mass to mole, number of particles to mole,
volume to mole, concentration of a solution to mole and their inverse operations, using
the correct number of significant figures.
i. Prepare solutions of known concentration using molarity and dilution calculations.
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017
PS20-FC3: Use stoichiometry to determine the relative amounts of substances
consumed and produced in chemical reactions.
b. Determine the relative numbers of moles of each substance in a variety of chemical
reactions using balanced chemical equations.
d. Perform stoichiometric calculations to predict the outcomes (e.g., concentration,
mass, volume, number of particles and energy transferred) of chemical reactions, using
the correct units and correct number of significant figures.
e. Design and carry out experiments to support stoichiometric hypotheses using
appropriate instruments to collect data accurately and precisely.
g. Determine the limiting and excess reagents in a variety of chemical reactions through
stoichiometric calculations and experimentation.
h. Compare the theoretical and actual yield for a variety of chemical reactions by
calculating the percent yield.

PGP Goals:
1.2 ethical behavior and the ability to work in a collaborative manner for the good of all
2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically, and appropriately

3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and
methodologies to accommodate learning styles of individual learners and support their
growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings

4.3 the capacity to engage in program planning to shape lived curriculum that brings
learner needs, subject matter, and contextual variables together in developmentally
appropriate, culturally responsive and meaningful ways

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
The Physical Sciences 20; Foundations of Chemistry Reactions Lab handout,
functions as both a means of formative (FOR) assessment during the learned component
of the lesson, and a means of summative (OF) assessment when coupled with an
evaluative rubric. As to the formative component of its assessment, the initial
directionality provided to guide students in their completion of the stages, and
subsequent Things to Know provide for this. The instructional outlining of the stages
make students think critically about reasoning regarding decisions made for; reaction
safety, containment vessels, and order of completion. The following Things to Know
section questions students on their prior knowledge attained during previous lessons in
the Foundations of Chemistry unit through means of; fill in the blank, short answer and
yes/no rapid response.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.
The summative (OF) assessment component of the handout that exists for evaluative
means is the marked completion graded through the Physical Science 20; Reactions
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017

Experimental Rubric. The detailed completion of the experimental handout is one

component of this summative assessment graded on a 1-4 scalar where a 3 is
achievement adequate to grade-level/required comprehension to achieve the outcome.
Other structural components of the evaluation include; students laboratory safety
practices, students group work capabilities, and their capacity to follow the detailed
experimental direction. These evaluation criteria are all graded on the same 1-4 scalar
with students attaining an overall mark out of sixteen for the whole of the summative

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students) (~10 min)
The motivational set for this lesson takes place as an instructor lead demonstration for
Stage 1 of the reactions handout, which details the decomposition reaction of sodium
metal with sulfuric acid. This reaction is completed as a demonstration for two very
specific reasons; the first being the heightened level of reactivity seen in alkali metals
and corrosive nature of sulfuric acid which pose serious risks to student health and
safety, and secondly to engage student interest with a cool reaction before their own
completion of stages 2-4. It also works as a means by which to have the instructor lead
students through the first segment of the lab handout meaning that correct formatting
for; data recording, question answering, and observational noting can be worked

Main Procedures/Strategies: (~80-90 min over a blocked/or two-day period)

The intention behind this lesson is to enact a means of student-lead guided inquiry
where teacher directed instruction is kept to a minimum to establish a sense of students
independence. Educator intervention in the workings of the lesson is only to be elicited
during the periods of; motivational set, Stage 5 instructional demonstration, and
lesson closing. This is except for, instances where student safety is in question, or where
students are unaware of how to proceed during a stage of the inquiry.

1. Students will be grouped through the processes of flexible grouping using semi-
strategic random numbering, where a pre-determined number of groups is known
based on the amount of resources available. The strategic component of this random
grouping should be centralized around the outlined adaptations/differentiation section of
this lesson plan where students of need are either; grouped together to allow for control
over their working environment, or with students who will provide structure and support
to their inquiry. (~5 min)
2. From this point students will gather in their groups to work independently on the
completion of the next stages (i.e. stages 2-4) of the inquiry handout. It is imperative
that as students move to work on these stages the instructor vocalize the need for
working together to determine the order of stage completion; i.e. the staggering of start
and end points could be vital to time management. It needs to be vocalized as well that
students will have a second day to complete the assigned inquiry work in class, this will
mean that should they leave a stage unfinished at the end of the first day, they can
return to complete it the following day. This also holds for any calculation and
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
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comprehension question work. This will stress that student safety is paramount and
there need be no rush on the part of students who may feel panicked or anxious.
Students are expected to complete a minimum of two stages during given time on the
first day and failure to do so may impact their evaluation on following directional
instruction. (~30 min)
3. At this point in the lesson, the instructor will intercede with another demonstration
that would prove to reactive to be completed by student groups, the combustion of
sucrose with potassium chlorate (Stage 5). This reaction demonstration is to illustrate to
students the nature of combustion reactions, and the how this reaction types volatile
nature/bi-product production need containment through mechanisms (i.e. the
fumehood). (~10 min end of first blocked half/first day of lesson)
4. The second half of the lesson is a continuum of the first, students will be given the
duration of the period to complete any remaining stage work from the three-middle
reaction, and the Data/Calculations and Things to Consider sections of the inquiry
handout. (~45 min)

(The below listing of adaptations and differentiations resulting from individual
interactions I have had with students during my teacher candidacy, as well as
generalized adaptations and differentiation strategies for exceptional learners/high
volume IEP outputs)
-English Language Learners (ELLs); can have an extremely difficult time with the
scientific/academic language associated with the Physical Science 20 classroom,
specifically with the compound naming IUPAC structure. Several adaptation and
differentiation strategies can be used including a couple that I have tried; grouping
together multiple ELLs so that they may use their native language for communication,
providing students with a translated copy of the inquiry handout to increase directional
comprehension, and providing technologies or instructor assistance (i.e. an educational
assistant) to facilitate translation among peer group members.
-Physical disabilities/limitations; this can include conditions ranging from; paralysis, to
cerebral palsy, to epilepsy, etc. Many of these exceptionalities can not only physically
limit students performance capacity in a hands-on inquiry, but it can also place them in
danger during the reactions. Adaptations and differentiation strategies for these
students include; instructor demonstrated inquiry for those who cannot physically
control the reaction(s), inquiry completion in a more isolated environment either in a
different room or at a different time than other peer groups to allow for space and
eliminate distraction/danger, and allowing for observation-only status where students
act as their groups recorder for observations and assist in question
-Anxiety/depression; either or both conditions together can create students
disengagement during a hands-on inquiry designed to elicit a high degree of
participation. Combatting for these conditions through adaptation and differentiation is
effective through the flexibility groupings; limiting the group sizes and allowing for
groupings of alike/students who have existing positive peer relationships can elicit more
interaction, grouping students with an instructor that they have a positive relationship
with can increase engagement and productivity. Allowing for individual student
completion of this inquiry should be avoided due to the time restraints afforded by the
experimental component of the lesson.
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017

-Learning Disability (LD)/Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)/Emotional/Behavioral Disorder

(EBD); these are some of the most difficult exceptionalities to adapt and differentiate for
during an inquiry lesson. To differentiate and adapt for these students; groupings should
include instructor or high level achieving peers to act as a means of positive influence,
extending time allowances for inquiry completion to include an extra day (i.e. one stage
per day to maximize comprehension), if supports are available these exceptional
learners may need to be separated to avoid them feeding off of one anothers more
disruptive interactions.

Closing of lesson: (~10 min)

The closing of this lesson is executed as a question and answer instructor lead
discussion where one critical aspect of chemical reactivity for each of the stages is
highlighted to heighten student comprehension. The following are the discussion
questions ordered by stage:
(1) how can we increase the reactivity of our metal from the active series of the
periodic table?
(2) how do we explain the brittle nature of the produced magnesium oxide, when
our reactant (magnesium) was a solid metal?
(3) do you believe the zinc metal has been completely converted to solid copper?
Why or why not?
(4) is there any way for us to determine if there is excess unreacted reagent
remaining in the test tube after the bright yellow color change?
(5) how do we explain the massive amount of energy produced from the reacting
of the small gummy bear with potassium chlorate?

Each of these questions and their subsequent responses should be equally distributed
throughout the remaining time of the lesson allowing approximately two minutes for the
students to formulate a response and discuss solutions.

Personal Reflection:
I completed the instruction of this lesson during my first semester of student teaching
(without the formulation of an extensive lesson plan and subsequent revised handout).
During the initial completion of the lesson I found that we, that is me and my partner
teacher, tried to cram way too much material into a single days (55 min) class period.
Students completed the three assigned stages and a brief time was given for
demonstration of the fifth stage, with the motivational set having to be moved to a
different day due to resource allocation. This rapid pace did not allow for the deepening of
student understanding and left their handouts very roughly completed with a second-class
period being needed to allow for completion of the calculation and follow-up questions.
Working through stages one and five as demonstrations was the right call as not only
would student completion have posed elevated risk to their health and safety but the
limitation of resources (i.e. the fumehood) was such that for multiple groups there was no
way to ensure reaction containment. The one exceptionality that was present with this
student grouping was a young boy with ASD, who was rather evasive and distanced
himself from his group members during the completion of the reactions. I adapted for this
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017
disengagement by working individually with this student to complete the experiments so
he felt more comfortable than in the social group-work setting and safer in his interaction
with the reaction setup.

*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

Justification and Reflection (2):

During the formulation of this lesson, I chose to organize it around my formative

assessment piece, Physical Sciences 20; Foundations of Chemistry Reactions Lab that

assesses student learning during the performance task for my Physical Science 20

Foundations of Chemistry unit. This performance task is an example of guided student

inquiry wherein students are provided with directional instruction without the answers to

evaluative questions and tasked with following the directions, to achieve the task and

develop the comprehension to answer the questions. In creating this lesson, I wanted to
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
Dr. Jay Wilson, Lesson Plan, Feb 27th, 2017
establish the sense of a student controlled inquiry where instructor interaction is limited to

only a demonstrative and adaptive nature. In posing the inquiry as a hands-on lab activity

to engage students with a type of learning that is not commonly occurring. I wanted to

create a sense of authenticity in this lesson that allows students to both; interact with one

another in a social/relationship building context, and live their curricular outcomes

through a practical application of these skills that they are supposed to value in their

learning. Student safety during this inquiry is paramount and as such many of the

selections I made when planning the lesson; the use of flexible grouping, described

adaptations and accommodations, and the selected chemical reactions for completion/the

nature of the reaction completion (i.e. demonstration versus student lead), reflected this

need for safety.

The following is a summarization of how I feel that I achieved on the outcomes of

this, Lesson Plan assignment. Outcome 1; I plan lessons and assessment based on

provincial curriculum (5). With the organizing of this lessons format around the formative

assessment creation of the reactions handout, I believe to achieved at the highest level in

my preparation for internship. The lessons responsiveness to this formative means of

assessment is centered on students application of their skills with the completion of the

reactions that they have learned about during the previous lessons in the Foundations of

Chemistry unit. Outcome 2; I make student learning goals for each lesson/task (4). My goal

in this lesson is determinate in the viewing of the summative evaluation rubric for student

completion of the reactions handout. My objective is to have all students complete the

inquiry at the highest level of evaluation and develop the deepest level of comprehension.

During the creation of the extensive lesson plan template, I could do to further iterate this

objective. Outcome 3; I know which instructional strategies to pick at given times (5). The

outcomes and indicators assessed during student completion of the formative reactions

handout are addressed in an authentic manner that force students to think abstractly and
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
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practically about their prior knowledge. Inquiry learning in the STEM classroom

environment is detailed as one of the most vital in all the Saskatchewan science curricula.

Outcome 4; My lessons are ready to be used (4). All elements of my lesson including; the

extensive lesson plan with comprehension questions and detailed planning, as well as

formative, and summative assessment handouts are prepared for use. Additional materials

and chemical preparation would need to be procured for student completion of this inquiry

task meaning that a substitute would require additional assistance/preparation time in

order to complete the lesson. Outcome 5; I create formative assessments (4). The

formative assessment piece that I have created for this lesson is very well detailed and

focuses on specific learnings from various points in the Foundations of Chemistry unit as

well as a multitude of applied student skills ranging from; written, to calculative, and

visual/oratory. The planning and completion of this lesson is student centered guided

inquiry and as such requires that semi-strict guidelines be in place to ensure student

safety and achievement of the outcomes. This does not allow for a high degree of

flexibility or deviation from the assigned assessment. Outcome 7; I set and use gals for

enhancing my professional development (3). During the building of my lesson plan, I

highlighted specific TECC competency goals that underlie what I desire to achieve in the

instruction of my students. My personal reflection incorporates limited detailing of

improvement in these professional growth areas due to not having previously instructed

this lesson under the guidance of a extensive lesson plan, and the lesson itself does not

account for learner reflection on the achievement of these goals unless taken in the

context of reflective journaling to be completed by students during the unit. Outcome 14; I

understand how to plan for differentiation and adaptation (4/5). I like to think that in

having experienced two separate courses for adaptation and differentiation as it relates to

the exceptional learner, and having worked with several exceptional students unto this

point during my student teaching. That I came well prepared to the creation of this lesson
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
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plan to differentiation for these students. My adaptations and differentiation section of the

lesson plan details planning for students with challenges ranging from; physical and

mental impairments, right down to socially isolative or emotional/behavioral limitations.

Outcome 15; I create engaging learning activities and tasks (4). The interactivity and

interdependence created during this grouped inquiry assignment is a positive force in the

relationship building and cooperative learning environment of my students. It forces them

to be reliant on their own understandings and those of their peers instead of just the

words of the instructor in the practical application of what they learned throughout the

unit. As it is a content heavy unit, not all lessons can be facilitated with the same means of

application as I first need to make sure students have a common perception in the areas

of; chemical reactivity, and lab safety. Outcome 16; my planned activities would improve

the discipline specific literacy skills of my students (4/5). Students will have the chance to

self-reflect after the completion of the lesson in accordance with the journaling

assessments detailed in the unit plan. However during the course of this lesson it is the

formative assessment that breaks down the facets of multi-literacy in student learning and

comprehension through; their physical interactions in peer groupings to complete the

inquire, oral/communicative literacies required to increase effectiveness and promote time

management within their groups, mathematical literacy in the various calculations

required to complete the reactions handout, and the scientific literacies associated with

the written completion of the assessment questions.

The following is my reflective level of achievement in the areas of professional

growth and development outlined by our rubric outcomes. Outcome 7; I set and use goals

for enhancing my professional development (4). In this regard, I feel that I succeeded in

my goal outlined during assignment 1 with the creation of an assessment OF student

learning. Not only was I able to create such an assessment but I centralize it in the

creation of an extensive lesson plan. Moving forward, centralizing this performance task in
Colton Hope, ECUR 325.3, cwh563
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the unit and ensuring that all required teachings are completed before hand is key.

Outcome 8; my portfolio reflects growth in my planning (3). My portfolio has been

expanded after the completion of the first assignment to reflect additional instructed

lessons and planning materials. However, because of the inability to currently teach this

lesson more than once, more drafting and revision of the overall lesson plan is yet to be

completed. Outcome 9; my professionalism is evident in my in-class activities for ECUR

325 (4). I continue to be a hard-working and contributing member of class discussions,

both in the large group (as exhibited by my joining Jay at the front for a little Q and A), and

during our seminar work. I have completed the assignments early such that they could be

continually reviewed and analyzed by my seminar leader Joanne De La Rosa for my

continued growth and development as a member of the class. Assignment 1 gave me a

good starting point as to how to reflect on these constructive critiques and this lesson plan

has only furthered that upon review of my first assignment submissions evaluation.

Moving forward I want to learn to include more cultural responsiveness into my scientific

pedagogy practices.

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