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#1: Introduction to Spreadsheets

Subject: Information Processing Unit: INF 1060 Spreadsheet 1 Duration: 180 mins
General Learning Outcomes:
1. demonstrate basic electronic spreadsheet software competence
2. create and manipulate data
3. format data and content
4. create and modify formulas

Specific Learning Outcomes:

1.1 describe key features of the spreadsheet software
1.2 use help functions and references as appropriate

2.1 insert data using fill such as: 2.1.1 cut, copy and paste cells
2.2 modify cell contents and formulas by: 2.2.1 changing font, font size and style, 2.2.2 applying borders
and copying cell contents
2.3 change worksheet views
2.4 manage worksheets including: 2.4.1 rename a worksheet, 2.4.2 hide and unhide a worksheet

3.1 format worksheets including: 3.1.1 hide and show gridlines, 3.1.2 create, rename and duplicate
worksheets, 3.1.3 add backgrounds
3.2 insert and modify rows and columns by: 3.2.1 deleting and inserting rows and columns, 3.2.2 inserting
and deleting cells
3.3 format cells and cell content including: 3.3.1 edit, move and clear cell contents, 3.3.2 find and replace
cell contents, 3.3.3 insert and edit hyperlinks, 3.3.4 convert text to columns
3.4 format data and tables by: 3.4.1 applying table styles, 3.4.2 modifying and editing tables
By the end of this lesson, students will:
1. learn the correct terminology for parts of a spreadsheet.
2. start with a basic spreadsheet and will use formulas for calculating ingredient adjustments.
Observations: Key Questions:
Students engage in class discussion. What are the basic parts of a spreadsheet?
Students work independently at How can formulas help manipulate data?
their work stations and are on task. How can spreadsheets be used in daily life?
Written/Performance Assessments:
Pancake Recipe Assignment
Resource #1:
lesson plan.pdf
Resource #2:
Individual computer work stations (1 per student) with access to Microsoft Excel
Student logins / Enrollment code for AES Education
Lesson #1 Slide Presentation
Introduction (20 min.):
Hook/Attention Grabber/Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
Introduction of self with photos (see slide presentation).
Never Have I Ever Activity: Make a series of I have never statements. If the students have
done it they stand up. If they have NOT done it they stay seated. Finish the game with I have
never used Microsoft Excel to introduce the students to course content.
Create student accounts on AES Education. Students need to use their school email and the
enrollment code.
Body (150 min):
Learning Activity #1: Microsoft Excel Tour
Students will take a virtual tour of Microsoft Excel. They will learn the correct terminology for
parts of the screen.
Walk through the tour with the students.
Circulate the room and help students who need it. Check for understanding periodically.

BRAIN BREAK: Challenge Give the students 5 mins to compete and get as high of percentage
as possible in the game. Winner gets a prize.

Learning Activity #2:

Students will be working on a Pancake Recipe spreadsheet. They will start with a basic
spreadsheet and will use formulas for calculating ingredient adjustments. Students will be
required to download an attachment from the lesson. This lesson includes a Challenge task,
which gives students the opportunity to spend more time working on things they have learned.
Walk through part one of the pancake recipe activity with the students. Have them work in their
own spreadsheet on their computer screen as the instructions play on the projector.

BRAIN BREAK: Challenge Give the students 5 mins to compete and get as high of percentage
as possible in the game. Winner gets a prize.

Give the students time to complete part two of the pancake recipe individually. Once they have
finished their spreadsheet they should submit it by email. (See slide presentation)
Circulate the room and help students who need it. Check for understanding periodically.

Sponge Activity:
If students finish early they can continue working through AES Education lessons.
Closure (10 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
Have students submit their Pancake Recipe assignment via email.
Remind them to remember their username and password for AES Education for next class.


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