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Capstone Project Proposal

Students Name: MaryGrayce Roberts

Senior English teachers Name: Beth Green Class Period: 1st Signature:
CTAE/Fine Art/For.Lang. Teachers Name: Nataila Atkins Class Period: 5th Signature:

Project Title: Prevention of cancer in infants

A. Project Abstract: (Refer to the detailed information located in the proposal/letter of intent)
For me choosing this topic i based it off of personal experience and growing up with an oncology nurse(my mother). Genetic testing
for cancer is very important and highly recommended. Most people are unaware of how many of how many people are affected by
cancer. My project will show the benefits of genetically testing newborns by using umbilical cord blood. Newborns can be genetically
tested for colon, breast and ovarian cancers. The knowledge of genetic testing will lead to early screening and probable prevention.
This testing will be offered if the mothers obstetrician has uncovered a family history of colon, breast, and/or ovarian cancer. The cost
of genetic testing can be very expensive and most of the time is not covered by insurance. The parents would have to understand that
they would be responsible for the cost of the genetic testing. I will create a brochure to give to the parents of the newborns and to the
judges to better illustrate this process.

B. Learning Skills: (List 2-4 specific goals and how they will stretch you)
Goal/Skill How will you be stretched

Time management I will be stretched by having due dates and making sure that I manage my time wisely.

Organization During this project I will have to keep all of my capstone work together and neat in a binder.

Speaking skills I will have to speak properly in front of all my judges.

Team worker I will have to work with my mentors and listen to them.
C. Project Steps: (If you need more lines, simply go into the last provided line and tab over)

Step/Major Estimate of F. Resources: (consider both people and When will this be completed?
Component time required Expense? (if things you will need)
(with brief expected)

Brainstorm One week No My mentor and I paper, pencil and the October 6
about how I am web.
going to
accomplish this

Journals An hour for No My mentor and I paper, pencil and the November 4, 18, December 3, and January 20
one journal web.

Product A few months $20 Markers, mentor, paper, pencil, and a Varies

D. Project Justification: I chose this topic because cancer holds a special place in my heart and it is something that I want to learn
more about. It should be approved because more people need to know that this could be an option and understand how convenient this
can be for families.
E. Product Justification: I will be creating a poster board and brochures that will be able to demonstrate the pros and cons to this type
of testing in newborns. I will prepare this project by getting information from my mentor and researching different cancers.

G. Academic Integrity: I will take pictures of myself meeting with my mentor and researching the data I will need.

H. Mentor First and Last Name (if applicable): Chris Kimbrel Mentor Phone Number: 229-291-7557 Mentor Email Address:

I. Student Signature: Date:

J. Parent Signature: Date:

Ctae/FA/FL Teacher Signature: _________________________

Senior Literature Teacher Signature: ______________________________________

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