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Neville Goddard - 1-27-1969


Recently I read of a questionnaire which was sent out to various church officials in
England, asking what they thought was going to happen to them when they died.
One minister replied: "I assume I will enter into the joy of the Lord, but why bring
up such an unpleasant subject?" This is true the world over, because man does not
know he is immortal and cannot die.

You came into a world of death. The body you now wear will return to dust from
whence it came; but you, its occupant, cannot die. Rather, you will simply dream
yourself into another body of death, animate it in a terrestrial world like this, and
continue to do the same things you are doing here. You will be in an environment
which the depths of your being finds best suited for what He still wants to do, and
you will continue doing it until you awaken in that garment and fulfill scripture.

Then you will take off your garment of death and return to the glory that was yours
before that the world was. We knew each other intimately before we descended, and
we will know each other just as intimately when we take off all of these masks and

In this world, we wear separate, individual bodies; but in eternity we form the one
body. We are many, yet one. No matter what type of dreams an individual has, in the
end they will be but dreams; for when he awakes and returns, we will love him as dearly
as we did before the descent.

Inspiration is a gift of God, which cannot be acquired. Because God is in you, scripture is
inspired from within. At the present time, Christ - God's power and wisdom - is
personified as you. Although the body you wear is dead, He who raised Christ from the
dead will raise you also. Christ in you is the one who rises. His spirit is your breath.
Breathing his inspiration, you hear and feel the wind. Then you who radiate the glory of
that God breath will awaken as God Himself.

From now on, think of yourself as spirit, not flesh and blood.
Neville Goddard 09-27-1968


There is no limit to the power of belief or to the possibilities of prayer, but you must be
brazenly impudent and not take No for an answer. Try it! When I say you are all
imagination, I mean it. While standing here on the platform I can, in a split-second,
imagine I am standing on the outside, looking at this building. Or, in another second be in
London and view the world from there. You say thats all hallucination? That it is all in
my imagination? All right, now let me share another experience with you.

I was in New York City when I heard that my seventeen-year-old nephew, my sisters
oldest child, was in a terminal state of cancer. I knew how she felt and wondered what I
could do to comfort her - to show her that the boy she so loved was not flesh and blood,
but spirit. So while in New York City, I went to my bedroom, closed the door, and lay
down on my bed. Knowing that my sister lived in the old family house in Barbados, I
assumed I was on the bed where I knew Billy to be. I assumed my sister entered that
room but could not see her son, only her brother, Neville. I lost myself in that assumption
until my sister, Daphne, entered the room. Looking startled, she came forward, stared at
me, then turned and left the room. When I was satisfied that I had seen her, and she had
seen me and not her son, I broke the experience and returned to our living room to be
with my wife and a friend who had come for cocktails.

Ten days later I received a letter from my sister, in which she said: "Nev, I just cant
understand it." Giving the day and the hour which coincided with mine in New York City
she said: "I went into Billys room and I was startled to see you there. I knew you were in
New York City, yet I could not see Billy on the bed, only you. I must confess I was a bit
afraid, so 1 left the room and when I returned I could see Billy again. She could see Billy
because by then I had departed. If I am all imagination, I must be where I am in
imagination. When I gave the scene sensory vividness, with all the tones of reality, I was
seen by my sister two thousand miles away. No, I didnt save Billy. He died, but my
presence did convince my sister that her son was not flesh and blood. If her brother, in
New York City, could appear to her in Barbados, she knew there was something that
inhabits a body which cannot go to eternal death.

I tell you: there is an immortal you that cannot die. That night I gave my sister the
conviction of a reality in her son that would survive when the doctor said he was gone.
Gone where? Restored to a terrestrial world like this as a young lad, to continue a journey
that was set up for him in the beginning. And that is to form the image of Jesus Christ in
him. When that happens, Billy will awaken as Jesus Christ, the one being who is God the

Practice the art of movement. In New York City, my telephone was in the hallway and my
chair in the living room. While sitting in my chair, I would assume I was at the telephone.
Then I would assume I was looking into the living room. I practiced this exercise. until I
discovered I could move anywhere in a split second of time. Try it and perhaps, like my
sister, someone will have the strange experience of seeing you where you have not
physically been. Make it fun. I do it all the time.

A lady, thinking I was still in Barbados - where she last saw me painfully thin and
weighing only 138 pounds - was hoping I was feeling better, when I instantly appeared in
her living room. I was brown from the Barbados sun, wearing a gray suit (which I did not
own when I left here, but purchased in New York City) when I said: "There is no time,"
and vanished. Well, she is accustomed to these things, so she was not afraid.

I urge you not to limit yourself to a little body of flesh and blood, for you are spirit.
Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, so one day you must take it off.
And he who takes it off is immortal. He is your own wonderful human imagination
who is God, the Father of all life. When you learn to live this way, life becomes so
exciting. Your days are full and you are never alone. I spend all day at home reading
the Bible and meditating. I close my eyes and travel the world. Its fun and
educational. It expands me and makes me become more aware of the infinite being
that I really am.

Neville Goddard 05-02-1969


This wonderful story of scripture is completely misunderstood. Today's preachers are not
sent, for they have not yet been awakened; therefore they will give you all kinds of
stories concerning the interpretation of scripture. Prior to 1959 I was not sent, but in 1959
1 was called, incorporated into the body of God and sent. This incorporation is like an
impression made by a seal on wax or clay, for I came out bearing the image of God. The
mortal eye cannot see that image, and when I die here, my physical body will disintegrate
like all bodies do. My friends will say I am dead, for to them I am a mortal being with
weaknesses and limitations of the flesh.

Those who see me as Neville are misled, as they cannot hear what I am saying; for they
are seeing a body disintegrating before their eyes. They are judging by appearances and
cannot understand that God does not see as man sees. Man sees the outward man, while
God sees the inner man; and I, the inner man, have been impressed upon God like a great
seal upon wax. I wear this little body that continues to decay; yet I, unseen by mortal eye,
am radiating and reflecting the glory of God. I am the express image of the person that is
God, but only those whose eyes are open will see me.

I promise you who hear me tonight, that it won't be long before you will depart this
world. Don't be afraid. You will be restored to life, in a world just like this, to continue
your journey. If you believe what you have heard from me, although I will not be there,
wherever you go they will talk of the work I did here. Individually, I have left the world
of death. I am only waiting for the moment when this little garment is taken off for the
last time. I will not be restored to a world of mortality like this any more, for I have
finished the race; I have fought the good fight; I have kept the faith. Now there is laid up
for me the crown of righteousness where I go to wait for all my brothers to come into that
union and be the one being that came down bearing all.

Mark my words, I am not fooling you. It isn't long to wait before you will take off this
garment and find yourself restored to life. You will meet many of your friends there who
went before you. It will be a world just like this, where you will do all of the things we do
here. And you will remember who taught you. You will not see me there, but eventually
you will see me. Now I am going to where you cannot come; but you will, for everyone
will awaken as God the Father.

I am only telling you what I know from experience. I did not receive this
knowledge from a man; it came through revelation of the true nature of salvation. It's
something entirely different. Salvation is not a man, but a pattern man buried in all, who
will awaken in all in a first-person, singular, present-tense experience. When the
experience is yours, you, too, will know who you are. I was taught to believe God was
another; but when the pattern awakened in me, I knew I was He. Now I remain in the
world only to share this wisdom with my brothers.


Now, you either believe me, and use your imagination - consciously, or you do not. If
you do not act now, you will eventually, as no one will be lost. If you die tonight your
belief will not be transformed, but you will be restored to life in a world just as real
as this one. You will know the same limitations as you know here. You will suffer, be
deceived, betray and be betrayed, until you believe to the point of action. Then
scripture will unfold within you, and you will depart this age of death to enter the
age of life by controlling your own wonderful human imagination.

You sent yourself into the world for a purpose and you will not return until you have
accomplished the work you came to do. Death does not finish the work God began
in you, for the world does not terminate at the point where your senses cease to
register it. You may no longer hear, touch, or see, the one you love; but when you
leave this body you are instantly restored to one which is as solid and real as the one
you now wear. You will be about twenty years old, in an environment best suited to
the work yet to be done in you. While there, you will hear these words and you may
still refuse them; but God is not mocked, he will try again and again until you hear
them with understanding. Then you will begin to live by God's word and awaken to
discover that you are He. That you are the one spoken of in scripture, and all the
promises of God find their Yes in you.

Everything is brought back, and redeemed in you, and in the end we are all one.

Neville Goddard 4-26-1968


Do not concern yourself with those who have no interest in hearing the truth concerning
the mysteries of God. Don't try to change them. If they are complacent, and believe theirs
is the only truth, leave them alone and maybe when they die their death will force them to
modify the ideas they have championed here. There will be no Jesus Christ standing on
the outside to greet them, or angel to meet them. Rather, they will be restored to life in a
body the same as before, only young. They will be in a terrestrial world like this, in an
environment best suited for the work yet to be done in them. Even though the color of
their skin may have changed, you will know them when you see them. No matter how
many masks your friend may wear, you will always know the identity behind the mask.

Neville Goddard 03-31-1967


Our President is a man with a great deal of authority and power, wealth and fame, but if
he does not know who he really is, when he departs this period of time he will find
himself in a world just like this one. May I tell you: there is no other world until you
escape this world of death. This I know from experience. I have sat in a chair with my
eyes shut and stepped into a world of people just as solid and real as we are right now -
yet I know I am in an entirely different world. When you die you are only dying to this
time and space, for you simply step into another time and space to continue your dream.

This you will continue to do as long as you remain as sound asleep as you are now.
Possessing the same identity, you will not occupy the same position. You may be in the
state of great wealth when you make your exit from this world, to find yourself in the
state of one who shines shoes, if that is necessary to awaken you to who Jesus Christ
really is. Perhaps while shining shoes you begin to imagine you have so many customers
you must hire others to work for you, and as your business grows, you begin to
understand how it happened and realize who Jesus Christ really is.

One has to find Christ as his human imagination, and the only God as his I am, operating
through his creative power, before he can leave this world. So it is, as you consciously
use your imaginative power, you begin to awaken and experience scripture by being born
from above and discovering God's creative power, called David, to be your son. And
when you have fulfilled scripture you will vanish from this world, leaving behind all that
you have experienced.

So, you either believe in your own wonderful human imagination or you do not, for that
is Christ. I did not come into the world to make you think I am a holy man, but to tell
you that I have awakened from the dream of life. I have finished the race. I have fought
the good fight, and I have kept the faith. It doesn't really matter when I drop this garment,
for this world is over for me. I will tell you of my experiences while I am here, in the
hope that you will believe - not in Neville, but in your own wonderful human imagination
whom you sent!

Neville Goddard 10-26-1968


Now, you may know of someone who had an assumption but died before it was realized.
May I tell you: death does not terminate life. The world does not cease to be at the
moment in time when your senses cease to register it. Instead, you are restored to life to
continue your journey, and your dreams - unrealized here - will be realized there. You
can't stop it, for imagining is forever creating reality.
When my brother, Lawrence, was making his exit from this world, I told my sister-in-law
that there was marriage in the next world and she - in a very light vein - said: "I don't
want to go now, but do you think Lawrence will be waiting for me so we can get married
again?" Well I answered in the same light vein, saying: "God is merciful." I'll let it be at
that and you can give any interpretation you want to regarding what I have said. But just
imagine two people who have spent their life fighting like cats and dogs - wanting to
perpetuate it? No. God is merciful. He really is. Once you have experienced an unhappy
state you would have to be a stupid idiot to repeat it. But after the resurrection there is no
giving or taking in marriage, for you are above the organization of sex - away beyond it.

Neville Goddard 11-17-1969


Then, one day, you will awaken to enter into and become one with the garment that
was yours before the world was - to be one of the watchers from above,
contemplating the world of death and eagerly awaiting the return of all your
brothers. You and I were before that the world was. We still are, but we do not
recognize one another. And when this world ceases to be, we will all be enhanced by
reason of the experience of coming here and conquering death.

What I am telling you, I know from experience. I am not speculating or theorizing.

In the world of Caesar I am weak and limited; but I know what I have experienced
and I cannot deny them.

Neville Goddard 01-18-1968


Your Imagination is Christ, dreaming in you and creating your world. Feed him noble
thoughts. Become selective and dare to assume something wonderful for yourself. Our
newspapers are telling us how to transcend death and live to be one hundred, adding
years to life - yet no one thinks of adding life to years!

Schubert lived only thirty-one years, yet he gave us a thousand pieces of music. Keats
died at twenty-six. So many of the great poets died young but look what they gave us!
They didn't add years to their life, but crowded a lifetime into a few years. Now there are
those who are trying to have transplants in order to live to be one hundred, and vegetate.

Well, that's not what we are here for. We're here to fulfill scripture, and no matter what
appears on the outside I promise you: you will not die. You cannot go to eternal death in
that which cannot die. You are the God of the living, not the dead - dreaming of death, of
birth, health and illness, poverty and wealth. You have never left your eternal home. Your
descent was in consciousness and it is in consciousness that you will ascend.

Neville Goddard 9-20-1966


So tonight remember, God only acts and is! The most horrible act, this night is being
played by God asleep, and the most loving act performed this night is the same God in
the act of waking. The day will come when you and I will leave this world of sin and
death and return to where we were before, with our translucency again intact, for we will
have expanded beyond what we were prior to our deliberate fall into this world. God
achieves his purpose by limiting himself to the limit called man, the limit of contraction
and when He breaks the shell, you not only return to what you were before that the world
was, but go beyond it. Everyone will be saved and there is only one Savior who is housed
within you.

Our God is a god of salvation, and to God the Lord belongs escape from death, and this
world is a world of sin and death. Nevertheless, you shall die like the men of this world
and fall as one man, O Princes. But because God is a god of salvation, and from God the
Lord belongs, escape from death. He who fell is within you, so you can be assured of
redemption as no one can fail.

While you are here in the world of Caesar, use what has been revealed to you tonight
for yourself, then for others. Make your world more beautiful. Have a little wine for
your spirits sake by not just drinking the psychological meaning of scripture, but by
putting it into practice and applying its truth.
Neville 02-24-1963


If you want to be important in the eyes of shadows, you can; but when the God in you
awakes all the shadows will vanish and you will return enhanced and glorified to the
being that you were prior to your descent into death, for this is the world of death.
Everything here appears, it waxes, it wanes, and it vanishes. You do not die when men
call you dead. You are still clothed in the same garment, but younger than you were when
you made your exit, to again wax, wane, and vanish, to repeat the act over and over

Awake, O Sleeper

The other day it was recorded that a doctor had stated that his patient could not live
three weeks without a heart transplant. He operated on the man, gave him a new
heart, and the man lived 18 days! No matter what the doctors do, no man will live
one hour beyond his span of time as told us in the Sermon on the Mount. Who by
being anxious can add one hour to his span of life? Yet man goes blindly on
believing he can. All he is doing is publicizing his surgeons and the medical world.
You are not the body you wear, so when its heart, liver, or lungs wear out, you will
simply step out of it and emanate a new one.

The Promise Explained

You will "die" here - yes, but you cannot die, may I tell you? It seems silly. It seems
stupid to tell you when a man dies and you cremate the body and you scatter the ashes
that he is not dead. Yet, I know from my own experience of many who have gone - I have
seen them. I have talked with them. I am talking to you. They don't even know they are
"dead." They say to me, "Who is dead?"

I say, "You're not dead, but you 'died.' I was at your funeral. You are buried," - and I tell
them the cemetery where they are buried. They can't believe it, because they are not dead.
They are so alive to themselves, they can't believe it for one moment. And you can bring
back certain things: "You recall so-and-so?"

"Yes. Did he die?" they begin to think.

"Well, yes, he did die."

"Well then, look at him. Is he 'dead'? There he is - he died. You went to his funeral, didn't
you?" -and then they begin to think.

"Yes, I did." "Well then, look at him. He isn't dead, but he died."

"Well, you died, too, Jack; but you are not 'dead' because nothing dies in God's world, for
God is the God of the living."

Every one that "dies" here is instantly restored in a body just like this, but young
-unaccountably new - unaccountably young with nothing missing. If you had parts
missing, they aren't missing then. If you were deaf, blind, dumb, you aren't deaf,--none of
these things happened. You are simply completely restored, and you are perfect. But you
are still in a world just like this, and you will still go through all the things you do here.
You will work. You will marry; you will do all the things you do here, just as you do it
here, until that moment when you are "born from above."

When you are "born from above," you can die no more.

Neville 11-24-1967


My wife's oldest sister is a darling. We love and respect each other, but she cannot believe
what I teach. Although she believes in the Bible, and calls herself a good Christian, she
could not believe me when I said she would not die. That even the little flower which
blooms once blooms forever, for I am a God of the living, not the dead.

Now, Alice would not believe me on this level, so I reached her on another level. In 1948,
my secretary, Jack Butler, died quite suddenly. Six or seven months later, fully awake and
aware of where I was and what I was doing, I visited Jack. Although he was 50 when he
died here, he was a young man in his twenties, there.

Standing beside me, Alice said, "You know, I still don't believe what you teach," and I
replied, "How can you say that when you see Jack here?" "What does he have to do~ with
it?" she asked and I replied, "Don't you remember, Jack died in August of last year." With
that remark Alice's face took on an expression of complete amazement. Knowing I was
telling the truth, seeing Jack denied her belief in non-survival.

Then Jack spoke saying, "Who's dead?" and I said, "Jack, you are not dead, but you died.
I gave you a good Catholic funeral and your body is buried in a Catholic cemetery." "Oh"
he said, "You're stupid. You say I'm not dead but I died. That can't be." Then I said to
Alice, "Come over here," and I placed my hand on Jack's thigh and said, "See, my hand
doesn't go through his flesh. It's solid. If I cut him right now he would bleed. He would
hurt as you would hurt."

With this remark Jack took my hand and slapped it saying, "Get your hand off me," just
as he would do were he here. You see, there is no transforming power in death, and Jack
did not know he had died. Not everyone knows of the transition. Some take years to
discover it.

Although Alice was with me at the time, she didn't remember the incident. If she had, it
would have taken on the form of a dream, to her. But, being fully awake, I know exactly
what I am doing every moment of time. Today Alice believes in survival, although she
doesn't realize that that experience was the beginning of the subtle change in her.

Awake, O Sleeper

Your body is your emanation. Cut off its head and believing you are it you will
instantly renew the same body, but with no missing parts. You will step out of the
garment you now wear and men will call you dead; but you will have just stepped into
another garment with no bridgework, no fillings in your teeth, no gray hair, no need to
wear glasses or a hearing aid, to discover you are a young man (or woman) about twenty
years of age. You will be in a terrestrial world just as real as this one, and continue your
journey until you awaken.

I have awakened and know that when this garment is taken off I will no longer be in this
world of death. This world, however, does not terminate at the point where the senses
cease to register it.

You cannot follow those who are called dead, because of your limitation. But your friend
who emanated the body you knew here is not dead to himself. Rather, he now emanates
the same body, only young, where he continues to dream his world into being, not even
knowing that he has gone through the door called death.

Its like leaving one room and entering another. Your friend is in the same fabulous,
terrestrial world which the mysteries call eternal death, and from which he will one day
awaken into eternal life. Having descended and entered the world of death, one day he
will awaken to discover he has expanded and fulfilled his purpose. God made a limit to
contraction and opacity, but not to translucency or expansion.
The Secret of Prayer

the truth is that no one is dead to you, when you know how to pray. You may no
longer touch, see, or hear those you love with your mortal senses; but if you know
how to give thanks, you can move from your body of darkness into the world of light
and encounter your loved ones there. Therefore, he who would learn how to pray
will discover the great secret of a full and happy life.

Neville Goddard - 1-27-1969


Scripture is all about God, as there is no one else. God and his name are one! That name
is I AM! Falling asleep, God breathed upon your body and it became animated, as
He dreams your world into being. One day God will awaken and all of your
confusion will end. Then you will take off your garment of death to return to the
being you were before that the world was. You will be enhanced beyond your wildest
dreams, for there is no limit to your expansion and translucency. A limit was set to
contraction and opacity, which is the body of death called Man; but your expansion
and translucency is limitless.

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