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What Makes Effective Teachers

By James H. Stronge and Xianxuan Xu
From Aristotle and Socrates to Montessori and Piaget to
Bruner and Hanushek, philosophers, physicians, psy-
chologists, cognitive scientists, and economists have each
attempted to characterize the attributes, dispositions,
knowledge, and instructional skills that define effective
teachers. The rationale for this 2,000-year search is that
better teachers produce better learning.
(Schacter and Thum 2004, 411)

Why Should We Care About What

Makes a Teacher Effective?
Considering the human capital invested, teaching is one of
the biggest professions in America and, indeed, in almost
every developed and developing country in the world.
In 2002 alone, the United States invested $192 billion in
teacher pay and benefits (Rice 2003). Additionally, billions
of dollars are spent each year on teacher professional
development, bailouts of ineffective teachers, high rates of
teacher turnover, and a variety of other ways and means
for us to spend our educational dollars. And yet, consider-
ing its importance, remarkably little is known about what
qualities make an effective teacher and what constitutes
effective teaching. Without a strong and solid foundation
of educational research, critical decisions regarding whom
to hire, whom to retain, and what to include in teacher pro-
fessional development could only be made on the quick-
sands of untested intuition (adapted from Stronge 2010).

It is well established that teachers vary in their capability

of improving student achievement; however, there is a lot
to learn regarding what explains this variability in teacher
quality. If we are to move beyond merely identifying the
impact of effective (and ineffective) teachers on student
learning, it is essential that we go inside the classroom and
figure out how these highly effective teachers are teach-
ing. What are they doing differently? How are they engag-
ing students? Why do students work so hard for them?
How do they sustainday after day and year after yeara

6 2012/2013 . cse Volume 16 Number 1 . What Makes Effective Teachers Effective?

focus on what matters most for student success? If we are more teachers while planning lessons; however, the bot-
to understand how teachers affect student learning, we tom teachers reported they always plan lessons alone. The
must open the black box of the classroom and peer inside. top teachers also were not restricted by pacing guides,
and they reached beyond prepared resources to plan their
How Do Teachers Skills and Practices own activities, while most bottom-performing teachers

Affect Student Achievement? used resources already prepared. Top teachers also used
student assessment data in the planning of instruction.
Among the factors that repeatedly have been found to
In particular, on the basis of data drawn from frequent
be predictive of increased student achievement are three
assessments, they made data-driven decisions about what
interconnected teacher practices: instructional planning,
goals and objectives to address.
instructional delivery, and assessment of/for learning (fig-
ure 1). While there are other teacher background qualities
Allington and Johnston (2000) also found that the instruc-
(e.g., content knowledge), dispositions (e.g., caring about
tional planning of effective teachers was multisourced.
students well-being), and practices (e.g., classroom man-
Exemplary teachers were inclined to stretch the reading
agement) that positively affect student achievement, this
and writing plans and practices beyond the textbooks.
article will provide a brief exploration of what we know
Although effective teachers often did dip into prescribed
about each of the three above-noted vital teacher qualities.
textbooks, they hardly ever followed traditional plans for
these materials. For instance, while planning for a lesson
in social science, the effective teachers usually used his-
torical fiction, biographies, information from the Internet
and magazines, and other nontraditional content sources.

Figure 1. Three Borko and Livingston (1989) investigated the pedagogical

Interconnected Qualities of expertise in instructional planning by comparing novice
assessment Effective Teachers. teachers and experienced teachers. They found that nov-
ices showed more time-consuming, less efficient planning.

Instructional Planning While implementing the planned lessons, their attempts

to be responsive to students were likely to lead them away
A solid planning process is integral to a teachers efforts
from scripted lesson plans. Additionally, the novice teach-
in identifying appropriate curriculum, instructional strate-
ers were less successful in translating their instructional
gies, and resources to address the needs of all students.
plans into actions than expert teachers. The expert teach-
Good teachers simply dont walk into the classroom with
ers, on the other hand, were better able to predict where
a blank slate in terms of what to do, how to do it, and
in a lesson the students were likely to have problems, and
when to do it. Furthermore, teachers instructional plan-
then predict misconceptions the students would have
ning influences the content of instruction, the sequence
and areas of learning these misconceptions were likely to
and cognitive demands of subject topics, learning activi-
affect. Figure 2 summarizes key aspects of effective teach-
ties and students opportunities to learn, and the pacing
ers instructional planning practices.
and allocation of instructional time.

Figure 2. Selected Findings Regarding Instructional Planning

Interestingly, research evidence indicates a difference in
and Student Achievement.
planning behaviors adopted by effective and less effec-
tive teachers. Researchers in Wake County Public Schools Instructional Planning Qualities of Effective Teachers
(WCPSS), North Carolina, used a multiple regression Collaboration in planning with other teachers
analysis on state tests to identify the effectiveness of their Planning not limited to traditional resources (e.g., curricu-
teachers. Haynie (2006) examined practices of the ten lum, textbooks)
most effective and ten least effective biology teachers in Data-driven planning
WCPSS, who were identified by residual gain scores on Efficiency in translating plans into actions
standardized state testing results. The findings revealed Ability to predict in planning troublesome areas for student

that most of the top teachers collaborated with one or learning

What Makes Effective Teachers Effective? . cse Volume 16 Number 1 . 2012/2013 7

Instructional Delivery student-related factors. Indeed, all but one of the most pow-

An array of studies have found that the actual practice of erful influences on student achievement are teacher factors.

teaching is a critical factor for student learning. (See, for

example, Palardy and Rumberger 2008; Rowan, Correnti, Figure 3. Impact of teacher practices on student achievement.

and Miller 2002; Stronge, Ward, Tucker, and Hindman Effect Source of
2008.) Teachers with the same background qualifications Size Influence
and same schooling resources do different things in their Providing formative evaluation .90 Teacher
classrooms and, consequently, enable their students to Teacher clarity .75 Teacher
achieve at different levels. To discover what makes a Feedback .73 Teacher
teacher effective, we need to look closely into the class- Teacher-student relationships .72 Teacher
room and see how teachers translate their content knowl- Metacognitive strategies .69 Teacher
edge, pedagogical skills, instructional resources, and even Self-verbalization/self-questioning .64 Teacher
their planning, into opportunities for student learning. Note labeling students .61 Teacher
Problem-solving teaching .61 Teacher
Teachers with the same background Direct instruction .59 Teacher
qualifications and same schooling Mastery learning .58 Teacher
Concept mapping .57 Teacher
resources do different things in Class environment .56 Teacher
their classrooms and, consequently, Challenge of goals .56 Teacher
Peer tutoring .55 Teacher
enable their students to achieve at Expectations .43 Teacher
different levels. Matching style of learning .41 Teacher
Cooperative learning .41 Teacher
Cohen, Raudenbush, and Ball (2003) argued that instruc-
Advance organizers .41 Teacher
tional delivery has the most immediate causal effect on
Questioning .46 Teacher
student learning of all the teachers background, disposi-
Time on task .38 Teacher
tions, and practices. A similar point was made by Palardy
Computer-assisted instruction .37 Teacher
and Rumberger (2008) when they noted that of three
Testing .34 Teacher
aspects of teachers (background qualifications, personal
Homework .29 Teacher
dispositions such as attitudes, and instructional practices),
Individualization .23 Teacher
instructional practices have the most proximal association
Teaching test taking and coaching .22 Teacher
with student learning. That is, instructional practices are
Teacher subject matter knowledge .09 Teacher
theorized to influence student learning directly, whereas
Student control over learning .04 Teacher
teacher background qualifications and teacher attitudes
Adapted from Hattie 2009, 200.
are theorized to influence learning indirectly through
their association with instructional practices (115).
Assessment of/for Learning
On the basis of a synthesis of thousands of studies on student The practice of assessing student progress is essential for
achievement, Hattie (2003) suggested that teachers account effective instruction and learning. It provides teachers with
for 30 percent of student achievement variance. Most of these information regarding the extent to which students have
factors are related to instructional quality. Thus, teachers attained the intended learning outcomes, and it informs
practices inside classrooms have not only statistical but also teachers instructional decision making (what to teach
practical significance in terms of student learning. Figure 3 and how to teach) as well. The goals of assessment are to
summarizes aspects of the literature review conducted by provide teachers with day-to-day data on students mental
Hattie (2003; 2009) on teacher-related factors that relate to preparedness for certain learning targets and to facilitate
student achievement. Of 42 factors we considered from his teachers in making data-informed decisions for instruction
review, 26 are directly related to the influence of the teacher, modification. These student assessment data can come
with the remaining factors spread across school-, family-, and from small-group discussion, whole-class discussion,

8 2012/2013 . cse Volume 16 Number 1 . What Makes Effective Teachers Effective?

portfolio entries, skill inventories, pretests, homework Teachers in the experimental group had more
assignments, interest surveys, and a host of other viable improvement in their instructional structure.
and practical data sources (Tomlinson 1999). Experimental teachers pedagogical decisions
reflected greater realism and responsiveness to
On the basis of a large-scale research review, Hattie (2003) student progress.
found that compared with their ineffective colleagues, The students taught by experimental teachers were
effective teachers were more adept at monitoring student more knowledgeable of their own learning and more
problems and assessing their level of understanding and conscious of learning goals and progress.
progress, and they provided much more relevant, use-
ful feedback. Effective teachers were also more adept at
Teachers who monitor their
developing and testing hypotheses about learning difficul- students progress exhibit greater
ties or instructional strategies. Wenglinsky (2002) found
that teachers use of frequent assessment and construc-
concerns about student learning
tive feedback had a positive effect on student math and and higher academic emphasis in
science achievement at all grade levels. Another research
study found that effective teachers and ineffective teach-
their instruction.
ers differed in their student assessment practices (Stronge Teachers who monitor their students progress exhibit
et al. 2008). For instance, the effective teachers were greater concerns about student learning and higher aca-
found to provide more-differentiated assignments for demic emphasis in their instruction. They also are better at

students than those deemed ineffective. supervising the adequacy of student learning, identifying
students in need of additional or different forms of instruc-

Student progress monitoring is a practice that helps tion, and determining what instructional modifications are

teachers use student performance data to continuously necessary. Progress monitoringa well-established form of

evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching and make assessing of/for learningalso can help teachers set mean-

more-informed instructional decisions (Safer and Fleis- ingful student achievement goals to tap into greater student

chman 2005). To implement student progress monitoring, potential of learning. Empirical research has demonstrated

the teacher first preassesses a students current compe- that when progress monitoring is combined with goal rais-

tency level on skills covered by the curriculum, sets up ing, student learning profiles, and appropriate instructional

ultimate achievement goals for the school year, and estab- modifications, it can help teachers build stronger instruc-

lishes the rate of progress the student must make to attain tional programs that are more varied and more responsive

those goals. Then the teacher uses ongoing, frequent, to students learning needs, and effect better academic

brief, and easily administered measures to monitor the performance for students (Fuchs and Fuchs 2003). Stecker,

students academic progress (Safer and Fleischman 2005). Fuchs, and Fuchs (2005) noted that teachers effected sig-
nificant growth in student learning with progress monitor-

Fuchs, Deno, and Mirkin (1984) used an experimental design ing only when they modified instruction based on student

to investigate the effects of frequent curriculum-based assess- performance data; however, frequent progress monitoring

ments. Thirty-nine special-education reading teachers were alone did not boost student achievement. Figure 4 summa-

randomly assigned to a curriculum-based assessment group rizes key findings related to assessment of/for learning.

and a conventional assessment group; each teacher selected

three or four students for the project. Over the 18-week Figure 4. Selected Findings Regarding Monitoring Student

implementation, pedagogical decisions were surveyed; Progress and Student Achievement.

instructional structure was observed and measured; and stu- Student Assessment Practices of Effective Teachers
dents knowledge about their learning was assessed through Uses frequent assessment
an interview. Analyses indicated the following: Provides constructive feedback
Teachers in the experimental group, who adopted Informs instructional decision making
systematic assessment procedures, yielded greater Uses data-based decisions for instruction modification
student achievement than those who used conven- Leads to differentiated assignments
tional monitoring methods. Assesses instructional effectiveness

What Makes Effective Teachers Effective? . cse Volume 16 Number 1 . 2012/2013 9

So What Makes Good Teachers Good? scientist, a decision maker, or a reflective practitioner fail
to portray the complexity of teaching. Effective teaching
Putting the Evidence Together is much more than implementing a number of peda-
Studies on teacher effectiveness have provided important
gogical principles and content knowledge. It involves a
insights into the qualities that connect teacher effective-
dynamic interplay among content to be learned, planning
ness and student achievement (Stronge 2007). Generally,
for instruction, pedagogical methods to be applied, char-
effective teachers plan carefully, use appropriate materi-
acteristics of learners, the context in which the learning is
als, communicate goals to students, maintain a brisk pace,
to occur, and then assessing the actual learning.
assess student work regularly, reteach material differently
if students have trouble, and so forth. They use class time
Effective teaching is much more
well and have coherent strategies for instruction. They
hold expectations that their students can learn, and they than implementing a number
believe they have a large responsibility to help (Cohen,
of pedagogical principles and
Raudenbush, and Ball 2003). This list is far from complete.
In essence, teaching is highly complex work with a multi- content knowledge.
tude of teacher-related, as well as other, variables affect- Further complicating our understanding of effective
ing student success. Although there is abundant research teachers is the target of the teachingthe students.
on teacher effectiveness, there still remain many unan- Rowan, Chiang, and Miller (1997) found that the varied
swered questions. Some of these include the following: levels of ability of students in a school has an impact on
Are some teachers more effective in certain subject the effect sizes of both teachers and school-level vari-
areas? ables. This suggests that there is an interactive relation-
Are some teachers more effective at certain grade ship between student ability and teacher effectiveness
levels? qualities. Specifically, they found that the effects of
Are some teachers more effective with students from classroom practices (such as planning, instructional
different backgrounds? delivery, and assessment) had only a moderate degree of
Are some instructional strategies more effective with consistency across different content areas (i.e., reading
students of different learning abilities? and mathematics in this case), with correlations ranging
(Rowan, Correnti, and Miller 2002) from .30 to .47. This means that a given teacher varies in
effectiveness when teaching different academic subjects,
The answer for all these questions likely is yes. Although or even different content areas within the same subject.
teacher instructional practices within the walls of a class- Rowan, Chiang, and Miller also found that classroom
room are believed to be more proximally associated with effects are influenced by different groups of students.
student learning, this association is moderated by certain Student background variables (socioeconomic status,
aspects of the classroom, such as classroom demographic gender, and minority status in this study) had different
composition, student prior achievement, and peer effects. effects on annual gains in achievement across classrooms,
Schalock, Schalock, Cowart, and Myton (1993) noted that with these random effects being larger in lower grades
simplistic conceptions of a teacher as an artist, an applied (especially in reading) than in upper grades.

10 2012/2013 . cse Volume 16 Number 1 . What Makes Effective Teachers Effective?

Despite the solid evidence on the important teacher quali- Rowan, B., R. Correnti, and R. Miller. 2002. What large-
ties of instructional planning, instructional delivery, and scale survey research tells us about teacher effects on
assessment of/for learning that so many researchers have student achievement: Insights from the Prospects Study
assembled over the past several decades, there is no sin- of Elementary Schools. The Teachers College Record 104

gle set of teacher attributes that we can definitively point no. 8: 15251567.
Safer, N., and S. Fleischman. 2005. How student progress
to and say, If a teacher has Quality X, then she will be
monitoring improves instruction. Educational Leadership
an effective teacher. Nonetheless, we do knowwithout
62 no. 5: 8183.
doubtthat if we are to improve our schools and posi-
Schacter, J., and Y. M. Thum. 2004. Paying for high- and
tively influence student success, we have no choice but to
low-quality teaching. Economics of Education Review 23:
look into classrooms, for it is in the hard work of teachers
in classrooms where our greatest hope for success lies.
Schalock, H. D., M. D. Schalock, B. Cowart, and D. Myton, D.
1993. Extending teacher assessment beyond knowledge
and skills: An emerging focus on teacher accomplishments.
Allington, R. L., and P. H. Johnston. 2000. What do we know
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education 7: 105133.
about effective fourth-grade teachers and their classrooms?
Stecker, P. M., Fuchs, L. S., and Fuchs, D. 2005. Using
Albany, NY: The National Research Center on English
curriculum-based measurement to improve student
Learning and Achievement, State University of New York.
achievement: Review of research. Psychology in the
Borko, H., and C. Livingston. 1989. Cognition and improvi-
Schools 42, no. 8: 795819.
sation: Differences in mathematics instruction by expert
Stronge, J. H. 2007. Qualities of effective teachers, 2nd ed.
and novice teachers. American Educational Research
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Journal 26, no. 4: 473498.
Cohen, D. K., S. W. Raudenbush, and D. L. Ball. 2003. Curriculum Development.

Resources, instruction, and research. Educational . 2010. Effective teachers = student achievement.

Evaluation and Policy Analysis 25, no. 2: 119142. Larchmont, NY: Eye On Education.

Fuchs, L. S., S. L. Deno, and P. K. Mirkin. 1984. The effects Stronge, J. H., T. J. Ward, P. D. Tucker, and J. L. Hindman.

of frequent curriculum-based measurement and eval- 2008. What is the relationship between teacher quality

uation on pedagogy, student achievement, and student and student achievement? An exploratory study. Journal
awareness of learning. American Educational Research of Personnel Evaluation in Education 20, no. 34: 165-184.
Journal 21, no. 2: 449460. Tomlinson, C. A. 1999. The differentiated classroom:
Fuchs, L. S., and D. Fuchs. 2003. What is scientifically-based Responding to the needs of all learners. Alexandria, VA:
research on progress monitoring? Washington, DC: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
National Center on Student Progress Monitoring. Wenglinsky, H. 2002. How schools matter: The link between
Hattie, J. 2003. Teachers make a difference: What is the research teacher classroom practices and student academic per-
evidence? Retrieved December 12, 2008, from http://www formance. Education Policy Analysis Archives 10, no. 12. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from
2009. Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 /epaa/v10n12/.
meta-analyses relating to student achievement. New York:
Haynie, G. 2006. Effective biology teaching: A value- James H. Stronge, PhD, is the Heritage Professor in the Educational Policy,
added instructional improvement analysis model. April. Planning, and Leadership Program at the College of William and Mary,
Retrieved February 7, 2009, from Williamsburg, Virginia. His research interests include policy and practice
/evaluation-research/reports/2006/0528biology.pdf. related to teacher quality, and teacher and administrator evaluation. He has
Palardy, G. J., and R. W. Rumberger. 2008. Teacher effectiveness been a teacher, a counselor, and a district-level administrator. His doctorate
in first grade: The importance of background qualifications, is in the area of educational administration and planning from the University
attitudes, and instructional practices for student learning. of Alabama.
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 30, no. 2: 111140.
Rice, J. K. 2003. Teacher quality: Understanding the effec-
tiveness of teacher attributes. Washington, DC: Economic Xianxuan Xu received her PhD from the College of William and Marys
Policy Institute. Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership Program in 2011. Currently, she
Rowan, B., F. S. Chiang, and R. J. Miller. 1997. Using research is working with Dr. James Stronge as a post-doctoral research associate for a
on employees performance to study the effects of teachers statewide teacher evaluation project that is funded by the Virginia Department
on student achievement. Sociology of Education 70: 25684. of Education and based at the College of William and Mary.

What Makes Effective Teachers Effective? . cse Volume 16 Number 1 . 2012/2013 11

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