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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014

Existence Solutions for Quasilinear Evolution

Integrodifferential Equations with Infinite Delay
Francis Paul Samuel, Tumaini RukikoLisso, Kayiita Zachary Kaunda
where () = ( + ), [, 0],For [0, ],we
Abstract: The paper is concerned with the existence and denoteby theBanach space of all continuous func-
uniqueness solution of quasi linear evolution integrodifferential tionsfrom[, ]toendowed with the supremum norm
equations with in finite delay in Banach spaces. The results a
r e obtained by C0-semi group of linear bounded o p e r a t o r
and Banach f i x e d point theorem. Et
sup ( ) X
, x Et .
Letthe functions : [0, ] 0 ; : [0, ]
Keywords: semigroup; mild a n d classical solution; 0 to and : [0, ] [0, ] is a real value dcontinuous
Banach f i x e d pointtheorem; Infinitedelay.
function. Here we see that 0 ,we assume that
2000 Subject Classification: 34G20, 47D03, for , (, ()) and (, ()) [0, ] are bounded
47H10,47H20,34B15. L1 function. Further assume that there is a subset
of such that for (, ) [0, ] with () for
I. INTRODUCTION [0, ], (, )isalinear operator in .Also 0 isLipschitz
continuous with constant The results obtained in this
Quasilinearevolution equations form savery important class
paper are generalization so the results given by Pazy
of evolution equations as many time dependent phenomena
[13],Kato [6,7]and Balachandranand Paul Samuel[3].
inphysics,chemistry, biology and engineering can be
represented by such evolution equations. Several
authorshave studied the existence of solutions of abstract
quasilinear evolution equations in Banach space II. PRELIMINARIES
[1,2,3,7,8,9,10,12,14]. Oka [10]and Okaand Let and betwoBanach spaces such that Y is densely and
Tanaka[11]discussed the existence of solutions of continuous lyembedded in. For any Banach
quasilinear integrodifferential equations in Banach spaces. spacesthenormofisdenoted by . or . z .The space of all
Kato [6] studied the non homo geneousevolution equations
and Balachandran and Paul Samuel[2]proved the existence bounded linear operators from X toY is denoted
and uniqueness of mild and classical delay integro by(, )and(, )iswritten as().We recall some
differential equation with non local condition. The problem definitions and known facts from Pazy [13].
of existence of solutions of evolution equations in Banach
space has been studied by several authors [4,5,8,9].The aim Definition2.1.Letbealinear operatorinand
of this paper is to prove the existence and uniqueness of let beasubspace of.Theoperatordefinedby () =
midland classical solutions of quasilinear functional integro { () }and =
differential system with infinitedelay ()iscalledthepartofin. { + , }.

+ , Definition2.2.Let B be a subset of and for every

0 and , let (, ) be the
= , + (, ) (1.1) i nfinitesimalgeneratorofaC0 -semigroup, (), 0, on
0 = , on [, 0](1.2) . The family of operators {(, )}, (, ) [0, ]
, isstable ifthere areconstants 1 and
,knownasstabilityconstants,suchthat ((, ))
(, ) or (, ) [0, ] , where ((, )) is
theresolventset of (, ) and

R( : A(t j , b j )) M()kfor > every finite

j 1
Manuscript received April 19, 2014. sequences 0 1 2 . . . , .
Francis Paul Samuel, Department of Mathematics and Physics,
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton,Eldoret 2500 - 30100 Kenya.
Definition 2.3. , (), 0be theC0- semigroup
Tumaini RukikoLisso, ,Department of Mathematics and Physics, generatatedby (, ), (, ) .A subspace
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton,Eldoret 2500 - 30100 Kenya. of iscalled (, ) -admissibleif isin-
Kayiita Zachary Kaunda, Department of Mathematics and Physics, variantsubspaceof, ()andtherestrictionof, ()toisa
University of Eastern Africa, Baraton,Eldoret 2500 - 30100 Kenya.
C0-semigroup in.
Let beasubset ofX such thatforevery (, ) [0, ]
, (, ) istheinfinitesimal generator ofaC0-semigroup
, (), 0on. Wemakethe followingassumptions:
(E1) Thefamily{(, )}, (, ) [0, ] isstable.

Existence Solutions for Quasilinear Evolution Integrodifferential Equations with Infinite Delay

Next weprovethe existence of local classical solutions of the

(E2) is (, ) admissible for (, ) [0, ] andthe quasilinear problem (1.1)-(1.2).
family {(, )}, (, ) [0, ] ofparts For amildsolution of(1.1)-(1.2) we mean a function
with values in B satisfying the integral equation
(, )of(, )in ,isstable in .
u (t ) U u (t , 0) (0) U u (t , s)[ f ( s, us ) (2.1)

(E3) For (, ) [0, ] , ((, )) , (, ) isa 0

bounded linear operator from to and
k ( s ) g ( , u )]ds

(, )iscontinuousin the(, )norm . for every . 0

(E4) There isaconstant > 0suchthat u0 on [ , 0].

A(t , b1 ) A(t , b2 ) Y X L b1 b2 Afunction u ET suchthatu(t)YBfor

X 1
t(0,T],uC ((0,T]:X)and satisfies (1.1)-(1.2) in X is
holdsforevery 1, 2 and 0 . Let be a subset
of and {(, )}, (, ) [0, ] be a family of calleda classical solution of(1.1)-(1.2) on[0,T], where
operators satisfying the conditions (E1)-E4). If 1(0, ] ),space of all continuously differentiable
([0, ] )has value sinBthen there is a unique evolution functions from [0, ] to and isa (, ) admissible
system (, ),0 , in satisfying, (see subspace ofX.
[13,Theorem 5.3.1and Lemma 6.4.2, pp. 135,201-202] Further there exists a constant0 > 0such that forevery
, ([0, ] )with values inB and every wY,wehave
(i) U u (t , s) Me (t s ) for 0 s t T .

U u (t , s) w U v (t , s) w E0 w Y u ( ) v( ) d . (2.2)
where M and are stability constants.

(ii) U u (t , s) w A( s, u ( s))U u (t , s) w for III. EXISTENCE RESULTS
t Inthissectionwe provetheexistenceanduniqueness
w Y , for 0 s t T . resultforaclassicalsolutionto(1.1)-(1.2). Let
begivenby() = ()for [, 0]and() =
(iii) U u (t , s) w U u (t , s) A( s, u ( s)) w for (0)for [0, ].Denote
s Br ( (0)) {x X : x (0) r},
w Y , for 0 s t T . X

~ ~
B2 r 0 { E0 : 0 2r.
(E5) For every ([0, ]: )satisfying () Theorem2.1Let and beopensubsetsof and
for0 ,wehave 0 respectivelyand thefamily(, )oflinear operatorsfor
[0, ], ((0)) satisfyingassumptions
(, ) , 0 and
(E1)(E9)and(, )(0) with
(, )isstrongly continuousinfor0
A(t , b) (0) Y C A , C A 0
(E6) Every closedconvexand bounded subsetof is forall (, ) [0, ] . There existsapositiveconstant
alsoclosedin. 0 suchthat thequasilinearproblem(1.1)-(1.2)
Furtherweassumethat hasauniqueclassical solution.

(E7) [0, ] 0to is continuousand there exist U u (t , s) B (Y )

K1 ,
constants > 0and 0 > 0such that
Take > 0suchthat((0)) 2(0 ) .
| , 1 , 2 | ( + | 1 2 |

F0 max f (t , uo ) .
(E8) : [0, ] 0to iscontinuousand thereexist
constants > 0and 0 > 0such that Proof:
Letbeanonemptyclosedsubset of([0, ]: )
g (t , 1 g ( s, 2 ) ds GL t s 1 2

, definedby
0 X

= 0 0 = , , 0 ,
G0 max g ( s, uo ) ds.

0 0 .
(E9) Thereal-valued functioniscontinuouson[0, ]
andthere existsapositiveconstant suchthat We easilydeduce thatis a closed, convex and
bounded subsetof0. Take .Nowfor
k (t ) for [0, ].Wenote thatthe condition [, 0],wehavethefollowingtwocases.
(E6)isalwayssatisfied ifand are reflexiveBanach spaces. Case(i): If + 0wehave

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2014
~ ~
t 0 ( )
U u (t , s)[ f ( s, us ) k ( s ) g ( s, u )d ] ds
t s
(t ) ( )
X X 0 0

(t ) ( )
K1 [ f ( s, us ) f ( s, u0 ) f ( s, u0 )
L T0 r.

Case(ii): If + 0wehave k ( s )[ g ( , u ) g ( , u0 ) g ( , u0 )]d ds
~ ~
t 0 ( ) (t ) ( )
K1 [ f ( s, us ) f ( s, )
f ( s , u0 )

(t ) (0)
KT g ( , u ) g ( , ) d ]ds
(0) ( ) X
K1[2r ( FL KT GL ) F0 KT G0 ]T0
r L( )
r L t r
r L T0 2r. 2
(since 0).
Using the result for u S , us B2r ( ). Thus, for u S
Thus, for , 2().Define: by
and t 0, we get
U u (t , 0) (0) r r
t Hu (t ) (0) r.
U u (t , s)[ f ( s, us ) X
2 2
Hu (t ) 0s
k ( s ) g ( s, u )d ]ds, t [0, T0 ] So, H is well defined for u, v S , we consider
(t ), t [ , 0]. Hu (t ) Hv(t ) U u (t , 0) (0) U v (t , 0) (0)
Firstweshowthat iswelldefined and(0) =
U u (t , s)[ f ( s, us ) k ( s ) g ( s, u )d ] ds
t s
(0).For 0,wehave
Hu (t ) (0) U u (t ,0) (0) (0) 0 0

U v (t , s)[ f ( s, vs ) k ( s ) g ( s, v )d ] ds
t s

U u (t , s)[ f (s, us ) k (s ) f (s, u )d ]ds

t s
0 0
0 0

Taking thenorm, weget Let

Hu (t ) (0) U u (t , 0) (0) (0) X

I1 U u (t , 0) (0) U v (t , 0) (0) X

U u (t , s )[ f ( s, us ) k ( s ) f ( s, u )d ] ds E0 (0)
t s
u ( s) v( s) ds
0 0 0 X

Integrating(ii),weobtain E0 (0) X
u v T0 .

U u (t ,0) (0) (0) U u (t , s) A( s, u ( s)) ( s)ds.

Also let

Thus, we have
U u (t , s) A( s, u ( s))
U u (t ,0) (0) (0) X X
( s) ds.
0 X

C A K1T0

Also we have

Existence Solutions for Quasilinear Evolution Integrodifferential Equations with Infinite Delay

I 2 U u (t , s )[ f ( s, us ) u ' (t ) A(t , u )u (t ) f (t , ut ) k (t s) g (s, us )ds (3.1)

t s t
k ( s )[ g ( s, u )d ] 0
0 0
u (0) (0). (3.2)
U u (t , s )[ f ( s, vs ) k ( s )[ g ( s, v )d ]

Denote () =(, ()), ()= (, ) and
U v (t , s )[ f ( s, vs ) k ( s )[ g ( s, u )d ]ds

0 ()=(, )ds,then equation (3.1)canbewrittenas

~ ~ ~
u ' (t ) A(t , u)u(t ) F (t ) k (t s) G(s)ds

K1 f ( s, us ) f ( s, vs )
u (0) (0). (3.4)
k ( s )[ g ( s, u ) g ( , v )]d ] ds

whereuistheunique solution fixedpointofH inS.
E0 [ f ( s, vs ) k ( s ) g ( , u )d
t s

0 0
f (t , ) f ( s, ) FL t s ,
u ( ) v( ) d ]ds
t X

g (t , ) g ( s, ) ds GL t s
s X

K1[ FL us vs ds
t 0 X

0 and
KT GL us vs ds ]
k (t ) KT .

E0 [2r ( FL KT GL )
Henceforeach>0there existsa>0suchthatif
F0 KT G0 ] u v T02 |ts|impliesthat
f (t , ) f ( s, ) ,
K1[ FL sup u ( s v( s ) ds

0 t
g (t , ) g ( s, ) X
ds .
KT GL sup u ( s v( s ) ds
t 0

0 X
Thus, (, ) 0and (, )
E0 [2r ( FL KT GL ) F0 KT G0 ] u v T02 0forfixed.HencefromPazy[[13]Theorem 5.5.2],we
getaunique function 1((0, 0]; )satisfying (3.3)-(3.4)
K1 FLT0 u v K1KT GLT0 u v inandgivenby
v(t ) U u (t , 0) (0) U u (t , s)[ f ( s, us
E0 [2r ( FL KT GL ) F0
KT G0 ]T02 u v
k ( s ) g ( s, u )d ]ds, t [0, T0 ],

( K1[ FL KT GL ] T0 E0 [2r ( FL KT GL ) 0

F0 KT G0 )T0 u v . where (, ),0 0isthe evolution sys-

tem generated by the family (, ()), [0, 0]. The
Hence, uniqueness of impliesthat on [0, 0]. Thus is a
unique local classicalof(1.1)-(1.2).
I1 I 2 Hu (t ) Hv(t )
( E0 (0) X
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