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Solon, Ma.


Dr. Jeffrey Spanogle

Instructional Alignment 1

March 11,2017

Impact of Learning-Style Instructional Strategies on Students Achievement and Attitudes:

Perceptions of Educators in Diverse Institutions

The St. Johns University and the National Association of Secondary School Principals

(NASSP) collaborated to find best learning-style instructional strategies on learners. The

researchers developed a lot of theory to find learning-styles instructional strategies that will fit

for every student. However, after many years of finding, they decided to concentrate on the Dunn

and Dunn learning-style model. Dunn and Dunn learning-style model that helps the

students/individuals to manifest, to keep new and difficult information that they will learn. Dunn

and Dunn learning-style model have five strands and elements including the environment,

emotionality, sociological preferences, physiological, and psychological that helps the schools,

administrations, department of education, etc. to identify the learning style that is accurate to all

age groups. As a result of this model, most schools are using this method to have better outcome

for the learners. In addition, some schools in the United States are providing seminars to the

teachers to learn more about learning-styles that is efficient and effective to the class. Now, all

schools are using learning-styles to be more productive to their teaching. This learning-style

strategy is not only for the school itself but it can be use in their homes. Parents can teach

different strategies for their child by using this kind of method as long as the parents has

experience or know what to do.

Researching for how many years just to get or develop a method to be an effective school

or teachers is a big blessing for the educators, parents, and especially for the students. In

addition, finding the best method named Dunn and Dunn learning-style instructional strategies is

the biggest blessing for the educators, parents, and students to help each student for their best

way of learning. Each student has their own way of learning. Teachers, and parents should know

about it in order for them to teach the students with the better outcome base on their learning-

style. Teachers should develop all the learning-style instructional strategies in the class in order

for the students to learn especially in the difficult subjects or to have new knowledge. However,

teachers cannot be an effective teacher if she does not know how to teach. Teachers should have

an experience in teaching or has been undergo in a lot of seminars regarding the learning-styles

instructional strategies to have knowledge if they are in the field. Teachers should be prepared

especially in the first class to be aware of the different learning-styles and how to have the best

learning approach in the class that all students are participating. Parents should also involve

especially in their home because students cannot learn only from the school, but they can also

learn anywhere especially in their house. Furthermore, having this method for the effective

learning approach and teaching can help every teacher. However, teachers should not only learn

and teach the students rather to live and prepare the students in their future and the reality.

Having this kind of method can help the future teachers to be more effective. If we know or

practice different learning-style strategies or the Dunn and Dunn method now as a student, then it

will be more easier for us when we are in the field.

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