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Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 2633e2643

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The Temple of Venus (Pompeii): a study of the pigments and painting techniques
Rebecca Piovesan a, *, Ruth Siddall b,1, Claudio Mazzoli a, 2, Luca Nodari c, 3
Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Universit di Padova, Via Gradenigo 6, I-35131 Padova, Italy
Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Universit di Padova, Via Marzolo 1, I-35135 Padova, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We report here on a study of 57 fragments of wall painting excavated from the Temple of Venus
Received 13 August 2010 (Pompeii). These samples were characterised by a wide range of analytical methods. Data showed that
Received in revised form the palette is varied, although not so broad as that found in other buildings in Pompeii, and is consistent
23 May 2011
with pigments used elsewhere in Pompeii and in the Roman Empire. It is composed of: natural earths,
Accepted 24 May 2011
minerals and rare articial pigments. Paintings are made up of thin paint layers (0.01e0.10 mm thick)
strongly adhering to the underlying preparation layer. Nonetheless, in some cases thicker layers (up to
0.40 mm) were recognised, often spread on other previous painting layers. Samples were also compared
with the microstratigraphic criteria developed in Piovesan (2009) to distinguish wall painting tech-
Fresco niques. This comparison demonstrated that both fresco and lime painting techniques were adopted.
Lime-based painting techniques 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wall painting

1. Introduction time of the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79, it was still under reno-
vation (Curti, 2007, 2008).
Roman pigments, particularly from Rome and Pompeii, have The main aim of this work is the characterisation of the paint-
been studied using analytical techniques and a variety of pigments ings from the Temple of Venus with a multi-analytical approach
and mixtures have been recognised (Augusti, 1967; Fuchs and and to derive information about the artistic knowledge, technology,
Barat, 1997; Meggiolaro et al., 1997; Edwards et al., 2002; Walsh and probable trade routes of the Sannitic and the Roman in Pom-
et al., 2003). One of the most important questions in the study of peii. Within the frame of this research, we also had the opportunity
ancient paintings is the identication of pigments and paint recipes, to test a new Mssbauer portable spectrometer.
which give useful information about the material knowledge of
a culture and helps in identifying lines of trade. The site of Pompeii is
2. Sample preparation and analytical approach
the most studied of the Roman Period, but many areas and buildings
remain unexplored; the Temple of Venus is one of those. Venus is the
57 fragments of wall painting were collected predominantly
patron divinity of Pompeii and her temple is one of the most
from debris and oor lling material representing ve different
important buildings in the town, located in the south-west of the site
chronological units from Republican to Imperial times (Table 1). In
(Fig. 1). The present building itself underwent numerous phases of
two cases (samples LF057, LF117) samples were also collected from
reconstruction and renovation. The area was probably a place of
their primary location, i.e. from walls of the 3rd Century BC and the
worship since Archaic time and was occupied by the Sannites from
end of the 2nd Century BC respectively. They represent the main
the late 4the3rd centuries BC. Redesigned during denitive Roma-
colour palette used for the wall paintings of the Temple of Venus.
nisation in 130 BC and renovated during the Julio-Claudian Periods,
The dimensions of the fragments ranged from 1 to 10 cm2. Due to
the building was destroyed during the earthquake of AD 62. At the
the fragmentary nature and, in most of the cases, secondary loca-
tion of the samples, it was impossible to make any technological
comments about the wall paintings as a whole; nevertheless the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 39 049 8279143; fax: 39 049 8279134. analysis of these samples is a useful method for the identication of
E-mail addresses: (R. Piovesan), pigments and recipes used in the Temple.
(R. Siddall), (C. Mazzoli), (L. Nodari).
Tel.: 44 020 7679 2758.
The samples were observed under an optical microscope in
Tel.: 39 049 8279144; fax: 39 049 8279134. thick and thin section, and also as pigment dispersions. Thick
Tel.: 39 049 8275173. sections were polished and studied under the optical microscope

0305-4403/$ e see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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2634 R. Piovesan et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 2633e2643

Fig. 1. Map of the archaeological site of Pompeii with the location of the Temple of Venus (Tempio di Venere).

using inclined reected-light optical microscopy (RL-OM) with an plasters were also prepared and used for the study of the white
adjustable optic bre system. This type of observation allowed the painted layers and the preparation layers.
determination of microstratigraphy and the main microtextural Secondary electron images were acquired using a Fei Quanta
features of the pigments (grain size, shape, roundness and degree 200 environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) at the
of dispersion of the fragments of pigment in the matrix). A small C.S.G. Palladio s.r.l. of Vicenza (CSGP), with an EDAX Falcon Energy
quantity of each pigment was then powdered by scraping the Dispersive X-ray Spectrocopy (EDS) microanalysis detector. Images
surface of the sample with a scalpel, and dispersed on a glass using were taken under low vacuum conditions, to avoid gold or graphite
Cargille MeltMount (nd 1.662 at 25  C). Sections were then coating of the samples. Semi-quantitative EDS microanalyses were
analysed by optical polarising light microscopy (PLM), both in plane also performed to obtain information on the elemental composi-
(PPL) and cross-polarised light (XPL). Petrographic thin sections of tion of the pigment particles.

Table 1
Time distribution of the recipes used for the preparation of the paints. Boxes lled with a dotted colour refer to samples of uncertain age.
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Chemical composition of one of the yellow pigments was sand, overlying a series of thicker and rougher mortar layers. The
determined with a Cameca SX 50 electron probe micro-analyser paint is applied to the topmost of the ne layers (Rowland, 1999).
(EPMA) at the Institute of Geosciences and Georesources, CNR, The following three classes of intonaco were recognised and
Padua, with an acceleration voltage of 15 kV and a beam current of classied based upon the petrographic composition of the aggregate:
10 nA, and using mineral phases as standards. In order to minimise
volatile loss and alkali (especially Na) migration, analyses were 3.1.1. Marmorino
performed using a defocused beam (30 microns in diameter), Marmorino is the most abundant intonaco in the painting
moving the specimen during the analysis. The counting time on the samples (72%). Under petrographic analysis in thin section, mar-
element peak and background was 10 s and 5 s, respectively. morino displays a micrite-like matrix (Piovesan et al., 2009)
The identication of the different crystalline phases present in composed of crypto- and microcrystalline calcite, with an aggre-
some of the pigments was carried out by X-ray powder diffraction gate:binder ratio of about 1:1. Aggregate consists of euhedral
(XRPD) on a Philips XPert powder diffractometer at the Depart- crystals of calcite and dolomite, with rare crystals of diopside,
ment of Geosciences, University of Padua, with Ni-ltered Ka1,2 feldspar and clasts of scoria present. In some cases, the carbonate
radiation of Cu from a graphite monochromator. Measurements fraction of the aggregate is composed of well-rounded fragments of
were performed at 40 kV and 40 mA. micritic limestone rather than sparry calcite. This type of intonaco
Absorption spectra in the IR region (between 4000 and often appears composed of two or three layers, only distinguished
400 cm1) were collected at the CSGP using a Thermo-Nicolet Avatar by the change of grain size across the different coats.
370 Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer with the aid of
a diamond cell for the powdered samples and a Thermo-Nicolet 3.1.2. Cocciopesto
Continuum micro-spectrometer for the study of thick sections (m- Few intonaco layers of cocciopesto were identied among the
ATR), both of these instruments working in Attenuated Total analysed samples (19%). These show a speckled matrix (Piovesan
Reection (ATR) mode. Infrared spectroscopy is useful both for the et al., 2009) composed of cryptocrystalline calcite and hydrated
determination of pigments and for the identication of organic calcium silico-aluminates, with an aggregate:binder ratio of 1:1.
binders. When applicable, the m-ATR method was preferred to The aggregate is mainly composed of angular fragments of ground
powder analysis with the diamond cell. In samples with very thin ceramic materials. Cocciopesto only occurs in red and yellow
paint layers, the second method was the only way to obtain a useful painting layers from second half of the 2nd Century BC, 1st Century
spectrum. In these cases, a small amount of pigment was collected BC and Julio-Claudian Period units. Volcanic inclusions in the
from the surface with a scalpel. Since the two approaches returned ceramics indicate a local derivation of this material (Grifa et al.,
the same results, we will indifferently refer to as FT-IR analyses 2005; De Carolis et al., 2009).
Three red and two yellow paints were also analysed by Mss- 3.1.3. Intonachino
bauer spectroscopy in order to investigate on the Fe-bearing phases. This type of intonaco is rarely used as preparation layer of
A new non-destructive portable 57Fe Mssbauer spectrometer a painting and it is present in only 6 samples (9%). Intonachino is
working in air and using a g-ray backscattering geometry was tested characterised by an almost pure crypto- to microcrystalline calcite
in this study. This instrument, projected and assembled in the matrix, with sporadic lime lumps and an aggregate:binder ratio of
Mssbauer laboratory, at Department of Chemical Sciences, Univer- about 1:1. The ller is composed of fragments of volcanic scoriae and
sity of Padua (DCS), is made of a standard constant acceleration volcanic rocks, frequently associated with crystals of diopside and,
spectrometer equipped with four proportional counters working in less often, sanidine, plagioclase, biotite and melanite. In three cases
backscattering geometry. The detectors allow the simultaneous (LF057, LF027.R, LF027.G) this intonaco acted as the preparation layer
collection, rigorously under the same energy conditions, of four for yellow, red and grey painting respectively; while in other three
spectra, which are then summed each other by a dedicated software. cases (LF014, LF101, LF108), all belonging to units from the second half
Spectra were collected at room temperature for a relatively long time of the 2nd Century BC, it underlies a smoothing layer. The mineralogy
(5 days or more) in order to improve spectrum statistics and and petrography of the volcanic component are compatible with the
analyzed by the usual tting procedure. products of Somma-Vesuvius (Santacroce, 1987).
In addition, to select the most suitable samples for the Mss- At the top of the microstratigraphic sequence one or more painting
bauer analysis, an X-ray uorescence (XRF) spectrometry (DCS) has layers have been recognised. Among the samples considered for the
been performed on a Bruker ARTAX portable mXRF, equipped with present study, single-layer paintings are predominant; but some cases
a Mo tube, able to analyse an area of 0.79 mm2 acquiring for 300 s of multi-layer paintings occur, with a maximum of three coloured
using a voltage of 20 kV and an intensity of 1500 mA, working layers. The superimposition of different colours is generally connected
under a He ux. to the presence of drawings or decorations such as colour stripes or
gures. Usually, a homogeneous colour was applied as a preparation
layer, followed by the decoration, generally painted with a different and
3. Wall painting microstratigraphy and painting techniques
often more precious colour. Most of the samples considered here, show
continuity between the top intonaco layer and the rst painting layer
All the wall painting samples from the Temple of Venus were
when observed under BSE. On the contrary, all the second or third
initially examined from a microstratigraphic viewpoint. Petro-
painting layers, and rarely some single-painted layers (e.g. sample
graphic thin sections were analysed using PLM. ESEM-EDS analyses
LF035), display a clear discontinuity with the underlying layer. As
were also performed to better dene the sequence of layers.
demonstrated in Piovesan (2009), this discontinuity, constituted by
a higher concentration of calcite and a lower porosity, is one of the most
3.1. Supports powerful tools for the distinction of two of the most common lime-
based painting techniques: the fresco and the lime painting (e.g. mez-
Painting supports were shown to vary in terms of the number of zofresco). In paintings executed with the fresco technique, pigment is
layers present and the relative coarseness of the mortars used, applied as a suspension in water onto a fresh plaster, and xing occurs
referred to herein as intonaco. According to Vitruvius, intonaco is during carbonation of lime, so that only one carbonation layer is formed
a set of nishing layers composed of lime and very ne-grained on the surface. On the other hand, in the lime painting technique,
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pigment is mixed with a binding material such as limewash (lime and 4. Pigments and recipes
water), and then applied on a dry lime plaster. In this case, a carbon-
ation layer is observed on the surface of the plaster, and a second one on The colour palette used in the Temple of Venus was determined
the top of the painted layer, derived from the limewash. by a combination of optical and electronic microscopy, FT-IR and
Mssbauer spectroscopy.
3.2. Painting techniques The identied pigments are described in the following text and
classied by colour. A list of the recipes (one or more pigments
According to the indications reported in Piovesan (2009) about the mixed together to obtain a specic hue), the related mineral
distinction between fresco and lime painting techniques, a distinction composition and the names of the samples that belong to each
between the two techniques was observed in the samples from the recipe, are reported in Table 2 and discussed in Section 4.7.
Temple of Venus. These distinctions are based on the microstrati-
graphic sequences, and the presence of carbonation layers. The 4.1. Black
majority of the samples showed that the paint layer is well adhered to
the preparation layer, without any discontinuity, and that there is only Observation under RL-OM in thick section revealed homoge-
one carbonation layer at the top of the sequence of layers (Fig. 2a, c). neous, opaque and thin black layers (in the range 0.02e0.07 mm)
This suggests that paints were applied on a fresh surface and there- made by indistinct ne-grained particles. In these samples
fore the adopted painting technique was fresco (Piovesan, 2009). (LF022.N, LF026.N, LF033.N, LF125, LF005) two black pigments have
In a few samples, instead, a thin carbonation layer between the been recognised.
plasters and the painting lms is clearly present (Fig. 2b, d). This
evidence indicates that in these samples the pigments were spread 4.1.1. Carbon-based black e ame-carbon
on a dry or partially dry substrate, probably mixed with limewash The majority of the black paints are made of a very ne-grained
(e.g. mezzofresco). In these cases two carbonation processes have black pigment, which is opaque under PLM, and associated with
occurred, the rst on the surface of the plasters, the second on the rare, colourless, aggregates of ne-grained particles with high
surface of the painting layers due to the limewash used as binder. birefringence. This second component is calcite, which may either
Nevertheless, the thickness of the samples and the dispersion of the be present to lighten the hue or be part of the binder. BSE images
particles within the painted layer suggest that pigment was mixed did not allow distinguishing pigment particles, while EDS semi-
with limewash (Piovesan, 2009). Sometime, in the same samples quantitative analyses performed on selected areas showed
several painting layers occur. In these cases the rst layer, directly a higher concentration of carbon (C) with respect to the underlying
in contact with the plaster underneath, are spread using the fresco preparation layers, the absence of phosphorous (P) e which is
technique, whereas the following paint layers are made by adopt- present in bone black e and the absence of metal oxides (Fig. 3). FT-
ing a lime painting technique. IR analysis only revealed the presence of calcite, which is clearly the

Fig. 2. Reected-light photomicrographs of wall painting samples considered in this study. a) single-layer painting; b) multi-layer colour painting. BSE images of wall paintings
analysed in this study: c) fresco; d) lime painting. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
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Table 2
Preparation recipes.

Recipes No. of samples Identied pigments Samples

Major components Minor components

Black 1 4 Flame-carbon e LF022.N, LF026.N, LF033.N, LF125
Black 2 1 Burnt ochre e LF005
Black 3 1 Red ochre, ame-carbon e LF126.N
Red 1 13 Red ochre Yellow ochre LF013, LF030.R, LF033.R, LF034.R, LF038.R, LF040,
LF044.R, LF116, LF117, LF124, LF126.R, LF127.R,
Red 2 4 Red ochre, yellow ochre Clays, green earth, yellow glass LF023.R, LF025, LF027.R, LF106
Red 3 4 Cinnabar Red ochre LF022.R, LF024.R, LF031.R, LF032
Yellow 1 3 Yellow ochre Red ochre LF015, LF028, LF102
Yellow 2 9 Yellow ochre and red ochre Yellow glass, clays LF008, LF010, LF018, LF036.G, LF099, LF107, LF126.G,
LF127.G, LF128.G
Yellow 3 1 Red ochre, yellow glass e LF057
Yellow 4 1 Yellow and brown glass Yellow ochre LF007
Light blue 2 Egyptian blue Yellow ochre, yellow glass LF024.A, LF035.A
Green 1 4 Green earth Red and yellow ochre, Egyptian blue LF030.V, LF031.V, LF034.V, LF035.V
Green 2 1 Red and yellow ochre, Egyptian blue, green earth Brown glass LF036.V
Green 3 1 Green earth, Egyptian blue Red and yellow ochre LF128.V
Grey 3 Yellow, red and brown ochre, Egyptian blue Brown glass, cinnabar, green earth LF026.G, LF027.G, LF044.G
White 5 Lime, calcite e LF037, LF038.B, LF097, LF101, LF108

main constituent of the carbonate binder, and is characterised by 4.2. Red

the bands centred at 1400, 875 and 712 cm1 assignable to CO2 3 .
XRPD only identied calcite, indicating the absence of any other Red colours are those most commonly used in the Temple of
crystalline phase in the black paints. Venus (Table 2) and are represented by three recipes and two
Microtextural features, composition and spectroscopic data are different pigments. In most of these samples, RL-OM showed red
consistent with the use of a pigment composed of amorphous particles, sometimes sparse, sometimes abundant, unevenly
carbon, i.e. lampblack, a ame-carbon pigment. These pigments distributed in layers of thickness ranging from 0.01 to 0.30 mm.
show ne-grained particles formed by the combustion of coal,
wood, oil or other fuel able to produce soot (Eastaugh et al., 2004). 4.2.1. Red ochre
This pigment was mainly applied alone (recipe Black 1), but The samples analysed in this work were all collected from
small quantities of it were also recognised in paint layers of other buried units and therefore they did not come into direct contact
colour, such as some red and yellow ones, probably added to with the pyroclastic ow of the AD 79 eruption, suggesting that the
produce darker hues. observed colour is from original red ochre paintings, and not as in
other instances at Pompeii, goethite-rich paints which have
4.1.2. Burnt ochre transformed to hematite-rich paints due to thermal alteration
Only in one sample (LF005) was a mineral pigment been rec- (Eastaugh et al., 2004; Cioni et al., 2004).
ognised. Under PLM it displayed ne opaque grains characterised In most of the samples, PLM study under plane-polarised light
by very weak, reddish-coloured halo in transmitted light, scattered identied translucent to opaque red, orange and brown particles of
within calcite agglomerates. This indicates that the pigment has various sizes, from very ne- to medium-grained, or aggregates of
natural origin, or that it was produced by heating natural red ochre high relief ne-grained crystals (Fig. 4). Under XPL the interference
at low temperatures. XRPD conrmed the presence of low amounts colours are typically masked by the strong body colour. BSE images
of iron oxide phases. BSE and EDS analysis showed rare Fe-rich revealed the presence of several mineral phases with high amounts
particles well distributed in the painted layer. of Fe (20e50 wt%). These data suggest that the colouring agent is
red ochre. XRPD analysis conrmed this evidence identifying
hematite as the main mineral phase. FT-IR spectra showed the
characteristic bands of the carbonate at 1400, 875 and 712 cm1.
Most of the red samples are made of dark, red ochre, very rich in
hematite. A red powder discovered within the area of the temple
(LF040), displayed the same composition and high hematite
content. PLM, XRPD and FT-IR conrmed that this material was
dominated by hematite with a very low amount of calcite present,
suggesting that it represents an abandoned pigment deposit.
The samples analysed suggest that the majority of the red
colours were prepared using a natural ochre, unusually rich in
hematite, which was selected and then deliberately mixed by the
artists with other pigments, in order to obtain the desired hues. In
order to study hematite-bearing pigments, three samples of red
colour (LF013, LF126.R, LF127.R) were investigated by Mssbauer
spectroscopy. All the spectra present the typical sextets of oxide
species attributable to hematite (Fig. 5a) with parameters very
close to those of very pure and well crystallized hematite, as
Fig. 3. EDS spectrum of a carbon-based black particle. reported by Murad and Johnston (1987). Only one of the analysed
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2638 R. Piovesan et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 2633e2643

samples (LF013) showed also a paramagnetic doublet attributable

to silicate and/or nanosized oxide particles. Considering that g-ray
backscattering Mssbauer information derives from a layer as thin
as the painting lm and Si content measured on the surface by
non-destructive XRF is negligible, doublet is most probably due to
nanosized oxide particles.

4.2.2. Cinnabar
Four of the red samples (recipe Red 3 in Table 2) are mercury
sulphide, HgS (the mineral cinnabar). Under RL-OM theses
pigments appear as very thin, brilliant-red painted layers,
0.02e0.04 mm thick, with very ne-grained particles (Fig. 6). Under
PLM in PPL, particles exhibited strong red-orange body colour,
weakly pleochroic from pale to deep red-orange and with
extremely high relief. Particles sometimes display rectangular or
columnar habits but predominantly the shape is irregular with
conchoidal fractures. Under XPL particles glow a deep red due to
high interference colours masked by the body colour and the strong
Fig. 4. Polarising light photomicrograph of red ochre agglomerate (PPL). (For inter-
internal reections. XRPD and FT-IR identied traces of cinnabar;
pretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the only small amounts of this pigment are necessary to obtain a bright
web version of this article.) red painting. ESEM-EDS analysis showed several particles, which
were rich in Hg and S, conrming the presence of cinnabar, and the
presence of a carbonate binder.
In two samples (LF022.R, LF031.R) cinnabar occurred alone. In
the other two cases (samples LF024.R, LF032), cinnabar was used in
conjunction with hematite presumably to both extend this valuable
pigment and brighten hematite red.

4.3. Yellow

The majority of the yellow paintings appear under RL-OM as

a thin pale yellow layer from 0.02 to 0.05 mm thick, although in
some cases (samples LF107, LF0126.G) the painted layer is irregular,
with thickness up to 0.3 mm. Four recipes (Table 2) and two yellow
pigments constitute yellow colours.

4.3.1. Yellow ochre

PLM analysis under PPL showed a pigment made from trans-
lucent yellow particles with ne to medium grain size and
moderate relief, associated with few scattered medium-grained
orange particles. Under XPL, pigment grains display high birefrin-
gence, and interference colours are strongly masked by the body
colour. XRPD analysis identied calcite, goethite and other iron
hydroxides. FT-IR spectra showed the characteristic bands of

Fig. 5. Backscattering Mssbauer spectra. a) sample LF127.R; dots: experimental data

points; solid line: hematite. b) sample LF015; dots: experimental data points; solid
line: microcrystalline goethite; dotted line: nanosized oxyhydroxide particles. Fig. 6. Polarising light photomicrograph of a crystal of cinnabar (PPL).
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R. Piovesan et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 2633e2643 2639

carbonate (1400, 875, 712 cm1). EDS revealed high concentration masked by the body colour. When observed through a Chelsea
of Fe (between 15 and 35 wt%), conrming that pigment is mainly lter, all blue particles transmit a dull red colour. FT-IR spectra
derived from iron oxide hydroxides. showed, besides the typical carbonate bands, two medium-intense
Two samples (LF015, LF128.G) containing yellow ochre were bands at 1000 and 1056 cm1 and other two bands at 1162 and
also studied by Mssbauer spectroscopy. Sample LF128.G presents 1192 cm1 with low intensity, which are typical of the Egyptian
only a low eld (37.7 T) sextet typical of oxyhydroxide species. The blue (Fig. 9).
parameters well t those of goethite, as described by Murad and Blue particles in BSE images were also distinguishable on the
Johnston (1987). In addition to the goethite sextet, sample LF015 basis of their atomic number contrast. Phases with high atomic
shows a doublet (Fig. 5b) attributed to nanosized oxyhydroxide number, which appear bright in BSE images, were composed, in
particles because silicates were not detected on the painting order of decreasing abundance, of C, O, Si, Cu and Ca, which is
surface by XRPD, FT-IR, EDS and non-destructive XRF analyses. characteristic of the calcium copper tetrasilicate CaCuSi4O10 (anal-
ogous to mineral cuprorivaite), the main component of the Egyp-
4.3.2. Yellowebrown glass tian blue (Fig. 10) mixed with the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) binder.
In a few samples, glassy yellowebrown fragments, displaying Slightly darker inclusions in BSE images display a similar compo-
irregular shape and conchoidal fractures (Fig. 7), have been rec- sition but with higher silica content, suggesting the presence of
ognised both under PLM and RL-OM. Under XPL, these particles a glass (Fig. 10a). More rarely, and only in the pale blue samples,
were isotropic. XRPD and FT-IR did not recognised any crystalline a phase containing tin (Sn) has been identied in small inclusions
phase (except for the calcite of the binder), while EDS microanalysis within the CaCuSi4O10 crystals, which was CaSnSiO5 (analogous to
showed that pigment particles contained Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K mineral malayaite) (Fig. 10b). The identication of this component
and traces of other elements. EMPA microanalyses were performed in the Egyptian blue suggests that the source of the copper was
in situ on some glassy yellow grains and their compositions were from bronze (Hatton et al., 2008). Egyptian blue particles in grey
compatible with those of trachyandesitic-phonotephritic glasses samples showed tiny KeCaeFe-bearing inclusions (Fig. 10a) and the
from Somma-Vesuvius (Fig. 8). This indicated that these glasses absence of CaSnSiO5; these evidences suggest that the source of
used as pigments probably derived from a natural volcanic glass, Copper for the pigment preparation probably derived directly from
which was deliberately ground by the artist to produce a yellow copper ore or from copper metal (Hatton et al., 2008), indicating
pigment. This pigment was not been previously recorded. different manufacturing techniques for the production of Egyptian
blue. By the 1st Century AD, manufactories of Egyptian blue were
4.4. Blue developed throughout the Roman Empire, however there is insuf-
cient archaeological evidence which may be reliably used to locate
The paints bearing this pigment are pale blue, green and grey. manufacturing technologies and materials to industrial centres
The former are characterised under RL-OM by the presence of ne- (Tite et al., 1984, 1987; Eastaugh et al., 2004). Because of the
to medium-grained blue particles (up to 0.07 mm) homogeneously extremely ne grain size of the Egyptian blue particles in green
distributed in a thin layer with a thickness of 0.05e0.15 mm. The samples, more precise determination of their composition was not
last two by smaller blue particles (up to 0.02 mm in diameter) possible.
mixed with medium-grained red, yellow, green, and brown parti-
cles in thick layers of 0.1e0.2 mm with a bluish-greenish shade. 4.5. Green

4.4.1. Egyptian blue Only one green pigment was recognised, which is the main
PLM observations in PPL revealed the presence of blue particles, colouring agent for all the green colour recipes (Table 2). The
pleochroic from blue to pale blue with high relief, occasionally majority of the green samples appear under RL-OM as a thin pale
displaying reddish patches. In the majority of the samples, these green paint layer with few well-distinguishable particles and rare
particles have anhedral habits and are angular; more rarely they yellow and red ne particles. The thickness of the painted layer is
showed euhedral shape and visible cleavage. In XPL, the rare well- constant; 0.03 mm. In one sample where the green colour is
crystallised blue fragments show high birefringence partially applied on a previous red painting layer, thickness reaches about
0.05 mm.

4.5.1. Green earth

PLM study revealed abundant rounded and sub-rounded parti-
cles with a colour varying from bright emerald green to pale green
(Fig. 11a). Green particles display a low relief and are made of
a polycrystalline aggregate as also shown by mottled extinction
(Fig. 11b). In XPL they show moderate birefringence and second to
third order interference colours, sometimes masked by the high
body colours. All these characteristics indicate that the green
pigment is a green earth. XRPD identied calcite, aragonite, quartz,
and celadonite or glauconite the primary components of the green
earth. Celadonite and glauconite are green ferromagnesian silicate
mineral belonging to the mica group. Although associated with
very different geological environments, these phases are indistin-
guishable using PLM (Deer et al., 1992). The relative proportions of
the different chemical components in the EDS spectrum conrmed
the presence of at least one of these minerals. FT-IR spectra showed
Fig. 7. Polarising light photomicrograph of two particles of yellow glass (PPL). These
the presence of carbonates, due to the CaCO3 of the binder (bands
particles are isotropic in XPL. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this centred at 1400, 875 and 712 cm1 assignable to CO3) and silicates
gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) (bands centred at 1000 cm1 assignable to the SieOeSi stretching),
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Fig. 8. Total Alkali v. Silica diagrams used in the classication of volcanic materials. The compositions of the yellow glass particles are indicated by circles and the range of
chemistries demonstrated by Vesuvian obsidians/glasses (Santacroce, 1987) is shown by the area shaded.

Fig. 9. FT-IR spectrum of Egyptian blue in pale blue layer.

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Fig. 10. Back-scattered electron (BSE) images of Egyptian blue particles: a) CaCuSi4O10 crystals with glass phase (grey inclusions) and KeCaeFe-bearing inclusions (black inclusions);
b) CaCuSi4O10 crystals with Sn-rich phase (lighter inclusion).

possibly related to the pigment. The sample did not provide present in various percentages as an extender. In thin section,
a usable FT-IR spectrum, peaks were not clearly dened, and a thick white smoothing layer was applied on an underlying mar-
therefore identication of these phases cannot be rened beyond morino preparation layer (Fig. 12). When associated with another
the observations made using PLM. We conclude that the pigment is coloured layer, the white paint always acts as a ground (Fig. 12).
mainly composed of celadonite or glauconite, or potentially
a mixture of both phases. Geological deposits of celadonite, 4.7. Recipes
weathering from basaltic rocks and glauconite, from marine sedi-
ments, would have been potentially available to painters in the Paints were either composed of pure pigments or prepared as
region of Campania. admixtures of pigments following a series of sixteen recipes, to
obtain different hues and shades (Table 2). The majority of the
4.6. White recipes are simple and involve one or two main pigments, some-
times with the addition of other minor components. In order to
About twenty white fragments from the Temple of Venus have make colours darker or lighter, especially yellow and red, carbon
been analysed, but only ve of those are composed by a white black and limewash, respectively, have been used in admixture
paint; as opposed to marmorino plasters without any painting with the appropriate pigment. In other cases, paints containing the
layers. Only one white pigment has been identied. same pigments were admixed in different proportions according to
different recipes (i.e. recipes yellow 1 and red 1), obtaining a variety
4.6.1. Calcite and limewash of hues. Grey and green 2 are the most complex recipes,
PLM petrographic analyses of the majority of samples iden- including four different pigments and several minor components.
tied abundant grains of calcite, rarely as crystalline sparite and In the case examined here, grey was made by admixing yellow, red
more frequently as cryptocrystalline micrite-like agglomerates and brown ochre, Egyptian blue, brown glass, cinnabar and green
probably deriving from the carbonation of lime. The former earth in proportions to obtain the desired hue, all pigments
either display regular shape related to calcite cleavage, or form expected to be found on the artists palette.
anhedral, colourless crystals. When sufciently large, crystals An additional important remark is that some of the colours, such
show highly variable relief and high birefringence. XRPD, FT-IR as black, red, green and yellow, were prepared using different
and EDS also indicate that calcite is almost the only component pigments. The adoption of different recipes for the same colour may
present. suggest presence of several ateliers of painters working in the
Calcite was identied in all the white paints, and it has also Temple of Venus who had preferences for different methods for the
a wide distribution through the other colour paints, where it is production of their colours. Chronological data (Table 1) show that

Fig. 11. Polarising light photomicrographs of green earth in PPL (a) and XPL (b). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
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2642 R. Piovesan et al. / Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011) 2633e2643

undocumented elsewhere. This is relatively common in many

paints either as one of the main components (yellow 3, yellow 4) or
as a minor component (red 2, yellow 2, pale blue, green 2).
The nine pigments were used either in a pure form or in
admixtures in different proportions of two or more compounds;
sixteen recipes have been recognised. It is worth noting the grey
recipe uses seven pigments. Such a complex recipe for the
production of a grey colour has not been previously recorded,
although presumably such mixtures were not uncommon.
For the preparation layers, three different types of intonaco
have been recognised, on the basis of the composition of their
aggregate (intonachino, cocciopesto, and marmorino). Although all
the intonaco layers are meticulously prepared, marmorino is real-
ised as a multi-layered plaster, and reects more closely Vitruviuss
All the data, and in particular the absence of a carbonation layer
between the paint and the intonaco and of any trace of organic
binders, conrmed that the most utilised painting technique was
fresco. All samples display very thin painting layers, with well
Fig. 12. Reected-light photomicrograph of a white smoothing layer on a marmorino
dispersed ne-grained pigment particles and sometimes medium
preparation with traces of red paint (sample LF038). (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) to coarse grains well-coated by a lm of calcite. In multi-layered
coloured samples, when stripes or gures were painted on a col-
oured background, thickness of the painted layers and the presence
the most common and inexpensive recipes also vary with time, i.e.
of a carbonation layer between the two differently coloured layers,
pure hematite in red 1, hematite and goethite in yellow 2.
suggests that the more supercial painted one was applied with
Black 1 seems to be the most used recipe for the black paints at
a lime painting technique.
least from the 1st Century BC to the 1st Century AD, while Egyptian
In conclusion, the importance and prestige of the Temple of
blue in pale blue paints seems to be exclusively used in the Imperial
Venus is also reected in the quality and value of the pigments, and
Period, although this pigment was certainly used since the end of
in the careful execution of the mortars.
the 4th Century BC as demonstrated by its identication as
a component in green admixtures.

5. Conclusions Many thanks to the Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei, and

to Prof. Emmanuele Curti, Director of the archaeological excavation
The colour palette of the Temple of Venus is varied, although the at the Temple of Venus, for providing the samples and also for his
range of colours is not as wide as found in other buildings in helpful discussion of the archaeological contexts. The authors are
Pompeii (nine different pigments have been identied in this extremely grateful to Dr. Paolo Cornale and the C.S.G. Palladio s.r.l.
study). The types of pigments recognised are consistent with those for sponsoring and supporting this research. We also thank Dr.
observed elsewhere in Pompeii and throughout the Roman Empire, Celestino Grifa for sharing his knowledge of the eruption products
and correspond with the palette described by Pliny and Vitruvius associated with Mt Vesuvius. Finally, but not least, we would also
(Rackham, 1999; Rowland, 1999). The volcanic yellowebrown glass like to thank the staff of the Dipartimento di Geoscienze (Padova)
is an exception. Inexpensive and widely distributed pigments such and of the Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR (Padova) for
as yellow and red ochres, green earth and limewash, were identi- analytical and technical support. We would also like to thank two
ed with precious pigments such as Egyptian blue and cinnabar. anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on this text.
Mssbauer spectroscopy performed on both red and yellow ochres
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