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Teacher(s) Name: Allison Burris

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Civics and Government/Third Grade

Weebly address:

Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Local Government

Learning Goals/Objectives Learning Goal:

What will students accomplish be Students will understand the differences between federal, state, and local government
able to do at the end of this lesson? and how they are organized.
Be sure to set significant (related to
SSS/CCSS), challenging and
appropriate learning goals!

Learning Objectives:

1. The students will be able to identify the local level of government using
a 4321 scale

2. The students will be able to identify group and individual actions of

citizens that demonstrate civility, cooperation, volunteerism, and other
civic virtues when they write about a local government service.

3. The students will be able to explain the purpose and need for
government when completing a search on the mayor of Orlando, and
when creating their own flag.

4. The students will be able to write an informative text that explains a

local government service when working in groups.

NCSS Themes NCSS theme(s):

Florida Standards (FS) 6. Power, Authority, and Government

Next Generation
Florida Standard(s):
Sunshine State
Standards (NGSSS) List LAFS.3.W.1.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic
each standard. Cutting and and convey ideas and information clearly.
pasting from the website is
1. Introduce a topic and group related information together; include
illustrations when useful to aiding comprehension.

2. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:

SS.3.C.3.1: Identify the levels of government (local, state, federal)

SS.3.C.2.1: Identify group and individual actions of citizens that

demonstrate civility, cooperation, volunteerism, and other civic virtues

SS.3.C.1.1: Explain the purpose and need for government.

Assessment Unit Pre-Assessment: The Pre-Assessment will be done two weeks prior to
starting our unit plan. It will be done via kahoot.
How will student learning be
assessed? Authentic/Alternative

Does your assessment align

with your objectives, standards
and procedures?
Unit Post-Assessment: The Post-Assessment will be given by the end of the
Informal assessment unit lesson plan on either Friday or the following Monday.
(multiple modes): participation
rubrics, journal entries,
planning/presentation notes, etc.

On-going Formative (progress-monitoring/daily) Assessment:

4: Students can identify and teach the local level of government

3: Students can identify the local level of government

2: Student can identify the local level of government but with assistance

1: Student can not identify the local level of government

Design for Instruction

1. I will review with the students what they learned the previous day about
Student Activities & Procedures the local government. I will ask the students to bring out their foldable
and go to the section that says local government. I will have the
What best practice strategies will
be implemented? students hold up their gavel depending on where they think they are on
the scale. I will also ask the students what questions they have regarding
How will you communicate
student expectations?
the local government informing them that they are going to be doing
centers regarding the local government.
What products will be developed
and created by students?
EL: 13. Use preview/review activities
Consider Contextual Factors
(learning differences/learning EL: 4. Link lesson topic to students prior knowledge
environment/learning styles) that may
be in place in your future classroom.
UDL 3.1: activate or supply background knowledge

2. I will now explain to the students some of the different services that the
What accommodations or modifications local government provides. I will have the students write down 2 important
do you make for ESOL facts about each service. Before moving to centers I will have the students again
m/file/view/ESOLStrategiesComprehen use the gavel scale and show me where they think they are based on the
ategiesComprehensibleInstruction.pdf 4,3,2,1 scale. The students will write the following on a paper that has a
picture of each service:
and ESE (Gifted/Talented students,
Learning/Reading disabilities, SLD etc.)
a. Police Officer: i. Protects our city by watching for speeders and burglars.

(I will ask the students to tell me what a burglar is)

ii. Direct traffic when a stop-light stops working in order to prevent


b. Fire Fighter

i. Protects the city by putting out any fires

ii. Goes to local grocery stores and shopping malls to provide free
blood pressure screenings to help people in need

c. Librarian:

i. Allows us to check out books that we need

ii. Helps us find books and other resources to create projects

a. Teacher:

i. Give us knowledge about math, reading, social studies, and science.

ii. Shows us how to become responsible and respectful

b. Waste Management:

i. Keeps our city clean by picking up our trash two days a week

ii. Must have High School diploma and will be trained on the job.

EL: 1. Teach questioning for clarification

EL: 8. Use direct instruction: Modeling, explaining, scaffolding, name the

strategy and show how to use it.

EL: 14. Simplify your speech by making it slower and redundant

EL: 17. Provide contextual support through audio visuals, models,

demonstrations, body language and facial expressions
EL: 30. Encourage the use of diagrams and drawings as aids to identify
concepts and seeing relationships

UDL: 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols

3. I will now explain to the students that they are going to be splitting up
into groups of four and are going to be working in centers on different
activities. I will explain to the students that when I hit the gavel on the table, it
is time to move on to the next center. At this time I will ask for any further
questions before they move onto centers.

EL: 1. Teach questioning for clarification


1. The students in center one are instructed to scan the QR code provided
using the IPAD that will then take them to the website that explains who
the mayor is, why we need him, and what he does. While reading about
him, students are to take notes and keep them in their briefcase. Students
are to work in pairs for this activity. ESOL student can use the notes
his/her partner has.

EL: 2. Promote cooperation (small groups)

UDL 1.3: offer alternatives for visual information

UDL: 4.2: Optimize access to tools and assistive technology

UDL 8.3: foster collaboration and community

Center 2:

1. Students will be introduced to the Orlando flag via a QR code and an

IPAD. Students may work in pairs

UDL 1.3: offer alternatives for visual information

UDL: 4.2: Optimize access to tools and assistive technology

UDL 8.3: foster collaboration and community

2. Students will now get creative and think of a flag that they want to make
for their classroom. Using markers and the paper provided the students
will create their very own flag and take it with them in their briefcase.

EL: 30. Encourage the use of diagrams and drawings as aids to identify
concepts and seeing relationships

Center 3:

1. The students in center 3 are instructed to choose a service that the local
government provides (police officer, firefighter , teacher, librarian, waste
management, etc.) after learning about them from direct instruction. The
students will write a paragraph or a couple sentences explaining what their
volunteer/worker does to help the local government. They may use their notes
to complete this activity. Students may also work in groups but must submit
their own finalized paragraph or sentences. ESOL student and UDL student
may speak into the IPAD and record what they have to say about the local
service they chose.
EL: 2. Promote cooperation (small groups)

EL:32. Use student pairs for team learning, especially for reports, experiments
and projects

EL: 16. Integrate speaking, listening, reading and writing activities

UDL:4.2: Optimize access to tools and assistive technology

UDL 8.3: foster collaboration and community

UDL:4.1 Vary the methods for response and navigation

2. Students may draw a picture of the local service they chose and color
it using their best work.

Center 4:

1. Students will have the opportunity to play Heads-Up but local

government style.

2. Students are to roll the di to see who gets to go first (the student who
rolls the highest number goes first)

3. The student who goes first will grab a headband and put it on their head

4. The other three students will pick a card and give it to the player with
the headband

5. The three students are to give clues and ask questions that will help the
student try and guess what the card is above his/her head

Note: The cards will have the different services the local government provides,
a picture of the mayor, and the Orlando flag. They will also have the words
underneath the picture written in English and Spanish

EL: 2. Promote cooperation (small groups)

EL: 13. Use preview/review activities

EL: 32. Use student pairs for team learning, especially for reports, experiments
and projects

EL: 46. Use discovery learning activities (hands-on-activities)

UDL 8.3: foster collaboration and community

UDL: 4. Provide options for physical action

Closing: Students will return to their desks after all center rotations are over.
Students will self assess to see what they know about the local government
using the 4321 scale. I will explain to the students that they need to finish what
is not done for homework.

Resources/Materials IPAD

QR Codes

Heads-Up cards and headbands


Markers, pencils, paper, crayons

City of Orlando-About the Mayor site:

Orlando Flag:

Discussion Notes:

When students are finished with their writing about the local services that the government provides,
they will then take that paper home and edit them with their parents. When they bring it back, I will
have students write out their final draft during the language arts time.

If ESOL or UDL student does not finish their work in the center then they may take it home and
finish it for homework

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