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I GATE - 2(l()l I of 11

ONE M.ARKS QUESTIONS (130) d, chonge fn tempeutwe wbicb s u
function of composition
7 Itt Joule's experiments. 1ll1 insulated
I. A box contains 6 red balls and 4 green
container contains 10 kg of water init1n1ly
bulls.. <)ne ball is random!) picked and tben at 2sc. It is stilTed by 'DO agitator. 11i1ich
n second ball is pic~ed w1tbout

is made to tum by a slowly falling body
replacement of the first ball The weigh~ttg 4(l kg ~rough a height of 4 m.
111"0bability lhat bolh the bnlls are green ls
The process is repented 500 times. The
a 1/ 15 ncceler.auon due to b'1'81 lty is '}.8 nts:l-
b 2 125 Neslectln!l the heat capaciI) ()f agitator,
c. 2/ 15 ~1e temperatura of 11 ater (in q is

il -l/2S a. -10.5
b. 34.-1
, .,d~rectlonal
The "' derivaU1e of l,x, -'' z) =
x+y- T"~ at the pomt (I. I. I) m lhe

c. 26.8
direction !.!$ 1S d 25
n. II One mole or N1trogen at ~ bar and (,o(l K
b. I is con~ned in 3 p1SfOI!C)'li11der
arrnngemenL l t ls brought 10 1 bar
d 1../2
ra isothermal I) agrunst a resisting pressure of
I bar. The worl done (m Joules) by the
3 'l'he raylor series espans1on or' the gas is
function F(x) ; '}.}(I t- fl around ' = \1 is a. 30554
a x +~+x'+ xJ_____ .. .. .. . b. 10373
b. I +.~ + x!+ x'+ x4 ______ , c. 49g8.4

c. 2x + 4.~!+ 8x3 -t I(i,~ ............ d 4364_9

cL x-x1. + x! -x.~ ........ __ '). For water at 3tlti"C. n hns a "npour
4. For estimation or heat cnpachy of a soi.ld pressure 8592.7 !<Pa. and fttgaciiy 6738,\1
compound, one can use kl'a. U~der these co~d1tions. one mole or

a Clapeyron's cquauon wmer ln hq111d phase has a volume 25.2l!

em. a11d that '" vapour phase 391. 1 cnrl
b. Gibb's cquauon FugacJtY of wmer (in kPa) at 9000 kl'n will
c. Kopp's rule

d. Troutons rule a 1\738, )
5 For organic cqmpounds. Group b. 6753.5

Contribution MeU10d c.w be used for c. 7058.3

esti mali on of
d. !JIIt!t)
o, cnrical properties

IU. A lubricnM IUI\li.mes mom 1i~cous lhru1

b specii'ic gra,lty
wnt~r \VOUid f1a1e ll VISCQStl) (in l'aS)
c. specific vohune
a. ti,OI
d thermal cunductivlty b \1,1
6, When dilurc aqueous solutions of two salts c.
ure mixed, the process is associated with
d tO
a, decrease in temperature
I I. 1be velocuy proiTie for a Bingham plastiC
b increase 1n temper:uure
Ouid llowing (under lammarcondittans) m
.:, nq change in temperature a pipe is
2 ofl 2
n.. parabolic 16. Titc diffi.sio11 coefficient. in m"'~. of
b, Ont Acctle acid in 6enzenc (liquod In liquid) is
c. Jllll nt or Ute wU nd par~bo Ito: i.u Ut<> a. 2.09 10"'
mlcldlc b. 2.09 10!
d. pambolic ~nl!llr the w:tll 11t1d .IL~t in lh" c. 2.01> 1o
middl~ d. 2.09 tou
12. Rnorgy r"''"ircrnonl (per unit mn.s of l 7. Componc'ftl A i~ diJiusiug iu ~ uu::iliwu B.
material crushedlg~ound') is higbest for The lltL" NA relaliv~ to ot.1tionary poml
Jaw o:rusber i:$ e<tUJ to the nux due to mol,-culor

h. I{Qd 111 ill diNilsio)n it'
c. Roll mill a. mass lr.losfcr l~ ac.::om)Unicd b.\1
tl. Flu[d anc:rgy mill retu:tion
B. l'hn:c olid objcell. of ilic s:uuu motoriH1
b. diffusion of A ls m s tagnant modium .B
;md of aquol mass - a spheru, t:yllnder c. mole~ula mean free path is Wgb

(h:ngtlt = diamote r) and a cube - 3 1\1 at d. there is eqnimolat counter-dil'fusion
500"l' inililty, Theso ttrc dropped in 18. Minimum reflt~x ratio iJ a distillation
quenching bath cont:Unlng n lrgc volume C()IUIIIII l'eSUIIs in

of cooHng. oil each atlninins tho both
a, optimum number ot' b01ys
temperature e\-entuolty. 11te time ""'!"1red
for 90 o chang" or lctuper.llUI"d ls " maJJ""l b. mlrtimum reboiler si1..e
for ra c.. max imum condepser 6ize.
11. cube d. muumum number of trays
b. cylinde 19. For 1.'1s erieS' of rcactilli\S
u_ spb.:1., A -L. B !... C h;tving k, o- k, . Uto
d. equal ror a lithe three reoctilm sy~tcm ~~~ b~> oppl'<lxlmMcd JS
14. A tlilute aqueou$ ~ otution is to be a, -~~8
cou<!enlt3tetl in an <l\'opor.rtor systeru. ~. A ' >B

H~b pNs!lw-.: Aleoru ;, lVuiiAblu. Mullipk

effect evopornlor s:t-.tem i employed c, A....!i..,.C
because d. .4~t
<~-. total h~t lrao&fer an."ll of all theeffe<:ts 2U. An elomentary liquid pb:~.<e decomposition
ls Jess lhoo tltal in a single oObcl

reaction A-L.2B 11 ro be curried out in

Wllpotntor s~~~tcm a C,:STR. 11 d08iJI,n equntion is
b. lol3l nmowlt or vapour produi:Cd t"'r
ltg of reed steam in .n multieffccl " kr x ,t(t .l", )

sy~tem is much hig her than in o 5in2l ''(1* .\"j )

clfec:t b. k<
(I x. )
c. bnihnJ! point elevation an single

ciTec:t sysll.:no is 1uuc.h lllgho:r ~Jan tlllll c. kr .:X , tJ X )'

in any effect in -a multJc.ffect sysCIIDl-
X,l ( l+ t;,y

tl. heL trnnsfc co(!fficlcut uiJI &inglo:

ef.feol is much lower tlJJUl lhol in any (1-.Y. )'
eftect in a mullieffect system Find IIJt:ehanism u..t. is Clli\Sistc:nt with
15. I'he units of!Jince to h;~lt;rorufer are tht> rate c<JUatiun and Jl,iven b<llow
a. Jm-K-' 2A - B 4 ..J, B (-r~ ),c.
b .lm 'k- 1 a, A t .B~ AB: AB A-> A;J
c:. Wm "1 ,_--
b. A + B ~ AB: AB A-> AoB
ll. w'm'K c. A t A -> 1\A: A.,\ + ~ ... \ ,I:J
J uJ I~
d. A - A ~ AA:M + B-> A:iB
22. Mutch the measured process variables lvilh
tlte li~t o fmeusunJJg devices given belmv
Losl i .(Mousoued process nrinl.!lcs)
A, Tem peru tur-.,
li Pressure
C }low
D. l.oqui~ level

E Composition n. I
L1~t U (Measuring devices) b. ranlc 2
L Bourdon tlobe clement c. ranld
2. ~lrifice. plulos d. Tonk-!
3 lnfrore;J Ofl(11}7..~:r 25 , DircGI'<'lSls "'' mpOnllnt olfl.hc tixed<)Opiuol

~. l)ispla<cr dc~ioes
consist of
.5. l'ymmctcr u. conungcncy
C<!dcs; b. IJOSildmd utl'siiC CUlliN

n (_ [) E c. laoour c()sts
5 z 3 d. raw mat<riru <ilst.>

b. 3 4 2 5 26 . A soncs 111 equal pa)' ments (e.g_ dtpo!ill

Qr Cl)SI) made nl cqu.aJ mtc:rval.s: ol' lime
tl. 3
3 ~
2 ~
ra known ns
a. r~erpemity
23 :Suppose lbut the tulioL li llte tMstqnt. w1d b. capitnl chorge faelor
deoo time or tl pmoc:ss with the tullo\\ing
transfer ruotellun c. annuity

Oc{s) 10cxp(-O. I ~Y(0.5s I I ) d lunore wonh

nrc known Wtlh a possoble crmr ol 20' 27. The Wffilbfe, rettUired '" be knnwn In

of Lbeir values, The lur~sl peo~ uissible cnrrelntio11s used lor estimating ohe l1rse
gain K. of a proportional cunlrollcr needs power llf u Clllltrifugnl gus q!lmpre!!$<lt trod
Ia be t akulall:d by Inking tltc vuluc' u( hen"e i Ill cost arc
poocess gnin. time ttt<:lunt uud deud time I . iuleL pressure

2 C.<rnpre~r RPM
"". )\, 0.6. 0.08 3. Jtli very prossurc
b. 12. (),6. 0.12 ~- volumetric flow .r:tlc at iulel

c. II. 0.6. 0.12 " L2and3

d. 12. 0.4, 0.08 b. I and .~

2-1 Wnlcr is .flowing through a series 1.11' lour c. .I and I

tanks and getting heated as shown in d. 1.3 and 4
l'lgure. li os desired tO desogn n cascade
28. 'Nylon 66. is so named because

control scbemc lor controllinu the

tenwcrurure wm~r lcuvlug the T~k- ~ aH a. the nvernge degree ol' pol),uerizatoon
of the polymer is 1966
there IS 6 distur\mQCQ !Jl the tempcrJ\Uf6 Of
o scoo11d stream erueri11g U1c Tank 2. b. the number n( carbou ntOillS between
Select Uoc best. plnce k1 take the ReconJarv I W4:) Jlitrng,en ntmus are tl

measurement lu r the econdnry loop c. Uoe uumber uf uilro~cn atoms betwcou

t\\o eurbon ~toms ure li
d. the l"ll)l111er w~s Jlt-.;1 synlbesiz<.'<l loJ
~ ur IJ
29 The car:llyli~
OOJl\'crter for con\ersion of 1he esumate of Y for X = +by Ouing a
sol to so) by contncl process should h0\'0 qua~lratic expression of a form Y = mXl
feed with S01content between for the above data is
II. 2- 5% a. 15.5
b. 1~1n% b. 16
c. 12-LS% c. I 6.5
tL ltJ - 25% d 17
30 The <;omposition or fresh feed 10 the hi~:b 34. A lluid clt:!Jne11t h:IS a velo<:il)
telllpertttu~ lugh pressure urea autoc-lave !:. ;-y'xi_+2,t~L The mouon nt

a, -excess liqUJd ammonia :md liquefied
co1 (x.J')=(1 / J2.1} Is
b. excess liqttid ammonia ond a, rotalionnl and .incomprossible
compressed col gas b. rotational and compressible
c, liquid ommoma ond oxccss c. irrotntiorlnl and COil1prcssible

compressed C02 cl rnotauonal and mcomprcssblc
d. com prossed NH3 gos und e..xce"S-s 35, The nwst genornl complex analytical-
compressed COz

fuucli<>u f (z) = u(x.,r)i'iv(x.y) for
rl=r- y' is
n, 1
ra b. /.!
31 The range of ' 'ulues for a CO<tsLOOt K' to
yield u stable system in the foltowin, set c. 1.'"
oftime dcpendent differential equations is cl 1//
36 The differcntinl equation
dy, =-511-.-(4 - K) v.
(// . ' . -d';c d:r -
- .. to- 2)x=tl
dv- = y, -ly. dr dt
"' 1\ rll
have :1solutoo .o f the fonn

a. 1l< K <7
. (where C, und C1 arc COJ1$1Snts)
b. 6,25 < K <W n. (C,+C::J )e ''
c. - 6 < K s. 6.25 c"
b I -~

cl 0 5 K 5 7
c. C,e '(1C:-l'
32, The vnluc of ~ a~ 1 ~ x for the folio\\ ing.
differential equation for 1n1 initial vnlu of d. C1e " + C: e"

y (I) : O is J7. FTnd the Laplace transform o f U1c

following mpul funcllon shown m Pigurc
(>~r'- 1)~ ~s;q-r=O

:1, ;R~n3 Gls

b. 112
_, L___IU L

c. 1/4
cl [lg (1-e-)
lllc equilibrium drua of ccmponcnt A in ~ (1 -e~ )
th0 t,vo phases 8 3nd C we grveo below
X moJca of AlmoJcs orB) }' mohs of A/moles of C)
2(1 - <' ' )
I ll.5
4. 125
s of I:!
[L u" ) c. CO,:G.:W, CO:t.60. Ol:~.99.
c. H:(): 15.96. ~2:72.06
~ (1 .,.- )
d. CCl,, t'~)l ,90, t~;~ . 75. N::8S 74
(1 e- ).,- -13. Heat ~"pacity of Dir can be ~pproximately
J. ~{1-e ~ ) exprt:'l$ed as C1, :c 26.6\1~ - 7.;65 ICJ' ' 'I
Where q, ~~ in .l'(niQI)(K) and T ill in Io;.
38. 6 g of cJiruon is bwtll willt ou :uuouuL of the hCJ~tsivcn nl'f by I mole of oit wht:n
oio conlo ining 1S !! ol<)'gen, The po, duct cooled al I nlfll<lwheric pn:sw~; f'rnrn
contolns 16.5 g Clh nd 2.8 g C() b<:sides Sti()'C 111 - tOOC' i~

otlteT t:Onslituenl$, What is the de~e " I(I,73 ~.1
couwn;ion 011 the b:.sio of disoppcarnnce 1>. 16.1 H;r
ofthe lfmitlng reoCL'Itlt''
c, 18. l l ld
:.c Tooq.,
d. l8.13 kJ
b. 95~.
-11. A. solid rucloUlc block w~ighing S kg liM

"'" 75~ 30 initi l tempero turt of sooc; ~0 kg of
1. 20 '~uter initlallv al 2S"C i.s C<Jntnined in
39. An aqueous solution of 2.45~ by weight Jl<:rfoetl) IO;Uktl<xl t.tnk. The metallic

n~so. spocir~<:-grvity or L.Ol l. llte blodt i$ bro~gbt inlo cottlcl with water.
composition fJXprc:!t1ied in normality i!!i Both o:f lhem come to equl1lbnnm.
0.2500 Specilic heat of block rnateri~l Js
OA kJ '-!!"t "'1 lgJtvriog lite cJTect of
b. 0.2528 ra e!tpunsion and cont1'uction, lind :olso l11e
" 0.5000 heot curacily Q( t;tnk. 1he lclla l entr()py
d. 0.5.055 eh3ng~ h ld kg 1 K' 1 is
-10. Air ol11 lenrpenlun: or 2oc a111l 750 m111 .. -1 .87
llg, proS5W'I! has rein live humidity of 80. b. IJ.U
Wbot ib its pctcOIUJI~a humidi lJ 'I Vapour
C, 1.26
pre<wre of water al 2t\c i!l 175 nun Hg
d. 3.91
o. S0.38

-15. 11u foUo" iit~lt<,.l cJ\git\o prucluo<: power

b. 80 ot II)(),Ql)() kW T he hclll engine nperateo~
c. 79.62 IJeiWtx:n MO K and 3()(l K. it Jm11 3 t)tcnn31
d. 78.5 1 d!'iclcncy <!IJ"" I IQ ~~~ of lbal Qr Ute

4J. Na2 SO-"l0 ThO cr)'Stnl~ <tru funned by C!tmvt engine for the ~me lempcraturL~
cooling 100 kg of 3~ by weight ti!JUeoU:\ The r:ne at 1~hich he.1l 1s absorbed trorn
~ohnwn 11f NazSn,. 'The ruuol Ihe hot\'Uir ts
Cllnconlmlinn of the sQiut~ in ll1e solution ~w

i< 10~ .. llte weight <!f crystlll~ i- b. 160.000 k\1
.1. 20 c. 200.000 k\1'

h. 322 d. 320.0011 k\\-

c.. 45.35 -16. A Kll!lOm turbine op<.:rates with
d. 58-65 superhe~~ted ste.1m llowing at 1 kgs' 1 11ti.s

-12 A :tmplc of ntuml g11. cont:tinin& 8()0 b ste~m l~ suppli~d at -1 I har und $00"C'. and
1\ltthnnc (CH 1) ltnd tl)e ""' t Nitrogen ( l'/,) di~chr8t>~ L 1.0 1325 blr ~nd I OO"C
i hurn( whlt20"o cgee:ss ail.. Willt so., of Outo_41 bar, .51!0"C
tho combUAitbl~ Jlroduc'ing C02 and Ute l.l.nlbIPY 3443.~ kJ l~
rcmtnndcr ~O ing 1(1 C:.:l) the On;nltm IY~1 Entre>py . 7 0785 1I.J kg' 1K'1
. \'0 Iumc p...."fccnl IS
m '
41 bar, :!51 8C
11. <'0::6.26. co:U6. o 2:3.11 J. Hnt!WP) oJ salurlcd stt"'-"' 2799.911.J kg' 1
H:P: I5.66. N: :72.60
El11rofo\' lf S<IIUrute.Jteom 6 OS33li.Jl.a'1K 1
ho ('0::7.42. CO: 1.86. UJ!4.G4. N::86.02 I U13:!5 bilr II.IO"C
(! II~
11nthnlpy n(turatcd \ '3p<lUrt 2676 k.l kg' 1 will be tbc uxlul ~oloctl}' m tho pipe nl any
Enth~lp)' of' ooturated liqui(l; ~ 19, 1 kJ kg' 1 -s.? Assume incompressible one-
Entropy ol' $atunotcd 1upour: 1.3SS4 k.t J.:s'' K ' 1 Uimeusionftl !low i,c .. no gntdienl~ 10 Lite
Entropy ofJDturotod liquid: t .3t169kJ ~-:g" K' 1 rudlal djroeliou
Titc; nlll.'Cintum pol\cr liUipUI (in tW) will
--:iH. H ..U.t.i.rr.
a. C.14.u
b. 767.'1
" 1171.3
X O r X c L.

d. .3024.1! fx
17. At 60C. vapour 11ressurcs of ntethnnol
nnd waJer ore 84.562 kPa ond 19.953 kPn I ' ~ I'" +IJ I i' [}
respectively. An aqueous solution of
nwdtanol at. 60' C exerts a pre~surc of I -~
~- I' ' = t +-q-
3 L

39,223 kPa; the liquid phose n11d vo.pou;
phase mole fracti<>ns of methanol aro .r'
c. I' =V +2q -I.J)
0 1686 and 0.5714 r<:Spcctivcly . Aclii~IY

coctlicicnl ofmcthntKII is
o. I 572 d. I ' %r +~ 11 _!_
' J L' D
b, 1,9398
51. A cenlri rugnl pump iS' Ulied "' t1ump water
c. ~J8') ra tllmugh " hori7.<11ltl11di~tnnoc or 150 tn and
<L 4.ll8 then I'Btso:d 111 :m overhead tanh J0 111
ai)IJve. The pipe ~ Smtl()th "ilb un LO. of
5() mm Whar hc<tcl (m oJ' IY'Jtcr).must tho
Q. 48 - 49 at@ based on the data
pum11 gen~.nue tll ns ~Xli () In ,leliv~r
supplied in the paragraph below wntcr Bl " llo11 rMc ol ILOO I m'!s1 The
f'aunms friction fnotor. ri~0.0062
One kg nf saturated Slllant 31 I00 C 11Jtd 1.0 I325

bar ~~ contained in a rigid walled vcs:scl. II bas a

yolume t.G7J 1111 II cools to 98 C: lite sntumlinn
pr~:ssru-e. is 0,943 l~1r: one kg of wutcr vupour
uPdcr these cnnditi(>ns has o volume of I 7811 nt1

48 '11tc l).lll<>tlnt of water VUJ1<lllr C<!lldCtiscd (in

kg) is
a. !l,O (l,10 111

b. l)ll65 b. II 111
c. 1),1 c. 12 111

d. l.O U. 20 LU
49. The latent beut. uf coolllens:Jliuu (kJ 14! t) 32. Malcb the .t'ollowiug dimeusiuuloss
under tbese c<>ndi tions is uumbe"' wnb the nppropri~le ratio of

:L 40732 (oroes
b. 2676 List I (DitnetJsionless NumbElr)
C; 2263 A. l'roude Number
d. 540 B, Re~nCJid~ Number
50 A ptpc has n p<Jrl'HI$ sec lion of length I , u.s C. l'tiotton fu.ctor
shown tn the figure. Velocity at tbc ~tun of 0 , Nus.w lt N1ttnllcr
this sccbon ~~ v. 11 fhttd leaks into the l.i1>t II (Rutjo <JI'f<>rcos)
pipe through th~ porous section at a
volumciric raic per nni l area q (xn. )!. what 1. Shl!llr fnrce inert lui f(lroo
7ui 12
l . Convective beo~ tr~JIIifer I conduc~.lve another 5 m1 or fillrlltc to be produecd?
heat tr.msfer Neglect filler mcdntm re.t,L1nce. R,,;
li.~6Utnc inMrhpl't:siblo cake
3. vmvlt:lliOmil force I vi:ICCJU$ force
4 lnenil f<J~e 'i!cou~ Ioree a. 10
5 lnottiaf fot-e~ jlrovitulion~l fQ~ b. 20
Codes e. ~

A B c D d 3(1
n. l 2 5 3 56, A prncc;ss streom of dilute ~queous
s. ij<J iutlon n owing ot th~ rote of W kg i ' is

b. 4 3 2
to be. heated, Steam condensate at 9Sc is
c. s ~ 2 available for hClltlli!J purpose, a(s() ala r>le
d. 3 4 5 of l(l kg .- AJ - I shell ;~nd hlb~ he"t;mger is "' ailabl"' The he~t
Q . 53 - 54 are based on the d ata
arrn.ngomCJtl ~s

a, L'Quntorilow with lll'!'"t:!<s ~lre:tm t1n
supplied In t he paragraoh below
hcll idc
b. <"OUtJ!ct1low wiUt lli1JCt;S$ SIJ'l:(lnl nn
A bed of pherlcal potticle~ (~p. grnvity 2.5) of

uniform size I 500 jtm is 0.5 m in diameter and 0.5 c. parallel tlow with process ~treom on
m high. lu the pocled bed $Utlt:, lito polO$ it) mo} ~hell ~ide
he '''ken ~ 0.4. Bf8un '5 .-quat ion for tiH: ~bqve
p:trti.::le-11Utd systl:tn tin S l uniiJ) is [!iven helow ra d. pnro llcl Oow wiOt st~rem on
~ L- ll:' l f)' l:., -10.94 lO'r ,.. (SIUnitsl
37. Titc inner wall of a fumncc i~ ol
t.;mpcroture of 700"C. The ClOiTI])osn~ \I nil
5.1. I( water L' IQ he< usod :tll the f1uhlhin!! iS mod<> uf IWil .;ubslonc"" I() 1111d 2(1 em
medium. Ute minimum Ouidiz:uioh thic~ witl1 tl1cnnnl etlnlluctivilico of 0.05
wlocity, Vo~1 is And U. l \Vm' 10\ ' 1 t't.lSpectively. The
0. 12 nlnll.9 amhient air tS ~~ 3tl"t' ond the htttmnfer

coeffinicnl bot\\ ccu Ute QUICJ' s urfure of

b. 1.6 tnlltl!
.:;. 24mnu
woll ond. 11ir ll. 20 W ml c' '111~ ruie of
hent l<lss from the outer surface 1n W m= i5
d. 28 mmts a. i6S.4
In :lctuol t'Jil<:111UOn, Ute oll<tve ~ed ho.< a

" 167.5
height = l.m. \\'hot j; the porosity e>f Ute
llujdizcd bed9
c:. L728
d. 175
n. (1.2

b. O.S
53. Steam ~' to fJjO ctJttdc:p,<ed u a sbtl l and
tube hell! tlltclumger. 5 .mlong with sboll
~ (l,7
diAmeter of 1 m. Cool~g woter is 10 be

d. o.s used fllr rermwlng the heat. Heal transfer.

55. lite ba~.ic liltrntinn equnlion i~ given ~ ~,cfllcionl tor tho CMiins 1vnk1', Wht:.lht:r
on~ sllcll ~idu ("' lube .;ide. is some, Titc
;/t =_!!_/ q.C I' .R '

d l' .-MP\ .4 betoL ~rmngement i1

u. wrtie;1l heot exchnger with $ 1Com on
where V is volume of the rihrote: A is ihc: rube side
li~ltration area; a is speciric cake n:st$t:mce;
b. \'erticnl he~t ~<ch:mger with ~lenm on
11 is ~iscosily of the 'filtrate. ond C "' th~ ~hell sillc
concentrnlion of~qlids [n the feed sluny
hf>n?.Onllll heat .:xchonget with ste:tm
In n 2D mm. wn<tant rote liltrollon. 5 m' c,
tube ~ide
0 11
ttf lilh-.le wa~ obtained. 1f this is followed
d. hurizonllll heal ol\<:hange1 \lith le-~m
by 3 cousUtul prcssutt: filtr~tion., hm\ much
on shell s ide
tnor~ limo in minutes will it take for
59 A fllid is nowing inside the inner 111he of A tle J!tl$ ~ido i~ OA m. Tite e<Juffibrium duta
double pipe heot eo<chnnger wlth given by y = I.S x. The bulk conccntration
~iom~tt:tll'. Fllr" liJ<<l<l mass f11>11' rate. of H1 S hns to be reduced foa m 0.05 to
tho tube s ide hen! transf91 et~cO.'iciunt for O.OO J molu fruetim1 in tltc gas ~ide, The
tuhu lent liqw ~ndi,tion~ ill l>rQportilnn l tu heis~t l)f the towc;-r (in metcn:)
" do. com:sponding t<1 "" \lJ'Cf~tioJ.S line givcn
b. d-IU hy y ~ 5x tJ.OO l is
c. a' a. 2.0
tL d' 1 ~ h. 1.56

c. I II
6() Air Ill to ho hcato:d h) Cllmlcnsing ~learn.
T"ll he<l uxchangcr.; nre a1ni1abk (i) II, 0,56
~hell 11nd tuhe heat ClXchnger, roncl (ii) 11 64. The Reynolds Nnmher of the liquid .vns
tino<;<l tube 1\c:at exeh;mger. 'J'uhe side nGOI [ncre;,sed 100 foll for a l;nn inao f.1ll1ng
lr:lnsfc;r nr~;, i~ c;<JUOI io both cases. l1Je lilm u.wd !br ~-tiqutd. contnctlng.
rt>Conun endcil ~rrangement is Assuming p~netrotion lbeory Is Ptll~blc.

n.. finned tube be!Jli cxcllnngcr 11 ith ~ir t~c tbld1ncre;l!;e in lhe mass ll'llnsfer
inside and iiCam oulidc coelltcocnl r.,r the sme sy is
a. tOO

b. finned !1Jbc he:~ I excl1nogcr 11 itb ~!r
out~1de and ~team msidc b )tl
.:.. ~b.cU and tuho he:~t exchanger with air c. s
Inside t11bes and ste.1m .shell side ra d.
d shell and heat exchanger witl.t air liS. A pure dru& is ~~mit\i<tcre<l a; a Ph"''"
on s hell .,de nnd learn on~idc tubc:s Jlid ! ~ "ube. 11oe omount of dng ii the-
6 1. Por giwn .nmbient air temperamre with ~ame in th l\\ o t.obii>IJI. Aawming lbot the
in~n:.1Se in llle thiuknc:Ss 11f in~uiMiun uf ; shape and Mi?..<: clv nolLml1ucntl<! the m~SS
hot cylimlrie~l pipo. lbe rote of he:ot II trnn.ller. the rtio uf rate of oli..,.olution in
l'rcnn lbc ~urfn~~ Wl'llllrl wnter 3l r - Q fill' ll)e "ubi~ tu sphericl
n. decl'c:ts.e t;~blet i~

h. inercn. a, 0.54
c. firsl dccrcas~ ~nd tban inc:rtoutse h. 1.04
d, first inerli:ISc and Uu:u. deeroaso: c. 1.24
62. Exporiment.s wore conducted to de!~mfno d. 1.!14

the Do" of n s poci"" A in a ! lagoon! 66. A olld lS bdn~ dn""l in Utu lin""< drymg
medmm acroos sliqllld onterl'ace. l'h" rnlc regime from numture content :X0 to
overall n>as~ trnnsler coefficient hased on Xp. l'he drym!J at;: ill ?.em at X = I) and

the liquid s ide for dilute ')'1!1cms fclr Uoe lite oJi (ical llloisturc C<Jntent ;, tbc: '"'''e ;c<
ubovc wns eslinllltcd 10 be 4 10) 1:.& tho inil.inl moisture. ~ Tile drying time
mollm 's. The cctuilibrium dal<! for the tbrl\<f= t..IA.Rc) Is

system ~~ gi1'1:n as ~ "' 2.~. The nux acrll$s (Wh<:ne l ..s:$& of dl) soli~, A:
llo illterlioee (in I.:~ molloh2s) I~"' bulk Iota I surli1ee :rrea for drying. Rc: constant
)ntcnlratillll~ of A .in ga>< phaiic ond litjuid maximum drymtt rate par unit orcin, and X:

ph:ose .1~ y- () 4 an<l " ; 0.01. ~C!!pC:Ct'i\el.v moislore contout fin nla~Ji ur wah:r/mnss of
i5 df) soliils )
3,6 It),. n. MC\v Xr)
" 8., 1().. b. M0\11/ X11)
c. 5,6 l()'j
c. M In( X11 Xr )
d. s.s to d. MXo ln{!\,j I Xp)
63, Tl~S i boing bsorbed in u gn> nbsotbco 67. 11te following plot gives. the satumted
oonit, '111c height of dH: lo'llmfer unit b;~se\1 humidity (Ho) ven<us Temt:ocrature (T)
\tn lloe nvorall nwss tran~l't:r C<leflicJt:~tl o~
b. 1 kW
c, 5 3kw
d. 4 kW
7\), A liquid phase rl!t!.O ~OI1 IS ltJ 00 cunic~ OUI
und!>r i~>~t,ennul etmditioM. The r<lilcliOJI
rnte us u function ~;~f conversion ltos bcon
dctcm1ined el(perimcnwlly and f~ shvwn in
Figure given h<llnw. Whut choioc ('l r
renctor or oombrnotion oi' ~ctors w.JI

rccpu re rho 1Hinin111111 '>vorull reactor
Lluc j ouuug (fll. Tl) and {H2. T2) IS tle volume, if" convcrsign oi' 0 9 i desired'/
Clll.lStlltlt eothulp} line. Cho<>se Ihe correel
!'ue from !lmong the uhornatives A. B. C
u. T1 Dew Poi01 Temp,;T2 D ry Bulb i....

Temp.; T3 Wut Bull! Tt:mp.
b. T1 De" Point Temp.: T2 Wet Bulb
Temp.: T3 D~ 13ulb Tcmr.

~. T l Wei llt~h Temp.: T2 Dr) 13 ulb
Temp.: T.~ Dew P()int Temp.
d. Ti - D.y Bulb Temp.: T2 - W~t Bulb
Temp.; T3 Dew l'nint Temp. ra u, CSl'R foliO\\ ed by t1 PFR
68. Com[!()und A is cxtrnctcd from a ~olution b. PFR fnJinwetl by u CSTR
of A ll inlo o pure solvent S. A co-
curreul (tnh is used lin the liq,,id-liqnid c. CSTR followed by u PFR lullowed bv
c;qraotion~ rLu: i nlet mtc ol lhc .solution
oo nl;umng A IS 200 moles o( Uihr m) uod J . PFR followed hy u CSTR i'<llhlled b)
Ihe solvenl llow rate 1s 400 moles !'f S 'hr u t>FR
m1 n,., eqmlibnun data IS n:prescnted by

Y = 3 X: II here Y iS Ul moles of Allltoles , a. 71- 72 .,.. IIH4 o the 4ta

uf l3 and X .tS in moles of Almoles of S.
ev,JIIIIed In the Jllnrall below
Tbe maximum percent11e extraction
ocbiovcd in fbi! unit i~ l')lc following gtl~ phn$e rcnotinn~ are curried t)Ut
l~olhenually in a CSTR

II,. 25'''
b. 50'l , j -.. 2R r, k;J!, k, 20mo/l (sec m 1bur )
u. 700~ .1-> .JS r, ~ k1 p, J.; ~ 40moll (scc m"har)

d. IJOo
toUll - I bar. FM - 1 mill/sec; feed is
(>9. A CSTR is h> b.! de.sigueu il1 whi~h uti
pure A
exolhcmlic liquid phase lirsl order reaction

of 1hc type A -. R is ld~i"g pluC\). Tl1e

rcaciM is to be proYidcd with n jodccl in 7 1. Whul I~ tlte DldXimum pOs>ible \'ulue oil'
~vlti.cb coolaill is 0(lwlog. l'nllcm ing dulo FR (mol!sec j?

JS gL\IClU a. lf3
c,.., = 5 krnollm1 X" = 0.5; feed b. 1'2
lcmpem wn: - reru:tor L<mpera!Urc - 40C:
rote C(lnsltlnllll ~()"0 : 1 min: (li H) - -10 " 213
d. 2
k,l11110l: n ~ JO()() k;gl ml <;, ~ 4 .lrgrnC; ~
- 10'3 ol l min (p uod C,. are same !OI' the 72. Tbe YOlttme oJ. .a CSTR r~quired lor a
ea~tunl uod product s lt:eOIIIS) The UlllQnul
frnctonol conversion of 1\ cquul lo 0.3 d ue
W the fot11L teUCIIOII IS
ofhcal lo be remol'ed is
o. (),() I I
u 213 1..W
Ill o l ~
b. 0.::!1 flowu'll lhruugh fl The expressiOn for the
c. 0.175 veloeny of water nt the throat Is
d. 0.37.5 t t
73, A step input tracer test IS used to e:.']liore
lhe llow pullem of llmd lhrough a \l:SSel
of totul volume eqtmlto I m havUlg a feed
rotc of 1 m /m1n

lclenll f} l\Jr Cll~h UurW In Gr011p I d
suitnble flow modd rrom th~ list given

under Group 2
Omup I

A Curvel
B. Curvd
I J'fR and C!>'TR m sencs ra
' ('~I R wllb dead sp:l~ 76 Wutc1 " t:nlcrttlJ! o stor:lgc hlt1~ Ill u
J f'FR m st.'ri.:S wtth n CSTR and dead tumpcnturc T,. und llow ~tc Q,1 and
l~avl11g ut n ll(IW rnle Q und ttnnpernt~r T
There we negligibl" hent Jos~s In the
-1. CSTR tank The- nreo of "ross ~inn of the lllnl.
a A-4. B-3 is A~ The mod.:l thot dcscn'bc~ the
b. A-I. B-1 d~mmc vanatmn or warer lelllperm:we m

c A-l, B-3 the tlllllwi tiJ tune l< giveoss

d.. A-2. B I QQo To
74 f ollcl\"''!1 tsothennul L-inette ti~Ul tW
obtained in a basket type of mixed Jlo1

reactor for n porous catalyst, Determine T

.._ . "-
the role or pore diJJu~on and 1!'1emal
mass U'llllSfer processes
(r, -F)= A)-II''

- - '-Ill ......,._ ~,:> a . (!


I 2
I b Ql;,- or #,lh

1 l - ' tl!
a Strong pore diiTuston conlfol and m~ss
tmns~er nol controlling c. c;!(l;, - T) = 1l, h ':~

b. Both pore dJJfuston and mass transler

not controll ing d. V(T. - J )= 11 ti(Th)
- II .. r dt
c Both pore ditfusfon and mass tr:tnsfer
controlling 77 F111d the ulttmiiU! gun and frequency for u
pruponlottal e>ontroiiL-r in the c-il5C of u
d. Mnss tmosfer controlling
process hnving the folltl11in~ unnsfcr
75 The pressure diflerentinl o.cmss a verncnl f~nc;t ion
"Cntunmeter tshown tn F1gurej s
measured " 1lh the help or a mercury C' ( ) I
maoomeler to c:sttmale llow rate of' water ,I (-lA ~ 1 )(2! I)(~ H)
I I oll 2
I ,. 45 c. 2 and 5
~- "'=-:]j;:n.,- iJi4 d. 3 and 4
SO. Tompct:~turc control of an CKOlltcrnue
b. fi:K ~ .IG
"'=IJ"G chemlC<~I rc~ction W.:ing plne in n CSTR
3 is dbnc witll th" help of coolfng, water
c. fd ~ l;K. = I~ Oowing in Jaekel amund the rcnctOr. ll1c
L)'pc oJ valve ltnd uonlroUer acti~n lu be.
d. w: Ji:K ~ = recornrn~ded ore
a, air lu open valve with the controller

78. Mntch the aype .:ontroller given in tlirect ;~cling
Group l that i~ m~l suitabl~ f~~r each 1>. nir to dose v:!lve with tlte contmller
application given in Group l i~direcl
Group l c. nlr 1<1 Ot)en valw with the cvnl!lJIIer
A, Distilli1Lioo colurnu boLLOUI~ Jev~l lo be irtdir""l acting
controlled with boUoru.s flow

d. air to "lo~e vnlvc; with tltt: l!<lntrollt:r
B. Distillatibn column pn:ssurc ltJ be dir"'-'t acting
controlled by manlpulllting vapor flo" Sf. Two 'P""'I" under cons ide,rotion. for
from the ttJP plate

instaUution I plonl buve the following
(' Flow control of 11 liquid ITqm pump capll;l l in" estmenl> 1tnrl ~ah'age vnlues.
hy posiliomng Ute ' 'alve in the line Pump A: r1 = Rs. 40.000. 4.1 ~ Rs. 3.90\l.
0. Control of temperature of~ C:)'1'R witlt Pump B: C1 = Rs. 50,000. C..1 ~ Rll.
ctXllnnl flow in u.~ jackot
ra 20,000. Using CliJlil:alizcd cost. determine
"hal s hould be the common lire or the
Group 2
pumP' t't1r both ttl be compcliljve
I. P control (economically cqujv~lcnl), lnletro:sl rate ls
l . P-1 control
10'1 per nnum. 1114inteil1ltlce 1111d
3, P-l-D conlrl'l operahonaT cosllt are negligible
Codes a. 3 yean;
n c ~yean~

1 1 2
" 6 yllJlr.s
b. 2 2 3 3 d. 8 )'ellt'5

_,,................. ....
e. 2 1. I

tl, 2 3 2 3 Q. ....
n-.~ N.e4 . . . . . tlata
7". fn the cae ,)r ~ f~d t'OrWar<l ~~lnlrol
schemo, which ul' the fOUu" log ~ NOT A process ha$ fcxed C<lpllaJ investment of Rs, 150

truo? lakhs. wol'klng capital Rs. 30 lakhs and salvage

I. It i~ in~o n~itivc ltJ tnc>dtlliog etTors valud :tero . .\Jinul tcvcnucs frOm sIGS oro R.s.
2. Cannot copo wru.
Unmca,;ured 25() lllkhs. manufacturing eo>ls 145 lokhN nnd

dislllrbnnc.:.~ oU1er expense<J. IO"o of the revenue, Assume

projed life span of I L yeam. JM lifo of 5 years
3. It W Jit~ until lit< cflect uf Ute
di~orbnnce has be~.., felt by Ute ystem aud intcn."'l rntc to bu 10 u. 'flllt rJta ;... 40 t :.nd

str3jght line depr~ciation,. i.e.. 'lt)~,J per ye.1r ~ is

helot\: con Inti uc~<ln Is mken
..l , Re.1uires g(1nd knowledge nf the
proec~s rnodd
82.<count-ed volue (to present tin>e) of lh~t
j Rec1uire>; identificotion of .111 pos~ihht
disturbnn= ~nd uu:.l!' dtl'l'<ll lli'Ofil before tax (for lbe tota l r lant life
tndi>Ut'e.m ent
period) in rupccs is
u, laod3 a. 22ll laklu
b. 40(I Iakh
b. I ttnd -1-
c. S:W lakhs
12 nf 11

1L 660 iaklu.
Discounted volud of U1c depfeciation
btnetitr,wer ~.e tax life in ntpecs i~
Q. 17~1
wttlt dM ....... o...
,_....... " - - Ia Qowgp I

p , ll lkhs 87. lv!Jtl~b tb.- Group.

b, 24 l<tlho Group l
c, 46 11!115 A. Calcium ummnntlllll 11itrotc
cl. 60 Jllklu; B. c.ct,- NnCJ Uquor
84. ln dlStillntiou ~ulutu .iiY.iug cleulotiumt Gmup 2
by &hott eut moOtod. motcb the following I, t:er1illzer indu~try

A. lfnt:krwuod's Equoliou 2. P3per and Pulp industry
3. Soda ash industry
J3. Fenske's Equation Codes;
C. Ciilliland 's. Ec1ualion A
D. Vapour velm:tty t llooding a. 1 3

Jlfumt.:r of n:altrnys 1 2
C. 3 I
2. Column diameter
d 2
3. Minimum numb~ ofidcol1111ys Match U1e GI'Oups

4. Aclunt number ofidco l lry Group r
5. Mlnimum tdl w: lilt.lo A. Black liquor
6. Tray elli~-icncy B. Acbv~ted silica nluminn
C. Press mud
A a c: n
ra Group 2
I. Pel'tl){eum refining
IL I 3 4 (j 2. Sugar Cnotocy
s (\l<lC~
" l I :t
s ' li 2 a. A - I .C' 2
' b. A - 2. 8 - t
d. s 3 4 2 e. B- I,C-2

85. Identify the gruup in wl\ieh aU tl1e d. U - 2,C'I

polymen~ mOT)Iioned c.n be u~e(l to make 89. In 3 rdinc'ry. Jl<trc>ltum crude ill
fiben; frnetionAtcd into gas fraction. light ""tis.
a. Bu1ndic::ne qopolymeno. Polyomide~. intermediate dit;L,IIoteo, heuvy dis til.l.tes,
1.: rta a ldebyd<:!i ro$idues and by l"'t!ducta. l1e group nt'

h, f'cllulosc: derivatives. P(llyi<IOJI'ene. produc1s inclulling g"~ o~. die.<cl oil lll!d
Polyctltylc:nc h""YY fuel oil helong,~ to the froction
c. Cellul0>1e dc.riv~tl\'cs, Polyan1idos. a. h"<!vy dilliUal<:!l

Polyuretllnnos b. int.:rmcj(liate di<@ot"'J

U. Polypropylc:nes. P<ilyvinylcbloridc. 1!, light ends

Silicone.< d. residues
86. The prdtrrcd ,..,.ctlng ~yd.~ j{,r \)(), Tho C)rder vF V"'l::rencc ror ft:tdstv4 to ~
ox1d31ion of O'X.Yiene to .flhlbnHc Clllalytlo r"fonncr i

anhydride is
a. ra1alyuc n.'phlha - c<Jk:tug 1\llphtha
n, jac~'CIOO 11qu1d phn~c C'STR 'il;gin nnphth
b, .jacketed steam le:~ted mull.itubulru- b. uoldnJI Ml>htb~ ''it:Bin nphthn
l:!ltol~~i" n~phllm
.:. mullibtbular re~ctorwllh cooling c. virgin napltlb;J - Clltlll>tl~ nupltthn
d, multi~t~ge multitubulor reactor wtlh toking naph!h.1
inletslage cooling d. virgin .nnpht:hn - cOkilljl nuphOm
e3tal)~io tHtphth~

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