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International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602

Failure mechanisms of automotive metallic alloys in

very high cycle fatigue range
Emin Bayraktar , Israel Marines Garcias b, Claude Bathias b

SUPMECA/LISMMA-Paris, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, 3 rue Fernand Hainaut, 93407 Saint Ouen Cedex, France
ITMA-CNAM, Bathias Research Laboratory, School of Mechanical Engineering, 2 rue Conte 75003, Paris, France

Received 30 June 2004; received in revised form 2 September 2005; accepted 15 September 2005
Available online 18 April 2006


In modern technology, analysis of fatigue behaviour of engineering components is obligatory to develop engines and mechanical parts
to improve the performance and to increase lifetime up to 109 cycles. On the other hand, the estimations and analysis of the mechanism
of fatigue failure must be known in detail for steel industry to develop high quality steels.
In this research, dierent alloys, failed under high frequency fatigue conditions, used in the automotive industry, were studied: steels,
heat treated at dierent conditions, cast iron and cast aluminium with dierent tensile strength ranging from 220 to 2350 MPa. These
alloys were tested at very high cyclegigacycle-fatigue (VHCF, >107), using a piezoelectric fatigue system (20 kHz) under tensioncom-
pression conditions with a stress ratio of R = 1. The central part of each specimen was cooled by compressed air to keep the temper-
ature constant at room temperature. Fatigue failure values were usually located between 107 and 1010 cycles. Eects of defect types on
failure mechanism in very high cycle fatigue range are discussed here in detail with fracture surface analysis by using Scanning Electron
Microscopy (SEM).
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Failure mechanism; Very high cycle fatigue; (VHCF); Metallic alloys

1. Introduction about the failure mechanism in very high cycle fatigue.

The most common idea is that two initiation mechanisms
Investigations concerning long fatigue lives (>107 cycles) are acting: crack initiation is found at the surface up to
are relatively rare [16]. The reason is obvious, the testing 106 cycles, beyond 107 cycles, initiation site is internal of
time and costs are too much to perform the fatigue tests the specimen.
of more than 108 cycles using a conventional testing This study entails the failure mechanisms of dierent
machine. The experimental results show that the fatigue automotive metallic alloys in terms of the eects of defects,
fracture can occur beyond 107 cycles in the steels, and the such as inclusions, pores and internal microstructural or
origin of this fracture not at the surface but at a certain dis- metallurgical defects on the crack initiation in very high
tance from the surface. cycle fatigue range. In this paper, special care was given
In the high and low cycle ranges, the initial sites of fati- to the presentation of dierent types of mechanisms oper-
gue crack are dierent. In case of VHCF (>107 cycles), the ating at the level of 109 cycles; The initiation site, which
initiation sites are found at non-metallic inclusions located depends on a defect is not always in the interior of the spec-
in the interior of the specimen; on the other hand, the ini- imen at this level of cycles, as claimed above, since the
tiation sites may be found at surface or just near the sur- probability of nding a defect at the surface depends on
face. In literature [211], there are many interpretations the number of defects for a given volume of the specimen.
Additionally, the cause of the initiation site is not only the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 149 45 2954; fax: +33 149 45 2959. inclusion but also the pores, the nature of microstructure
E-mail address: (E. Bayraktar). and/or the metallurgical defects.

0142-1123/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602 1591

2. Experimental conditions Generally, the SN curves of the tested materials are

continuously decreasing from the mega to the gigacycle
Chemical compositions of the materials studied here, range. No step is observed in the SN curves when the load
which have been heat-treated at dierent conditions, are is tensioncompression. The results obtained at dierent
given in Table 1. Their tensile strengths vary from frequency show that fatigue rupture can occur beyond
220 MPa (cast Al) to 2350 MPa (AISI 52100). The speci- 109 cycles and the dierence of fatigue resistance decreases
mens from 42CrMo4 were prepared in longitudinal (L) by 150, or even 200 MPa between 106 and 1010 cycles under
and transversal directions (T) with respect to the rolling these conditions.
direction. Mechanical properties of these materials studied In case of 42CrMo4-T, any horizontal asymptote cannot
are given in Table 2. The specimens are tested at ultrasonic be drawn between 106 and 109 cycles, since the fatigue limit
fatigue frequency of 20 kHz with a stress ratio of R = 1 decreases considerably regarding to 42CrMo4-L and the
(tensioncompression) under load control. In order to con- scatter of the results is very high. Additionally, for the
trol the displacement amplitude at the end of the amplier grade of 42CrMo4-L, less scatter of the results is found.
was calibrated by optical sensor before each fatigue test. As will be explained in Section 3.3, the fatigue behaviour
All of the samples were tested as received conditions of the materials depends, essentially, on the size, the posi-
without polishing. The temperature of the central part of tion, the number and the type of the inclusion. In case of
the specimen was kept constant at room temperature by steel-52100, we have tested two originally dierent speci-
a special temperature cooling system with compressed air mens (1st series: French norm NF100C6 and 2nd series:
(10 C) during the test. It can arrange the level of the Japanese norm SUJ2). Generally, all of these results
cooling rate automatically. The mechanisms of fatigue fail- obtained in very high frequency (20 and 30 kHz) showed
ure have been studied by means of analysis of fractography a smooth decrease in the fatigue limit and they are consis-
on the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The fracture tent with the conventional testing results (30 Hz). For the
origin and/or inclusions were identied by use of energy grade of D38MSV5, a regular decrease was observed in
disperse analysis. the fatigue and less scatter of the results is found. The dif-
ference of the fatigue strength between 106 and 109 cycles is
3. Results and discussion about 100 MPa. For the grade of perlitic steel (XC70), a
considerable decrease (100 MPa) is found in the fatigue
3.1. High-cycle fatigue properties strength between 106 and 1010 cycles. For the nodular cast
iron, with higher mechanical properties, very smooth
Fig. 1af show experimental high-cycle fatigue test decrease in the fatigue strength is observed between 107
results explained by SN curves for the materials, and 1010 cycles and high fatigue life is found and the results
42CrMo4 L and T, D38MSV5S, AISI 52100, perlitic steel, obtained in very high frequency (20 and 30 kHz) showed a
cast iron and aluminium respectively. They show that fati- smooth decrease in the fatigue limit and they are consistent
gue failure of these materials may occur beyond 107 cycles, with the conventional testing results (35 Hz). The dierence
in other words, fracture occurred between 106 and 1010 of the fatigue strength between 107 and 1010 cycles is about
cycles. 30 MPa. In case of cast aluminium, a continuous decrease

Table 1
Chemical composition of materials (wt%)
Steel grade C Mn P S Si Al Fe Mg Ni Cr Cu Mo V
42CrMo4 0.428 0.827 0.012 0.024 0.254 0.173 1.026 0.224
D38MSV5S ferriteperlite 0.384 1.23 0.012 0.064 5.67 0.025 0.063 0.063 0.018 0.089
Perlitic steel xC70 0.6695 0.568 0.011 0.0625 0.158 <0.002 0.127 0.034
52100 1.03 0.339 0.012 0.008 0.242 0.147 1.461 0.032
Cast iron GS51 3.65 0.5 2.49 0.04 0.7
Cast aluminium AS5 0.32 5.3 Sold 0.57 0.36 3.15

Table 2
Mechanical properties of materials
Steel grade E (GPa) q (kg/m3) r0.2 (MPa) UTS (MPa) A (%) HVN (30) rD at 107 rD at 109
42CrMo4-L (long.) 205 7870 1460 1535 6 465 760 740
42CrMo4-T (trans.) 210 7850 1482 1508 3 469 525 500
AISI 52100 210 7860 2358 704 880 860
D38MSV5S 210 7850 608 878 20 246 380 314
Perlitic steel XC70 210 7850 513 927 8.12 305 376 350
Cast iron GS51 169 7100 460 795 9 265 250 240
Aluminium AS5 72 2700 182 222 1 99 75 60
1592 E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602

1000 1200
42CrMo4, UTS=1500 52100


Stress (MPa)
Stress (Mpa)

NF100C6-I, 20 kHz, R = -1
NF100C6-I, 30 kHz, R = -1
200 Transversal specimens SUJ2, 20 kHz, R = -1
200 30 Hz
Logitudinal specimens
NF100C6-II, 20 kHz, R = -1

0 0
1,E+03 1,E+05 1,E+07 1,E+09 1,E+11 1,E+04 1,E+06 1,E+08 1,E+10 1,E+12
Cycles (Nf) Cycles (Nf)
(a) Steel: 42CrMo4-T and L (b) Steel: 52100

600 600
D38MSV5 30 Hz, R=-1, RENAULT Perlitic steel 20 kHz, R = -1
20 kHz, R=-1, ITMA-CNAM (XC70) 30 Hz

500 500
Stress (Mpa)

Stress (Mpa)

400 400

300 300

200 200
1,E+03 1,E+05 1,E+07 1,E+09 1,E+11 1,E+03 1,E+05 1,E+07 1,E+09 1,E+11
Cycles (Nf) Cycles (Nf)
(c) Steel: D38MSV5 (d) Steel: Perlitic (XC70)

375 200
20 kHz, R = -1 Aluminium AS5 20 kHz, R = -1
Cast iron (GS51)
30 kHz, R = -1 30 kHz, R = -1
35 Hz
300 30 Hz
Stress (MPa)

Stress (MPa)


same specimen
0 0
1,E+03 1,E+06 1,E+09 1,E+12 1,E+04 1,E+06 1,E+08 1,E+10 1,E+12
Cycles (Nf)
Cycles (Nf) Changing of failure
(e) Castiron (f) Castaluminium
Fig. 1. Very high cycle fatigue test results at the stress ratio of R = 1 and at the frequency of 20 kHz at room temperature for the dierent materials.

is found between 107 and 1010 cycles and two dierent fati- is seen very well from this picture (Fig. 1f) that there is a
gue ranges, low cycle fatigue (up to 106 cycle) and very high passage and/or a strict zone between 106 and 107 cycles
cycle fatigue (beyond 108 cycle) gave two dierent slopes. It indicate the changing in the failure mechanism. It means
E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602 1593

that there is a passage in the crack initiation mechanism

from the surface to the inside of the materials. This subject
will be discussed in Section 3.3 in detail.
All of the ultrasonic fatigue test results indicate very
clearly that the fatigue limit of these materials dened with
a statistical analysis between 106 and 107 cycles cannot
guarantee a safe design. Evidently, dierent initiation
mechanisms were found to explain why always failure
occurs at 109 cycles. These mechanisms depend strongly
on the microstructure of materials [12].

3.2. Microstructure

Fig. 2 shows the dierent microstructures and also the

position of inclusions of the materials studied here. The
most of the inclusions were of sulphide (MnS). Inclusions
like Al2O3, SiO2, CaO, and MgO were also found in the
grade of AISI 52100.
Dierent microstructures were found: Martensitic struc-
ture for the 42CrMo4, ferrite (50%) and perlite (50%) for
the D38MSV5S, perlitic structure for the XC70 and also
martensitic structure for the AISI-52100. Naturally, the
hardness values increase according to the carbon, manga-
nese and molybdenum values depending on the tempering
conditions for dierent steels studied here.
The microstructure of cast iron with spheroid graphite is
composed of perlite (95%) and ferrite (5%). Graphite is
mainly surrounded by ferrite islands (white).
Finally, aluminium has a typical eutectic structure with
primary dendrite cells (white aluminium matrix) composed
of eutectic silicon (dark) particles and also Fe and/or Mg-
bearing intermetallics (light greys) in the inter-dendritic
regions. The eutectic silicon particles and Fe + Mg-bearing
intermetallics give a small volume fraction (6%).

3.3. Eect of defect types on gigacycle fatigue range

Crack initiation sites from an inclusion or a defect in

gigacycle fatigue are function of dierent parameters, such
as size and number of defect, aspect ratio or shape factor
(dlength/dwidth) of the inclusion in particularly, fatigue life-
number of cycle, Nf. Other factors, such as composition,
initial microstructure of the material, hardness and the
position of inclusions in the specimen have also to be con- Fig. 2. General microstructures and also position of inclusions of the
materials studied here.
sidered. Naturally, the surface sites have very favourable
conditions for the crack initiation regarding to internal
sites of the material due to geometrical and mechanical
conditions. In experimental study, it is very dicult to 3.3.1. Failure mechanism of materials due to inclusion
obtain reliable data on non-metallic inclusions and classify Figs. 3a3c show the fracture surfaces obtained from the
them quantitatively. In literature, a few number models failed specimens, which failures occurred between 107 and
have been proposed for predicting the eect of non-metallic 1010 cycles, in which the fatigue failure initiates basically
inclusions on fatigue strength depending on the size and from the internal inclusion of specimens. The location
distribution of the inclusions. Analysis of cracks initiation of crack initiation or fatigue strength/life depends on the
depending on the defect type, such as inclusion, porosity, position, form, type, size and number of inclusions as a
and nature of microstructure should be clearer for better function of number of cycle, Nf. This aspect must be also
understanding the failure mechanisms of the mechanical related to the stress gradient around the inclusion.
parts in very high cycle range. The observations of the failure surfaces showed that cracks
1594 E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602

Fig. 3a. Fracture surfaces due to non-metallic inclusions in microstructure of 42CrMo4-L (R = 1, 20 kHz).

initiated from under jacket or near the surface gave mainly ratio or shape factors (dlength/dwidth) for dierent specimens
at and smooth facets in the given test conditions. were given in Table 3. As a result, the value found for
Studies of Murakami et al. [3,4] showed that specimens 42CrMo4-T is higher than that of 42CrMo4-L and AISI
have a particular fracture surface morphology around the 52100. Naturally, these values are the mean values because
non-metallic inclusions at the fracture origin named they vary from specimen to specimen. Consequently, this
ODA (optically dark area), of which the size increases with seems to be strong evidence that fatigue strength level
increasing fatigue life; larger than twice of the size of the and dispersion in the SN curves of the materials depend
original inclusion at the fracture origin in the range of on the aspect ratio.
Nf P 108. So, the calculated fatigue limit, rw, values obtained by
They estimated the fatigue limit of specimen, rw, by area parameter model [3] are found to be 530 and
defect area and hardness parameters for evaluating the 790 MPa for the grades of 42CrMo4-L and AISI 52100,
inuence of inclusions. respectively. They were underestimated and the calculated
The number of cycle was not specied in the prediction values are very dierent regarding to the experimental
of the fatigue limit in the Murakami equations. They con- results given in Fig. 1 and Table 2. This equation cannot
sidered that the lifetime is innite in their formulation. In be used for example for the grade of 42CrMo4-T due to
fact, there must a relation between these parameters and the shape of the inclusions regarding to 42CrMo4-L
the cycles to failure, Nf. and p52100.
So, the predicted fatigue limit calculated by
 a the area parameter model, which were proposed for the
1:56HV 120 1  R
rw p 1 internal defects and inclusions, is not always valid. The
area1=6 2
other parameters discussed here, such as aspect ratio,
where rw is the fatigue endurance limit (MPa), R is the which is an important parameter should be taken into con-
stress ratio and a = 0.226 + Hv 104. sideration in the fatigue limit prediction equations. The
In our study, many of the inclusions were not circles but hardness value used in this equation is not primary
mainly of dierent shapes. So, the form of the inclusion parameter.
must be taken into account. In case of 42CrMo4-T, the Recently, Paris has estimated crack growth life from the
inclusions are acicular and for the 42CrMo4-L and AISI da/dN curve in the gigacycle range with a mathematical
52100 the forms of the inclusions are generally globular model making evident that the initiation from an inclusion
or spherical but in deformed shapes. The measured aspect or other defect itself must be close to the total life [2].
E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602 1595

Fig. 3b. Fracture surfaces due to non-metallic inclusions in microstructure of 42CrMo4-T (R = 1, 20 kHz).

Paris rstly explained the lifetime in the sh eyes from These equations show that the crack growth is not very
the crack initiation up to brittle fracture by the following signicant with sh eyes internal initiation of gigacycle fati-
equation: gue failure. Because, the cycle related to the crack propaga-
tion Np, in the sh eyes is of the order of 106 whereas the
N 2 total lifetime, Ntotal is 109 cycles only and only where sh
2Dr2 eyes are observed. It means that the lifetime in the sh eyes
He showed also the crack growth life before the thresh- is too short. The value of Nint the cycle related to the crack
old corner by the following equation: growth before the threshold slope is also too short. Our
observations on the very huge experimental data showed
pE2 that, the time elapsed up to the rst appearance of a small
N int 3
12Dr2 crack only governs the total fatigue life of the specimen in
Or about gigacycle fatigue, about more than 99% of the total fatigue
life. This situation belong to the gigacycle is completely dif-
1 ferent from the conventional fatigue behaviour (shortcycle
N int N 4
6 or megacycle fatigue up to Nf = 106).
1596 E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602

Fig. 3c. Fracture surfaces due to non-metallic inclusions in microstructure of AISI 52100 (R = 1, 20 kHz).

Table 3 which locate also in subsurface or near the surface distrib-

Values of aspect ratio found in the dierent specimens uted irregularly and independent of surface conditions.
Specimen Aspect ratio (AR = dlength/dwidth) Generally, they are not circular shapes and also touch
42CrMo4-T 17
sometimes the surface and crack initiates from these inclu-
42CrMo4-L 1.42 sions. In summary, if the defect density is higher in the
AISI 52100 1.35 specimens, crack initiation site mostly will be found at
the surface and/or just under the jacket due to overmatch-
The other factor for crack initiation from an inclusion is ing conditions, which are favourable for the inside of the
related to the position of inclusions in the materials. They specimen. If overmatching conditions are favourable for
are generally irregular and randomly distributed. The posi- the surface site due to bigger size of the inclusion or defect
tion of the inclusions is well dened as transversal beyond the critical size inside of the specimen, the crack ini-
(42CrMo4-T) with respect to the applied stress and evi- tiation site probably will locate at internal inclusions.
dently creates easily notch eect due to high stress gradient
around it during the solicitation, which decreases the 3.3.2. Failure mechanism of materials due to porosity
toughness of the steel. This is the reason why fatigue Figs. 46 show fracture surfaces due to casting defects,
strength values of 42CrMo4-T are lower and more disper- such as porosity and void formation during the solidica-
sive than that of 42CrMo4-L as shown in Fig. 1. tion between dendrites for two materials, cast aluminium
As known, the surface of specimen is a favourable site and nodular cast iron, respectively. However, less casting
for crack initiation due to shape and mechanical threshold, defects were observed in the nodular cast iron specimens
such as surface concentration, surface roughness and notch compared with the cast aluminium specimens and also
eect, etc. Additionally, there is always a mismatching fac- the nodular cast iron has higher mechanical strength So,
tor, which governs the competition between internal and fatigue life was found to be longer for the cast iron speci-
surface sites for crack initiation during the solicitation in mens than that of cast aluminium specimens. This is essen-
VHCF range. For example, in case of 42CrMo4-T, the tially due to the less porosity defect in the structure of the
crack initiation site locates inside of the body sometimes nodular cast iron.
just under jacket or just the surface depending on the pop- Generally, the spherical form of graphite in the cast iron
ulation of the inclusions, which were distributed irregularly increases very well the ductility. Fatigue life of casting parts
and also their shape are acicular whereas the specimens of depends strongly on casting defects, such as porosity, gas
42CrMo4-L and AISI 52100 showed sh-eye inclusions, porosity and oxide lms due to hydrogen adsorption and
E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602 1597

Fig. 4. Fracture surfaces due to porosities in microstructure in cast aluminium (R = 1, 20 kHz).

microstructural characteristics. Additionally, the high Mg In most cases, the fatigue crack initiated from a single
and Fe contents decrease fatigue life because their concen- site in the cast iron and cast aluminium specimens tested
tration increases in the inter-dendritic regions, which are in gigacycle range. The crack initiation sites located mainly
very susceptible for the crack initiation sites [8,9]. internal side and/or just under the surface and also surface
In case of aluminium, fatigue life can be improved by of the specimen depending on the defect density evidently
rening the dendrite particularly secondary dendrite arm related the volume of the specimen. However, two crack
spacing and the size of the silicon particles. On the other initiation sites were exceptionally observed in a few tested
hand, certain amount of porosity related to the oxide lms aluminium specimens (Fig. 4) with a high volume fraction
can be tolerated in casting depending on the application of porosity. For the size of the defect under the critical size
area. But, gas (spherical) and shrinkage (irregular shape) or threshold value, slip facets and eutectic de-bonding from
porosities are very detrimental to fatigue life. So, the fati- the matrix were observed in case of cast aluminium
gue life is related to a critical defect size in casting parts (R = 1, Nf = 9 107). In this case, crack initiation locates
and the Nf value is limited due to porosity size eect. at the eutectic particles and slip bands. These observations
1598 E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602

Fig. 5. Fracture surfaces due to porosities in microstructure of cast iron (R = 1, 20 kHz).

are in agreement with former results, which have been car- size of the porosity is considerable and beyond the thresh-
ried out in mega cycle [1,79,13,14]. old value. So, crack initiation occurred from this site. Fig. 6
Some of these crack initiation sites in cast iron were illustrates the role of the high density of the graphite found
observed from the ferrite regions around the graphite due in a part of the section of the specimen. Evidently, the
to a competition between harder spherical graphite and probability of nding a crack initiation around graphite
softer ferrite island. When the graphite density is higher at the surface is related to the density of the graphite for
regarding to porosity, overmatching conditions are favour- a given volume of the specimen [1317].
able for graphite because their stiness is very high and
they have very well coherency with matrix. Naturally, 3.3.3. Failure mechanism of materials due to nature of
crack initiated from one of these ferrite regions around microstructure
them. Fig. 5 shows a typical crack initiation from the micro Fatigue failure analyses were also carried out on the
porosity on a crystallographic plane (5c, Nf = 7 109). The fracture surfaces of the perlitic and ferrito perlitic steel
E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602 1599

Fig. 6. Fracture surfaces due to porosities in microstructure of cast iron (R = 1, 20 kHz).

(D38MSV5S) specimens tested in gigacycle range. They evidently dierent under the loading conditions and change
contain very small inclusions, which were dispersed homo- with test conditions, such as applied stress and stress ratio.
geneously in the matrix. Figs. 7a, 7b and 7d shows some of The crack initiation sites were then expected to be at the
the results of fatigue failures related to the nature of the interfaces of the ne perlite lamella. So, fatigue fracture
microstructure. was caused by gradual growth of microcrack initiated in
Microstructure of perlitic steel contains essentially ne- one of the ferrite phases on perlite lamella. Limited cleav-
dense perlite lamella (small distance between perlite age patterns on the fracture surface may be observed in
lamella). Crack initiation sites were found mostly internal the ferrite side, because undermatching conditions are
side of the specimen and they were not aected by the sur- favourable for crack initiation on it.
face roughness. It is also seen that the fracture surface is On the other hand, the microstructure of the D38MSV5S
mainly perpendicular to the perlite lamella. Certainly a is composed by ferrite (50%) and perlite (50%). Under the
mismatching condition appeared during the solicitation cyclic loading, a mismatching condition should be observed
between the two phases composed by hard Fe3C and soft between two dierent sites of the microstructure: ferrite and
ferrite phases, of which the mechanical behaviour will be perlite. Fig. 7c illustrates schematically this mismatching

Fig. 7a. Fracture surfaces due to inhomogeneous microstructure of perlitic steel, CX70 (R = 1, 20 kHz,).
1600 E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602

Fig. 7b. Fracture surfaces due to inhomogeneous microstructure of D38MSV5S steel, ferrite (%50), perlite (%50), (R = 1, 20 kHz).

condition. For a given stress level, two dierent deforma- to perlite phase. Evidently, overmatching conditions here
tion behaviours will be seen on the stressstrain curve dur- are mainly favourable for the perlite phase and fatigue
ing the loading. It means, globally the matrix (specimen) fracture is then caused by gradual growth of microcrack
will stay in the elastic range whereas ferrite phase will easily initiated in one of the ferrite phase. Finally, large frac-
undergone plastic deformation. As a result, one of the fer- ture patterns are observed on the perlitic side. Fig. 7d
rite grains will induce to fatigue crack initiation compared shows another example of a deformed ferrite grain, which

Globally: Matrix
x in elastic range

F P F x

Locally: Ferrite grain

in plastic domain

Fig. 7c. Deformation behaviour of two dierent phases in the same microstructure due to mismatching.
E. Bayraktar et al. / International Journal of Fatigue 28 (2006) 15901602 1601

Fig. 7d. Fracture surfaces due to inhomogeneous microstructure of perlitic steel, deformation of ferrite grain, (R = 1, 20 kHz,).

introduced crack initiation. Microstructural observations, dense perlite lamella certainly in the ferrite side, which is a
EDS analysis and micro hardness measurements carried favourable site for crack initiation. Inclusions are not the
out in this point of the specimen proved the existence of fer- key parameters in this case.
rite grain, which induced the crack initiation in gigacycle
range. Acknowledgements

4. Conclusion This project was carried out in Bathias research labora-

tory (ITMA) in Paris under the grant of Predict-I. The
Failure mechanisms related with cracks initiation at 109 authors are grateful to the research managers of RENA-
cycles depending on the defect type were studied. The fol- ULT-FRANCE, ASCOMETAL, and A2M-FRANCE
lowing conclusions are summarized as follows. Failure ini- for valuable help during this project.
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