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Pine Grove Middle School Media and

Technology Resource Center

Monthly Report: April 2017

Prepared by: Teara Powell

Part A: Program Evaluation

Executive Summary

The Pine Grove Middle School media center and technology center leads the
way in technology and other innovations for the Lowndes County Schools.
The school is the try it or pilot school for the district and many ideas are
tested at Pine Grove Middle. If they are successful then the ideas are
expanded to other schools. The school was opened in 2009 and upon
opening was given a brand new print collection along with technology that
was new. Technology and allowing students to be exposed to as many
options as possible is a goal for Pine Grove middle and is backed by the
administration and central office.
The media specialist/information technologist is dedicated to providing a
comfortable and welcoming environment to all that enter through her doors.
The goals, mission and vision of the school are an important aspect of the
media center. The research shows that Heather Morin, the media specialist,
continues to promote technology, information literacy, along with other
programs that promote growth for students and staff.
The media/technology center is dedicated to teaching students the needed
skills to be 21st century learners. Mrs. Morin is involved with many aspects in
the school and is dedicated to creating an environment that not only
encourages but inspires all that come in contact with her.

Organizational Chart
I used several methods to evaluate the media/technology center at Pine
Grove Middle. Observations took place during my hours of practicum and
assisting in the media center. Interviews were conducted with the Media
Information Specialist and Principal of the school. Additionally, the websites
of the school were also used to identify needed information. The job
description, responsibilities and duties were reviewed along with the
expectations of the center. Interview questions are located below.

Interview Questions for the Media Specialist

What are the goals for the media center?

What is the priorities/goals for the media center?

What are the activities or responsibilities of the technology center?

What is the background or history of the center?

What is your budget?

Who are the stakeholders of the technology center?

What equipment does the center have?

What activities or programs does the center oversee?

What does the center do well?

What things or activities can the technology center improve on?

What all are the technology programs we have?

Websites that were used for information

Center Context and Goals

Pine Grove Middle was established in 2009 as a result of over population of
the other two middle schools in the district. The media center is the heart of
the school and helps with literacy skills along with technology integration
and support for students and staff. Pine Grove Middle contains 6th thru 8th
grade students. The media center is up-to-date with a chromebase lab,
projector, ipad cart, computer/poster maker printer, desktops and macbook.
The school has 3 chrome carts in 8th grade, 6 chrome carts in 7th grade, and
is one-to-one in 6th grade. The school's mission/goal is the center strives to
meet the educational, reading, information seeking, technological needs of
all stakeholders. The vision and mission of the school is the same for the
district of Lowndes County School Systems. The mission is: Working together
to teach students in a safe, orderly, and challenging environment, inspiring
them to learn and excel. The vision statement is a corps of passionate and
unified learning communities striving for world-class educational excellence
every day. These missions are being accomplished at Pine Grove Middle
through the perseverance of the media center and staff at Pine Grove Middle
School. The center has two goals that they would like to complete in three
years or less. One is that every grade level will be one-to one by the start of
the 2018-2019 school year. The second goal is to provide more opportunities
for book club-like activities and to use Biblionasium more frequently. The
stakeholders of the center are students, teachers, parents, and community
partners. The personnel in the media center are Heather Morin, the Media
Specialist for Pine Grove Middle . Mrs Morin is responsible for the integration
of technology, professional development, integration of reading and reading
programs, and web/social media presence. Mrs. Sadler is the media center
paraprofessional and is responsible for circulation, shelving and other duties
assigned by Mrs. Morin. Mrs. Tattersall is the technology paraprofessional and
is responsible for repairs/maintenance to computers and equipment on site ,
along with technology inventory for the school.

Center Activities
Each morning the center is open for makerspace activities, circulation along
with other needs of the staff and students. The center has a VTC that allows
students to conference with experts in a field of study or other schools to
collaborate on a lesson. The system was set up in order for Pine Grove Middle
students, in conjunction with a Technology Student Association (TSA) state
conference event, were able to interview Derrick Matthews from Kennedy
Space Center. They asked questions about the space program, the mission to
Mars, careers with the space program, and the need for continued space
exploration. Mr. Matthews' answers were perfect in highlighting the need for
STEM education. The center also assists with the STEM lab and technology
class. The STEM labs has a ClearTouch interactive panel. The ClearTouch is
farmed out to student chromebook screens and the television by a SharePod.
In the technology class a 3D printer is used for student instruction and allows
students to design and print 3D objects. The center is also responsible for
collection development(print and digital), academic olympics, managing
reading incentive program/activities, supporting teachers in preparing for
their lessons, providing professional learning to teachers and staff, provide
instruction to students as requested by teachers (evaluating sources, digital
literacy, etc.), school-wide book study, managing all technology/equipment
maintenance, usage, purchasing, developing the summer reading program,
makerspace and running the fall and spring book fair.

The data shows that the media center is a needed component in making the
school successful in beginning a 21t century learning community. The media
center has an active role in supporting the students and staff in promoting
academic excellence, exposure to learning opportunities, and creating an
environment that promotes exploration and engagement in wanting more
knowledge. The center also creates an environment of comfort and is very
welcoming to all that visit. The center uses STAR, Study Island, Google Apps
for Education, IXL, and Performance Matters. The center has a budget of
3,400 for all expenses.
I believe that the technology program and media center is very efficient in
serving all the needs of the school. The biggest down fall would be lack of
time to expand on all the amazing things that the media center provides to
the students. I would recommend that more staff took advantage of the
experience and expertise of the media specialist. Many staff do not use her
as much as they could to help expand on a lesson or activity. This will
hopefully change as she has set up a calendar for teachers to use to write
out the lessons they are planning to implement each month. Mrs. Morin has
taken the calendar and is finding resources for the teachers to use with the
activities. This will hopefully lessen the burden of the teacher and allow more
collaboration with the media specialist.

Part B: Monthly Report

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