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FAQ About WCPS GATE Program

1. What are the major requirements for the program?

1 COMAR states that all Maryland Counties provide
Gifted and Talented services to students who qualify
for them. WCPS has been developing this program
over the past several years and it continues to
evolve each year. Just this spring they developed
Transfer Goals and Essential Questions as other
departments have done. These can be found in the
document shared by Jeremy at the last staff meeting.
They continue to develop units of instruction so that
the program can have some consistency throughout
the county and the same level of credibility as all
departments in the system. At the elementary level
there are a variety of data used to qualify students
for the program: Olsat or CogAT test scores, MAP
scores, report card grades, parent and teacher
recommendation matrices, creativity tasks, F&P
levels, Concepts of Print, Primary Talent Development
scores, Lexile levels, etc. Students who apply to
magnet schools undergo further testing to determine
weather or not they will be invited to attend. At the
high school level AP and IB courses are offered to
those students who qualify. For further information,
visit the WCPS website and find the Advanced
Programs section.
2. What are concerns about the program?
Her concerns are not necessarily about the program
but rather that students are not identified properly for
the program and therefore are not getting the service
they should be. All classroom teachers should have
some training about GT students to ensure students do
not slip through the cracks. Since Primary Talent
Development is used in the primary grades to identify
creativity at an early age, it is crucial that classroom
teachers implement the program with integrity and
fidelity. Some teachers view the program as one more
thing to do and may not give activities the attention
they deserve. Another concern is that the program is
not viewed as credible or necessary (by some, but not
all staff members), but the current work (mentioned
above) should help to correct this misconception.
3. What are the goals of the program?
The comprehensive goal of the entire K-12 program is
to properly identify and place students who are
deserving of the services. This includes twice
exceptional students who might have a learning
disability and be gifted as well.
4. What recommendations can principals employ to help
meet the needs of students served by the G & T
Principals can ensure that all teachers are offered PD
explaining the characteristics of gifted students,
including twice exceptional students. They can also
ensure that Primary Talent Development is given
credibility and encourage its proper implementation.
The GATE program and GATE teachers should be given
the space and materials necessary to properly serve
their students.

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