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The Young Warriors

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Created with TheTeac hers Co Cro s s wo rd Puz z le Generato r

Acro ss Do wn
1. The roofs of the huts were made of this 1. The wind blew through the holes here and
2. Protagonist in the story produced a loud sound
5. Boys hid here after escaping the boar 3. Home of the young warriors
7. Redcoats destroyed this village in one of the 4 . popular fruit in the story
first Maroon war 6. The Redcoats would do this to get Charlie to
11. The boys ran five miles to and from this place talk
13. The tall soldier suffered an injury here 8. Tommy and Johnny stole these from the
15. A pace between a walk and a trot Redcoats
16. These men are always on the look out for the 9. River they had to cross to get to the Mocho
Redcoats Maroons
18. The boys caught these on their first 10. Captain Dick suggested this place to ambush
unsupervised hunt the Redcoats
19. Meetings with the chief were held here 12. The Maroons feared these as they could
20. Attacked Tommy and Johnny in the forest destroy the entire village.
21. Pants worn by the young warriors 14 . Chief Phillip sent for help from these people
23. Made from the horn of a cow 17. Charlie was __________ of Tommy.
25. English soldiers 19. Second animal to chase the boys on their way
27. Type of tea Tommy's mother gave him on his to the Mocho Maroons
return to the village 22. Tommy Johnny used this to cross the River
28. Scout John likened Tommy and Johnny to this Minho
animal 24 . water bottle
26. Story teller among the young warriors

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