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(A) Who should be the number one (most important) person in the nation? Why?

Answer Farmer is and must be the number one person in every nation beyond any doubt.

(1) Farmer is practically the main producer of each and every type of food stuff in all the nations.
(2) Without farmers productions (the food) whole nation/s will die due to hunger.
(3) Due to farmers production whole nation/s is/are kept alive, heathy, fit, fine and even happy.
(4) Farmers hard work, improve and support useful plant life and useful animal life of the nation to good
(5) Farmers Agro-based Industries scientific implementations keep mother-nature pollution free. It gives
many good and useful products for the nations, plus cultivate healthy Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian
edible stuffs to make citizens happy.
(6) Nature blessed nation of India as a perfect land for farming. So naturally, India became land of farmers
(7) That is why, in one of Indias national slogans Indian citizens shout Jai Jawan - Jai Kisan.

Hence, it is a moral duty of each and every Indian citizen, all the government and private sectors in India, to keep the
farmers happy and heathy, fit, fine and active. Poor farmers important issues in farming and their financial needs
must be considered on priority number one. Their farming issues and needs should be kept on governments first

(B) So why Indian farmers (kisan) are committing suicides almost every year, that too in huge numbers? Why?
When catastrophes strike farms and farmers, then farmers are not considered or helped on warlike
In above slogan, first respect is given to soldier and a secondary respect is given to farmer? In fact slogan
gives equal respect and status to both. (Please note, even soldier cannot survive without farmers most
essential products called food).

If a nation, in actual practice gives first place to soldier then apart from food, for the survival of soldier, arms
and ammunitions too become essential in this hi-tech word. To produce arms, factories and multiple type of
industries, defence systems and their developments etc. are given higher priorities. So naturally, farmer
looses his key position, slowly gets shifted to second, third, fourth to which place (last)? Thus farmers
many priorities are gradually vanishing. This is the reason why only poor farmers in India are compelled to
commit suicides? It is the matter of deeper research.
Study the characters like - Alexzander, Napoleon, Hitler etc. who wanted to rule the world and study nations
who ran/are running the arm race, to become super powers in the world like Russia, China, USA etc. Without
giving high priorities to their soldiers (Military sections) they can never run in such races. So farmer was/is
never kept on the list of their high or first priorities.

What about India? Is it still a nation of farmers today? Does India in her actual practice follow, Jai Kissan -
Jai Jawan slogan to keep up her peace loving heritage which descended right from her ancient civilization?
Does todays India got involved in the arm race? At what cost? At the costs of thousands of our poor farmers
suicidal deaths every year? Why farming is neglected so much, as comparing to rapid growth of industries?
No doubt strong defence is essential. But when the arms race for super power starts, then chances of peace
endangered too grow. Industrial progress too is essential. But its excessive, uncontrolled growth, invite
pollution and radiation hazards as well. That is why it is only farming progress which can produce care free,
peaceful atmosphere for healthy and happy life. From above concepts too, farmer becomes nations person
number one. Therefore, let us give him his due place of importance with essential care and proper wrights.

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