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Modul Singkat TO BE (Is,Am,Are)

Aturan mainnya :
I Am
You, We, They Are + Noun/Adjective/Verb+ing
He, She, It Is
To be adalah Is, Am dan Are dan selalu berpasangan dengan Noun(Kata Benda),
Adjective(Kata Sifat), dan Verb + ing (Kata Kerja Ditambah akhiran ing).
Dengan syarat:

I selalu berpasangan dengan Am,

You, We,They (jamak) selalu berpasangan dengan Are
He, She, It (orang ketiga tunggal) selalu berpasangan dengan Is

Contoh :

I am a government employee
He is smart student
You are writing a letter
Hamzah and Darno are playing table tennis
It is yellow card
We are going to office now
They are angry with us

Bentuk Negatif

I am not a government employee

He is not smart student
You are not writing a letter
Hamzah and Darno are not playing table tennis
It is not yellow card
We are not going to office now
They are not angry with us

Bentuk pertanyaan:

Am I a government employee? Yes, I am/ no, I am not

Is he smart student? Yes he is/ no, he is not
Are you writing a letter? Yes I am / no, I am not
Are Hamzah and Darno playing table tennis? Yes, they are/ no, they are not
Is it yellow card? Yes, it is/ no, it is not
Are we going to office now? Yes, we are/ no, we are not
Are they angry with us? Yes, they are / no, they are not
Bentuk Lampaunya
Aturan mainnya :

I Am Was
He, She, It Is +
You, We, They Are Were

Bentuk ini di gunakan pada saat lampau,menceritakan hal-hal telah terjadi dan
tetap berpasangan dengan Noun, adjective dan Verb + ing.
I , He, She ,It pasangan dengan Was
You, We, They pasangan dengan Were
Contoh :

I was a government employee two years ago

He was a smart student
You were writing a letter last night
Hamzah and Darno were playing table tennis yesterday
It was yellow card last night
We were going to office last friday
They were angry with us last morning

Bentuk Negatif

I was not a government employee two years ago

He was not smart student
You were not writing a letter last night
Hamzah and Darno were not playing table tennis yesterday
It was not yellow card last night
We were not going to office last friday
They were not angry with us last morning

Bentuk pertanyaan:

was I a government employee two years ago? Yes, I was/ no, I was not
was he smart student? Yes he was/ no, he was not
Were you writing a letter last night? Yes I was / no, I was not
were Hamzah and Darno playing table tennis yesterday? Yes, they were/ no,
they were not
Was it yellow card last night? Yes, it was/ no, it was not
were we going to office last friday? Yes, we were/ no, we were not
Were they angry with us last morning? Yes, they were / no, they were not

Modul Singkat TO Do (Do, Does)

Aturan mainnya :
I, You, We, They Verb I (bentuk negative) Do not + VI
He, She, It Verb I + S/Es (Bentuk Negative) Does not + VI

To Do atau biasa di sebut simple present verb adalah sebuah bentuk tensis yang
hanya menggunakan kata kerja saja (Verb) dipakai pada saat :
1. Menggambarkan kegiatan sehari-hari , kebiasaan sehari-hari, contoh :
I go to school every day
Abraham goes to church every Monday
Mr and Mrs. Darno teach Math in school every Sunday
2. Menggambarkan keadaan alam dan sesuatu hal yang tidak dapat di ubah
lagi, contoh :
The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west.
The earth revolves around the sun
The pineapple never grows up on tree

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