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What is document analysis?

Document or Documentary analysis is a social research method and is an important research tool
in its own right and is an invaluable part of most schemes of triangulation. It refers to the various
procedures involved in analyzing and interpreting data generated from the examination of
documents and records relevant to a particular study. In other words, documentary work involves
reading lots of written material (it helps to scan the documents onto a computer and use a
qualitative analysis package). A document is something that we can read and which relates to
some aspect of the social world. Official documents are intended to be read as objective
statements of fact but they are themselves socially produced.

How does document analysis work in public health?

Use of documentary analysis has become quite popular within public health research, especially
if you are trying to evaluate the impact of an initiative, for example a committee led venture to
increase immunisation uptake in an area or a board led approach to reduce sexual ill-health or
increase physical activity during a major event like the Olympics or Rugby World Cup. In this
situation, you could take a 'qualitative' approach, utilising what is known as a 'realist viewpoint'.
This involves establishing a priori set of criteria to investigate whilst enabling the
analysis to be guided by the data that emerges from familiarisation with the borough plans
material. Data would be extracted relating to pre-agreed named terms covering the scope and
scale of action plans, perhaps evidence of governance arrangements and minutes of the groups
used to deliver the plans. To quantify the process, number and frequency of meetings and email
exchanges may be included. This approach may then be supported with follow up interviews or
surveys of the parties involved in delivering the plans.

Sources of Documents:

1. Public records

2. The media

3. Private papers

4. Biography

5. Visual documents

6. Minutes of meetings (plus emails etc which indicate the frequency of those meetings - that can
help to quantify the process - and governance arrangements)

7. Strategies, policies, action plans by public bodies or organisations

The term 'biography' has two meanings in social research. Firstly, it is a particular style of
interviewing, where the informant is encouraged to describe how his or her life (or some aspect
of it) has changed and developed over time. In doing so, they reflect his/her own conception of
self, identity and personal history. Secondly, 'biography' refers to a work that draws on whatever
materials are available to an author to represent an account of a person's life and achievements.
Narrative analysis is used to elicit results. This is a form of analysis used for chronologically told
stories. It focuses on how elements are sequenced, why some elements are evaluated differently
from others and how the past shapes perceptions of the present and how the present shapes
perceptions of the past and of course, how both shape perceptions of the future. It is especially
used in feminist research.

Dokumen atau analisis Documentary adalah kaedah penyelidikan sosial dan

merupakan alat penyelidikan penting yang tersendiri dan merupakan bahagian
yang tidak ternilai kebanyakan skim triangulasi. Ia merujuk kepada pelbagai
prosedur yang terlibat dalam menganalisis dan menginterpretasi data yang
dihasilkan daripada pemeriksaan dokumen dan rekod yang berkaitan kajian
tertentu. Dalam erti kata lain, bekerja dokumentari melibatkan membaca banyak
bahan bertulis (ia membantu untuk mengimbas dokumen-dokumen ke komputer
dan menggunakan pakej analisis kualitatif). dokumen adalah sesuatu yang kita
boleh membaca dan yang berkaitan dengan beberapa aspek dunia sosial. dokumen
rasmi adalah bertujuan untuk dibaca sebagai kenyataan objektif fakta tetapi
mereka adalah diri mereka dari segi sosial dihasilkan.

Istilah 'biografi' mempunyai dua makna dalam penyelidikan sosial. Pertama, ia

adalah gaya tertentu menemuduga, di mana pemberi maklumat adalah digalakkan
untuk menggambarkan bagaimana atau hidupnya (atau beberapa aspek ia) telah
berubah dan berkembang dari masa ke masa. Dengan berbuat demikian, mereka
menggambarkan / konsep beliau sendiri diri, identiti dan sejarah peribadi. Kedua,
'biografi' merujuk kepada karya yang menarik pada apa sahaja bahan-bahan yang
disediakan untuk pengarang untuk mewakili akaun hidup dan pencapaian
seseorang. analisis naratif selidik untuk mendapatkan keputusan. Ini adalah satu
bentuk kajian yang digunakan untuk cerita kronologi diberitahu. Ia memberi
tumpuan kepada bagaimana unsur-unsur yang disusun, mengapa beberapa elemen
dinilai secara berbeza daripada orang lain dan bagaimana masa lalu membentuk
persepsi masa kini dan bagaimana ini bentuk persepsi masa lalu dan sudah tentu,
bagaimana kedua-dua persepsi bentuk masa depan. Ia terutamanya digunakan
dalam kajian feminis.

Types of Analysis

Content Analysis


Discourse analysis

Interpretative analysis

Conversation analysis

Grounded Theory

Content Analysis
Content analysis is like a social survey but uses a sample of images rather than people.

1. Choose a question which can be measured with variables and use a coding scheme to capture

2. Make a sampling frame, choosing the cases to analyse that are representative and unbiased. To
get a sampling frame, search for relevant cases in contemporary or historical archives. The
sample has to be representative, yet small enough for analyzing in depth. Very often you are
counting words - e.g. how many times does the word 'hooligan' appear in articles
sensationalising the reporting of disturbances at football matches?

3. Code all the cases and analyze the resulting data.

4. Produce semi-quantitative results using cross-tabulations, charts or graphs and where there are
few cases, use tables.

5. Report in a standard 'scientific' format.

Content analysis is formal and systematic. It lends structure to your research. Variables are
categorised in a precise manner so you can count them. However, content analysis ignores
context and multiple meanings.
Semiotics is a science that studies the life of signs in society. It is the opposite to the postivist
method of content analysis. It is used a lot in media analysis.

In semiotics, the analyst seeks to connect the signifier (an expression which can be words, a
picture or sound) with what is signified (another word, description or image). The use of
language is noted as it is considered to be a description of actions. As part of language, certain
signs match up with certain meanings. Semiotics seeks to understand the underlining messages in
visual texts. It is related to discourse analysis and forms the basis for interpretive analysis.

Discourse Analysis
This is concerned with the production of meaning through talk and texts. Language is viewed as
the topic of the research and how people use language to construct their accounts of the social
world is important.

Intrepretative Analysis
This aims to capture hidden meaning and ambiguity. It looks how messages are encoded, latent
or hidden. You are also acutely aware of who the audience is.

Conversation Analysis
This is concerned with the underlying structures of talk in interaction and with the achievement
of interaction.

Grounded Theory
This is inductive, interpretative and can be social constructionalist. Central focus is on
inductively generating novel theoretical ideas or hypotheses from the data. These new theories
arise out of the data and are supported by the data. So they are said to be grounded.
Evaluation and Interpretation

Is it genuine, complete, reliable and of unquestioned authorship?


Is the document free from error or distortion?


Can the documents available be said to constitute a representative sample of the documents that
originally existed?


What is the surface meaning? Is there a deeper/semiotic meaning?

Further reading
Robson, C. Real World Research. 3rd edition. Chichester,Wiley:2011.

Richie, J, Lewis J, (eds). Qualitative Research Practice, London: 2003.

Berger A. Media Analysis Techniques. The Sage Commtext Series, Newbury Park: 1991.

Bryman A. Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press:2001. See chapters 17-19.

Gribbs G. Qualitative Data Analysis: Explorations with Nvivo. Open University Press:2002.

Leedy, P. Practical Research: Planning and Design. 6th Edition. Merril, New Jersey, 1997.

Seale, C. Researching Society and Culture. Sage:2001. See chapters 18 - 21.

Wimmer, R.D. & Dominick, J. R. Mass Media Research: An Introduction. Belmont:1983.

Heffernan, C. 2001. "The Irish media and the lack of public debate on new reproductive
technologies (NRTs) in Ireland", Health, 5 (3):355-371.

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