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Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 81


Study Guide Answer Key


Learning Activities as well as reducing CNS irritability in pre-

1. f, g, d, a, h, b, c, e eclampsia), indomethacin (prostaglandin
2. a. Prolapsed cord: record the fetal heart rate synthesis inhibitor), or nifedipine (calcium
for at least 1 minute after amniotomy to channel blocker)
observe for rates outside the normal range d. Steroids such as dexamethasone or beta-
of 110160 BPM at term. methasone; thyroid-releasing hormone
b. Infection: Observe fluid for cloudiness 5. a. Cold applications for at least 12 hours
or foul odor; take temperature every 24 b. Warm applications after 1224 hours
hours (or according to facility policy and c. Oral analgesics
patient assessment) and observe for a tem- 6. Skin incision and uterine incision. The uterine
perature of 38 C (100.4 F) or higher or for incision is more important in terms of its likeli-
fluid that is cloudy, yellow, or foul-odored. hood of rupture during a subsequent pregnan-
c. Abruptio placentae (see details in Chapter cy.
5): bleeding with abdominal or low back 7. a. Check every 15 minutes or according to
pain; tender, boardlike uterus; cramping facility protocol to identify hemorrhage,
contractions (uterine irritability) shock, poor respiratory function.
3. Induction of labor is the artificial initiation of b. Check site for patency and rate of flow.
labor before spontaneous labor has begun. c. Check fundus for firmness, location, devia-
Augmentation of labor is stimulation of labor tion from the midline.
that has already begun. d. Check dressing for drainage; outline evi-
4. a. Prostaglandins dence of wound drainage on dressing to
b. Oxytocin (Pitocin) (prostaglandins, includ- determine if it stabilizes or continues.
ing misoprostol, also may be used) e. Check lochia for amount, color, presence of
c. Tocolytics or drugs used as tocolytics, such clots, odor; look on womans back side.
as terbutaline (beta-adrenergic agent), f. Check catheter bag for output and color.
magnesium sulfate (relaxes smooth muscle

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2Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 8

8. Complete with contents of Box 8-1.

Characteristic Hypertonic Labor Hypotonic Labor (most common)
a. Contractions Frequent, cramping, poorly Too weak to be effective
Inadequate relaxation between
Painful, but do not result in progress
b. Time of Usually occurs during latent phase or Labor begins normally; progress
occurrence before 4-cm dilation decreases or stops during active phase
during labor
c. Medical Mild sedation to allow rest Amniotomy
management Possibly tocolytics Augmentation (oxytocin, nipple
d. Nursing care Emotional support, as in hypotonic Emotional support for frustration; tell
labor her if she makes progress
Avoid making judgments about how Position changes, especially upright or
much pain she should have side-lying
Promote rest Walking; nipple stimulation
Watch for problems related to
augmentation (i.e., abnormal FHR or

9. a. The woman may push too briefly or not 12. a. Maternal trauma (such as uterine rupture,
hard enough to cause fetal descent, she cervical lacerations, or hematomas)
may be unable to feel the urge to push, or b. Compromised fetal oxygenation
her pushing efforts may be directed incor- c. Infant birth injuries
rectly. The nurse can coach her on when 13. a. PROM (premature rupture of the mem-
to push and the most effective techniques. branes) is rupture of the membranes at
Some women benefit from pushing only term, but 1 hour before labor begins.
when the urge is felt or from explanations PPROM, sometimes abbreviated pPROM,
about the sensations they feel. is rupture of the membranes before term,
b. The fetal head must rotate in a wider arc with or without uterine contractions.
to come into one of the occiput anterior b, c, d. Answers will vary.
positions that best allow fetal descent. The 14. a. Transvaginal ultrasound may identify an
woman can be taught different positions to abnormally short cervix, indicating greater
use to encourage rotation. Observe mother risk for preterm labor.
and infant for signs of trauma related to b. The benefits of activity restrictions are un-
the abnormal position (such as vaginal clear, although it continues to be prescribed
wall hematoma, excessive fetal molding, for preterm labor. Moderate activity restric-
forceps or vacuum extractor injuries). tions are more often prescribed to reduce
10. a. Consumes glucose needed for the work of uterine activity.
labor c. Fetal fibronectin may result from uterine
b. Causes secretion of hormones that inhibit activity, infection, or cervical effacement.
uterine contractions Its presence at an abnormal time (2224
c. Diverts blood from the uterus weeks) during pregnancy is correlated
d. Increases tension of pelvic muscles with greater risk for preterm labor.
e. Increases perception of pain 15. Contractions (with or without discomfort);
11. a. Maternal infection feeling that baby is frequently balling up;
b. Newborn infection menstrual-like cramps; constant low backache;
c. Maternal exhaustion pelvic pressure, feeling that baby is pushing
d. Postpartum hemorrhage down; change in vaginal discharge; abdominal
e. Greater anxiety in a later pregnancy cramps (with or without diarrhea); pain or dis-

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Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 83

comfort in the vulva or thighs; feeling of just phase. Occiput posterior positions (3) are char-
feeling bad or coming down with some- acterized by back pain. Shoulder dystocia (4)
thing occurs at the time of birth, resulting from fetal
16. a. Hypoxia with poor placental blood flow shoulders that are large relative to mothers
(suggested by nonreassuring fetal moni- pelvis.
toring signs such as late decelerations), 4. Answer: 3
or continued growth with good placental Rationale: Clavicle fracture (3) is more likely
supply (which can result in large size and when the shoulders were difficult to deliver.
therefore trauma with vaginal birth or a It is manifested by deformity or crepitus over
need for cesarean birth). Amniotic fluid the area. The infant may not move the arm nor-
may be less than normal for gestation mally on the affected side. Head molding and
when observed on ultrasound. flexed posture (1 and 2) are not indicative of
b. Neonatal respiratory distress related to me- clavicle injury. Abnormal temperature (4) sug-
conium passage in utero gests infection or hypoglycemia.
c. Neonatal hypoglycemia due to consump- 5. Answer: 4
tion of reserves before birth Rationale: Elevated maternal temperature and
17. a. Fetus high in the pelvis when the mem- pulse (4) suggest infection despite clear amni-
branes rupture otic fluid (2). Fetal tachycardia (1) is common if
b. Very small fetus the mothers temperature is elevated. Sponta-
c. Abnormal fetal presentation neous fetal movement with uterine palpation
d. Hydramnios (3) would be normal.
18. a. Complete: there is a hole through the full 6. Answer: 2
thickness of the uterine wall into the ab- Rationale: Intense, poorly relieved back pain
dominal cavity (back labor) (2) is characteristic of an occiput
b. Incomplete: uterus tears into a nearby posterior position. The other optionslabor
structure, such as a ligament less than 3 hours, rapid fetal descent, and mild
c. Dehiscence: separation of an old uterine contractions (1, 3, and 4) describe precipitate
scar, often without bleeding labor, Braxton-Hicks contractions, and early
or perhaps pretermlabor.
7. Answer: 1
Review Questions Rationale: The womans symptoms include
1. Answer: 3 two of the most common that are associated
Rationale: The FHR of 95 BPM (3) is lower than with preterm labor. Although similar symp-
the expected range at term of 110160, sug- toms occur in uncomplicated pregnancies (2),
gesting umbilical cord compression. The other it is impossible to evaluate her by phone (1).
findings are normal after membrane rupture: Symptoms could be benign, but cannot tell
clear fluid drain, maternal temperature of 37.2 without examining the woman. The patient
C (99.0 F), and moderate contractions every 3 cannot be assured that she only needs to el-
minutes (1, 2, and 4). evate her feet or increase fluid intake (3 and 4).
2. Answer: 2 8. Answer: 4
Rationale: Women in hypertonic labor have Rationale: External version is usually done
frequent, cramplike contractions that exhaust very near term, but before labors onset so
them. Measures to promote their rest and com- there is room to turn the fetus. It is not done if
fort (2) make them feel better and can improve vaginal birth is not anticipated, such as with
labor by decreasing anxiety. Walking is more placenta previa (2). Version may rarely be done
appropriate for hypotonic labor (1). A favor- after onset of labor. It is difficult to perform
able outcome cannot be assured (3) and does once labor has started (1) because of uterine ir-
not take care of her immediate problem. Oral ritability. Placenta previa (2) will likely require
(such as ice chips) and intravenous fluids will a cesarean birth. Multifetal gestations (3) limit
often be needed in greater quantities, not less the room to turn a fetus during late pregnancy.
(4), because of her exhaustion. 9. Answer: 4
3. Answer: 1 Rationale: Measures to restore circulation
Rationale: Hypotonic labor (1) typically occurs through the cord (4) precede all other emer-
during the active phase. The woman is usually gency measures. It is after that that the medical
comfortable, although often frustrated by the provider should be called as soon as possible
lack of progress. Hypertonic (2) is character- (1) (usually by another nurse) because a cesar-
ized by frequent, painful, cramping contrac- ean birth almost always be needed, but cord
tions and usually occurs during the latent circulation is most vital. If the cord can already

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4Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 8

be seen, palpation for a pulse wastes time (2). primarily may cause infection or preterm birth
Application of an internal monitor (3) wastes if the woman is not at least 38 weeks. This fetus
valuable time. is less than 8 pounds (7 pounds, 11 ounces),
10. Answer: 2 and unlikely to cause rupture (2) unless there
Rationale: Checking the fetal heart rate (2) is are other problems.
the best way to identify cord compression that 16. Answer: 2
may have occurred if the cord slipped down- Rationale: The characteristics listed are typi-
ward between the fetal body and mothers cal of a postterm baby (2), although they may
pelvis. Side-lying (1) enhances oxygenation, occur in any infant affected by prolonged
primarily by maximizing blood delivery to and placental insufficiency during late pregnancy.
from the placenta. Fluid color (3) is not the first The preterm fetus (1) has a thin, sometimes
priority in this situation, nor is changing the gelatinous-appearing skin and abundant ver-
underpad (4). nix. A vigorous cry does not typify respiratory
11. Answer: 3 distress (3). The infant is unlikely to be large
Rationale: An ice pack (3) numbs the area, lim- for gestational age (4) because the findings de-
its formation of hematomas, and limits edema. scribe a postterm infant who is often small for
Application of warmth (1) is best after at least gestational age.
the first 12 hours. Dressings and ointment (2 17. Answer: 3
and 4) are not needed in care of this procedure. Rationale: Prostaglandin gel is given to soften
12. Answer: 2 the cervix to promote easier induction of labor.
Rationale: Minor trauma, including bruises Because most women who receive it are at or
and small abrasions, may occur where forceps past term, it may initiate labor, often accom-
were applied because the skin is delicate; these panied by membrane rupture (3). The woman
usually disappear over time (2). There is no must remain in bed (not walking) (1) for at
urgency to report the findings to the physician least 1 hour after insertion of the prostaglan-
(1). Brain injury (3) would be manifested by din, so 30 minutes is too soon to expect con-
far more severe signs. The trauma described is tractions (2). Vigorous and frequent contrac-
typical of forceps births, not every birth (4). tions may be hypertonic and require a tocolytic
13. Answer: 2 to decrease intensity. There is no reason to stay
Rationale: The woman with a cesarean birth in bed for the hours until oxytocin is started (4)
can have a relaxed uterus that results in hem- unless other complications exist.
orrhage just as the woman with vaginal birth,
particularly during the immediate postopera-
tive hours. Checking the fundus (gently) for Case Studies
firmness (2) is the best way to identify uterine 1. a. Answers will vary.
relaxation. Improved comfort (1 and 3) is es- b. Green amniotic fluid suggests possible pla-
sential, but does not have priority over preven- cental insufficiency. Gestation is not stated
tion of hemorrhage. The woman will have an but green fluid is more common in a term
indwelling catheter, so this is not the time to fetus. Respiratory problems could occur in
encourage independent urination (4). the newborn but this is less likely because
14. Answer: 2 the fluid is light green rather than heavy
Rationale: Maternal trauma, with or without and thick.
uterine rupture, may result in maternal blood c. Observe fetal monitors for nonreassuring
loss, reducing available blood (and therefore patterns and intervene as indicated. Notify
oxygen) (2) for placental flow. Abruptio pla- the nursery for possible respiratory prob-
centae may have occurred, especially with lems after birth.
abdominal trauma. The fetus cannot be directly d. Amniotomy complications might include
assessed at this time (1). Intrauterine infec- nonreassuring FHR patterns. Observa-
tion (3) is not the main riskuterine rupture tion for infection signs and symptoms and
is. Precipitous birth (4) could occur, but loss of for excessive vaginal bleeding should be
oxygenation remains the priority. continued. No indication of complications
15. Answer: 4 other than light-green fluid in the situation.
Rationale: A previous uterine scar of any e. i. Skin: Possible bruising in area of
kind (4) increases the risk for uterine rupture, cheeks. Explain to parents.
although this risk is very low with the low ii. Shape of head may be elongated, de-
transverse incision. Risk for rupture is low in pending on size of head and size of
hypotonic labor (1) unless there are other prob- Caras pelvis.
lems. Premature rupture of the membranes (3)

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Study Guide Answer Key Chapter 85

iii. Appearance when crying is usually waste products from the fetus. This may lead
normal. Facial asymmetry from pres- to fetal hypoxia. Avoiding the supine position
sure may be present. also avoids supine hypotension, which would
f. Answers will vary. further reduce fetal oxygen supply. Giving
2. a. Answers will vary; the following is an ex- the woman oxygen may increase levels in her
ample. First, discuss movement abilities blood, maximizing the amount delivered to the
with Jennifer. She may be able to move the placenta. Both mother and infant should also
leg without the cast to one side enough to be examined for trauma after birth because the
see labia. Have one or two other nurses baby is rapidly pushed through her birth canal.
to help support Jennifers good leg and
spread the labia enough to cleanse the area
and insert the catheter. Applying Knowledge
b, c, d. Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Thinking Critically
1. Very intense, frequent, and perhaps long con-
tractions reduce the ability of the placenta
to refill with oxygenated blood and unload

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