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Szmnevek (Numerals)

Tszmnv Sorszmnv Rvidts angolul Sorszmnv

Cardinal Numerals Ordinal Numerals Short forms magyar megfelelje
or Cardinals or Ordinals
one first 1st 1. els
two second 2nd 2. msodik
three third 3rd 3. harmadik
four fourth 4th 4. negyedik
five fifth 5th 5. tdik
six sixth 6th 6. hatodik
seven seventh 7th 7. hetedik
eight eighth 8th 8. nyolcadik
nine ninth 9th 9. kilencedik
ten tenth 10th 10. tizedik
eleven eleventh 11th 11. tizenegyedik
twelve twelfth 12th 12. tizenkettedik
thirteen thirteenth 13th 13. tizenharmadik
th th . dik
twenty twentieth 20th 20. huszadik
twenty-one twenty-first 21st 21. huszonegyedik
thirty thirtieth 30th 30. harmincadik
fifty-five fifty-fifth 55th 55. tventdik
. dik

A sorszmnevek a tszmnevek th kpzvel elltott alakjai, kivve 1., 2., 3. . Helyesrsi

mdosulsok vannak a 8., 9., 12., 20. s a 0-ra vgzd sorszmnevek esetn. Sorszmnevek utn
az angolban sosincs pont.

Egsztsd ki a mondatokat a zrjelben megadott sorszmnevek angol megfelelinek betvel kirt

1. I took the _______________ (1.) train to London yesterday morning.

2. He was doing the ______________(5.) exercise when he realized it wasnt for homework.
3. She gave birth to her __________________ (2.) son at the age of thirty.
4. Grandma was reading the _____________________ (30.) page of the book when I called her.
5. _______________________ (20.) century is famous for its technological achievements.
6. That was his _________________ (3.) summer holiday at the sea.
7. Stephens niece celebrated her _______________ (8.) birthday last Sunday with a party.
8. The train for Brighton leaves from the ___________________ (12.) platform.
9. We sat in ______________________ (24.) row in the cinema last night.
10. Their house is the _________________ (9.) in George Street on the left.

350909025.doc 1/1 2017.04.07.

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