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FAQ About WCPS ESL Program

1. What are the major requirements for the program?

Must have another language listed on school enrollment form
Have parents complete a Home Language Survey (all speculated ELL families do this)
Use above information, classroom observations, teacher discussions, etc to determine if
we believe there to be a possible LANGUAGE barrier to their learning. If that is the case,
we then administer the WIDA (World Class Instructional Design and Assessment). It is a
legally binding test, so IF the students do test into the program, then we are legally
bound to give them instructional services.
From there, send home an enrollment form. The parents can waive services though if
they'd like, which we have a couple that do. If a parent waives services, we do honor
that. However, due to their W-apt scores that show there to be a language barrier, we
are still legally obligated to offer them ELL Accommodations during testing time. They
also still have to take the annual WIDA assessment test that we give.
If/once a student tests out of the program, they become a RELL (re-classified ELL
student.) They are then monitored for two years. However, they have tested out of the
program, so as far as accountability status in terms of their test scores etc aren't
factored as they no longer take the WIDA test. Some of them still have ELL
Accommodations, if deemed appropriate. Often, like extended time.

2. What are concerns about the program?

ESL program is lack of parent involvement due to language barrier
Teachers struggle to meet student needs due to language barrier

3. What are the goals of the program?

ELs achieve mainstream level in academic language.

4. What recommendations can principals employ to help meet the needs of students
served by the ESL program?
Admin should encourage classroom teachers to attend PDs presented by ESL staff and
plan lessons together

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