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Notes on Fennema

The curriculum of a school is the organized content, skill and values that are to be taught.
Macro-curriculum consists of the bid picture, the scope and sequence of curricula within an
entire educational system.
Micro-curriculum deals with that individual units and lessons that are taught in particular
subjects or grades.
Two Foundational Statements
1. There is no such thing as Christian education; there is only Christian educators.
2. Only part of Gods story is being told; Christian educators need to hear the rest of the
Statement 1:
Created reality serves as the (one creation) source for all educational curricula; the bible tells
us that everyone has common access to the one creation that God has provided.
The differences in education, are not found in the essence of what is taught; rather located in
the perspective or world view lens which curricular info is presented.
For Christian educators, their first responsibility is to embrace a biblical world view and
secondly, the must learn how to apply that world view to their lessons.
Statement 2:
Based on the truism that ones theology directs ones pedagogy.
- Because of falleness, finitness, and frailty, most Christian educators possess only a
limited world view, even when based on the bible.
- World events and life issues are to be understood within the context of creation, fall and
redemption and new creation.
Two Foundational Goals
Goal 1 (The Revelation): To know the sovereign and loving father in fullness through the
three-fold manifestation of his word and spirit, thus receive the new life in fullness.
Goal 2 (Response): To seek the coming of Gods kingdom- his emanating and effectual

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