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Gheorghe Banea Secondary School Monday 29th March 2017

Summative English Test 5th grade A L2

Name _____________________________ Mark _____________

A. Insert the adverb of frequency in the right place. 5p

1. I cook dinner. (usually)____________________________________________________________________
2. We are late for school. (never)______________________________________________________________
3. Daisy goes home on foot. (always)___________________________________________________________
4. Louise reads a book before going to bed. (sometimes)____________________________________________
5. The boys play football together. (often) _______________________________________________

B. Write sentences in the Present Continuous using the prompts: 20p

Example: He_________________ (water) plants now. He is watering the plants now.
1. Mother_____________________(cook) dinner right now.
2. The girls __________________________ (say) hello to the teacher.
3. He ___________________________ (clean) the house, at the very moment.
4. My parents ______________________________(listen) to the radio, now.
5. You __________________________ (not read) the newspaper, now.
6. My brother ______________________ (play) in the park, now.
7. The cat ______________________ (sleep) in its basket, now.
8. ______you ___________________ (eat) an apple or a pear?
9. The boys __________________________ (not drink) Coke right now.
10. We ____________________________ (work) in the garden, now.

C. CompletethetextwiththecorrectformofthePresentSimple.15p
Christine is (be) a German student. She lives (live) in Berlin. Every morning, she .............. (wake up)
early. First, she .............. (take) a shower and then she ...................... (get dressed), but she .......................... (not
have breakfast). At 9:00 am, she .............. (go) to the bus stop, where she .............. (meet) her friends. They
.............. (arrive) to school at 9:30 am. They .............. (study) different languages, such as French and English. After
school, Christine and her fiends .............. (play) basketball and, then, they .............. (go) out with other friends.
When Christine .............. (get) home, she ....................... (have dinner) and .................. (watch) TV. At 21:00 pm,
she ................ (go) to sleep.
D. Choose the correct option: 5p
Example: He plays / is playing football, now. He plays / is playing football, every day.
1. Mark goes / is going home on foot in the evening.
2. Listen! Ted plays / is playing the piano at the moment.
3. My mother is a good cook. Every day she cooks / is cooking delicious food.
4. Stanley answers / is answering the phone now.
5. They often watch / are watching TV in the evening.
E. Name the rooms and parts of the house: 10p
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________

Summative English Test Snapshot Starter L2| Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

+20 points BONUS
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________
9. ___________________
10. ___________________

F. Name the clothes: 10p

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

6. __________________________________

7. __________________________________

8. __________________________________

9. __________________________________

10. __________________________________

G. Answer the questions. 15p

1. Can you swim? _______________________________________________________________________

2. Do you like cycling? __________________________________________________________________
3. What time do you get up in the morning? __________________________________________________
4. Are you listening to the radio, now? ______________________________________________________
5. What are you going to do at the weekend? _________________________________________________

Summative English Test Snapshot Starter L2| Teacher: Liliana Gheorghe

+20 points BONUS

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