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Vy Doan

Socialization Nature vs. Nurture

1. Nature and Nurture:

Some people believe that genes controlled our behavior. One of the studies tells us that both

nature and nurture affect how we behave and act such as the twin studies. This study show that

the twin have some characteristics just like their parents. Because they live in different

environments, it influences their beliefs and interests. Therefore, nature and nurture is still

depending on individual genetics and socialization. Individuals personality and intellectual

development are determined through inherent and perception.

2. What is the self?

"Self" is individual's conscious and personal developed that separate from others.

According to Charles Horton Cooley, the "looking glass self" is like the mirror reflection that

we experiences through interactions with others, and possess consciousness about ourselves.

We usually feel empathy for others because they can feel others' pain and understand their

emotion. Thus, the individual's self develop is based on the interactions and the way others

perceived us. The three phrases are we think how others view about us. Second, we image

how others would judge us. Lastly, we establish our self through others' point of view.

3. Explain the dramaturgical approach.

The dramaturgical approach is our daily interaction that based on time, place, and people

that surround us. According to Erving Goffmans idea, at the front stage, the actor sticks to

the convention that relevant to the audience. The behavior is described through a generalized

way. In the back stage, performers might act differently because they know that no one is

watching them. Perfomers are now free to do whatever they want. Erving Goffmans face-

work be used to understand social behavior is the idea of conscious and subconscious, which

develop the way that we perceive things and the way that we acts.

4. Identify the agents of socialization.

Socialization is the process of beliefs, values, and norms that forms into members of society.

The role of schools in gender role socialization is to help students gain higher education and

professional training. However, technology influenced the socialization process in both postive

and negative way. Positive way is now it is faster to communicated with our friends and families,

doesn't matter how far they are as long as they have the Internet. We can still text them and talk

to them. On the other hands, the negative that technology affects us are people are now always

on their phone. People are shy through express their feeling in person.

5. What are total institutions?

Total institutions are places that people cut off from the regular community in order to form

another social organization. Goffmans four traits of total institutions are institutions are

developing to support the poor, orphanages, or elder people. Next, it is the organization to

protect people that being threatened by others community. Also, the institution is to isolate
people from certain group that can harm them. Lastly, institution can transform people to become

a better person such as boarding school.

6. How does society deal with an elderly population? Discuss differences between

disengagement theory and activity theory? Finally, provide solutions to ageism.

Society deals with an elderly population by increase the age of retirement to solve this

problem. The disengagement theory shows that aging people have less interaction with people

around them. The theory believes that elder people should be encouraged to engage in social

activity. The activity theory states that the levels of activities and social will determine their age.

Therefore, social interactions have a huge effect on people's life and help them to live longer.

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