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TUNELUL SUB CANALUL MiNECII, UN SISTEM DE TRANSPORT AL SECOLULUI XXI Tunelut sub Canalul Minecii reprezinté, far indoiala, una din construcfiile cele mai importante si mai pasionante ale acestui secol. Ideea realiz&rii acestei legaturi intre Anglia si continent dateaza din secolul XIX, dar punerea ei in practic a devenit realitate in ianuarie 1986, cind guvernele francez si britanic au ales grupul privat EUROTUNNEL pentru conceptia, finan|area, realizarea si exploatarea viitoarei legaturi fixe pe sub Canalul Minecil Grupul EUROTUNNEL, format in jurul a doua societati proprietare, una francez& (Eurotunnel S.A.) si una englez’ (Eurotunnel P.L.C.) si a doua societi{i concesionare (France - Manche S.A. si The Channel Tunnel Group P.L.C.), este titularu! unui contract de concesionare pe o durata de 55 ani. Constructia a fost incredinjata unui consorfiu franco - britanic, Transmanche Link (T.M.L.), care grupeaza 5 firme franceze, reunite in "Transmanche Construction” gi 5 firme engleze, reunite in “Translink”. ~ slirgit, 0 comisie interguvernamentala (C.I.G.) a fost instituita pentru ~ superviza proiectul. Tunelul sub Canalul Minecii a fost conceput ca un sistem polivalent, care permite_prelu: ficului_tutier gi feroviar_ pe _o i iNet Compusa din doua tunele feroviare cD ‘de 50 km Tungime, Tegate la fiecare 395 ice un tunel central de serviciu (D; = 4,3 m), destinat pentru intretinere, ventitatie si securitate. Cele doua tunele, executate la 40 m sub fundul mari, leagd cele doud terminale, Coquelles si Cheriton, unde se realizeaza trecerea traficului tutier in navetele feroviare si se preiau trenurile directe care vin din fe{elele nationale. Transportul feroviar va fi realizat cu wenuti clasice gi TGY, care vor citcula cu viteze de 100-160 km/h.Traficul mediu anual estimat este de 30 milioane pasageri si 15 milioane tone maifa. Lucr&rile principale au inceput in 1987. 11 scuturi au forat 150 km de tunel cu viteze record, lucrarile de constructie incheindu-se in iunie 1991. Recordurile de inaintare au fost de 1719 m/lun& in zona engleza (total 92,4 km) gi 1106 m/lund in zona franceza (total 57,6 km). in afara galeriilor transversale de legatura intre tunelele principale si cel de ser- viciu, au mai fost realizate si galerii transversale intre tunelele principa- le, penttu desc&rcarea presiunii aerului dintr-un tunel in altul. Doud camere subterane de incrucigare vor permite trecerea trenurilor dintr- un tunel in altul, pentru a asigura | circulalia | pe un singur tunel, in gaz de nevoic. Cantitatea totala de roca excavata a fost de 8 milioane mm. Tunetele vor fi echipate cu instalajii fixe, cale cu prindere direct gi sistem catenar, alimentare electric’, semnalizare, iluminare, venti- latie. pompaj gi drenaj, teletransmisie, telecomanda si securitate. Special pentru acest tunel au fost concepute gi construite locomotive si vagoane speciale, adaptale diverselor tipuri de vehicule (autoturisme, camioane, etc.). Costu? total al lucrarilor era estimat, !a inceputul anului 1992, la 88.5 miliarde franci, sum& asigurata de un-consorjiu de peste 200 b&nci din lumea intreaga, dintre care 39 banci japoneze asigura 23% din total Punerea in circulajie a tunelului este prevazuta in 1993 si trebuie sd coincidA cu deschiderea piejei unice europene, contribuind ta dezvoltaiea gi integrarea rejelelor rutiere gi feroviare de mare viteza existente sau in proiect. RESEAU FERROVIAIRE FUTUR A GRANDE VITESSE ‘Unités (Actions frangaises et anehalses jumelées et indissociables) Actions F Eurotunnel, (Société en Eurotunnel S ‘A. |_| Participation) | | Eurotunnel PL.C. (eolcing) Conseil commun Gholding) Président France Manche ace prcsigent. | _ [The Channel Tunnet (ocité | | directeur général | 1 Group (Société concessionnaire) concessionnaire) [TSO [TransManche Link] ‘TransManche Construction ‘TransLink » Groupement francais Groupement anglais Bouygues -Dumez-SAE | [Balfour Beatty - Costain - Tarmac| # SGE - Spie Batignoltes ‘Taytor Woodrow - Wimpey BS pure ston SS oe a @ = 1S 20 zp reerland aa em Geological profile and description of the works. Tunnel slope is between 0.2% and 1.1 %, offen found at 0.6% on UK side and at 1.1% on French side goURehainage, en ‘A Piston tele! duct at 250 m intervals 1 Piston rele! damper C Running tunnel noah manne 1B Typical technical ror E Marine service tunnel F Typical erose-passage with bulkhead coor G Running tunnel soul manne H Suroshutle 2 Brits Bal train Service tunnel wanspar system Main fixed equipments of the Transport System. Funning tunes 1 Gooting water pipes tlew ana return 2 Firemain 100NB (125 m esch side of eross-passage) 2 Catenary tensioning weight (2 No. every 1 2k} 4 Tensioning weight pulleys every 1-2km 5 Catenary equipment (every 27 m & Leaky leecor 2 Maw hohing 82» 20kVeables 91» SRV cabie 10 Low voltage cabies 1 Signaling cables 12 Phase | tack concrete aed drainage 13 Walkway concrete 14 Phase 2 trackbase concrete + 7 (Iuiuiey 15 Precast walkway u's 16 Track blocks Service tunnel 17 Drainage pipes 600NE 3 ot + 1 \ruture) 18 Freran 19 Ferran 250NB (lutore) 20 2ORVIS:3KV and other supply cables 2: Leaky feccers 22 Contiol and communication cablos 23 Main lighting push vuttons (bath sices| 24 Loudspeakers (both sides) 25 Mai lighting 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 Ut oan cam suncie ‘ENGINERING Fr. FRANCE Gvaral project design, procuroment, construction, and commissioning programma. unebis T2 013; we Comes [as ere Tne ‘aspera ” re | 2 ve | ae | ga | ae 2 a wef tee | ger | ee Fost ye | fem | ages | iy ae crete [te THE CHANNEL TUNNEL PROJECT COMPARISON OF LOADING GAUGES STRUCTURE (Lindt that Signals otc,, SNCF STANDARD TRACK GAUGE: 1-432m (4-85) UC/CONTINENT wing Power cable ESaiage Cabs deciaves Power cables ower ables Drnoo om ron cans rovers syste Loudspeaker Sodramoge Hakpaeor ‘Fire main Radio antenna Caneteaton ‘Aatonne de radi Service tunne! vehicles Vehicules de la wee Earthling conductor ‘galerie de son nuts Systéme de Buried wire guidance system arainage—— padago ai erie RAMEAUX DE COMMUNICATION CROSS - PASSAGE 15.00 1500 " ch SECTION TYPE _ YIGAL SECTION RAMEAUX DE PISTONNEMENT PRESSURE RELIEF DUCT SECTION TYPE TYPICAL SECTION COTE U.K KEY STANDARD CIRCLE JOINT RADIAL JONT pretence RAOIAL JONT (COR VEY CONVEX COTE FRANCE j—boutons longitudinaux 4 ——boulons transversaux, _— boutons longitudinaux Contraintes Contraintes dans le terrain 245 le revétement Interaction entre tunnels Point commun admis comme! “theorique™ << Cheminement Frangais Puits de Sangatte 4 4 Orientation de la micro fi \ Se zppet support de snsteuments top Ren ptt carbone Fe «200 Tes panty geeetiquet co i>~ consoles F SFincramerd bpo er TET Jonetion du tunnel de service diametre 3. Om RAMEAU DE PISTONNEMENT diamatre 2.00m SOUS ‘STATION ELECTRIQUE diametre 4.80m RAMEAU_ 0D’ EVACUATION CAS D'UNE DEVIATION DU TUNNEL DE SERVICE ‘seventeen of ome (oem, coe oraecon scon LE CROISEMENT FERROVIAIRE fait partie d'un groupe de deux ouvrs: tes do meme fonetionnalté pertageant fe trajet en trois portions sonsiblement aces. Le crolsement ferraviira au cross-over fst constitué par une structure eylindi- jection conetante, dane laquelle semblis les deux tunnels ferro lextrimités por des tympans ovindriques oxo vertical de 20m de rayon. Saco of ay esa vv Les dimensions intéroures de Vouvrage | seeson aie sont fee suiventes Pasig wots one = ouvertures eux neiseances de to vt vote : 18,9 m: ——— tam: —Phaeabéton —= “— Phase Crausement —> 162 m. hauteur dons = tongueur dans 1 Les dimensions hors tout — largour & ta base : 26m : houteur dens F'axe : 22,4 m ; ongueur dans Vaxe : 170m. soque et los deux tympans sont en béton non armé. Le croisement ferrovisite est incrit dane Ja couche de ersie bleue dont Mépaisseur cot endrot est de 37 m environ et qui présente un pendage Sud/Nord de ‘call au-dessus de tunnels ‘afin de ménager sous le vodte du cross ‘over un espace technique oo seront Excavation of elementary galleries Nogalleries are open as the TBM passes 3 Se a Root being completed Roof when complete 5 6 Core excavation (upper part) o 8 Construction of counter-vault bed Finished structure Fig 1. Excavation and support sequence of the French crossover chamber. ‘aang ama veh Teergand EDiRinece poy cnae Ea Iweaneres upper cna man TET] Ummeamerad upper chax man EBT) ower chat nant pasa hak mat ours EI Giyeycatcareous mudeone) EEE] Sot cay Fig I Position of erossover cavern in relation tothe three tunnels and the subsea geological profile. ET 3.089.0m| ET 3.089.0m RS-roof settlements HD-horizontal deformation _ST- tangential or shoterete pressure cells DD-diagonal deformation MB-measuring rock bolts RP-radial or rock pressure colls ET-rod extensometers ET 3.0,6.029.0m SL cmnita rock bolt 1.5,3.0,4 586.0m| Fig 2. Geotechnical instrumentation used in the crossover. PUITS DE SANGATTE-PHASE PROVISOIRE VUE EN PLAN AU NIVEAU DES GARES. Leds a PUMPING STATION "k" ELECTRICAL ‘SUBSTATION Rooms, Above, Jeft Pumping station « K », one of 3 undersea. Right. inside wew of the French Pumping station « W3 » Systéme normal de ventilation definitive “Systtme supplémentaire de ventilation définiive

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