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Indi an Journal or Fibre & T ex til e Research

Vol. 25 , December 2000, pp. 330-332

Book Reviews

PI'ogress in Textiles: Science & Technology, It is to be expected that in a book of ove r 700
Vol. 2-Textile Fibres: Developments and pages, so me typographi ca l e rro rs would escape the
Innovations, edited by V K Kothari (IAFL notice of the proofreader, but it is sin gul arl y
Publi cation s, S-3 51, Greater Kailash Part-I, unfortunate that the re are man y spe llin g mi stakes in
New De lhi I 10 048, India), 2000, pp . 805, the names of authors in refere nces. In the contents,
Price Rs 1995.00 th e re is a g larin g mistake on page ix . Architect ure is
[ISBN: 81-901033-1-8] mentioned as architechture.
Stress re laxation of woo l fibres d isc ussed o n page
Thi s well-written book is th e seco nd In the se ri es 781 is based on a paper publi shed in 1936 while the re
"Progress in Textiles: S c ie nce & Technology" . The are recent papers on it ; th e effect of heat on wool has
cove rage of th e book is fairly comprehensive and th e not been di scussed.
c hapters ha ve been written by e min e nt sc ie nti sts who There is a notabl e omission of th e work of Hearle
are recog nized authorities in the ir own fi e ld s. and Sparrow on convolutions and of Zeronian in the
Howeve r, o ne noti ces the absence of viscose, silk , c hapte r on structure and prope rty re lations of nat ive
jute and leaf fibres from the li st of topic s covered. cotton fibres. Th e chapter o n naturally col o ured
Deve lopme nt of bivoltine s ilk, tence l, banana fibres cotton is a very use ful contribution, as it dea ls w ith
and shingosen has been well documented in th e the prospects of it.
literature but th ese have not bee n covered. The book, Despite the above shortcomings, th e book will be
it appears, is b iased towards me lt-spun fibres, the ir useful to stude nts and resea rc h wo rke rs. Th e printing
mode llin g and modificati ons. and get up a re exce ll e nt and comparabl e to th ose of
the books published abroad. The price is reasonable.
Th e o pe nin g chapter of the boo k is about as c lear
an account of th e trends in textile fibres as can be
written in 10 pages . No uniformity in the units has Department or Textilc Technology
been followed in re presentin g the te nacit y of the Alagappa Co ll ege ol' Technology
fibres. It has bee n e xpressed in gf/tex , cN/tex, g/dtex Anna Uni versity
and g/den on p.4, p .88, p . 396, and p. 51 8 Chcnnai 600025

respectively. It would have been appropriate if a

co mmon unit to re present the te nac ity of textil e fibre
had been used .
Jute amI" Jute Blended Yarn Spinning by Indira
Whil e th e c hapte rs on stru c ture of tex til e fibres, Doraiswa my and K P Chellamani (Th e South Indi a
s imulati o n of me lt spinnin g, polypropylene fibres , T ex til e Resea rc h Association, Coimbatore 641 014,
,ic rylic fibres, high-modulus fibres, hi gh-tec hnol ogy Indi a) , 2000, pp. 95
fibres and cotto n fibres are quite co mpre he nsive in
the ir contents, the chapter o n woo l-a unique fibre-is The book und e r revi ew essenti a ll y attempts to put
littl e di sappointing. In the 79 references give n at th e at one place the information obta ined from the studies
e nd of th e c hapter, th ere are notabl e omissions of th e conducted at SlTRA durin g the pas t 8 years. Th e
papers and mo nographs , es pec iall y by Chapman (J book co ntain s JO chapters and 3 appe ndi ces. The first
Text Inst, 1969) and Feughelman. Th e latte r auth o r's 3 chapters dea l with cult ivatio n, physica l and
mo nograp h on th e mec hani cal prope rti es of woo l fibre c he mi cal properties of jute and method s to e nhan ce its
published by the Univers ity of New South Wal es, spinnin g value. Chapters 4 and 5 are de voted to
Austra li a, is a s ignifi ca nt co ntributi on. tec hno logy and eco nomics of sp inning jute blended
Some se nte nces suc h as " Wool is basicall y a yarn s. The economic viabi lit y of converting an
member of a g ro up of pro te in s called Keratin " o n existin g sma ll co tto n spin nin g mill into a jute/cotton
page 767 are ve ry vag ue. It should be oc -Ke ratin. spinnin g unit has a lso bee n examined. Essent ial
Erroneous statement s of facts , espec iall y in this feat ures of a hi g h rin g frame de ve lo ped by SITRA for
chapter, are too numerou s. spinnin g fin e jute yarns toge ther with its pe rforman ce

while uSll1 g diffe rent qualiti es of jute are g ive n In tec hni ca l text il e app li catio ns . From the po int of view
chapter 6. of technicians working in Indian Textile lndu stry
Chapt er 7, the largest in the book , dea ls exc lu sive ly w hi ch is passi ng throu g h a critical phase and facin g
with th e tec hnol ogy and eco nomics of manufacturin g intense competi ti on in both domesti c and inte rnatio nal
100% jute ya rn s in mini jute mills . It illu strates th e markets , thi s book provides useful introduction to the
detai ls of project cos t, cost of producti on and profit. various possibilities of product diversificati on.
D eve lopment of fin e quality j ute has bee n disc ussed Products covered in th e book inc lude co re spun yarns ,
in chapter 8. Quality attributes of yarns spu n usin g me lange yarns, fancy yarns, wo rsted and siro ya rn s in
j ute/cotton bl e nd s together with the advantages that cotton sys tem, compact spinning, compos ite spi nni ng,
can be accru ed whi le usin g fine jute fibres (JRC-3 2I ) acryl ic-cotton bl e nded yarns , s in ged yarns ,
wi nd up this chapter. Chapte r 9 on marketin g mercerized yarns a nd va ri o us tec hni ca l tex til es.
potenti a l of jute and jute bl e nded yarn s is excell ent. It Product defin ition , manufacturin g process, properties
enli ts fe w dive rs ifi ed product that cou ld be macl e and applicati on ha ve been bri efly di sc ussed in mos t
out of jute and jute blended yarns and g ives c ases and some usefu l data have been provided. In
information o n the ir main fi e ld s o f application. The many cases, however, too brief introduction has been
possibilit y of us in g j ute sti c k o r jute fibre for th e provided and e rrors have been allowed to go throu g h.
manufac ture of rayo n grade pulp is given in chapter In vie w of the dive rse range of products covered in
10. The reader should find the in formation inte res tin g the book , callin g it a monograph is a mi snomer. Tn
and of practical a nd use . Of the 3 appe ndices, o ne sp ite of these shortcom in gs, th e book wi ll be useful
deals with the tec hnical aspects of the machines fo r industry lookin g for value-added products in vi ew
fabricated by SITRA for jute/cotton bl end s spinn in g, of over capacity and inte nse competit io n in th e area of
w hil e the ot he r two dea l with the sp innin g plan and conve ntional yarns and fabrics .
process in g details .
In general, the book is very informative, but th e re V K KOTHARI
are some inconsi ste nc ies and casual approach which Department of Textile Techn ology
Indian Institute of Techn ology
could have been avoided wit h careful plann in g of the I-Iauz Khas , New Delhi 110 0 16.
subject matter. The units are mis sin g at so me places ,
e .g. waste and wages (page 20) . In c hapters 4 and 5,
the tec hn o-econom ics worked out for 8 and lONe
A Text Book of Fibre Science and Technology by
ya rn s are projected on gene ral ized basis. W hil e it
S P Mishra (New Age Intern ati o na l Pvl. Ltd, New
would serve as a broad guide lin e for entrepre ne urs,
De lhi I 10 002), 2000, pp. 363 , Price Rs 250.00
one shoul d work it out precise in deta il using actu al
data. Additional information on yarn faults and [ISBN: 8 1-224-1250-5]
proble ms assoc iated with sp innin g of jute blended
ya rn s could have further enhan ced the scope of th e Th is recently published book c la ims to focus on the
book. fun damentals of natural and man-made fibres and
Desp ite these minor de ficiencies , the book should systematically expla in their ex tracti o n/prod ucti on ,
prove immensely useful to the en treprene urs des irou s structure, properties and uses. It is further stated th at
to manufacture jute blended yarns. the book will serve as a basic text for both dipl o ma
and degree students of a ll textil e discip lines . It will
G K fYAGI also serve as a useful reference for resea rc he rs a nd
The TechnologicallnSlilutc of Textile & Sciences professionals engaged in this area. Thus , the book is
Bhiwani 127 021 des igned to cover a very wide area for a very large
To make the process of rev iew manageable, we will
Yarns and Tech ni cal Textiles by K P Chella mani begi n by e xam in in g the ne~ ds of stu de nts reg istered
and Debasis Chattopadhyay (The South India for a degree in any textile discipli ne in the broad area
Textile Research Assoc iation, Coimbatore 641014), of textile fibres and the science and tec hn o logy of
1999, pp. 125 these fibres. In their under-graduate years, these
students are expected to take Text il e Fib res as a core
This SITRA publication deals with the manufacture course while most of them would also take a course
of 12 different types of non-conventional yarns and 8 on Fibre Science (or S tructure and Properti es ot

Fibres) and some of the m may tak e another course o n not be abl e to unde rstand the underly in g princ ipl e of
Man-made Fibre Produc tion (or M anufactured Fibre x-ray diffrac tio n. We nex t consid er thermal me th ods
T ec hn o logy). As th e name impli es, a course on which are covered in one page. F ig. 3.4 shows DSC
Textil e Fibres w ill be ex pected to deal with individual the rmograms o f a semi-crystallin e PET. Nei ther a re
fibre types (both natura l and man-m ade), in parti cul ar the c haracte ri sti c features of the the rmogra m
wi th the ir c he mi stry and formation, stru cture, described no r is the structura l o ri gin o f diffe re nt peaks
properti es and application s. Th e course on Fibre ex plain ed . The discussion on birefrin gence gets one
Sc ience, o n the othe r hand, is ex pected to dea l with page. There is no me ntion as to how bire frin gence is
the unde rl yin g principl es of importa nt phenomena and measured . There is littl e on physi cal pro pe rti es with
properti es of fibres rathe r than w ith a ll aspects of all creep, stress re laxati on, d ynamic mec hani ca l
fib res . [Warne r Steve n B, Fiber Science (Pre nti ce properties and load-e lon gat ion be hav io ur o r in deed
Hall , New Je rsey, USA), 1995, P v]. Thus , F ibre viscoelasti c c haracte ri sti cs of fibres receivin g hard ly
Scie nce s ho uld idea lly dea l with the c he mi stry and a ny attention . Th e gene ral princ ipl es of fibre stru cture
c he mical stru ctures of these fibres, the meth ods of and crysta lli zati o n also get in adeq uate cove rage. As
inves ti ga tin g physica l stru cture and the fu nda me ntal s far as man-made fibre produc ti o n o r process in g is
of mec ha ni ca l, opti ca l, th ermal , e lec tri ca l, mo isture conc erned , as described in C hapter 2 on Fib re
tran sport and che mi ca l prope rti es and th e i r stru ctura l Formati o n, the fundam e nta ls have aga in not been
dependence . F in a ll y, a course on Man-m ade Fibre co vered , e.g. e lon gational viscos ity is not eve n
Producti o n s hould deal with th e ex trusion (spinning), mentioned.
draw in g a nd heat-set tin g of man ufactured fibres and By and large, individu a l tex til e fibres have received
oth er aspects re lated to fibre formati o n. adequ ate attention . However, be in g a tex tboo k, mu c h
Aga in st thi s backdrop, it is notewo rth y that thi s 360 more attention should have bee n paid to acc uracy of
plu s-page book sta rts w ith a 10-page introd ucti o n the state me nts made and data presented and to the
fo ll o wed by 20 pages de voted to a ge ne ral discu ss ion se nte nce constru ction and gramma r. The
o f fibre formati o n (producti on) and anothe r 20 pages sho rtcomi ngs in these a reas a re too nume rous to li st
to fibre stru cture; the rest of the boo k (i.e. more than he re; on ly two o f th e m will be give n as illu strati on.
300 pages) is ma inly fibre-spec ific, tak in g indi vidual On page 3 1, it is stated th at " the draw rati o de notes
fibre types o ne by o ne and describing the ir th e diffe re nces between the de livery ro ll er ve loc it y
produ cti o n, structure, prope rti es and a ppli cati o ns. It ( Vu) and the feed roll e r ve locity (VI)'" w hi ch is no t th e
wou ld thu s appear that thi s is primarily a book on same as Vd/Vr. On page 8 1, the mec hani sm of
Textile Fi bres rathe r th an on Fibre Sc ie nce or on Fibre moisture absorpti o n in cotton fibres is incorrec tl y
Scie nce and T ec hn o logy. This is quite ev ident o n stated .
pe ru sa l o f various c hapte rs of thi s boo k. However, a In conc lu s io n, fo r those wh o are keen to lea rn about
few spec ific co mme nts wou ld be in orde r. spec ific fibre syste ms, this book can be useful
W e start with Chapte rs 2 a nd 3 w hi c h are o f a prov ided so me of th e statemen ts made a nd data
gene ra l nature a nd not fibre specific. Takin g ph ys ica l provided a re co rrected or improved a nd the title of th e
c haracteri zati o n tec hniques fi rst, as desc ribed in book is c hanged to re fl ect it co ntent s mo re
Chapter 3 o n Fibre S truc ture, the impo rta nt topi c of x- ap pro priate ly .
ray diffrac ti o n gets coverage of less than 2 pages.
T hough it is stated that Fig. 3 .3 (a) s hows the incident
Departmcnt of Texti le Techn ology
and diffracted x-ray beams, these are actually not Indian Institut c of Technology
shown in the fig ure. Th e result is that th e stude nt will Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016

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