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Linux/Bash notes source: https://git.


1 Unix utilities and shell builtins  du estimates file space usage: F nice changes process priority.
a writes counts for all files, not just directories,
F pgrep, pkill looks up or signals processes based
1.1 File system c produces a grand total,
on name and other attributes.
d the depth at which summing should occur,
 cat concatenates and prints files: h prints sizes in human readable format, F time runs programs and summarizes system re-
A shows all nonprinting characters, s diplays only a total, source usage.
b numbers nonempty output lines, X excludes files that match pattern.
F top displays linux processes.
n numbers all output lines,
F file determines file type.
s suppresses repeated empty output lines.
 tac does the same in reverse. F fsck checks and repairs a Linux filesystem: 1.3 User environment
F rev reverses lines characterwise. a automatically repairs (without any question!), F clear clears the terminal screen.
 nl numbers lines of files: t specifies the type(s) of filesystem to be checked, F env runs a program in a modified environment.
s adds string after line number, A tries to check all filesystems in one run, F exit terminates the calling process.
w uses number columns for line numbers. M skips mounted filesystems, F finger looks up user information.
R skips the root filesystem. F history displays the history list.
 chgrp changes group ownership.
 ln makes hard links between files (not directories; F mesg displays messages from other users.
 chmod changes permissions of a file:
ugoa permissions of the owner, group, other/all users, only in the same file system): F passwd changes user password:
+-= adds, removes or sets selected file mode bits, s makes symbolic links instead. d deletes an accounts password (makes it empty),
rwx selects file mode bits: read/write/execute (4/2/1).  ls lists directory contents: e expires an accounts password,
 chown changes owner of a file. a does not ignore entries starting with dot, n sets minimum days to change password,
F umask sets file mode creation mask. F appends indicator to entries, w sets warning days before password expire,
 touch changes file timestamps: h prints human readable sizes, x sets the maximum number of days a password re-
a only the access time, i prints the index number of each file, mains valid.
m only the modification time, l prints permissions, number of hard links, owner, F su changes user ID or becomes superuser.
t uses custom stamp instead of current time, group, size, last-modified date as well, F sudo executes a command as another user.
c does not create files. r reverses order while sorting,
R lists subdirectories recursively, F uname prints system information:
 shasum prints or checks SHA message digests: a all information, in the following order:
a algorithm: 1, 224, 256, 384, 512, 512224 or 512256, S sorts by file size (largest first),
t sorts by modification time (newest first), s the kernel name,
b reads in binary mode, n the network node hostname,
c checks SHA sums read from the files. F tree folds lower case to upper case characters.
r the kernel release,
 See also cksum (CRC checksums) and md5sum. F mount mounts a filesystem. v the kernel version,
 wc prints newline, word and byte counts (lwc): m the machine hardware name,
m prints the character counts,  pwd prints name of current directory.
p the processor type,
L prints the maximum display width. F tar stores and extracts files from a disk archive: i the hardware platform,
c creates a new archive, o the operating system.
 dd converts and copies a file:
x extracts files,
if= reads from a file instead of standard input, F uptime: how long has the system been running?
t lists the contents of an archive,
of= writes to a file insteaed of standard output,
v verbosely lists files processed, F wall writes a message to all users,
bs= up to bytes bytes at a time,
j bzip2 compression, F write sends a message to another user.
count= copies only n input blocks.
z uses zip/gzip (gz compression),
f uses archive file or device (???), F who shows who is logged on,
 cp copies files and directories:
k does not replace existing files when extracting. F w does the same and shows what they are doing,
b makes a backup of each existing destination file,
F whoami prints effective userid.
f removes an existing destination file if needed,  tee duplicates pipe content:
i prompts before overwrite, a appends to the given files, does not overwrite,
n does not overwrite existing files, 1.4 Text processing
i ignores interrupts.
L always follows symlinks in source, F awk is a pattern scanning / processing language,
P never follows symlinks in source, F Missing: cmp, fuser, pax, type. a pseudo-C interpretor. Sample code:
r copies directories recursively,
s makes symbolic links instead, 1.2 Processes 1 BEGIN {print "- Start -"}
l hard links files instead, 2 /word/ {print NR ")" $1, $2}
t copies all source arguments into directory, F chroot changes the root directory for the current 3 END {print "- End -"}
T treats destination as a normal file, running process and their children.
u copies only newer source files, Examples of conditions:
F at schedules commands to be executed once, at (a) /word[0+9]+/: regular expressions
v explains what is being done. a particular time in the future: it accepts times
 mv moves (renames) files: (b) !/word[0+9]+/: regexes inverted
of the form HH:MM, midnight, noon or teatime; (c) and !: matches / does not match.
b makes a backup of each existing destination file, MMDD[CC]YY, MM/DD/[CC]YY, DD.MM.[CC]YY or
i prompts before overwriting, (d) length($0) > 18.
[CC]YY-MM-DD (the specification of a date must Important variables:
f does not prompt before overwriting, follow the specification of the time of day). You
n does not overwrite existing destination files. (a) FS: field separator (tab),
can also give times like now + 3 hours. (b) OFS: output field separator,
t moves all source arguments into directory,
T treats destination as a normal file, F bg resumes suspended jobs in the background. (c) RS: record separator (new line),
u moves only newer source files, F fg resumes suspended jobs in the foreground. (d) NR: number of the current record,
v explains what is being done. F jobs lists the active jobs. (e) NF: number of fields in the current record.
 rm removes files or directories: F command & runs command in the background. F grep prints lines matching a pattern:
f never prompts, c prints a count of matching lines instead,
F cron: a daemon executing scheduled commands. e uses a regexp pattern,
i always prompts,
F crontab maintain individual users crontab files. f obtains patterns from a file,
r removes directories and their contents.
 See also rmdir (directories removal). F kill sends a TERM signal to a process. i ignores case disctinctions,
 mkdir makes directories (mkdir p: with parents F killall kills processes by name. v inverts the sense of matching,
as needed, no error if existing). w selects only lines containing matches that form
F ps reports a snapshot of the current processes: whole words,
 df reports file system disk space usage: e selects all processes, n prints line numbers as well,
h prints size in powers of 1024, f does full-format listing, A prints num lines of trailing content,
i list inode information instead of block usage, C selects processes by command name, B prints num lines of leading content,
t limits listing to file systems of given type, p selects processes by PID, C prints num lines of both contents,
x limits listing to file systems not of given type, u selects processes by EUID or name. R ???,
T prints file systems types. F pstree displays a tree of processes. F sed: a stream editor filtering/transforming text.

page 1/2 author: Remigiusz Suwalski, date: January 21, 2017

Linux/Bash notes source:

 comm compares two sorted files line by line. f outputs appended data as the file grows, F route shows and manipulates the IP routing ta-
 shuf generates random permutations: s sleeps for n seconds between iterations. ble.
e treats each arg as an input line,  split splits a file into pieces: F ssh is an OpenSSH SSH client (remote login pro-
i treats each number .. through .. as an input line, a generates suffixes of length n (default 2), gram).
n outputs at most count lines, b puts size bytes per output file, D (bind address)
r output lines can be repeated (with -n). d uses numeric (not alphabetic) suffixes, p (port)
 sort sorts lines of text files: l puts number lines/records per output file, X (X11 forwarding)
c checks for sorted input, n generates chunks output files. F traceroute is a computer network diagnostic tool
f folds lower case to upper case characters,  See also: csplit. for displaying the route (path) and measuring
g compares general numerical values, transit delays of
F less is opposite of more.
h compares human readable numbers, F wget is a non-interactive network downloader.
F more is a file perusal filter for crt viewing.
k sorts via a key, A, R specifies lists of file suffixes or patterns (when
n compares string numerical values, F xargs builds and executes command lines from wildcard characters appear) to accept or reject,
r reverses the results, standard input. b goes to background immediately after startup,
s stabilizes the sort. c continues getting a partially-downloaded file,
F yes outputs a string repeatedly until killed.
 tsort performs topological sort. m turns on options suitable for mirroring: infinite
 uniq omits repeated lines: recursion and time-stamping,
c prefixes lines by the number of occurences, 1.5 Shell builtins np does not ever ascend to the parent directory when
d only prints duplicate lines, one for each group, F alias allows a string to be substituted for a word. retrieving recursively,
f avoids comparing first fields, F cd changes the shell working directory: U identifies as agent-string to the HTTP server.
i ignores differences in case, - to the previous directory. w waits the specified number of seconds between
s avoids comparing first characters, F echo* displays a line of text: the retrievals (see also random-wait).
w compares no more than n characters. e enables interpretation of backslash escapes,
n does not output the trailing newline.
 cut prints selected parts of lines: F test checks file types and compares values.
1.7 Searching
--complement complements the selection, F unset unsets a shell variable, removing it from F find searches for files in a directory hierarchy.
c selects only these characters, memory and the shells exported environment.
d uses delim instead of Tab for field delimeter, F locate finds files by names.
F wait waits for process to change state. F whatis displays one-line manual page descrip-
f selects only these fields,
s does not print lines not containing delimeters. tion.
 join joins lines of two files on a common field. 1.6 Networking F whereis locates the binary, source, and manual
 paste merges lines of files. F curl transfers a URL. page files for a command.
d reuses characters from list instead of tabs, F dig is a DNS lookup utility (domain information
s pastes one file at a time, not in parallel. groper). 1.8 Miscellaneous
 tr translates or deletes characters: x simplified reverse lookups.
c uses the complement of set1, F host is a DNS lookup utility. F bc is an arbitrary precision calculator language.
d deletes characters, does not translate, F ifconfig configures a network interface. 1. echo obase=16;255 | bc prints FF,
s replaces each sequence of a repeated character F inetd is a super-server daemon that provides In- 2. echo ibase=2;obase=A;10 | bc prints 2,
that is listed in the last specified set with a single ternet services. 3. scale=10 (after bc -l) sets working precision.
occurrence of that character. F netcat: arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and F dc is a reverse-polish desk calculator. One of the
listens. oldest Unix utilities, predating even the invention
F diff compares files line by line: F netstat prints network connections, routing ta- of the C programming language.
y outputs in two columns, bles, interface statistics, masquerade connec- F cal, ncal displays a calendar.
i ignores case differences, tions, and multicast memberships. e displays date of Easter,
w ignores all white space. F nslookup queries Internet name servers interac- j displays Julian days,
F fmt is a simple optimal text formatter, tively. m displays the specified month,
F fold wraps each line to fit in specified width. F ping tests the reachability of a host on an IP net- w prints the numbers of the weeks,
work by sending ICMP ECHO_REQUEST: y displays a calendar for the specified year,
 head outputs the first (last) part of files: c stops after sending count packets, 3 displays the previous, current and next month.
c the first num bytes, n numeric output only, avoids to lookup symbolic F date prints or set the system date and time.
n the first num lines, names for host addresses. F lp prints files.
 tail the last num bytes: F rdate sets the systems date from a remote host. F od dumps files in octal.
c the last num bytes, F rlogin is an OpenSSH SSH client (remote login F sleep delays for a specified amount of time.
n the last num lines, program) F true, false does nothing, (un)successfully.

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