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1. Bring children together and tell them that you have friends that you want them to meet.

Take a few minutes and do a little skit with Julie and Jamal (puppets) to introduce addition

and subtraction. Jamal is Julieǯs older brother and they spend a day at the park. (talk about

seeing animals ex. They see 3 dogs and later they see a rabbit, how many animals did they

see altogether, talk about buying two ice cream cones and how Julie dropped hers, talk

about how many children they saw playing in the sprinklers and how a few left.)

2. Have children recall parts of Jamal and Julieǯs day at the park and have them think of a time

when they had to add or subtract. Encourage them by telling them that they do this every

day (ex. Lunch money, pencils, when their classmates are absent, when they play during

recess, etc)

3. Play a 2-3 minute you tube video that uses song to introduce the symbols and the

vocabulary for addition and subtraction as well as teaches a few addition and subtraction

problems through story.

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·. Îiscuss briefly what they saw in the video and what they learned about the symbols (+) and

(-) means. Have the children sing the song again to remind them.

5. Îirect students back to their seats and tell them that we will practice telling stories using

counters and writing a few number sentences.

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1. At their tables, students will use counters to represent stories.

2. Students will remove only the number of counters needed for the story (ex. You have 3

pencils and Ms. Kim gives you 1 more). In this case, tell students to remove · counters

from their cup.

3. Repeat this a few times by telling different stories. Include both addition and

subtraction stories using practical examples (ex. Mom gives you 6 cookies but you drop

two on the floor, how many do you have now). If story demands subtraction, have

students place the counters that are being taken away into the cup so they are not


·. Write number sentence on the board while telling stories as children continue to model

them using the counters. Reemphasize the (+) and (-) symbols.

5. Write number sentence on the board and have students act out their own story using

their counters. They can tell their story to their neighbor.

6. Repeat this a few times so they can get use to storytelling and numbers.


1. Ask children if they remember some ways Jamal and Julie used addition and subtraction

during their trip at the park. Encourage them by saying that they added all the animals they

saw there, adding the number of children that were playing at the sprinklers, etc.)


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2. Put the (+) and (-) symbols on the board and ask the children if they can remember what

adding and subtraction means. Encourage them by saying (+) means put together (-) means

take away.

3. Ask them if they can remember a good way to help them when they are adding and

subtracting. Encourage them by saying, DzRemember we can always tell good

·. Tell them to talk to their mom or dad or somebody else at home and have them either draw

or write three different ways that they use numbers.




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1. Walk around the classroom to see if students are actively participating and acting out
the stories using counters.

1. Pick 5 students (1 at each table) in the class and assess them to see if they can correctly
act out a number sentence using counters.
2. Give a number sentence as well as tell a short story to see if students can correctly write
out the number sentence using the proper numerals and symbols in the horizontal
written format. Collect papers to check for understanding.



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 Students will use 5 counters only. 1. Students will model addition and 1. Students will use counters to
( Students will work on only addition subtraction number sentences using create their own stories.
stories and number sentences. counters. 2. Students will use counters to
2. Students will use counters to create number sentences.
demonstrate or act out oral stories.
3. Students will use number
3. Students will create a story using
sentences and draw pictures
number sentence.
(picture sentences) representing
the numbers.


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