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459 487-208 PURCELL Choral Works Choir of Christ Chureh Cathedral, Oxford The English Concert SIMON, PRESTON HENRY PURCELL HENRY PURCELL (1059-1695) Choral Works CChorworke - CEuvros chorales compact vise + Servico in 8 flat major (2.230) Beour: ens bémol majeur 15 Benedicite omnia opera Te Deum & Jubliate in D(Z. 252) 1 Te Deum laudamus 1 dublate Doo Service In 8 flat major (ou gem borane: ii tie sk) 1B Cantate Domino Seong oD 10 18 Dous miseroatur Faun go (79°02) (een) wen 59) © Magnificat Seog ecO10) Foner 1 1 Nune mits ‘Sear et CD10 ESOT Wo US 161 Evening Service in G minor (Z. 231) Abendgotiessienst in grnoll Oice du Sir en sol mioaur © Magniicat 5 Nune cits Eto a Ban, nd Umer rss 5 oregon ie Air Full Anthems © © God, thou hast cast us out 2.26) © O Lord God of hosts 2.37) © Remember not, Lord, our offences (Z 50), © Lord, how long wit thou be angry? (2.25) S 0 Go thou art my God. 98) #40, (205) #00) [43 (4 #99) 19) ‘COMPACT DISC 2 Full Anthems: 11 Man that born of a woman (Z. 27) Scoro-Gons SATS om 1D Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts (Z. 58) ampere at) Latin Peal Laleniscer Psalm - Psaume lain 1B Jehovah, quam multi sunt hostes mei. 135) Sony cbt Verse Anthems 1 My hearts inciting (Z. 20) Seimg SHoSSSATEEE, ons SSSATBBS, seas ean ow nm) lsc eb vntnae/ GE here PSE 007 15 O sing unto the Lord (2 44) Se SsbA (Sam Boe SATB st cop owt My beloved spake (2.28) Seoong SoA TAD. ans SATE, slo stegs oan fw eh) 1B They that go downto the sean ships (2.57) Stem Such amen Bil, 8 ned Tons), chon SATB, 20 serge, ‘apn ow (7623) urea, (ea) (15241 (1225) nea te40, Eaton €a, HE Wocloioge GE P Arbansg SEAT. OOF CHOIR OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, OXFORD ‘oto thew Bap e020) Su ase Da Tames (20 20,0) ‘por Fe oer (00 1-8, LE. co 2-H THE ENGLISH CONCERT (Director: Trevor Pinnock) ‘nuthonietamants at Onghainaamentonsurinsnaments nga SIMON PRESTON ‘THE ENGLISH CONCERT rogue vin i: Siren Standage, tzabeth Vleock, Meso Comber Mies Going, Graham Crane, Roy Goodman, Toresa Caudle, Carre Weiss ‘Baroque vid Trevor Jone, Jan Slap, Annet ase [Baroque vetenca: Anthony Posh, Richard Webb Vote: Kath arora pumped i Me! id aan Wison a Organ Fever Pinnock (C0 2 SR" Puce Society Rapin, Landon, Novas SPE ~Pural Sela Prac! Eaten, Landon, Novae [CMS — Coren Muse Socety Forint, Oxlrd Unorsy Press SE Pure! Soca Eston, Lonson, Nola SPE ~Purcot Socaty Poplar Eaton PURCELL: SACRED MUSIC Pies eet me an ne goes into (a) anthems to English worse, some wih sing orchestra, otors wit) ‘xgan accompaniment eny (8) werks 12 ante; (6) “Servees” The fosowing CSanuatcn tr oaged ont clasiieaton Duing Pucels boyhood the Enpish 2 ‘hom underwent a deca crange wich, in eimpe terms, invaNod eeingushing pavypneny in evourat dramatic us of so ‘ogee above a basso continu. Ths new ‘ype olan was vey te work Patham uray (1647-1674). Eschowing inysteem, avetionslsm and aberact me ‘Sal design as underiyng pipe was 0 eal, det yotoxprossivy, with ver bal tot. was developed by John Blow, Humes contemporary and achieved ts nghest pont atte nas of Pure 2 pune Gf them both Important examples by a trae use a sma string ensemble mado _valate athe Chapel Royal by he kgs ‘ish Pucel wrote Ny beloved spake be fore 1678. Almost exclusively fr an om ‘emble of men's solo woiee,f acheres osly to Hf pate inte opening vocal movement the soloists daclaim in tum, orally eoaleseing Wil al ing t- other lator, a passage for eno: ss frat declaatory and then ture to aos ‘The ul chor esaredorhe conclusion and one bltant interjection. Te opening ‘Short wo-movement “symphony reces in the mie of ne work, and tong passages ‘act as butvosses at re end of each soc ton. Though based tus on aeanyestab- lished procedure, the work is an assured ‘expresso of yout mapnaton. Some passages ae espocialy haunting, and the tro eokes the reso an ial of Spring, which ite subject of ts test. “wo arhems o some yar ate usrte how urool constantly responded | intuence. “They that go down othe sea” ((6e5) doranas aonb bass so. with 8 compass of wo actaves and a nts Up tard fom D below the bass stave, and Could only nave Boon writen fra cole ‘rated basso protan Inthe Chapel oa dot Gosting, The cnlours an eyes ‘ofthe sneepng oud epee ear of ewer elments of sh. The fst sacton attr he sting symphony i complet f= usged on te virtuoso sole, ana the ‘Stings hve an adionl role to play a Concaring with th vic. A furber very fie work “0 sing unt te Lor (1688) ofall Pues verse antnons he most or ‘mal using te tom not dsparagngly bo Indcatetal the caretuly panred sections {nse om much less cect end rhapeedc ‘response tte text than ealer Disney atanate in se, rings us near to Han el. The opening symphany, themateally ‘elated he olowing bast Sl, san a ‘an sonata mintatre. The onsembls of Soo oles ara no ongorn te deca ‘ory manner bt caretuly werkes pleco of quartet wring, while posites fine (Faton andappostion of flere sos {hd stings afe now effectively explotod For tne cust “The Lorde grea, ana n= ‘suing tomo, Purcell uses & ground base, rarely to be found in hs eruten Unie tose skeady mentioned, some of Porc anoms are writen i uly ae closed polpnony, sometimes cuneingy ‘sevsed. Trough hese tu anthems, tee ofthe bas continue, standin doztine ot ‘escent fom works wien int ears aro the century ey are not composed in sts ination o them. Ther couner- poitat ies hae a darkens not wit but sepery. and tes or quart of 10 ‘ices inoduce vavety. A svalghtonward texampie "0 God thou ar my Gor wo "Lora Po long wit hou be angry” pens wah ate stance (ve pars) of Pues Dente patete sve, cnangingto con Font passe, and"O God, hou ast cas us cut (shpat) fs oven moro impressive in Sitar ven. °O Lord God of host" an imposing work with toe pieces of mas ‘ve eight part counterpoint soparated by two harmanialy expressive solo erser as. The stig te Funeral Sertonces, "nan thats bom of wma, brings to the lanham soma touches of te mower ‘iyo cf vege anthar, itn compestions having the shot span of Remember no, ore touldbe nario fran starce of ‘more pacing ntensty of teeing. Fray, tho awesome Slemnty of Thou koowes le ung wih brass insrumens dou bing voces athe oneal of Mary, 125) paces tamang heimmocal mses of hoble muse {wo other anthams te somewhat apart ftom tose ateaay dacussed. Tho ers of Pure’ colected works ae unebe o do more than suggest a conioctured and sppconinae date tor Pree the Lod. ‘erusler Bu ts obviously work of ‘eremenat character her han fr ro ‘hm forte coronation of Wiliam I 2nd May iin Apa 1689. "My hoarts etn omeverIshrown a hae been writon the coronation of James four yours er ‘when erste a the crown of he ‘queen concert Bath works combine ve o! ‘ating occa wh re al atnem ee, ‘a exceptional union secourted fo bythe pec oasis for wich thy were de Signed. The or sgn impersonal et ‘al sued to is ceremonial purpose, of Prac ho Lonoke forward tthe Tah ‘cant Ontha thor han, "My hearts ‘ing destned ena larger canvas, 29 impressive cumesation ol he cde ii of [ul anem,n whieh sings, choir of ight pars and ich ensemblos of solo vocos Exmbneto ame a compostion of beacth and dignity Insnetiroan wy Purel should have st Lat Paaim texte Inf doy these ould rover have been sungin Aghia servos Aanditisunikay hate would be cae on toccmpae er the Cale chapels ofthe ‘eons of Cris I! ara dames I. They ‘ay have arson roma personalise in respon olsan music which had come Fis way. Be that as may, "Jehovah quam ra eum ost" for Te part col 2 ower masterpiece quite nseperdeato! the Englgh ahem in plan and wih some 0 (and oer) passages reminiscent of Criss. tis eo moce sen fort ‘icuaty ofits harmonies (Elgar, whan or hestatng it. enqued whether ined ‘some of nese were ight) han or range of tonality. We have Nore one of te Supreme examples of Puc art. Inoglan muses "Servee comprises ce tain Muga tors use at daly worst, naw by 2 cporing La or Greek works othe gal. Thy ae (ith airnatves ‘a parentheses) Morning — Te Doum (Genedeie), Benedietus (bla), Cm ‘union in Pural's day ~ Kyi, Code Evening ~ Magrifeat(Cantate Domine). une Dims (Deus hiseeatr. Puce composed a soting of every one ot ese, ‘Scucing al atenaties, making fon tems Inalinsho key of at, constutng rare though not quite unigue “Compete Se ‘yee In addon he composed a tighter ‘weit seling of Mogniiont and Mune Dimits in G minor For general se, the Serves di not develop on he same ines fs the anthem, but emsinod ego con coratva In he 8 at Serves, a digiod wrk, Pucll versio brit hagalo pa Sages by others of a simple harman sihvtue and oblans variety of ne ad Sanoiy by means a contrast bstwoon the ful chow and its we separate haves, ang also between ties upper and lower vole fe, Examples of canons of vious sors far found in every mevement except the Comin Service, ns recording, he Bat Serie i represontog by Benedicte tor Movning Prayer ae by Magri and Ne Dis, wt tho respecive aterm thes Cartate Domina ana Dsus Meserest for Evening Prayer When steing must bo reaigad hat tose numbers wore ot designed tobe hoard n unbroken succes ‘on but in pals, separated bya Serpico Feading oF prayers at tree dierent ser ‘ices. The Glora to Nune Dinas in G minors feretin se tor tho rest. Pur Cail perhaps tended‘ repeat he simpler Glone to Rsgnitest here. end the more flaborteseting now connesed wih is Serve was writen by Raph Rosongrave (1695-1747). By contrast wih hese Sr ‘oes e Te Deumand Julie nO, 2a ‘ar a olor general use but fora fos {alenlbraton of St Cocta's Day in 1694 Here Pure cul flor o be expansive, ana teres the ine of velop ‘tom"O sing uno Lord’ wih to added pomp and brllance of rump. Wate Shaw PURCELL: GEISTLICHE MUSIK urcals gistiche Musi fat sich in 6! Gruppen untae: 1) Anthems, snglsenspracnige, mest auf Betas omponerte, Hugin nicht gebundene CChonwore, entwaderma Strichoeestr foder mt Orglbegitung, 2} Komposti. ron ober lenis Tots, 3) -Sericese, Gas sind zusarmonhsingonde Veron (en der zur angikanisten Litre g2ho- Fenen Gesenge.Dsrfagende Komment ‘neater sch a dsr inten Inon datren von Purcals Kind hat Sieh im englschen Anthem ein ensch= ‘Senger Wanda votzogen,Veréinfach g= ‘09! Die Pelyponie wurde vordngt von Solossizen uber nem Basso contin mit \oiltigen crematechen Ausorucksmog: (keen Oss Werk Pelnam Hurreys (1647-1678) reprvenen dasen raven {yp des Amhoms. Mysscho Vereonkong nd absrakte muskabsehe.Konstke ‘inn worden jt vermiogsn, gator ‘om um die uritotbare, aucruckssoe ‘Beviung des Testes Von John Blow, ‘onem Zegenossen Hutreya, wurde de ‘er Typ des Anthems woteretwicket, vellonde! abe hat nn Puccl, der Scher von beisen war, Begpaiale Anton Gleser drei Komporston verwenden ein eines Staichorensemtle, das dr Cha pel Royal aut Wungeh des Konig 2 Ver. Figung stand. =My. baioved spake= chee Purcos vor 1678, One Stick rd fast ausschhein von den soltchen Manmeretmmn Bestiton una hat sich fg an das Vor Humirys. lm ersten GGesangstolsingon die Solten zuncnst aterietnd wna tnden sch arstatmahicn ‘Zum Eneomble zusammen. Ela Terars.0 bogent restatiseh und get car dee Ina Aleee, Der Chor tt nur am Soh Uni ener einign.bilanten Emu in Erechoinung. ie kuze, 2welsat0e, ‘netnumentaie Eniatung (-Symohory=) ett dar Mite des Stickes woder, Zulschonspele des Streicher markeren jewois das Erde enes Tees Das Stick [Stnach bevdtviem Muster gobaut, igh fber sicheres Kennen und jugendicnan Enindungsraichtum Es amet de Frsche lund Lebenskat des Frings, von dem (er Tox spre, Zoi Atha di onige Jae site ent- Standen, zigen Purels Reskionon au Imac neue Entuses. They that go dour to the seas (1685) verlangt ene Bowes the Balatmme mit inom Umiang v0 ‘nat als 2s stave ber dm groan ‘jeses Annem kann our donaeoerten ‘Basco protundo der Chapel Royal, John Gosting, gortvibon worden stn. lo sche und mytmiccho Gestatung der ‘wot aussehwagenden Koortuen spe Chen deution de Sprache eines neuen Sle Imaretan Absent, bau de Str chorion og stat der vituose Sols ‘ganz im Mitopurst, de Siren eten ‘onzerorend rine O38 Ahem +0 sng sto the Lords (1888 hat von allen Verse ‘niors- Purcell oan stengeton Aub, ‘worst keosings abwertend — gomen! St dad ie sorgg auseinander bezoge ten Tele lange rich mehr eo spatan aut ‘en Tet reagioton wl her Eipet t Senigene Stsiomonte wesen aut Handel ‘voraus” Die enletende “Symphony st ‘ha tabensche Sonata meinen und ho tatsch mit dem anschleBonaen Basta ‘erkndph Die Ensembles haben sieht ment den toner abionenveatatschon Chaar, sonder sind sorta auage otto visage Stas, Ale Mogi keiten das Zusammenwikens und der Ge gondbersttung von Chor, Sok und St Cherm werden eel gent. Duo ‘Sha Lode greats und imanecieSenden fore verwendet Puretlanen ostnaton ‘af (-Ground Bes.) ei seitanar Fan spines Krenek Im Gogonsatz2u den bichor genannten “Tarae Anthems n denen homophone Chorparien mt sstatschen sVere--Par- ion atemiren se einige Anes von rca stone goaratsten polyphonen ‘Sil gesvebon, menchma sogar it aus ‘ekligeten Konsrktonen. Dee Full [nihomes chne insumente soon 2a (deters Nstonchem Zusermonhang ‘rit denen dos haben 17. Jelvhundets, {nc aber keine bemuslon Kopien be ‘Smtr Were aus deser Zot. Dor Kon ‘rapunkt hatin dlesen Stucken zuwaton ‘onen dstron ja hofben Chafee, und ‘rc re cdar versie Sotsien ‘esombles srg ur Abwochstng. En ‘pases Basil ett das Anthom ~O ‘Gog, eu art my Gods Das tonisimmige Lord, how lang wit thou Be angry 2091 beta fr Pucol den Aueauck dar Zersnrschang ws aver, ie umschlagen in varrauorsvaten Lobos In dosar Art Wallelent noch ehndruckavolr wit as sechestige -O Go, ou hast cast ue bute 20 Lod Go of nat it in roa ties Stick mit te wurnogon Choratzen ‘achiseigar Kontakt und eve Dew, urou epee dopa, te Nunc oir Mer min Sess ana Dna can ‘ven du goat ora mone Aen Raben denon Hela ese (ean rreteuton Heo, [ros om Vitra dem ann un fr etgen Gast Wee war marian. pt ded ‘on Eugiat ms Engi ren ote? Service in. g-moll (Abendgottescienst) MAGNIFICAT te) Nunc omnis sD) Full Anthems: ot. eu vestan ve ett nat ‘Nunc onarTs 1 Lark now et a hy sonar cepa inp, scoring 9 y wor Forney have Sen hy sean, hich ou as prepared etree ace a poo “abe agi: igen re Gries ano ene 01 a ty pee {Gray bnot Faber aro Son anne Astin ne begin row a evr hak Evening Service in G minor MAGNIFICAT 1 SeeBaboe uc onarTis 1 SeeDaboe. Full Anthems: 10 Ge, huh ent ut red seated ot toot out ao been Seles am ‘re iu nos aos os xp dre Toners cre pie dnp? Twas ours dun pon oo mes, ie “uh ngs jt de dacs our nos Etrovs ra nus errs ps de Sgpeuro sown pase nos ers, 1 ls de nos peas mae aon Segre Pla de bors care rari qu wat Sxignur pon de bon, tata agian et uc Ed bewog ue ein st Son ne Goto ind. enaasni tit rien Her, Got Zax, we rg wi inen ‘on dem Gobet aes? ‘spear em era un tares 0 tre al ape ‘naa Fone spat nae or: era ict nn nd une Verran ‘tan nae oor oe inert ra ges Got ‘Oe mov ur hap n outer van ithe ele “hugh Got wl we get ac an 1 Ota Goda has tow rg wi te ay se nee a ae tours ardour erst sor, “mus span © God tots eae ot ‘pyesumeranee ane mallee. rs i wal go tck or aw Oe fe Sl a pony Nar, & eu ters aor he ou vergence ‘urs, bt spr us gos Ln pe Py peo, ‘thom eu at earn th ny mex rocoue ord y= Bo of Conon Bre fat Neto cootens au cons nut pase! Ove ‘Strove-oun eu ne sok prvi oe ton rt Dai os tprdome nos ploen® revs on pup. toueas de on pic engononten ous ations eslourge. 0.6 25 mon De, jt eer ‘aire cutonpe dase sansa, pour (edness ven seen ‘terse cane igo wegen ‘ern neh arinemem tooaren ra on Staal tea nn a, Lebeniangunsmeine Hinde nora ‘Soto er Pagel ante oh Hala Lr nom ong mit ou be rg? Sat ‘Sremontr rot ou lds, hare ry spo ep, © Go ean rh lay fy (ety rane one Sowe alate iy poole. onde cheney ‘ncute stage mano ene a eye theming y rae om ane gee 10 Gas, oust ny Gc ny sak hes scala yesh 0 one ator mea ma ben ar ayaa wero wer ono powe area Ferny rg oss tor han We st ‘stngas ew apy es on is mane “ra up ny hong ny Re. the taco ty wings wae aaah, {eice cone une tour pase bom enna seats aera eam ne oege Cebu & Sage Tossa sae marae = Mésesgican Ine sie oar cents 8 oe ie a arg ous, tee sare Seger 0 Dis at tnd ig trl ne step he entrar Mae gin ot Dor Mesh. wo Webegetrn oe 2 [Git ah Hebe er Seat ued bt ‘Beatoranasse Boe of Conmon Pry eran seni ena sige Oe it ‘ner Fehon saan ithe ov Oaigr Hee Gat nour tamer erin cnr Sd tek une Begrononesae” Bonk of Corman Payee compact o1s¢ 2 (7823) Man maison oa moran hath oa tr Sircnsart sty pees? {Oto ros many. Oo and rest rac ‘Sreour deer ur et oth iterpis er ‘na Saree Bok Comman Pier Trou knee Lord esc of curnar rte mer os cu rae bt ps, (Crd mouth © ed ty Oy and Psaume latin [Carte oat ron ap ds ou (rectus ma te De mao ene Elance pnd omtgne ste Pevensie Peon 3 Verse Anthems Des pars panes ochre teen oe ext eco a ue de ate esr etna asptne w inie, Fanaa, le eno dare pl Latelnischer Pealm Vat span nn rar Sale St ane te en re igen Dee ‘sehr nich pn. ‘nage ate mane Ferd aut cen Baten Verse Anthems (pidenn Gender poet “rate Geplen. cesuguen, de Latin Pealm how ey ree hat ee ma sary wy ati pagans Bato OL wt ed ore. oy hears eautat ay Taigme down ar anc rte I oe at ttn oun pope ‘fou hastien he athlon ‘Sanston baurgeth ume Loe hy sens s ‘ony ponte Verse Anthems phen tng god masa peak Ihe tgs when hve mode rose Kg ‘ne ap haat and een sini merci twa Psalmus latinus Joon, rh surest i sluts Deo pare [indoor pa eae sa re, etenolen spt rau ‘ice mea a oho crt erp ontmebo«myadbae popu ts eum Supe sage stow avn me Deus Seton esas: sip popu am st Tonpe te aon ooo ee “insim,elgveeret San ue on Ott (arts sd despre, Proaner soi ear ro ae ds ‘hee para an Ele tne ue pe me pauls ae dare Al. ren Panne 56 Pas 5 Pein 47 49 “Seger Herm use aj ‘ecko’ en Ta 2 Taos tt! nave een tom ‘Soyer den econ. df dr eK rae tats. ron este, 0 soot cn, a ho ‘eget ato tine oe peal arty fers hse reef terse sal ave en race ne Lod, OJeussium, re ty Ge, een Forkngs ha boty nuit ans te (icenttyrarmngmter Alta. Are Pas 5 Pin 1 anh 49 {8 Osi tain onda naw sng Ala. ‘Segre Lv he wl arth ois ‘Sg we Loans rae he rama te ‘ang of baton ham yy ‘rr eo ‘ryan reno we ete in, ome end “tp oc nyo Deter alin ot ols hoe, Boy a at ‘Sse orn baay oars “et ot among estonia Ln 9, soe epee roeau: Ret Amer. Carel ver est asa 9 tgs entoue oso raf oo reson onan smgot 8, stp ss Ae, AIS Connie ce Seman? Mae souter ater qu souer es ‘ata oy re deere on on carer ‘sis dverige, chancel ae Rone Regen st wey ain «te Blunan sr neargetonnan in Lande et Ceneatresageennen unde itetste Dat Sno aut dom ee hen Seager Neto eto trae ge ration nin den tgs ‘Sheen, a8 Se or el eg ‘thes oo aus en Aran 1 my tee st, nett maey ve Fal te tre past on 8 oon one tutes aod orlans Halous Iyosoved pe nat amnis Hateurn, 1 yt go downs th ain aps {roth aptne vee es Trey ett a oa aera un areata tonpte amen caine nde ‘edo wegen DO I ier Pas 47; Eee Pan 6 Pea 21 natn es Ungant. Se Weten sh rn enon ga oe ‘Sta usu Gane Go ma en, Pia 67 Jes 8 Psa 46 Pat 2¢ ‘Then oy ste gc esa hy ae esa sohetmgah nem ano teen tas they trosnar arc Sesre me wonders ane Shor ee pope, rds Nm st oe 1 Pras te Lr, 0 Jason pa hy Gos, Forking oat ey uring itr ane ueene ‘oy ncang mater esta. are pao Ry pont. Ase Pan 07 len i Pua Pen 29 GRU AGE PROCESSING ——~ ann “eer lence Enghoa arrauus Ranger 5 oer Pohane neater Gre Harbus 121961 Deere Sraw ‘Soe Pro oa anal Agerey ‘rt Pron: ve aan i DrectonDesiy Minas Botan Pred Gomaryoymprne nA par Minsrmare, Haro DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON'S 2CD SERIES - A SELECTION LUOWIG VAN BEETHOVEN The Comper Vion Soraas nee Kort ‘ous eran 200459409 20m sob a6p 96 211 “ie portance conte rete e brand wanes or wander of plant and vai ‘State, omen reed treo but magic ‘Pergo Gach Copsct Dect Sra Caas New aon Jouannes Basins The Compete Smproios etme vo Kran 2004530072 Ts ave Kare 1970 araome recordings. compte on 208 Daitie sa gam ned andthe poset easton seer gremvetiny tesa an Sey orontnce romopne Landon, 198 FREDERIC CHOPIN ‘The Careiote Nectirae 2co 4580022 “earenoo’. prs s beauty mouted te ruareng ofp thought ‘rapoat, yet sorry spores The recorang emis fsa The Pang Guo Conpac Dice usm MAKER Spheres Nos. 88 10 Suze Sopot “Sap anal nhs meno and ‘one n ne anja spec, conersa tomo xeon na gs fo [Beane tote geet outst Foren ‘everest eprin tos oro ne ‘nos ang accauts eve cnt ar vEROK Unbsloinmaserare cb 459 ve 2m *xebad0s power rex, admray oad and tha splendor re ‘Sari the comedy, emai ighy recom eotie, epeclay tt ew ree.” ‘he Pargin Gio Bupa Capac Dscs (GREAT VOUN CONCERTOS ‘Thaosy Boob (heage Syreny Orresta Egan Jeenum Cla ad Dana Barer 204s 2 oer) a ighy aloinguche peromanee, ny vel accord Mandan “Wises io 1973 vaio ebay ae ‘Bras ramain are te bat mi. ice rete” es oat want an se ea ver ‘son Barer.” pan Cong! Gace nd Coser The Eran Comer 20 489 451-2600) “Th glen Canc arene inaio sens and te paige conerino (goupisonseraly tah eyes and ate. yt hor eon me Pergun Gace 0 Ccongst bac on Cante VENETIAN VESPERS orto Rat Grand Cae. Fate (Gui Corer & Pye Paul MeSrece “Ts tre achive oh ight posable ‘Gamoptone, Landon November 1983

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