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Ecology LAB page 1

Topics to be covered:
1. Statistics and Data Management Mann-Whitney
- nonparametric, comparison, unmatched
2-Group Example: Problem Set D
A herpetologist studying the effect of a deadly fungal

Analysis of disease on frogs wanted to find out if the altitude of the
Variance (ANOVA) frogs habitat makes a difference in the prevalence of the
Correlation Pearson
disease among resident animals. She delineated two
study sites (A and B) found on different altitudinal areas
Association Chi-Square (A = 20 masl, B = 350 masl), and set up eight traps in each
of the sites (total of 16 traps). She left the traps in the sites
for a few days, and went back to collect the captured
Mann-Whitney frogs and count how many tested positive for the fungal
2-Group disease in each trap, Upon her return, she found out that
Wilcoxon one trap in site B was missing, so the data for this trap was

not counted. Tabulating her results, she arrived at the
3,4,5-Group Kruskal-Wallis following values:
SITE A 8 12 15 21 25 44 44 60 n= 8
Correlation Spearman SITE B 2 4 5 9 12 17 19 n= 7
Association Chi-Square H0: There is no significant difference between the two samples.
H1: There is a significant difference between the two samples.
Parametric Tests - anything you can measure 1. Rank the data. Data items that have equal values are given the
- can be between 2 points average rank of those items.
- comparison of the means 1 2 SITE A rank SITE B rank
e.g. length, time, weight, temperature 2 4 8 4 2 1
3 5 12 6.5 4 2
Non-Parametric Tests - cannot find a value in between
4 8 15 8 5 3
- deals with ranks 5 9 21 11 9 5
- comparison of the medians 6.5 12 25 12 12 6.5
e.g. number of males in the classroom 6.5 12 44 13.5 17 9
8 15 44 13.5 19 10
Comparison Test - used to know whether 2 or more 9 17 60 15
groups are the same or equal, if not 1 =8 2 = 7
10 19
which is greater? which is smaller? 11 21 Total of ranks of SITE B 36.5
Correlation Test - used to know the relationship between 12 25
2 or sometimes 3 groups whether they 13.5 44
are directly or inversely related and by 13.5 44
how much? 15 60
NOTICE that your value is either between 1 and 0 or 0 and 1
2. Use the following formulae to solve for 1 and 2 :
VALUE: the closer your value to zero, the (2 +1)
weaker the relationship 1 = 1 2 + 2 2
SIGN: positive sign means it is directly related; 2 = 1 2 1
negative means it is inversely related where 1 = number of observations in first column
0.90-1.00 very weak correlation 2 = number of observations in second column
0.70-0.89 weak correlation 2 = sum of the ranks in the second column
7(7 + 1)
0.40-0.69 modest correlation 1 = (8)(7) +
0.20-0.39 strong correlation = .
0.00-0.19 very strong correlation 2 = (8)(7) 47.5
Association Test - used to know which group or groups = .
show an affinity to a set of conditions 3. Reject H0 if the computed lower U value > critical U value.
1 =8; 2 =7; level of confidence = 0.05
Unmatched - uses 2 different population critical U value = 10
computed lower U value = 8.5
Matched - uses the same population 8.5<10
Fail to reject H0.

2015 Ellement
Ecology LAB page 2

Analysis of Variance One-Way (1-Way ANOVA)

- parametric, comparison, 3,4,5-group =

Example: Problem Set A
A marine biologist in charge of four marine reserves
located on a small island noticed that one of the marine = +
reserves (Area A) was twice the size of the other areas
(B, C, and D). Considering that all other aspects of the
marine reserves were equal except for size, the biologist =
wanted to find out if the size of the marine reserve had an
effect on the overall size of fish species living within them.
To test this, he designated a single fish species 3. Reject H0 if the computed F value > critical F value.
=3; =36; level of confidence = 0.05
Acanthurus olivaceous as the test species, and collected
critical F value = 2.87
10 specimens of this fish in each of the four marine computed F value = 9.0024
reserves. He measured each fish (in cm) and tabulated the 9.0024>2.87
data below. Reject H0.
AREA A 78 88 87 88 83 82 81 80 80 89
AREA B 78 78 83 81 78 81 81 82 76 76
AREA C 79 73 79 75 77 78 80 78 83 84
AREA D 77 69 75 70 74 83 80 75 76 75
H0: There is no significant difference among the means.
H1: At least one of the means is different from the others.
1. Find the size ( ), mean ( ).
), and the grand mean (
A ( )
B 2
( ) C ( )
D ( )

78 31.36 78 1.96 79 0.16 77 2.56

88 19.36 78 1.96 73 31.36 69 40.96

87 11.56 83 12.96 79 0.16 75 0.16

88 19.36 81 2.56 75 12.96 70 29.16

83 0.36 78 1.96 77 2.56 74 1.96

82 2.56 81 2.56 78 0.36 83 57.76

81 6.76 81 2.56 80 1.96 80 21.16

80 12.96 82 6.76 78 0.36 75 0.16

80 12.96 76 11.56 83 19.36 76 0.36

89 29.16 76 11.56 84 29.16 75 0.16

10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4
83.6 146.4 79.4 56.4 78.6 98.4 75.4 154.4


2. Complete the ANOVA Table:


Treatments . .

Errors . . . 2.87

Total . .

= ( )2

= +
where = Treatment Sum of Squares
= Error Sum of Squares
= Total Sum of Squares
= sample size
= mean
= grand mean
= mean of the ( )
= 1
= +
where = number of populations
= number of observations

2015 Ellement
Ecology LAB page 3

Kruskal-Wallis Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient

- nonparametric, comparison, 3,4,5-group - parametric, correlation
Example: Problem Set B Example: Problem Set J
A marine biologist in charge of four marine reserves The Jacksons chameleon is a very popular animal among
located on a small island noticed that one of the marine reptile keepers owing to the horns possessed by the
reserves (Area A) was twice the other areas (B, C and males. The larger the horns, the more expensive the
D). Considering that all other aspects of the marine price. An exotic animal breeder wanted to find out if the
reserves were equal except for size, the biologist wanted length of the horns of males are related to the mass
to find out if the size of the marine reserve had an effect (weight) of the animal rather than size (length). He
on the overall number of fishes living within them. To test collected data from his captive stock males and got the
this he designated a single species Acantharus olivaceous following data:
as the test species, and established ten counting stations
and noted the number of A. olivaceous in each station HORN LENGTH 6.6 6.9 7.3 8.2 8.3 11 12 12 9.4 10.2
and noted those in the data sheet. He did this for all areas MASS (g) 86 92 71 74 185 185 201 283 255 222
and listed his data below. Hypotheses:
AREA A 78 88 87 88 83 82 81 80 80 89 H0: There is no correlation between the 2 groups.
AREA B 78 78 83 81 78 81 81 82 76 76 H1: There is either a positive or negative correlation between the
AREA C 79 73 79 75 77 78 80 78 83 84 2 groups.
AREA D 77 69 75 70 74 83 80 75 76 75 1. Compute for the xy, x2, and y2. Calculate their summation.
horn length (cm) mass (g) xy x2 y2
H0: There is no significant difference in the distribution of fishes 6.6 86 567.6 43.56 7396
from four marine reserves. 6.9 92 634.8 47.61 8464
H1: There is a significant difference in the distribution of fishes 7.3 71 518.3 53.29 5041
from four marine reserves. 8.2 74 606.8 67.24 5476
1. Rank the data. Data items that have equal values are given the 8.3 185 1535.5 68.89 34225
average rank of those items. 11 185 2035 121 34225
A rank B rank C rank D rank 12 201 2412 144 40401
78 17 78 17 79 20.5 77 12.5 12 283 3396 144 80089
88 38.5 78 17 73 3 69 1 9.4 255 2397 88.36 65025
87 37 83 33.5 79 20.5 75 6.5 10.2 222 2264.4 104.04 49284
88 38.5 81 27.5 75 6.5 70 2
83 33.5 78 17 77 12.5 74 4
91.9 1654 16367.4 881.99 329626
82 30.5 81 27.5 78 17 83 33.5

81 27.5 81 27.5 80 23.5 80 23.5 2. Using the formula below, get the value of r.
80 23.5 82 30.5 78 17 75 6.5
80 23.5 76 10 83 33.5 76 10 =
89 40 76 10 84 36 75 6.5 [ 2 ( )2 ][ 2 ( )2 ]
TOTAL 309.5 TOTAL 217.5 TOTAL 190 TOTAL 106 10(16367.4) (91.9)(1654)
2. Complete the ANOVA Table: [10(881.99) (91.9)2 ][10(329626) (1654)2 ]
= 0.8058
12 2
= ( ) 3( + 1) 3. Based from the following, determine the correlation between
( + 1) the two groups.
VALUE: the closer your value to zero, the weaker the
= 1 relationship
where = Kruskal-Wallis value
SIGN: positive sign means it is directly related;
= number of total scores
= sample size negative means it is inversely related
= ranked total per sample Since = 0.8058, the relationship between the horn length
= number of scores per sample and mass shows a strong positive correlation.
12 309.52 217.52 1902 1062
= {( )( + + + )}
40(40 + 1) 10 10 10 10
3( + 1)
= .
= 4 1
= 3
3. Reject H0 if the computed H value > critical X2 value.
=3; level of confidence = 0.05
critical X2 value = 7.8147
computed H value = 16.34
Reject H0.

2015 Ellement
Ecology LAB page 4

- non/parametric, association

Example: Problem Set I

A reforested area consists of three tree species A, B, and
C, and four species of endemic bird species 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The timber concession that owns the area is preparing to
cut down trees for use as wood pulp for paper
manufacturing. As part of the deal with the WWF, the
timber concession can only cut down one species of tree.
To help them decide what species of tree to cut, the
company hired an ornithologist who did a survey of each
tree species, and what bird species was found utilizing
each tree species. The results of the survey are listed as:
TREE A 12 7 5 17
TREE B 14 6 22 9
TREE C 35 12 7 11
H0: The number of bird inhabitants does not depend on the
species of the trees.
H1: The number of bird inhabitants depend on the species of the
1. Get the total of the rows and columns.
TREE A 12 7 5 17 41
TREE B 14 6 22 9 51
TREE C 35 12 7 11 92
TOTAL 61 25 34 37 157
2. In an ideal world, it is expected to have equal distribution of the
birds. To get the expected value, divide the grand total with the
number of cells.
+ + +

= 13.08 ~13
3. Using the formula below, get the value of 2 and .
TREE A 12 7 5 17 41
TREE B 14 6 22 9 51
TREE C 35 12 7 11 92
TOTAL 61 25 34 37 157
( )2
2 = [ ]

( )2 ( )2 ( )2 ( )2
1 2 3 4

A 12 0.0769 7 2.7692 5 4.9230 17 1.2307

B 14 0.0769 6 3.7692 22 6.2307 9 1.2307

C 35 37.230 12 0.0769 7 2.7692 11 0.3076

2 =60.6923
= ( 1)( 1)
= (3 1)(4 1)
= 6
4. Reject H0 if the computed X2 value > critical X2 value.
=6; level of confidence = 0.05
critical X2 value = 12.592
computed X2 value =60.6923
Reject H0.

2015 Ellement
Ecology LAB page 5

2. Global Positioning System 3. Terrestrial Sampling Techniques

- relies on a constellation of 24 NAVSTAR a. Quadrat
satellites launched and maintained by the U.S. - applies to a square sample unit or plot
Department of Defense - may be a single sample unit or be divided into
- uses at least 5 satellites/space vehicles (SVs) subplots
Satellites are used to transmit the signal by letting the richer the flora, the larger or more
numerous the quadrats must be
these signal bounce on them since sound and light
b. Transect Line
travel in a straight line.
- across section of an area
SVs orbit at an altitude of about 21,000 km - used to relate changes in vegetation within it
SVs keep time using an atomic clock that loses or to changes in the environment
gains one second every 30,000 years c. Point-Quarter
Unlike other devices like communication gadgets, - most useful in sampling communities in which
GPS doesnt need an importance signal. individuals are widely spaced or in which the
It only needs the signal to be bounced back to the dominant plants are large shrubs or trees
recipient. The classic distance method is the point quarter method
which was developed by the first land surveyors in the U.S.A.
1st Live Telecast via satellite: 1964 Summer in the nineteenth century. The four trees nearest to the
Olympics in Tokyo corner of each section of land (1 sq. mile) were recorded in
the first land surveys and they form a valuable data base on
REMINDERS in using the GPS: the composition of the forests in the eastern U.S. before
Use it in an open area. much land had been converted to agriculture. The point
quarter technique has been a commonly used distance
Move slowly, do not run. method in forestry. It was first used in plant ecology by
Do not cover the transmitter. Cottam et al. (1953) and Cottam and Curtis (1956). Figure
Other information GPS can give you: 5.10 illustrates the technique. A series of random points is
selected often along a transect line with the constraint that
Direction points should not be so close that the same individual is
Distance measured at two successive points. The area around each
random point is divided into four 90 quadrants and the
Depth distance to the nearest tree is measured in each of the four
Elevation quadrants. Thus, 4 point-to-organism distances are
Speed generated at each random point, and this method is similar
to measuring the distances from a random point to the 1st,
Temperature 2nd, 3rd and 4th nearest neighbors.

Figure 5.10 Point-quarter method of density estimation. The

area around each random point is subdivided into four 90
quadrants and the nearest organism to the random point is
located in each quadrant. Thus four point-to-organism
distances (blue arrows) are obtained at each random point.
This method is commonly used on forest trees. Trees
illustrate individual organisms

2015 Ellement
Ecology LAB page 6

Abundance/Species Richness () When only one species is present, the value of H is 0.

When all species are present in equal numbers, the maximum
- count of number of species occurring within the community
values of index, = ln , where = total number of species
Relative Abundance/Species Evenness
*Relative Dominance
= - absolute dominance of species i divided by the sum of
dominance for all species
where = abundance of species - usually done with trees
= number of individuals of species
**Rank Dominance
= total number of individuals of all species
Rank-Abundance Frequency
Whittaker plot/Rank-Abundance Curve #
- species ranking based on relative abundance, ranked from
most to least abundant ) x-axis and relative abundance (y- Relative Frequency
axis) expressed on a log10 axis.
- a 2D chart with relative abundance on the Y-axis and the

abundance rank on the X-axis
on Species Richness
- reflected by the greater length of the curve
on Species Evenness
- equitable distribution of individuals among species
- indicated by the more gradual slope of the curve



where = total number of individuals of species
Relative Density


Simpsons Index
= ( )

Simpsons Index of Diversity = 1
Simpsons Diversity Index =

where = Simpsons index
= number of individuals of species
= total number of individuals of all species
The greater the value of D, the lower the diversity
The greater the Simpsons Index of Diversity, the greater the
A D value of 1 represents complete dominance meaning only
one species is present in the community.
Shannon-Weiners Index


= ( )(ln )
where = proportion of individuals found in species
= number of individuals in species
= total number of individuals of all species

2015 Ellement

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