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Genetically Modified Organisms

Sydney Alexander

Ottawa University


This paper reviews the possible threats posed on the environment and human

health by genetically modified organisms and the methods used to engineer these

organisms. Genetically modified organisms are organisms that contain genetic material

that has been altered through genetic engineering. The first section of this text explores

the background and controversies surrounding GMOs. In addition to the first section of

this paper, the text then explores in detail the potential risk factors in regard to human

health and the environment. It is hoped that this study will inform the general public

about the risk factors associated with genetically modified organisms and why it is

necessary to have further research before genetically engineering methods are continued

and before any further human consumption.


A genetically modified organism is an organism that has had its DNA altered

through genetic engineering. Genetically modified organisms are becoming more and

more prevalent in the daily food choices of America. Should these foods be labeled and

regulated by the government? What are the effects of GMOs on health and the

environment? These are a few of the controversies that are at apparent when discussing

genetically modified organisms. By performing extensive research on a variety of

different aspects when looking at GMOs, the overall safety regarding the environment

and human consumption has been observed. First the background of GMOs will be

introduced, second, the controversies regarding GMOs and the arguments that both for

and against will be discussed, thirdly, the health effects from consuming GMOs will be

discussed, fourth, the process of engineering GMOs, and lastly, a conclusion that ties

together all of the main ideas.


Genetically modified organisms are organisms containing genetic material that

has been altered through genetic engineering. The process of genetic engineering consists

of the modification of an organisms phenotype through alterations in its genetic make-

up. Many crops are genetically modified in order to introduce a new trait into the species.

The purpose of genetically modifying crops is to have a crop that is resistant to pests,

diseases, environmental conditions, or resistant to chemical treatments. Although genetic

modification is especially gaining popularity today, our ancestors also unknowingly used

genetic modification by influencing the DNA of other organisms through selective

breeding and artificial selection. Both of these processes practice choosing the organisms

with the most desired traits and mating them to produce these certain traits through their

offspring. Genetically modified organisms are something that has been prevalent long

before todays time but has gained popularity with time. Along with this popularity there

have also been concerns that have come up in regards to the overalls safety of GMOs for

human health and the environment. James Watson and Francis Crick were the first two

scientists to publish the structure of DNA, which revealed that all organisms are made

with the same building blocks. (Phifer, 2011) This is a principle within molecular biology

and biotechnology because it allows for the extraction and insertion of DNA across

species. (Phifer, 2011) Why use molecular breeding over traditional breeding? With

traditional breeding, plants can exchange large and unregulated chunks of their genomes,

which can lead to unwanted traits in the offspring. (Aroian)



Why the controversy surrounding genetically modified foods? Genetic

engineering isolates a specific gene for a desired trait and then proceeds to add it to a

single plant cell that will have an end product of a new plant from the cell. (Zeratsky,

2016) Although the different methods surrounding genetic engineering may improve

plant durability, increase yield, and lower costs, is the environment and human health

suffering? Some of the arguments supporting genetically modified plants are the

improvement of pests and disease resistance will increase crop yield. In result of the

increase in yield, food prices will also decrease. (Davidson, 2013) The topics that are

mainly up for debate are allergenicity, gene transfer, and outcrossing. (Zeratsky, 2016)

Another area of concern regarding GMOs is the overall validity of the assessments

performed on GMOs and their safety. GM foods often lack proper labeling and there are

concerns that the lack of labeling could cause consumers to be unaware of what exactly is

in the food being consumed. The debate about genetically modified organisms is so

controversial because the food that has become so popular in the American diet is

produced in a laboratory. There is a lack of long-term studies regarding genetically

modified organisms and this could potentially cause harm that humans are completely

unaware of because of the lack of research. Another topic of concern that is a controversy

is the claim that mutated foods, or GMOs are the answer to the world problem

surrounding hunger. Although the biotech industry may have the capacity to improve the

issue of hunger in the world today, will this just then create a different problem regarding

the environment and possible other health concerns in humans? There are endless

controversies surrounding genetically modified organisms but the most common are

regarding nutrition, world hunger, environmental safety, pesticides, and health concerns.

Health Effects

The health effects stemming from genetically modified organisms is a topic that

has been up for controversy because of the lack of research and possible toxic effects that

are hidden within GMOs. Genetically modified plants have had foreign genes forced into

their DNA and this issue that can come with this method is that the inserted genes often

come from species, bacteria, and viruses and none of these things have been in the human

diet until GMOs were introduced. (Orford, 2011) Genetically engineering can create

collateral damage, which causes mutations throughout the plants DNA. The loss of

natural genes can cause a change in behavior, which may create proteins that promote

disease or allergies. One example of a GMO that has caused an allergic reaction is

genetically modified soy. According to the IRT, soy allergies increased by 50% in the UK

soon after genetically modified soy was introduced. (Orford, 2011) There is a new and

unexpected allergen present in genetically modified soy that is not found in wild natural

soy, which is soy that has not been genetically modified. Another example of a harmful

substance in GMOs is called Bt-toxin and is claimed to have no harmful effects on

humans, but hundreds of humans have shown that there has been an allergic reaction

present from the consumption of this toxin in GMOs. (Orford, 2011)

The purpose behind the use of genetically modified organisms is to increase yield

by keeping crops insect repellent and tolerant to the herbicides exposed. Although the use

of GMOs claims to feed impoverished countries, manufacture pharmaceuticals, and clean

up the environment, the lack of information and research on these organisms pose a

possible threat to human health and environmental issues. The technology regarding

GMOs and their safety is questionable and causes concern of the public when consumed.

(Hillstrom, 2012) There is documentation of allergic reactions to numerous chemicals

associated with GM products such as Bt-toxins, GM soy, and many others. In addition to

these possible threats, studies show that the consumption of roundup by rats has resulted

in changes in the liver because of the increased workload necessary for proper liver

function after consuming roundup. The consumption of roundup by humans is very

possible because of cross-contamination and the possible exposure to roundup of the

crops consumed by humans. The possible risk of disease form transgenic food is a

concern because of the modification of plants using viruses and bacteria. (Hillstrom,


Environmental Effects

In addition to the possible harm GMOs can cause on human health, GMOs also

cause potential harm to the environment. One of the main issues surrounding GMOs and

the possible threat to the environment is the toxicity of these chemical pesticides and

herbicides that are commonly used in GMOs. (Glass, 2013) GMOs are a possible threat

to non-target organisms such as bees and butterflies. The lack of research makes it hard to

determine the long-term effects of GMOs. The targeted pests of these agricultural

methods are able to adapt to pesticides and herbicides but as they lose their effectiveness,

the toxicity will still remain. (Glass, 2013) Another issue surrounding GMOs and the

environment is biodiversity. The sustainability of an ecosystem is at risk because of

GMOs because during the production of genetically modified crops the original heritage

seeds are no longer used. (Glass, 2013) The whole nature of GMOs is to eliminate

unnecessary weeds and this could potentially result in less nectar for pollinators. The

excessive use of GMOs results in the dependency on GMO seeds and the chemicals used

to grow a single crop. The harmful toxins and other things that make up the DNA of

GMOs could potentially end up in soil, compost, animal feed, and other living organisms

and this not only could harm humans, but also can have devastating effects on the

environment for centuries to come. (Glass, 2013)

The purpose of genetically modified organisms is to improve the sustainability of

food, improve yields, and make food healthier. Since the introduction of these crops in

the mid-1990s, farmers now apply 16 times more of the herbicides compared to the

amount used before GMOs were introduced. (Cassidy, 2016) Glyphosate is the main

chemical used for GMOs and studies have shown that farmers exposed to this have twice

the risk of developing a blood cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma compared to those

who are not exposed. (Cassidy, 2016) Glyphosate is also detrimental to the environment

and a wide range of wildlife, birds, and insects in the environment. (Cassidy, 2016)

Avoiding GMOs

Genetically modified organisms are very prevalent today but lack the extensive

and long-term research needed to fully secure the safety of GMOs. There is a wide range

of reasons to avoid the excessive consumption of GMOs. One of the reasons is the

unhealthy nature of genetically modified organisms. Studies show that genetically

modified organisms can cause organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system

disorders, accelerated aging, and possible infertility. (Smith, 2017) The material that

GMOs are composed of has the potential to get left behind inside of the human body,

which could possible cause long-term issues. Chronic illnesses have increased from 9%

to 13% following the introduction of GMOs. (Smith, 2017) The second reason to avoid

GMOs is the permanent contamination of the gene pool. GMO pollution is expected to

outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The third reason to avoid GMOs

is the increase in herbicide use from GMOs, which is a deadly weed killer and effects

many non-targeted species. (Smith, 2017) The overuse in this herbicide creates

superweeds, which are weeds that become resistant to the herbicide and this causes

farmers to use even more toxic herbicides than before in order to kill the weeds. A study

took place that focused on the age group with a mean age of 21.77. This study gathered

information from students attending the Institute of Health Sciences in Uludag

University. Over half of the students questioned believed that the genetics of food is

altered in order for national goverments to become dependent to foreign countries and

that GMOs are detrimental to human health. (Utkualp, 2016) There was a negative

perception overall when discussing GMOs and these students who were apart of this

study. This study is one example of how the overall idea of genetically modified

organisms is often negative. The potential issues that could stem from genetically

modified organisms and the methods used to create them indicate that such use should be

modified until further research and studies are released with information about

genetically modified organisms.


In conclusion, genetically modified organisms and the methods used to create

them are surrounded by different controversies and arguments. The background

surrounding GMOs and the methods used to produce GMOs is a key area to understand

in order to thoroughly assess the possible threats of GMOs. The lack of research is a

common concern surrounding the cons of GMOs. In addition to the lack of research, the

potential harm that genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms can have on

the environment and human health is another area of concern.














Ahmed, F. E. (2002). Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods. 215

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Dona , A. (2008). Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods . Critical Reviews

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Aroian , R. (n.d.). GMO. Retrieved March 06, 2017, from





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