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SVMs, Gaussian Mixtures, and their Generative/Discriminative Fusion

Thomas Deselaers, Georg Heigold, and Hermann Ney

Computer Science Department RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Abstract for reconstruction in addition to the discriminatory perfor-

mance and a clear performance boost for noisy data was
We present a new technique that employs support vector
observed. In [9], the opposite approach is taken, where
machines and Gaussian mixture densities to create a gen-
boosting is performed with Gaussians as weak classifiers.
erative/discriminative joint classifier. In the past, several
In many areas, such as speech recognition, discrimina-
approaches to fuse the advantages of generative and dis-
tively trained Gaussian Mixtures are frequently used [11].
criminative approaches were presented, often leading to
Among the discriminative models, support vector ma-
improved robustness and recognition accuracy. The pre-
chines (SVMs) are popular in many domains. They are
sented method directly fuses both approaches, effectively
easy to use and often obtain good results [13]. SVMs do
allowing to fully exploit the advantages of both. The fu-
not model a probability distribution, and are thus not open
sion of SVMs and GMDs is done by representing SVMs in
to the ideas presented in [10].
the framework of GMDs without changing the training and
Despite the fact that SVMs are in general among the
without changing the decision boundary. The new classi-
most successful and best understood methods, where find-
fier is evaluated on four tasks from the UCI machine learn-
ing a good set of parameters is relatively easy and standard
ing repository. It is shown that for the relatively rare cases
procedures are known (i.e. cross validation on the training
where SVMs have problems, the combined method outper-
data), in some cases tuning the parameters of an SVM to
forms both individual ones.
obtain optimal performance turns an SVM into little more
1. Introduction than a glorified template matcher [8]. This is in accor-
dance to the observation, that an SVM (with radial basis
Two major approaches to the classification of patterns are function (RBF) kernel, which is probably the most com-
known: generative and discriminative approaches. Both monly used kernel) in some cases has a large portion of
have been successfully applied to many different problems the training data as support vectors (SVs) and thus it de-
and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. generates to a discriminatively weighted kernel densities
Generative approaches try to find an optimal representa- classifier. This degeneration can be interpreted as effec-
tion of the original data by keeping as much information as tively overfitting to the training data.
possible. They can be trained from partly labelled data and We present an approach that fuses an SVM with a gen-
normally allow for a reconstruction of the most likely pro- eratively trained Gaussian Mixture Density (GMD) classi-
totype for each modelled class. Generative methods can be fier and thereby profits from the advantages of both tech-
built very robustly. Discriminative methods require fully niques. A close connection between Gaussian mixtures
labelled training data, can be applied very quickly and of- and SVMs was already discussed in [14], but to the best
ten show better recognition accuracy than their generative of our knowledge, the direct fusion of SVMs and GMDs
counterparts. The biggest problem of many discriminative has not yet been investigated. To fuse the two approaches,
approaches is that they are prone to overfitting, which re- we first convert the SVM into a GMD with identical de-
quires significant extra effort to be overcome, e.g. the max- cision boundary and then blend this GMD with another
margin concept in SVMs is all about reducing overfitting. (generatively trained) GMD to obtain a joint classifier.
Clearly, both approaches have their advantages and sev- Another way to fuse SVMs and GMDs is to compute
eral authors have tried to combine the approaches to ben- their individual posterior probabilities and combine these.
efit from both. One common approach is followed in the To obtain probabilities from an SVM, other approaches
object recognition literature, the two worlds are fused in have been proposed e.g. in [12, 15, 16]. The method pro-
a two-stage method: a generative model is used to create posed here is not a late combination of two different classi-
a fixed length representation of the image, which then is fiers, but a unified framework, to fuse the two classification
classified using a discriminative technique (e.g. [3, 4]). methods into a single joint classifier.
A direct approach to joining the two principles is pro-
posed in [10] which allows to seamlessly blend from a 2. Support Vector Machines
fully discriminative model to a fully generative model. In SVMs being a modern, well understood and widely used
[5], a discriminative, boosted model is modified to account classifier, directly predict the label of an observation. An

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SVM commonly discriminates between two classes: 1 feature, however does not pose any advantage as normally
and 1 using the decision rule the most difficult thing for a classifier is to find the model
parameters, and thus it is not clear how to benefit from
X 7 sgn i K(X, vi ) + 0 (1) these theoretical equivalence here.
vi S For SVMs with an exponential RBF kernel, a close sim-
to classify the observation X where K is a kernel func- ilarity between SVMs and GMDs can be observed. Start-
tion, the vi are the support vectors (SVs) and the i are the ing from the general form of the decision function, we give
corresponding weights, 0 is a bias term. straight-forward rules to transform one into the respective
We consider the distance to the decision hyper-plane to other without changing the decision boundary.
be proportional to a class-conditional emission probability, The decision rule of a standard SVM (Eq. (1)), can be
i.e., we assume that given a class, the confidence for an rewritten, by inserting the RBF kernel, as
observation vector X which is far away from the hyper
( )
ki e(||Xvi || ) + 0 . (5)
plane is high, and conversely, that for each vector which X7 arg max
is close to the hyper plane, the confidence that this vector vi Sk
comes from the class is low. Thus, we write For comparison we give the decision rule of a GMM clas-
p(X|k) ki K(X, vi ) + 0 (2) sifier, which is independent of the number of classes con-
vi Sk sidered. Here, we use Gaussians with a globally pooled,
where Sk is the set of SVs for class k, i.e., those SVs with diagonal covariance 2 and means ki .
( )
positive i for class k = +1 and those with negative i X p(k)p(i|k) 12 ||x2ki ||2

for class k = 1. X 7 arg max e (6)
(2 2 )D/2
3. Gaussian Mixture Densities Now it can be seen, that Eq. (5) and (6) are identical ex-
GMDs are a generative model, Bayes decision rule is used cept for the 0 if the means ki and the SVs vi correspond.
for classification: In fact, a GMD can be transformed into an SVM (and vice
X 7 arg max{p(k|X)} (3) versa) by setting
k p(k)p(i|k) 1
( ) ki = = ki = vi (7)
X 2
(2 ) D/2 2 2
= arg max p(k) p(i|k)N (X|ki , ki ) (4)
k and 0 can be sufficiently well approximated by an addi-
tional density with arbitrary mean and very high variance
where class k is represented by Ik clusters, p(i|k) are the
and a cluster weight proportional to 0 .
cluster weights and N (X|ki , ki ) is the Gaussian repre-
Thus, the main difference between a GMD and an SVM
senting the i-th cluster of class k with mean ki and co-
with RBF kernel is the optimisation criterion and the train-
variance matrix ki .
ing method.
GMDs are trained using the EM algorithm to maximise
QN Multi-Class Case. The earliest used implementa-
the likelihood n=1 p(Xn |kn ) [2] by starting with an ini- tion for SVM multi-class classification is probably the
tial Gaussian over all observations which is iteratively split one-against-the-rest (also known as one-against-all)
and reestimated until a certain number of densities is ob- method, which has been used to extent other binary clas-
tained. Densities with too few observations are deleted to sifiers to multi-class problems before [6]. Therefore, not
ensure stable estimation. a single classifier is trained to discriminate between all
4. Fusing SVMs and GMDs classes at once but a classifier is trained for each class to
As described above, SVMs are a discriminative classifier discriminate it from all other classes and the decision is
and GMDs are a generative classifier. In the following, we drawn according to the scores from these individual deci-
first describe how SVMs with RBF kernel can be repre- sions. The decision rule
( in this case is: )
sented in the form of GMDs without changing the decision X 7 arg max
ki K(x, vi ) + k0 , (8)
boundary and then describe how two GMDs can be fused k
vi Sk
to profit from their individual advantages.
where the parameters for each class k are optimised in indi-
4.1. Approximating SVMs Using GMDs vidually considering the two-class problem where all com-
Originally SVMs are designed to discriminate two classes. peting classes are considered to be from class 1 and class
We describe the transformation for the two-class case first k is considered to be class 1.
and then we extend this transformation to the multi-class Here, the relationship to the GMD classifier is similar to
case. the two-class case, if this SVM is converted into a GMD,
Two-Class Case. It is known that SVMs and GMDs can each SV becomes a mixture mean, we assume a pooled, di-
in principle model arbitrary decision boundaries and thus, agonal covariance matrix with identical entries for each di-
can theoretically represent the respective other without any mension inversely proportional to and the cluster weights
loss of accuracy or generalisation ability. This theoretical are given through the weights i of the SVs. The transfor-
a) b) c) d) w = 0.2 w = 0.5 w = 0.8

= 100
Figure 1. (a) a single density Gaussian classifier, the variance

= 10
is given by the ellipse and the mean is denoted by a small star
(b)-(d) support vector machines with (b) = 100, (c) = 10,
(d) = 2. White areas denote high probabilities for the red
class and dark areas denote high probabilities for the blue

class, the decision boundary is yellow and SVs are denoted
with green circles.

mation rules can be given analogously to those presented Figure 2. Fusing the Gaussian classifier from Fig. 1a with the
in Eqs. (7). It is necessary to address the class-wise con- SVMs from Fig. 1b-d using different weights. The decision
stant bias terms k0 which can be substituted by very dif- boundary is plotted as a yellow line.
fuse Gaussians (one per class) with an arbitrary mean and a
weight proportional to k0 . Negative weights ki are com- Table 1. Overview of the datasets used, C number of classes;
pensated by adding respective densities to all other classes. N total number of vectors; D dimensionality of the vectors.
The same transformation can be applied if the SVM is Dataset C N D
trained to jointly discriminate all classes as described in
Diabetes 2 768 8
[17] because the same decision rule is applied there and German 2 1,000 24
only the parameter estimation is done differently. Heart 2 270 25
4.2. Fusing SVMs and GMDs Vehicle 4 846 18

Given two GMDs G1 and G2 (let t = 1, 2) categorical features were expanded (original dim. 13)
Gt = ((t1 . . . tI ), (t1 . . . tI ), (pt (1) . . . pt (I)) (9)
different SVMs from Fig. 1b-d with different weights w
one trained using the EM algorithm for GMDs and the
(w is the weight for the GMD obtained from the SVM).
other obtained by transforming an SVM, it is possible to
The smoothing of the probability distribution and thereby
fuse both GMDs into one and arbitrarily fade between the
of the decision boundary can clearly be observed. The ef-
two. The new, joint GMD G 0 is obtained as
fect is best observed in the top row of Fig. 2, which shows a
G 0 = (11 . . . 1I , 21 . . . 2J ), (11 . . . 1I , 21 . . . 2J ), combination of the SVM with = 0.01 (cp. Fig. 1b) with

(wp1 (1) . . . wp1 (I), (1 w)p2 (1) . . . (1 w)p2 (J)) the GMD (Fig. 1a). The before extremely bumpy deci-
where w is a weighting factor allowing to smoothly blend sion boundary of the SVM is strongly smoothed and only
between G1 (for w = 1) and G2 (for w = 0). when the SVM gets relatively high weight a tendency to
Since the cluster weights of G1 and G2 are normalised, overfitting can be observed. Similarly, the decision bound-
for 0 w 1 the cluster weights of the resulting GMD aries for the combinations with the other two SVMs are
G 0 are also normalised. smoothed when combined with the GMD.
The resulting decision boundary, now is chosen ac- 5. Experiments
cording to a combination of the optimisation criteria of
the SVM, which optimises classification performance, and Experimentally, we evaluate the proposed method on four
the GMD, which optimises data representation. Thus, the datasets from the UCI machine learning repository1 [1].
resulting decision boundary is not-optimal wrt. either of An overview over the datasets used is given in Table 1.
these criteria, but according to some compromise of these. These datasets were selected from the UCI repository by
In Fig. 1 an example GMD (1 density per class) and selecting those where classification is difficult, i.e. those
three differently parametrised SVMs are visualised for where reported error rates are rather high. For all experi-
two-dimensional data. It can be seen that the SVMs have, ments we normalised the mean and the variance of all fea-
depending on the scale of the kernel , many SVs, which tures to 0 and 1, respectively as recommended for the use
is an indicator for possible overfitting. As will be exper- with SVMs.
imentally shown, overfitting of SVMs to the training data First, we present the experimental results using only
is a problem in cases where the data is difficult to separate, SVMs and using only GMDs. We used libSVM2 with one-
which commonly goes along with a very high numbers of against the rest training [7] and the common grid search
SVs. For GMDs, the number of parameters estimated can on 5-fold cross validation (11 values for C, 10 values for
be fixed by the user (i.e. fix number of densities), thus by ) to determine the parameters and C for the SVM. The
forcing the number of parameters to be small, overfitting results for the SVMs and the GMDs (with 1, 2, and 32
can easily be avoided. 1

In Fig. 2, the GMD from Fig. 1a is fused with the three 2
Table 2. Results using SVMs and GMDs. We give the result
when the SVM alone suffers badly from overfitting prob-
for the SVM using the parameters determined on the data in
lems (which may happen in strongly overlapping prob-
5-fold cross validation. For the SVM we also give the number
lems) or has a high number of SVs. For most tasks this is
of SVs in percentage. For GMD classifiers, we give three re-
not the case and SVMs are known to be a well-understood
sults for each database, using 1, 2, and 32 densities per class,
and easily usable classification technique. However, the
tasks presented here are different from most tasks in that
SVM GMD ER [%] respect as the SVMs here tend to overfit, i.e. choose a huge
Dataset ER [%] SVs [%] 1d 2d 32d amount of training samples as SVs.
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