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Select Your Own Text Reading Survey NAME _________________________________________

1. Please put an F, O, or N next to each of the following types of text to indicate how often you read each
one. (F=Frequently; O=Occasionally; N=Never)
Example: Newspapers O (This would mean that you read newspapers occasionally.)
Newspapers ___ History ___
Magazines ___ Autobiographies/biographies ___
Novels ___ Comics/graphic novels ___
Short stories ___ Instruction manuals of any kind ___
Web sites ___ Self-help books ___
Reference books (i.e. dictionaries, E-mail/instant messages ___
encyclopedias) ___ Online Chatrooms ___
Poems (including song lyrics) ___ Textbooks/school assignments ___
Essays ___ Work-related documents ___
Drama/plays ___ Blogs ___

Describe your answers in question #1 more fully. WHY is it that you choose to read the sorts of things
that you do? Why do you avoid other sorts or writing (if you do?) Please give a thoughtful answer.


2. I would rate myself as _____ on a scale of 110 as a reader (1 means Im not very confident, and 10
means Im an excellent reader). Explain how/why you rated yourself.


3. From the list of texts noted above, write down the types of reading you enjoy the most.
4. Which types of reading would you say are the most difficult for you?
5. Complete the following sentence with an adjective of your choice:
I would describe myself as a ____________________________________________________ reader.
Explain your response.
6. My favorite book of all time is __________________________________________________________
7. Why is it your favorite book (Chose one even if you HATE books chose one you at least tolerated)

8. What was the last book that you read on your own, and when did you read it?

9. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Reading is something you either can or cannot do well (in other words, some people are naturally good
at it, and others are not). Agree _________ Disagree _________
What makes you say this? Be as specific as you can (maybe use a personal example)

10. Write down three things that you do when you find reading to be challenging. (What are some
strategies you use when you get stuck?)
11. Which of the following statements best describes you as a reader? Check one.
___ With enough effort I can understand
anything I am asked to read. I am
___ Reading is hard for me. I rarely feel like
confident in my abilities as a reader.
I understand what the writer is saying.
___ I try but eventually give up if the reading Even when I feel like I understand it, I
is too hard. I understand most of what I dont trust myself and assume Im
read but not as well as I would like. Im probably wrong.
somewhat confident about my abilities .
12. Check the statement that most matches your own belief:
___ Reading isnt important. By sixth grade you know everything you need to know about reading.
___ Reading is crucial to your success in the adult world.
___ Reading is more important now than ever before.
___ Reading is less important than it used to be.
13. I expect the reading I do for school to be (circle all that apply):
Boring Interesting Difficult Useful
14. Check all that describe what you do when you read assignments for school:
___ I eat/drink while I read. ___ I sit in a comfortable chair while I read.
___ I lie on my bed while I read. ___ I usually have pens, pencils, and paper
___ I have my cell phone on while I read. nearby while I read.
___ I listen to music or the TV while I read. ___ I like to listen while good readers read
___ I read in a room with other family aloud
members and/or friends present. ___ Other ___________________

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