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Analysis and Action Plan

Dana Marie Gramuglia

Loyola University Chicago


This field is not for the light hearted, practicing critical hope and learning how to

navigate the pitfalls of education policy and requirements can be taxing on an individual.

Constantly advocating for students may cause one to hit their limit of fighting an uphill battle

appearing to become steeper by the day. One essential competency is the ability to be resilient in

the face of adversity. This competency will be especially essential in the current political

climate- both nationally and internationally. The current political climate will also require

knowledge of the current- and constantly changing- mandates being passed down by the current

president. The current population of students we serve will also need to be aware of these

mandates because it directly them and their ability to stay at in the institution, in the country or

return from travelling/ studying abroad. With this in mind, it is important to practice the skill of

communication-effective, clear, and timely; so as to spread awareness to the students affected.

Other knowledge important for higher education professionals to have is how intersecting

identities affects the way students show up in different spaces.

The concept of intersecting identities is important to study and discern how to ensure we

are not forcing students in boxes based on their perceived identities. Another important piece is

to be aware of how our own identities shape our thoughts and perceptions. Being aware of our

identities is the first step to recognizing how we bring these identities into spaces with students,

and how this can create opposing views on important topics. Another skill crucial to the work of

higher education is the ability to actively listen. Students often need an outlet and due to our

relationship with them often seek us out as confidants. This is not a time to compare war

stories, but instead be a sounding board for a student in need. The other skill which goes hand in

hand with the skill of actively listening is the ability to empathize. There is a clear difference

between empathizing and sympathizing, and practicing one over the other can cause a student to

leave ones office feeling satisfied with the interaction. Finally, we need to be champions for our

students; show up in spaces where they do not have a voice and advocate for their needs.

Educating students on their rights and empowering individuals to have efficacy to advocate for

themselves and what they are passionate about is crucial.

In order to achieve the aforementioned skills, obtain the necessary knowledge and

practice the listed competencies, I will need to stay up to date on the current issues. Also,

continuing professional development through my chosen affiliated student affairs association-

NASPA. Professional development can also take the shape through reading articles, published

works, and attending conferences. Most importantly, staying connected to students, what they

are currently facing, and how they need supported.

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