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Outdoor Participation in Nature

Health and Physical Fitness

When developing health and fitness in children and
youth, teachers asked:

“What is essential to know and be able to do to

ensure mental and physical health and fitness
through nature and natural settings?”

Learners use the following steps of the inquiry

process to investigate the health and fitness
opportunities provided through public and private
stakeholders in outdoor natural settings, and the
associated responsibilities of the users.

Step 1: Gather information on outdoor participation available for health and fitness
• Describe what outdoor activities in the natural environment for health and fitness are
available for individuals, families and communities in your area.
• Investigate the presence and accessibility of the following in your area
o Water related: Kayaking, canoeing, boating, Fishing
o Land related: Watchable Wildlife, Geo-caching, Camping/outdoor cooking,
Hunting, shooting, Hiking, Archery

Step 2: Describe the human health benefits (fitness, stress reduction) of participating in these
recreational pursuits for a life-time
• Demonstrate the “green” and “sustainable” qualities of these types of recreation/sports.
• Investigate whether involvement in outdoor recreation requires recreation requires people to
participate in responsible resource management.

Step 3: Describe the role that outdoor sports and recreation play in career and social

Step 4: Choose outdoor activities you wish to try that are likely to improve health and fitness
• Contact state natural resource agencies and partners to seek an outdoor participation
• Choose one or more outdoor activities of interest and seek professional support from
educators to master the skills essential to success.

Step 5: Evaluate the physical and environmental damages associated with decisions made
during difficult physical activities (boating safety). Predict outcomes of dangerous behaviors
during physical activities in te outdoors (hiking, fishing, boating, hunting)

Step 6: Master general skills to meet the potential of outdoor participation

• Seek assistance from state natural resource agencies and their partners to master
skills, essential to safe and satisfying outdoor participation.
• First Aid Skills/Outdoor Safety
• Mentoring Skills
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Outdoor Participation in Nature
Health and Physical Fitness
• Orienteering, map and compass
• Use of field technology tools: binoculars, camera, infrared tools
• Stewardship in outdoor participation:

Step 7: Investigate the history and role for outdoor participation in natural resources
management using AFWA Conservation Goals: Provide evidence for the following AFWA

I. Appreciates that conservation and management of terrestrial and water resources are
essential to sustaining fish and wildlife, the outdoor landscape, and the quality of our
a. Wildlife populations are managed through such practices as regulated hunting, fishing and
trapping; artificial propagation; stocking; and transplanting as well a predator and damage
b. Conservation of fish and wildlife habitats provides human health, recreation, aesthetic, and
economic benefits
II. Understands and actively participates in the stewardship and support of our natural
a. Fish and Wildlife provide a recreational focus for millions of people in North America
b. Humans are agents in the spread of invasive species and fish and wildlife diseases; and
therefore must take steps to avoid associated problems.
III. Understands the value of fish and wildlife resources as a public trust
a. In North America fish and wildlife are public trust resources managed by governmental
b.Ownership of land does not convey ownership of wildlife
c. Non-government organizations, businesses, and individuals play important roles as
advocates and conservation partners with fish and wildlife agencies.
d.Since most wildlife live on private lands, private landowners play an important role in
sustaining and improving habitat.
IV. Understands and accepts and/or lawfully participates in hunting, fishing, trapping,
boating, wildlife watching, shooting sports, and other types of resource related
outdoor recreation.
a. Regulated hunting, fish and trapping are important tools for managing some wildlife
populations and habitats.
b. Fish and wildlife-based resources provide recreational benefits directly to participants and
increase advocacy for conservation
c. Responsible users of fish, wildlife, and the outdoors respect the rights and property of
Investigate and report on how responsible citizens employ considerate and safe personal behaviors
in physical activity (ethics of hunting, fishing, canoeing and hiking).

Step 8: Master three outdoor interests and mentor others

• Master and participate in outdoor activities in nature
• Mentor family members or friends.
• Volunteer for organizations connecting children with nature (Girl’s and Boy’s clubs, C&NN)

Step 9: Recommend actions for lifelong health and fitness:

Make recommendations for future actions and reflect on their implications for society, self and the
Step10: Present findings
Share findings from the health and fitness investigation and make recommendations from your
personal experience to an audience that could benefit from the research.

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