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After completing the experiment, we must determine the resonance of

spring in damping condition. For the resonance to happen, the applied
frequency and the natural frequency of the object must be the same. We
calculated the natural frequency and resonance frequency. For examples, in a
state of no damped condition, the value for natural frequency is 10.82 Hz
which is not same value with the resonance frequency which is 8.6 Hz.
Next, we calculate for the damped conditions. In this state, we
calculate the natural frequency and resonance frequency for the three given
condition which is open damped (150mm), closed damped (150mm) and
closed damped (550mm). The natural frequency for the whole given condition
is the same which is 10.82 Hz and the reason is because the distance from
the spring to origin of the rod and the length of whole rod to the origin is
constant for all given condition. But the values for resonance frequency are
different for closed damped (150mm) and open damped (150mm) because
there is difference in value of damping constant. The damping constant for
open damped (150mm) are 5 N.s/m while for close damped (150mm) are 15
After that we tabulate all the data which consist of condition amplitude
and frequency. From the obtained results, we plotted graph amplitude versus
frequency. Based from the graph of amplitude versus frequency we can said
that the maximum amplitude only occurs at 6-9 Hz.
The resonance value for each condition doesnt meet the natural
frequency, as for no damp and close damper at 550mm the highest
amplitude occur at 8.6 Hz, while for the open damped (150mm) and closed
damped (150mm) at 6 Hz. The amplitude seems affected by the damper
position as the damper at 150 mm the give it highest amplitude at frequency
of 6 to 7 Hz. For the 550 mm position of damper, the highest amplitude occur
at 8 to 8.6 Hz. Effect of changing damper coefficient shows that open damped
is better than close damped due to the open damper has lower damping ratio
compared to close damper.
The differences that occur maybe due to the systematic and random
error. As for random error, we can assume that the constant value for spring
has changed because it had been used for many times before. The oscillation
of the rod might have affected during the experiment and also may result in
the variant of data. Random error also occurred when the frequency of the
control unit system become higher. In that condition, the sensitivity of the
pen that is attached to the graph paper becomes loose and this caused the
graph to be inaccurate. However, for the systematic error, we can say that
there are no possibilities of systematic error occurred during this experiment.
Another error might occur is surrounding error which is the external vibration.
The external vibration can disturb the pattern of the amplitude while the rod
Based from the experiment, we can conclude that our experiment is a
success. We also manage to achieve the objective of this experiment which is
to determine the resonance of spring in damping condition. For the resonance
to happen, the applied frequency and the natural frequency of the object
must be the same. Not just that, we also able to derive the formula that is
need to be used in this experiment.
There are several precautions that need to be taken to improve the
accuracy of this experiment. Firstly, the spring needs to be replaced with a
good elasticity of spring. Next , the pencil also must be attached tightly to
the holder so that it does not loose from the holder for the graph to be
plotted properly on the graph paper during the high frequency oscillation of
the rod.

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