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Title: Problem Solving Mathematicians!

Relevant SC Standards:
6.EEI.2 Extend the concepts of numerical expressions to algebraic expressions involving
positive rational numbers. a. Translate between algebraic expressions and verbal
phrases that include variables. b. Investigate and identify parts of algebraic expressions
using mathematical terminology, including term, coefficient, constant, and factor. c.
Evaluate real-world and algebraic expressions for specific values using the Order of
Operations. Grouping symbols should be limited to parentheses, braces, and brackets.
Exponents should be limited to whole-numbers
6.EEI.7 Write and solve one-step linear equations in one variable involving nonnegative
rational numbers for real-world and mathematical situations.
Description: This app lesson will develop middle school algebra students information
on solving equations and identifying the parts of an algebraic equation.
Instructional Objective: Students will be able to successfully solve algebraic
equations and understand how they got their solution. Students will watch an
instructional video from the Khan Academy app. They will use educational math apps to
test their knowledge on how to solve algebraic equations in a fun and competitive way.
Step 1: Students will watch an instructional video on how to solve one step algebraic
equations on the Khan Academy app and be able to spread out around the classroom.
* Students will come back to their seats to go over the topic again. I will write notes on
the smart board for the students to copy. I will go over 3 examples as a class.

Step 2: Students will pair up into groups of 2 or 3. They will open the Math Formulas
free app. Each group of students will screenshot their final answers. After 10 equations,
the students will add up their final group score. Each question right is 1 point. The group
with the most points will receive 3 points extra credit on the test.

Step 3: Students will line up on each side of the classroom in front of the smart board. I
will project the Math Academy app onto the screen. The first student in each line will
step up and solve the equation that appears on the screen. This app will keep score of
how many are answered correctly. Once each student has a turn, the points will be
added up and the side with the most points gets a prize.
*To test their knowledge on solving equations, I will write up a short 10 question quiz
for the students to complete next class. For an extra credit opportunity, students can go
on Math academy at home and complete 10 equations. Screenshot their score and bring
it in next class for up to 5 bonus points.

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