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Will future expresses a spontaneous decision, an assumption with regard to the future or an action in the future that cannot be


Form of will Future

positive negative question

no differences I will speak. I will not speak. Will I speak?

Use of will Future

a spontaneous decisin establecer
example: Wait, I will help you.

an opinion, hope, uncertainty or assumption regarding the future

example: He will probably come back tomorrow.

a promise
example: I will not watch TV tonight.

an action in the future that cannot be influenced

example: It will rain tomorrow.

conditional clauses type I

example: If I arrive late, I will call you.

Signal Words
in a year, next , tomorrow
Vermutung: I think, probably, perhaps

Dreams of Someday
Whether your students are planners or prefer to fly by the seat of their pants, writing
a five year plan can be beneficial in many ways. Explain the concept to your class and
then give them time to think about where they will be in five years and how they will get
there. Finally, have your students share their plans with the class

El fut ur o sim ple o " sim ple fut ur e" se uti liz a para de scr ibir accio ne s que se van a de sarr o llar e n un
futur o , sin ne ce si dad de espe cific ar cund o.

Futuro con shall y will

El fu tur o se for ma co n e l ver bo aux iliar ' w i l l ' se gui do de l ver bo e n infini tivo sin ' to ' .

Para la pr ime ra pe r so na de l sin gular y plural tamb i n se pue de ut iliz ar " s h a l l " + .. .
L a for ma co n trada de w ill y shall es 'll

Uso sPara e xpr e sar de cisio ne s to madas po r el hablan te e n e l mo me nto de l ha bla, sin te ne r lo
pre vis to pr e viame nte :

Para e xpre sar pr e diccio ne s, supo sicio ne s o de duccio ne s de l habla nte so br e un he cho fu tur o .

It w ill sno w to mo rr o w.

Maana nevar ( p r e d i c c i n ).

She w ill like o ur pre se nt .

Le gustar nuestro regalo ( s u p o s i c i n ).

He ll be r ich o ne day ( d e d u c c i n ).

Algn da ser rico.

Pose e alguna ne ce sidad espe cial

Co no ce n e llo s su esti lo de apr e ndiz aje C mo apr e nde n ello s?

po se e n co no cimie n to pre vio s ace r ca de cada uni dad te mtica

C ual e s su actit ud fr e nte a la mate r ia

Se aplica n lo s valo r e s de ntr o y fue ra de l aula

Co mo e s la re laci n in te r pe r so nal de lo s est udian te s

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Shoe Get Acquainted Game and Icebreaker

For Women's Ministry

Have everyone take off one shoe as they come in and place them in a pile. After
everyone arrives, have each person go by the pile and pick up a shoe that doesn't
belong to them.

When everyone has picked up a shoe from the pile, they then take the shoes and
find the person it belongs to by looking at each person's feet to match the shoe they
have picked up. That person must tell the person with their shoe at least 3 things
about themselves that's not common knowledge in order to get their shoe back.
After everyone has their own shoes back, have a quick discussion of some of the
things that everyone learned new about their neighbors (friends). If it's a group that
are not aquainted, they can just tell any three things about themselves.

If I Were
One great icebreaker game that works well with Christian groups is If I Were. The group simply takes turns
saying statements that begin with If I were . . . For example, If I were a flower, I would be a daisy, because
it is simple and pretty. Some other categories are, If I were a . . . food, animal, President, song, movie,
book, car, airline, city, country, etc. For younger children, it might be best to give the prompt and let them
finish the statement. Sometimes you get some really funny statements that will make everyone laugh.

A quick warm up would be the simple kids game called "I`m going..." The teacher starts out "I`m going shopping. I will buy a
pencil". The first student says "I`m going shopping. I will buy a pencil and an eraser". Each student starts out the same, and
has to remember all the previous answers and adds a new one. To make it simpler and faster, each student only has to
remember the students answer directly before them. Good game for simple repetition of a sentence pattern for many different
sentence structures. You have to teach the meaning first of course, but as I said, it`s a good warm up activity!

"I`m going to eat breakfast. I will eat..."

"I`m going to Kushiro. I will... simple verb"
"I`m going camping. I will bring..."
"I want to see the world... I want to visit...."
The possiblilities are only limited to your imagination and the sentace/grammar point you wish to make!

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