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Concerns-Based Adoption Model - (CBAM)

Stage of Concern Expression of Concern Teachers

1. Unconcerned I am not concerned about it.

My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What activities may be useful for these
Have you heard about the new innovation program?
What have you heard? How do you feel about it? Do you think you would want to try it?

2. Informational I will like to know more about it

My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What activities may be useful for these

May I provide you with some materials and links so you could access some material?
Would you be interested in attending a PLC session on the program?

3. Personal How would using it affect me?

My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What activities may be useful for these

Do you think you would be interested in trying the program?

Set up a time to discuss the personal benefits of the program.
Provide testimonials about the success of the program

4. Management I seem to be spending all my

time getting materials ready.
My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What activities may be useful for these
May I share some ideas how we could do things better
What do you think about engaging the students more to create, design or research some of the material?
How would you feel about sharing resources within the department?

5. Consequences How is my use affecting others? How

can I refine it to have more impact?
My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What activities may be useful for these
Would you consider a detailed assessment instrument for the students to provide feedback for the program?

6. Collaboration How can I relate what I am doing to

what others are doing
My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What activities may be useful for these

How do you feel about working with another teacher at your grade level?
Would you be interested in joining a Professional Learning Community?
What do you think about informal sessions within the department for discussions and sharing?

7. Refocusing I have some ideas about something

that would work even better?
My plans for supporting these teachers: What questions could I ask? What
activities may be useful for these teachers?

How about an informal session among teachers in department to discuss

results of students feedback?
How do you feel about the program? What did you enjoy most?
What did you hate? What can we do to tweak the program?
Given your experience with the program, how would you plan for next year?

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